Lonesome Moon Pt. 06

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Megan breaks Sam. Saoirse has a discussion with Daniel.
12.1k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/14/2024
Created 02/24/2020
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I walked down the wooden steps of my basement stairs, careful to make as little noise as possible, so as not to wake Lance. He was cranky when he didn't get enough sleep, and a cranky Lance was not something I wanted to deal with right now. It was best he stayed in dreamland until I was ready to wake him.

I always undressed before coming down here, making sure that I was in nothing but my birthday suit before interacting with my monstrous lover, because Lance could get a little rough during sex, or just in general, and I didn't want to have to replace any more of my dresses. I was on a limited budget.

My name is Megan Holly. I'm a twenty-four-year-old, five-foot-two white girl of average weight, with an hourglass body, a beautiful, heart-shaped butt, and C-cup breasts with gorgeous dark-pink nipples. I don't mean to be vain, but I'm quite beautiful in the face, that face ringed by short, dyed-blonde hair, that face accented by my emerald-green eyes, of which, I consider my best feature. I have a stunning little bald pussy, with a triangular, dark-pink hood covering my little dark-pink clit, and ever since Daniel freed me of my human inhibitions months ago, I've been putting my hot little twat to good use, but I'll explain that later on.

You see, Daniel Christianson's my one true love, my one and only...Well, he's not my only, it's just...he's the one I was meant to be with. He broke up with me ten months ago, just before I discovered his little secret, that secret being his...uhhh...'wolfiness'.

Daniel's a werewolf, and over the course of our dating, he...did something to me, and it probably had to do with all of the times we made love. Whatever he infected me with, it...isn't the same as what's wrong with him. I know he changes into a werewolf during the full moon, but that's not my little problem. No, that I could properly handle. What's wrong with me is...well...it's complicated.

It started with strange sexual urges, leaving me sweaty in the middle of the night, having to masturbate a lot more than I normally do. Then came the bloodthirstiness, the awful cravings to dismember people, to destroy things. You have no idea how much money I have spent replacing my vases, my paintings, and my pewter figurines, having to replaster the walls to fill in holes, having to buy new clocks, toasters, and phones...that sort of thing. That rage just gets to you, you know?

Anyway, I started seeing strange lights around people, like a colorful ring around them, so I looked that up on the Net, and that's when I learned about 'auras'. Apparently, I can see people's auras now, can see their true selves via the colors they shine. It's weird, but it's also awesome, because I can really manipulate people now, and that's really useful.

The other thing I can do is equally awesome, but it has to do with attraction and sex. Strangely enough, my bodily fluids...saliva, blood, urine...pussy juice...that kind of thing...act as a poison that causes normal people to go into sexual overdrive. It has a different effect depending upon whether you're a man or a woman, but it always makes them horny as fuck and hungry to jump my bones. I've found this ability to be quite useful as well, if only to satisfy my more primal urges...and to feed Lance. Of course, it also spreads whatever infection this thing is that I have, but...Lance eats what I don't want. I'm pretty sure that's how Daniel spread it to me, like an STD. A lycanthropy STD.

Anyway, I've made a lot of adjustments to my little house in the town of Lonesome Moon, adjustments that wiped out my savings, but they were absolutely necessary. I really had no choice. Thinking back, this is all Daniel's fault, and he fucking owes me for all of the money I've had to spend dealing with this problem, but...I just can't stay mad at him. I love him so mu...That...That doesn't matter. I'm on a tangent again...Anyway, I put in these adjustments after my first...uhhh...encounter...with a suitor after Daniel broke up with me.

I actually went to the Silver Cup, a little bar here in town, one with a silver trophy and a golf ball on the sign, a place I would have never thought of going to in the past, but I was just...I was burning up inside with lust, and I needed a quick fuck, okay?

The guy I met there, Lance, Lance Denning?...He was your typical college graduate in his late twenties, one with a degree but no decent job to pay it off. I can only assume that's why he was still stuck in Lonesome Moon...Jesus Christ, did he not want my attention, but he was the best-looking guy there. He was six-foot, thin, wavy brown hair, grey eyes, average muscle, not fat, really good looking...You get the picture. I wanted him badly, so fucking badly, and trust me, I could have picked up anyone else, because I got hit on by eight guys that night. That should say something.

Well, turns out that Lance had a boyfriend. Lance was bi, but he preferred guys most of the time, which I find weird, but whatever. It's a modern world. Anyway, he really denied my repeated advances until I just reached up and kissed him, and what do you know? His aura changed, and we started sucking face right in front of his boyfriend, Greg. Greg got pissed, but I got Lance to walk out with me, and...I'll get back to Greg later. Greg was a problem in himself, a really messy problem, but that's not important right now.

Anyway, Lance and I went back to my house and fucked that first time, and it was fucking awesome, and it satisfied all of my urges, and yada, yada, yada. Lance broke up with Greg and moved in with me, and we were a happy couple for about three weeks.

Then the full moon hit. It shone right through the basement windows, windows I have since removed.

Lance and I were indeed down in the basement when it happened. He had been helping me with the laundry when...well...that light hit him, and he changed. He just kept staring at the full moon, and...he changed. Apparently, I had infected him with lycanthropy just like Daniel had infected me, but...not in the same way. Not...at...all.

Lance went full beast and never changed back. He's, like, a monster all of the time now, a seven-foot-tall, brown-furred werewolf with a massive ten-inch-long dick. Why did I mention his dick? Because that dick is what's satisfied my own urges for some time now...But anyway, I screamed my little head off when it happened, when he changed, but he didn't hurt me. No, he tore off my dress, ripped that little article of clothing to shreds, and then he had his way with me. Well, after that horrifyingly fun little belly-bulging spearing, he then proceeded to destroy my basement...my fucking basement. Jesus.

Well, right after Lance fucked me in his new form, something awesome happened to me, something awesome and really terrifying, but it didn't last long. What happened, you ask? I'll fill you in on that later. Needless to say, it freaked me the fuck out, so once I rode that out, I knew I needed help. It was another reason besides Lance destroying my basement that I needed help.

Okay, so what did I do? I got dressed again, and I called up Greg. Greg was furious with me...on account of stealing his boyfriend, obviously...but I told him something was really, really wrong with Lance...an understatement...and I needed his help. I was too scared and freaked out to handle it myself. I knew Greg would see this as an opportunity to 'steal' back his ex, so he rushed right on over, but that was fine, because I knew Lance wasn't going to get back with him...But anyway, Lance hadn't hurt me, so I didn't think he'd hurt Greg, either...but Greg hadn't been infected with lycanthropy. I didn't know at the time that this was a condition of Lance's...uhhh...control. I led Greg down to the basement, and...can you guess what happened next?

Lance tore him apart. Just ripped him into little itty, bitty pieces...and then he ate those pieces. Here's the thing, though. That little meal that Lance had...calmed him down. In fact, he stayed calm for a couple of months after that. Really, it's usually a buildup inside him, something wild and uncontrollable, and then he starts getting edgy, and then I have to...uhh...'locate' some more food for him. I can usually keep him quelled with stray animals and such, but they don't keep down his bloodlust as well as a real live human does.

But I digress. Lance tore apart Greg, showering me in blood, gore, and guts, and...that really did something to me. It did something in my brain that...changed me. I liked it...I liked it a lot. It satisfied my urges as well. That rage and anger I had? That went away for a while, just like Lance's had.

Well, I'm not stupid, and I knew I was in deep shit after that. I went and rented a moving van, coaxed Lance out of the house in the middle of the night, and spent a whole month renovating my basement while Lance stayed in a storage shed outside of town. It's funny, too, because some thief broke into that shed one night looking to steal anything of value, probably some meth addict...we have a lot of those in Lonesome Moon...and Lance promptly ate her. I know it was a woman, because I found one of her shoes along with her foot in it the next morning. Her toenails had been painted a shiny gold color. I also found part of her face. She had brown eyes with green eyeliner.

I had to clean out the interior of that storage shed. It was not fun.

So, now I've got a soundproof basement, reinforced concrete walls, manacles and chains on the walls, and an old-fashioned furnace for the disposal of evidence. I've even got a grated sewer system down there. All of that wiped out my savings, but it was worth it. It's been tough living this new life, but now that I know what to do and how to live this new life, everything's fine. Better than fine, even. I've got awesome new powers, I have Lance to satisfy my baser urges, and I'm going to get Daniel back. It's perfect.

Of course, I can't tell Daniel that I know about his secret. How did I learn about his secret, you may ask? You see, I had a dream one night after that fateful full moon when Lance changed.

I dreamed of the moon, and the woman within it. She had silver eyes with no pupils, and long silver hair, and the moon was her chariot, driven by a long train of silver wolves. She was huge, so big that I cowered in her presence. I was naked and prostrated on the ground before her, bowing before her in worship, and she pointed out behind me, so I turned, and that's when I saw them. I looked upon hundreds of naked men and women, all there in the wilderness, all bowing like me, and one of them was Daniel. I called out his name for help, but he ignored me, and he changed into the Beast right in front of me...They all did.

I turned around to ask the Lady in the Moon why, why this was happening, but she pointed away into the darkness, into the thick night of the woods. I was terrified, so I got up and ran, ran away from the Lady in the Moon and her army of beasts, ran and ran until I was all alone in the dark. I heard her call my name, the Lady in the Moon, heard her call my name and tell me to stop, but like I said, I was terrified of her. I wasn't going back.

So there I was, all alone, in the thick of night, in the middle of the woods, a place without moonlight, not even enough to reflect off of the snow underneath me. I shivered, naked and afraid, in the dark, but then someone else came to me, the Lady Cloaked in Night.

This lady wore a sheet of cloth so dark that it was darker than night itself, and it was in stark contrast to her pale, pale skin. She was huge like the Lady in the Moon, and her long hair and deep eyes were as dark as the cloak she wore, those eyes just black, bottomless pits. She picked me up and held me close to her giant, bare right breast, and then she carried me towards a small group of others like me, but I was terrified of her, but for a different reason, different than why I was afraid of the Lady in the Moon.

This woman whispered terrible secrets to me, secrets I didn't want to hear, yet secrets I still wanted to know. She confirmed what I had already suspected about my new abilities, and she confirmed what the Lady in the Moon had shown me, that Daniel was a werewolf.

Now I don't remember anything she said to me, and that dream was completely psychotic and fucked up if you want to know, but it did teach me one thing...Daniel had done this to me. Daniel had spread this disease to me, and now I had it in me, like some kind of fucked up STD, and I'm pretty sure there's no cure for it, so I've learned to live with it. Besides, my new powers are pretty darned cool.

Which comes to my last ability, my hidden one. You see, I have one more power I haven't mentioned, but I'm saving that one as a surprise. It's pretty fucking awesome, though, at least, I think so. I'm going to use this last power to have my way with Daniel again...You'll see.

I stepped off the bottom of the stairs and into the soft circle of light above me. Sam lifted her head up from her reclined position in order to eyeball me, her breathing quickening at the sight of me. I knew she was afraid that I was going to order Lance to tear her apart, just like he had Sam's boyfriend, Darren, but I had no such plans. Still, I could understand her fears. She was new to this life.

Sam was a young white woman in her mid-twenties, twenty-six, I think, and she was tall for a woman, six-feet-tall, a good ten inches taller than me. She had a beautiful face with gorgeous blue eyes, a lithe, athletic body, B-cup breasts with hot little dark-brown nipples, and long, long, silky, straight black hair on her head. I wanted to eat out that hairy, dark-brown snatch of hers, but that would have to wait. I had some training and conditioning to do with her first.

Sam was naked, of course, though Darren's blood and gore had long been washed off her, and though she was nude...mainly on account of the fact that I wouldn't let her wear clothes...all part of the brainwashing process, you know...she was thoroughly bound by the large iron manacle around her neck, that manacle chained and deadbolted to the reinforced concrete wall behind her.

I sauntered up to her, swaying my delicious big butt as I did, but she scooted away from me as I approached, huddling up into a little ball next to Lance's giant sleeping form. My monstrous lover had taken a likening to her over the past week, so it appeared he had switched sleeping spots. Normally, he slept over by the furnace, next to the south wall.

I sat down next to Sam, sat in her pile of hay that I had spread out for her, reached over, and softly touched the fingers of her right hand with my left, but she pulled her hand away from me to huddle up with her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Hey," I whispered. "I came down to see how you were doing."

"Please..." begged my captive. "Please, let me go. I...I...I won't tell anyone. I won't. I'll just leave town. I won't tell anyone. Nobody has to know...I...I won't tell anyone. I promise...I won't tell..."

"Sweetheart," I said with a click of my tongue, "that's what everyone says. Haven't you seen the same thing on movies and TV shows before? Now you tell me...When has asking that ever worked?"

She quietly choked out a sob into her own bare knees, but I really didn't have time for her self-pity. I had a schedule to maintain.

"Now, now," I said in a soothing tone. "That's enough of that. I did come down here to see how you were doing, but I also came down here to start instructing you. I'm going to teach you all of the things I've learned, and that way, you don't have to learn the hard way...like I did."

"Wh...What?" choked Sam.

I put my right index finger to my lips in careful thought. Sam had been down here for a week now, and I'd taken care of her...cleaned her up, fed her, brushed her hair, made sure she brushed her teeth, shown her where to take a shit, that sort of thing...but I hadn't done anything but hold her hostage. She had needed to be broken before I could mold her into something different, something better. It was clear that she was improving, starting the bartering phase with me rather than just sitting around in a catatonic stupor, so...it was time to start molding her now.

"I'm going to begin the lessons," I said softly, "and when I think you've done a good job, you'll get a reward. Today's reward is a pair of panties. I'll give you a pair of your panties to wear once the lesson's up. You can have some pads or some tampons, too...I don't know when your period starts, but you can't be bleeding all over the floor down here; you'll drive Lance into a frenzy...Not good."

Sam quietly turned her head toward the sleeping monstrosity next to her. Lance's great brown wolf head was currently lying next to her, his eyes closed, his breathing steady through his huge, moist black nose. I could see the look of absolute fear upon Sam's beautiful face, but it would not be long before I expunged that fear. She would learn to control him, just like I had.

She turned her head back toward mine and choked out a response.

"Wh...What do you want me to do?" she stammered.

"First, I want you to answer my questions with all honesty," I said firmly. "That means honestly, now...Okay. These questions are simple, and this is the first one...Are you feeling angry? Hostile?"

Her face scrunched up in fear as she swallowed hard. I didn't need to look at her aura to see that she was going to straight up lie to me. It was all over her pretty face.

"N...No," she stumbled. "I...I'm not mad...I'm not...Really..."

"Don't lie to me," I said flatly as I shook my head no. "You're feeling rage, and you want to hit and smash things, don't you? You won't, and you haven't, because you're afraid of Lance. Am I right?"

This time her face wilted in defeat as her bare shoulders sank in return.

"Y...Yes," said Sam in audible anxiety.

"Good," I smiled. "That's what you're supposed to be feeling...Now...tell me about your sex drive."

"What?" asked Sam.

"Your sex drive," I repeated. "Your libido? How horny have you been?"

"That's...I...I haven't...I don't understand..." stammered Sam.

What a fucking liar. She was really struggling hard against me...Oh, well. Doesn't matter. I'll get her in line. She has to learn, or she's just going to suffer more than she already has.

"You've been masturbating, hon," I said matter-of-factly. "I know you have, because you were doing it right before I stepped into the light."

"What?" asked Sam in obvious shock. "How did you...Uhh...No. No, I wasn't..."

"Uh huh," I said as I gave her a tight-lipped frown. "You can't lie to me, you know. Without taking out your frustrations in anger, the only option you have down here is to play with yourself, and you've been doing that...a lot, apparently. It smells like Lance down here, but I also smell pussy, because this sleeping area is flooded with that aroma, and you'll find that I have an ex-cell-ent sense of smell."

"I...uhhh..." she tried to say, but then she hid her face behind her bare knees.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of," I smirked. "It's what I'd do if I were trapped down here for a week, but I digress. You see, what you're feeling is normal for one of our kind."

Sam poked her face up from behind her knees and stared at me in both wide-eyed confusion and alarm.

"One of our kind?" she asked in a shaky voice. "What do you mean 'one of our kind'?"

"I mean, you're either like me or Lance," I shrugged. "Maybe you're like Daniel, I don't know. That's irrelevant, however, because I'm going to give you a little test just to see."

"What did you mean by that, Megan?" repeated Sam, and I could hear the anxiety in her voice. "What did you mean by 'one of our kind'?"

"I meant that your either like me," I said as I brushed my own right-hand fingers against my bare chest, "or you're like Lance."