Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 02


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Sneakily, they retrieved their backpacks and bikes and high-tailed it for the bluffs. After parking and locking the bikes, then walked down the trail to the rocky beach below, where they found only two other couples, who were mostly interested in each other.

The water was chilly but the sun was hot, so they frolicked in and out of the water, sunbathed, and then Erik and Johnny had to prove their love by diving off the bluff Oliver had dived from all those years ago. The water was blue below, meaning it was deep enough to dive into, and there was no sign of rocks or limbs when they swam in front of the bluff to access the trail up.

The girls took videos of their swan dives, and clapped and cheered when each one came up out of the lake. They sent the videos to Maja by text, and quickly got thumbs up and hearts in return.

Gaslight Bar and Grill was their evening destination. While they were waiting, they researched route M22, which clarified the excitement Annika's family had exhibited about that trip.

They ate, drank a few drinks, and danced until ten before taking a route back to the hotel that kept them well away from the tavern.

After spending last night in Annika's double, it was their turn to sleep in Erik's queen, so they tried a few new positions that taxed Annika's flexibility and Erik's strength, before settling into the love making that satisfied so completely.


As the convoy of vans entered Traverse City, the last one went straight when the others turned left to the airport. Carl was driving that van, and he was heading for the cutoff to Old Mission Peninsula. Vegetable crops were seen all along the road, and the products were for sale in roadside stands. They bought several bags, as they were staying in B & B's for the next four nights and three days, so they were planning to cook evening meals.

The myriad cherry orchards on the OMP were devoid of berries to pick, but roadside stands offered the refrigerated fruit from the last picking. Sacks full were bought and snacked on as they rode, taking in the rolling hills, forests, and distant view of the lake on either side. The castle-like winery where they stopped for lunch drew a mixed review: the views from the patio were magnificent; the food was overpriced. but not bad if you like cheese, cold cuts, and crackers. Axel and Elle did not.

The road offered winery after winery, but they continued on, stopping at overlooks and taking in the fantastic scenery as the peninsula narrowed - grassy highlands, tree-covered shorelines, and Lake Michigan's amazing shades of green and blue - until they made it to the Mission Point Lighthouse.

The grounds were tree and grass covered, right up to the shoreline. They chose the self-guided tour, and learned that the lighthouse was built in 1870, and is now owned and maintained by Peninsula Township. It is situated half way between the North Pole and the Equator, exactly on the 45th parallel. The lighthouse was decommissioned in 1933 and replaced by a buoy light off the point to alert the many ships moving across the Great Lakes. More efficient and effective, yes, but not nearly as cool.

Another sack of cherries was eaten, as was a sack of peppered beef jerky they bought at another roadside stand, and they made a significant dent in the canned soft drinks in the ice chest, before returning to Traverse City.

The owner of the B&B wanted to meet them at the ramshackle house located just north of the city, on the bay; they got there just after he did.

A tour of the grounds, including the grills, the outdoor games already set up, and the shed where more games were stored, and then they were escorted into the house. It had a kitchen and dinette on the first level, a recessed living/dining area with huge bay windows looking out over the yard and bay, and the master suite. Up the steep stairs were four more bedrooms, each with double beds. They loved it!

The owner called their attention to the rules, told them the deeded beach across the road offered good fishing and swimming, but you had to wade out a ways, and then he departed.

"Let's put our stuff away and go for a walk," Mary suggested excitedly, "it's such a pretty area. Let's climb the hill behind up, look around, and then go down and walk on the beach."

They started by turning left on the road running beside the house, which ran up a steep hill. A half mile up they turned and looked out across the bay to the peninsula they had been on earlier; the bay, the land, the golden haze in the air - it was surreal!

Back down, across the road, along the narrow but sandy beach back toward town, and the spotted the "Great Lakes Seafood Restaurant - Dining on the Bay." They had passed it coming to the house, but paid little attention as they were rushing to meet the owner.

"Is anyone else hungry?" Carl asked, and got seven votes to go eat.

It was getting toward sundown, there was a nice breeze from the north, and they wanted to eat on the patio, so they wore changed into sweatshirts or windbreakers with leggings or jeans. You'd think a 5'10.5" girl wearing a long sweatshirt over leggings wouldn't draw attention, especially when in the company of a beautiful young woman, a luscious MILF, and a 16-yo teen with great genes, but she managed, and managed to remain oblivious to the gawkers too.

The three men ordered a local beer in a mug; the women ordered white wine; and the teens ordered water and Pepsi. After a single sip, Carl told them, "So, in order, starting with Axel and going left, tell me what you most enjoyed and least enjoyed about our ride on Old Mission Peninsula."

Axel most enjoyed the fresh cherries and jerky, least enjoyed the long ride. Elle agreed on both points, and that made it Johnny's turn. He enjoyed the old lighthouse most, and agreed on the long ride; Hanna enjoyed lunch on the patio at the castle winery, but didn't like their wine. Annika was next: "Unlike you guys, I enjoyed the ride most! Because I was with all of you, and we were talking and teasing and making smart-aleck comments to each other and sharing snacks, and, for the first time, I felt like I was part of a big, happy family! There wasn't anything I didn't like or don't like, because after the trip we went to the house, and for a walk, and then came here, and all that makes me so happy!"

Annika took it to a new level, so Erik said, "I'm with her - any time I get to spend time with you guys, and Pollyanna there - is a good time. I wish we could have picked cherries, but those we bought were great. Now I'm looking forward to our meal, tonight's family time in the house, and the sights along M22 - just livin' in the moment, like Pollyanna."

The looks of fondness Elle, Axel, and Mary were giving Annika were the warmest yet; it was easy to see that 'Big Sister / Grown Daughter' was winning them over.

Two orders each of Yellow Pickerel (Walleye), White Fish, and Yellow Perch to share family-style; with the cole slaw, fries, and beans, that was more than enough. Each item on each tray was well seasoned and well prepared, they were hungry, and they wolfed it down.

Afterward, everyone wanted to walk off the meal, but the road along the bay was too narrow. The bay was close on one side, and road was cut into the hillsides, so it was simply not safe for walking.

Instead, they did a quick search, found a nature park, and drove to it. The trail through the towering trees was so narrow they had to walk single file, which discouraged talking. That became a blessing as the late evening songbirds were out in force, and eager to entertain the intruders. In the forest, it grew dark more quickly than expected; they turned and beat a hasty retreat back to the open grassland, from which they could watch the sunset, and still hear the birds.

Erik took an Indian-style seat with legs crossed; Annika sat in front of him, intending to lean back against him as they watched the sun setting. Her brother and sister had other ideas; one sat on each side, wrapped her arms with theirs, and leaned their heads on her shoulders. It was the first time they had initiated that degree of closeness, and it chocked Annika and their parents up.

Erik petted her shoulder in reassurance, and, to refocus her, began describing the way the colors were changing as the sun moved beyond the horizon. She chocked off the tears that filled her eyes: it wouldn't do to begin crying when your younger siblings first cuddle up to you. She relaxed and moved her cheek from one head to the other, finding incredible contentment in their closeness.

Silence reigned as the sun grew dim, with Carl and Mary holding one another, and Hanna between Johnny's legs with his arms around her. Erik couldn't see Hanna's face, but Johnny's shone with love.

Carl rose, looked at his children, and smiled. "Erik, want to help me carry one of the teens back to the van; they are sound asleep."

Axel woke up on the way, but he just laid his head back on Erik's shoulder and wrapped his arms around him until they reached the van.

Annika's beatific smile was new; she had learned something about herself in those few minutes that couldn't be spoken, but could be shown. They made love that night, quietly but emotionally, after she confessed, "I want your children, and lots of them!"


The smell of coffee and bacon brought everyone downstairs. Mary had prepared a breakfast of toasted bagels, fruit smears, boiled eggs, and a bowl of fruit, with a heaping helping of bacon. "When...?" Annika began. Mary interrupted. "Your dad was up with the rooster this morning and made his way to the grocery store. In your absence, we made executive decisions. First, we're keeping the house until Wednesday, even if we decide to spend the night somewhere else while sightseeing. Second... well, I'll let him tell you."

"Today we're doing Sutton's Bay, the Leelanau State Park and Grand Traverse Lighthouse, and Fishtown. Erik made reservations for all of us to go on a guided fishing trip this afternoon, so we have to be in Leland - aka Fishtown, by one o'clock. That means we need to get started in about 40 minutes, although we can stop at Sutton's Bay on the way back, if you prefer. Fishtown is a pretty cool place to visit and shop."

They agreed to do Sutton's Bay on the way home, so it was straight to Northport. The park was impeccably kept, and seeing the lighthouse gave you pause: what must it have been like to be stationed there so long ago, being so far from everything, with water crowding in on three sides?

The park and lighthouse were fun and informative, but it turned out that Leland was a very cool place to visit and shop, both before and after the fishing trip.

They lunched lightly, splitting sub sandwiches on the rough tables and benches available on the dock, pressed together among the 'fish houses.' Since none of them had been out on the Lake before, eating light was safer; no one likes to puke their guts out, and, most fortunately, none did.

When they returned, Dad bought a large Styrofoam ice chest in which to keep the filets from their catch until he could freeze them back at the B&B, and ship them back to Minneapolis. Hanna got the tee shirt for biggest fish, Annika got the tee shirt for most caught, and everyone else got a Fishtown tee shirt, courtesy of their guide. They each got a half-pound of smoked whitefish and smoked curd cheese from the little stores on the dock for the ride back, and would discover those were the best snack foods ever!

Before they could leave town, Axel insisted they stop at a marker, through which the 45th parallel passed. They took pics with one foot on each side of the imaginary line, which meant you were splitting the distance between the North Pole and Equator, which about captured all the excitement available there.

Erik ordered and Carl picked up a couple of sacks of burgers in Sutton's Bay, which was otherwise bypassed for another day. Everyone but the driver and Eric were asleep, and they were only awake because they kept talking to one another. It had been a long day, and staying balanced on the rocking boat was tiring.

The sleepers awoke and the burgers got scarfed when they got home, but it was a quiet meal because the showers and beds were calling. If Annika hadn't managed to spoon her naked butt up against Erik's cock so effectively just before dawn, no love would have been made. As it was, he could suck the back of her neck and cover her mouth with his hand to keep the noise down, after that, they drifted back to sleep still joined.

Monday was the big trip to Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore via the Empire overlook. Both required significant hikes with backpacks, in order to change into and out of swimsuits, so comfortable clothes and shoes were today's gear.

As they stood above it, just before taking the trail down, the reason this had been named "The Most Beautiful Place in America" in a GMA, contest and was on CNN's list of the world's most beautiful beaches, became clear. The glistening sand dunes rose hundreds of feet into the air, backed by the clear, blue-green to blue waters of Lake Michigan. They took copious numbers of pictures of the scenery, of each other and of various groups with the scenery behind them, before starting down the trail.

Annika choked up when Axel and Elle insisted she be in their family photo, and again when Carl and Mary took pictures with each of their three children, separately. She hammed it up with her brother and sister - "just us three kids!" - and gave Erik a smoldering look that Hanna said might have melted her phone when she snapped the pic.

The four of them, with Johnny between the two girls, featured everything from silly faces and rabbit ears, to all-American kids laughing, to romantic couples with the girls' heads on the boys chests. It might have looked silly to an onlooker, but it felt like a real family just having fun, and the gorgeous one had tears in her eyes on the way down

The sandy beach backed by the sand dunes led you to believe there would be a sandy floor under the water, but no - it was so miserably rocky everyone tried to float or swim, and Annika learned a lot more about staying afloat in moving water.

They played in the water, climbed up the sand dune until it got too steep, and slid back down.

Sand in your shorts and between your butt cheeks meant every slide down ended in the water, with the bottom of your bikini or shorts around your ankles while you tried to clean the dirt out of your ass. Johnny, Erik, and Carl glimpsed a few wardrobe malfunctions as the women wallowed around in the water, but experienced an equal number of their own. The two teens did the best job of doing their business underwater, but laughed loudest when the others' bare bottoms shone.

Erik had carried a 10'x16' sand tarp in his backpack, and that became the setting for their noon meal, which had been divided among the other backpacks. The meal of sandwiches, chips, and fruit was followed by an hour of sunbathing, a little more climbing, sliding, and cleaning, and then they began the climb back up the trail. Erik went last, giving him the best view and time to "number" the females in front of him. Grading on the curve by age, he settled on four tens or better, on the Texas Honky-Tonk scale.

Annika and Hanna, sure; he knew that; but Mary and her daughter he hadn't paid much attention to, in that way. Upon closer examination, Mary was a 9.something in her age group, and Elle had the genes and potential to best her curvy mom very soon.

Tonight was their night away from the B&B, so they headed south. Carl wouldn't say what tomorrow would bring, only chuckle when asked.

Frankfort was a touristy town, but the exceptional downtown district, featuring fine dining and unique shopping that the girls loved, made the town feel much bigger than its actual size. Axel was getting more snacks while Carl, Erik, and Johnny sat nursing beers at an outdoor café, and watching the women parade off on their shopping expedition.

"Carl, I have to ask," Erik said without looking away from the retreating women, "How do you do it? Mary, Elle, Annika - how do you keep such beautiful women safe? In the short time I've been around Annika, I've learned that your girlfriend being the center of attention is a difficult thing. Yet, you have three, and your previous wife is stunning as well - what's the trick?"

"You're asking the wrong man, son. Desiree, Annika's mother, was a joy for five years, and then she morphed into superbitch over about six months. To this day I have no idea what happened, but suddenly I was an embarrassment that was keeping her and her daughter from greater things. It took me two more years to give up and toss her ass, but by then I'd lost Annika too.

"I think I owe you for bringing her back, or at least my mother tells me I do, so maybe I should be asking you how to handle beautiful women."

"Impeccable timing and good luck!" Johnny interjected. "He just happened to catch her when she was ready, and the rest has been her. With a little support from her 'boyfriend' and her other friends."

Carl was looking at him like he was thinking "What the hell you talking about?" but Erik agreed. "As good an explanation as any. Unless you believe in all that 'made for each other malarkey' Johnny and Hanna experienced. Right Bro?"

Johnny laughed, "Well, there is always that, if you believe a supermodel and a Texas ranch boy could find their match in the middle of Minnesota, at her grandparent's table."

The talk turned to plans for the merged businesses, and then his law firm. Carl had originally hung his shingle outside a two-room office, and had grown that into one of the most prestigious firms in the upper Midwest. He shared a few more stories about the good years with Desiree and Annika, but the nostalgia made him melancholy, so we shared stories of our childhood and parents.

Four beers later they returned, laden with purchases. Carl complained the airline was going to charge a fortune for the extra weight in their luggage, but Mary sitting in his lap, telling him how much fun they had shopping, and whispering something in his ear seemed to erase his concern. Erik asking to see Annika's sacks drew a rebuff, and a whispered, "Later...."

The charming inn where they stayed offered both an evening meal and breakfast of locally sourced products, so they were eating there. At dinner the conversation turned to the events of the day, and the fun they had shopping. Annika was laughing and giggling with the rest when Erik saw a shadow cross her face.

She looked directly at Mary and said, "I just love being with all of you! I'm so relaxed, and we have so much fun, even doing little things. You're the mother I never had. Could... would it be okay if I called you Mom?"

Mary quickly rose from her chair, knelt beside Annika, and said, "I'd be honored. You are your father's daughter, and I love you like I do him, Axel, and Elle!" They embraced, tears were shed, and her siblings hugged her from behind until the moment passed.

Annika's emotions meant she wanted to cuddle and talk that night, and they did, until she drifted off to sleep in the middle of a sentence. Erick pulled the cover up to her chin, looked into her gorgeous, tranquil face, and asked himself what he had wandered into, and if he would survive.


After a hearty breakfast, Carl announced today's surprise was a canoeing or kayaking trip - your choice of conveyance - down the Platte River to Lake Michigan, where a meal would be delivered for a picnic in the park. Annika's fearful look passed when she realized that she could swim, turned to a smile when told they would all be wearing life jackets, and became a beam when Erik informed her they would be canoeing together.
