Long Blonde Hair, Sky Blue Eyes Pt. 06


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As he opened the gate, Erik spotted a large house and outbuildings off to the left, toward the river. That complex was outside the fence for the property they were visiting, but, though obviously abandoned, was intriguing.

Parcels four and five together were everything they wanted, and more. Development of the site would take months, but it was a lot of land for the cost, and it would support significant expansion. Minneapolis would be their home for the immediate future anyway, which gave them plenty of time to get everything done here. After a brief consultation, Annika made a counter offer, and they drove back to the office to document it.

When he closed and locked the gate on the way out, Erik again looked at the property on what would hopefully become their southeast fence line. He could see that the large two-story house needed work, but a three or more car garage lay just to the back, along with either a large metal buildings or two smaller buildings. He decided to look at the aerial view on Google Earth and look up the records on the county website. He was definitely intrigued by the possibilities.

On the return trip to Austin, they paid closer attention to landmarks, to the 130-toll road, which runs from IH 10 near Seguin (east of San Antonio) to Georgetown (north of Austin), and to Bergstrom International Airport (ABIA; FFA code AUS), which is a only few miles west of the toll road on 71.

Their proposed location was further from Austin than they had discussed, but closer to Houston; 80 minutes to Katy, where the Houston bypasses begin, and offered decent access to high-speed roads south to San Antonio and north toward DFW. They would be in the midst of the south central section of the 'Texas Triangle,' where businesses were locating and relocating at a remarkable rate.

This location had promise, and the principals realized it. One more 'bright idea' to manage, Johnny said with a head shake, and Erik realized he hadn't shared his latest bright idea with anyone, including his partner. 'Maybe I should wait,' he decided, 'he's overwhelmed already.'

The wedding went off without a hitch, even with the groom, his family, and most of their friends feeling 'muy crudo' (hungover) all day. The venerable old church buildings (1888) and main sanctuary (100 years old) stole the show, although the bride competed well; Kylie looked gorgeous in her above-the- knee wedding dress, but it was her effervescent personality and happy glow that was mesmerizing.

Their three ladies 'dressed down' in deference to the bride, yet enthralled the overflow crowd when they entered the combined ballrooms where the reception was held. Andi was 'off duty' because Bill was providing security for the event, so she had the opportunity to drink tonight if she chose.

All three of them did; even knowing the effect of champagne the next day the fountains were too tempting, as were the fruit dips for the flowing chocolate and the various finger foods. Their men stuck to Aiden's favorite craft ale on draft and the brisket, sausage, and trimmings from Terry Black's Barbecue on Barton Springs Road.

Andi, Hanna, and Annika moved seamlessly from area to area and group to group, deftly fighting off advances without causing a scene or offending, and engaging in high-speed conversations with excited men and women. Kylie joined them briefly after the wedding pictures, had the photographer capture them with her, and hurried off to another photo op. The photographer, however, kept his eyes on them the rest of the night, and they would be captured in many other scenes and poses.

The toasts, first dances, bouquet, and garter were dealt with, and the band - Kylie's favorite! - got the dance underway. Erik and Johnny claimed the dance-able songs - mostly slow dances - but left the Hip Hop and the jumping to around to whomever the gyrating girls chose - often that was each other, and other young women blessed with rhythm and the ability to execute impossible movements to rhyming and loud bass.

Johnny was actually the first to have a concern; Erik was caught up in story telling with the groom and his curious bride, some of which was meant to embarrass Aiden, but most of which built him up. When her dad interrupted to summon them to take a picture with grandmother before she left, Johnny poked Erik and said, "Trouble's brewing."

When Erik turned, Johnny gazed toward their women, who were amongst a school of sharks. Designer suits and shoes, well-groomed, good looking, and arrogant; the essence of Erik's dislike. He was confident they were all lawyers because the tiger shark in grey was; Erik knew him well.

"Remember the one in the grey suit? Charles Bryan Ellinger the fourth! Ol Chas' dad founded the law firm where he, and most likely the rest of them, work."

"I do now; KA pussyhound who went after a cheerleader you had a thing for. A real prick."

The 'jump-around' song began and the dancers migrated to the middle of the dance floor where they were harder to see; however, Erik could see that Chas was standing behind Annika with his hands on her hips attempting to 'grind' on her. She spun away, shook her finger at him, and continued dancing.

"His daddy was a pussyhound and real prick too. Do you remember who his law firm was supposedly tied in with?"

"Not really, but based on the way you asked, the Russians?"

"Bingo! So, is Chas in his pussyhound guise right now, or is something more sinister underfoot?"

"He's looking at your fiancée as if she were his favorite dessert, so I'd say pussyhound. You don't agree?"

"He definitely wants her, but is she the end, or the means to the end? Either way, let's go ruin his party and sic Aila on his happy ass tomorrow."

They walked through the dancers to the little group, getting there just as the song ended and Nelly's Hot in Here' began. Annika saw the look on Chas' face, knew grinding was normal during this song, and when he tried to take her hand, she shook her head and finger at him, grabbed Hanna, yelled "Come on," to Andi, turned, and walked directly into Erik.


"We knew you wouldn't want to dance to this with anyone but your fiancés, so here we are!"

Although he didn't like this kind of 'music,' Erik wasn't the least or most gifted when it came to dancing to it, and he damn sure could enjoy the lovely Annika grinding on his cock with her sweet bubble butt. Hopefully, that wouldn't make it to social media, but better him than Chas if it did. Actually, he thought, Annika grinding on her fiancé might even get him off social media's 'good little cuck' list.

After getting over her surprise, she looked delighted. "You're really going to dance to Nelly with me? I thought you hated Hip-Hop?" He shrugged in return; she faced him and started moving all kinds of body parts in time with the music. He wasn't 'white man's overbite,' but he wasn't in her league either. That applied to everyone else, with the possible exception of Andi, Hanna, and Kylie, who pulled Aiden over to join them.

Kylie's wedding dress was short enough to let her move, and then to assume the stance. Her new hubby looked appalled and embarrassed for a moment, but then she yelled "Grab me by the hips and pull my ass against your cock!" About two or three gyrations later, he got over his embarrassment and comported himself as a horny new hubby should.

Johnny was a decent dancer with good rhythm and no shame, so he was more than ready when the grinding started. Erik might have chickened out for fear of social media, but the angry, envious look on Chas' face gave him a burst of give-a-shit, so he engaged enthusiastically. When the song ended, Annika jumped into his arms, rubbed her titties on him, and tried to lick his tonsils.

The wildly enthusiastic bride loudly announced they were leaving in five, so everyone should grab confetti and form the column! They were only going to the elevator, since they were spending the night in a penthouse suite on the top floor, but they formed a conga-looking line for them to run through anyway.

Annika had overheard Kylie telling Aiden she would be on her knees when the doors closed and his pants would be off when the doors opened again, so she ordered her group into the lobby to watch its assent, and Aiden's naked butt on the glass proved Kylie wasn't kidding.

Erik and Annika hurried to another elevator and pushed 4th floor, and then Annika hit her knees. It was too short a ride to accomplish much, but it was a clear statement of intent. She absolutely did not need any foreplay, but Erik insisted on torturing her in a randy 69 before he relented and caved to her pleas.

"Fuck me into the mattress! Harder! Harder! Yes, just like that... yes, ohhh, ERRRIIIKKK! Then the spurts of cum hit her back wall and she exploded in an even stronger orgasm that rendered her insensible. Erik rolled off, checked her pulse, pulled her tightly against him, and joined her in dreamland.


Sunday morning at 11 they were back at Maxine's for brunch with their realtor. The offer documents were ready, so they signed and Annika wrote the earnest money check. Assured their chances were better than good, they said their goodbyes and made the run back to San Marcos and Canyon Lake. There were many unsettled issues, but this was a big step for 'Annika LLC,' as Johnny called her enterprise plans, as well as for Greenlight LLC. Issues Johnny and Erik had to address included what to do where, when to start, who to act as supervisor at each location, and whether they had outgrown two administrators.

Annika's were much worse: she was building from scratch, without personnel, designers, or managers! She did have a studio, however, if the other deal went through. Al was right - his offer was ridiculously low, and he was willing to sign her on a contingency basis, just in case the land purchase didn't work out.

They gathered their few goods and headed back to San Marcos, where a charter was waiting at the San Marcos Regional Airport (formerly Gary Air Force Base). The two hour and twenty minute flight to Minneapolis gave them time to coordinate business and personal plans for October. The mid-month trip to the Virgin Islands for Annika's photo shoot and commercial was the centerpiece, because it affected Greenlight as well.

Erik continued to flesh out his latest brainstorm during the week, when he wasn't working with the teams to refine the logistics program or the green module. Or taking care of his fiancée, who was experiencing a particularly brutal menstrual period.

Thursday afternoon he advised his partner and Carl that he needed an hour of their time. Carl booked a conference room for nine on Friday, and then asked the same question Johnny had: "Another brainstorm?"

"Uh, yes... I haven't exactly got it figured out, but we need to at least talk about it. It's an augmentation of the module we're working on."

"Have you told Johnny?" Carl asked. "Yes; he wasn't very enthusiastic."

The sound of Carl's laughter was the last thing he heard before the call terminated.

Annika said she was better, but she was still hugging the heating pad to her lower stomach. He held her for a while, and then started supper while she worked on her laptop. When he used his laptop, a table and chair were involved; she sat on the couch Indian pow-wow style with the computer sitting on her legs. He envied that ability but knew it was not to be; he wouldn't last fifteen minutes bent like a pretzel!

Baked salmon with a Mediterranean pasta and vegetable salad was their light evening meal. Annika wasn't in starvation mode, but she was eating lightly because she didn't want to exercise and the photo shoot was getting close. He asked how much she had gained. "Around five pounds, but I don't know how much is bloating from the curse. Also, I normally work out four days a week, and you know how intermittent that's been lately! It's bad when going through an 'urban warfare course' and making love with you are my most trying exercises. I need a personal trainer and hours in the gym, and..."

"No, you don't. There's no one to tell you that five pounds is the end of the world. Look in the mirror - do you look fat? Think the camera will? Let me take some pictures of you naked and we'll decide, but, to tell you the truth, I think most of those pounds went straight to your boobies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, ya know..."

She rubbed her breasts curiously, cradled and held one in each hand, and murmured, "I guess that explains why my bras seem too little. I might have to change to a C cup."

Then she brightened: "You're right! Having bigger boobs will resolve my problem in certain shoots, and probably open a few more doors... not to mention provide more milk for our darling babies!"

"I'm not sure bigger means more milk, but it's a great theory. I just know they've grown from 'mouthful' to 'more than a mouthful,' which isn't a bad thing either."

A revitalized and suddenly horny Annika was certain her bleeding had diminished enough, but Erik spread a thick beach towel across his satin sheets anyway, and had to rinse and wash it the next morning. Not that it wasn't worth it!

She awoke feeling "Much better!" and ready for her team meeting at ten. He left as soon as Andi arrived; his first meeting was at eight, with his old team and its new members. His second was at nine, with Johnny, Carl, the lawyers, the human resources director, and the CISO. It would be an interesting morning all around.

Had he let it, the entire first hour would have been meet and greet, but Erik was on a mission. He met and greeted, got another coffee, told everyone to do the same, and herded them to the large conference room. "Johnny had only good thing to say about you guys. I like the new digs and the way you organized them. Unfortunately, I'm way behind after my disappearing act, and I apologize, but there wasn't a choice.

"So...help me catch up. Donnie, please bring me up to speed on the logistics program, in ten minutes or less."

Donnie overcame his surprise and made an organized and informative presentation. 'Johnny was right,' Erik decided, 'The kid's got promise. The management information system (MIS) degree from the school of business fits perfectly with managing, maintaining, and improving the planning and logistics program and its staff. He's pretty much a god-send.'

"Okay, thanks for that, Donnie - nice presentation. Karla, you're up; elucidate me and everyone not directly involved regarding development of the green module."

As he hoped, Karla did a bang-up job on her presentation as well, impressing her bosses, those administering and improving logistics, and even her own team members. She was now the defacto team lead, without the title having been formally bestowed.

"Team, we're going into another meeting. This time with our landlord, attorneys, the personnel director we're contracted with, and the new CISO we share. We're taking Donnie and Karla as liaisons for the team, and they will report directly to you after lunch. As everyone in our world knows, change begets change, and we're on the verge of very exciting possibilities.

"It's big enough that... well, we'll give you an update after the meeting. Meanwhile, please continue your great work, and we'll see you later."

After assuring Karla and Donnie their concern about informal dress was pointless, and getting another cup of coffee, the four made their way to fourth floor. Johnny was curious and a bit bemused by Erik's obvious show of nerves; he knew his friend too well - this was something big. Something bigger than telling Annika's doting Daddy about the Lost Pines site, which was big enough.

Doting Daddy had outwitted him, he learned; Annika was sitting next to Dad at the head of the conference table and she was wearing her wary frown. Carl didn't wait. As soon as the newcomers were introduced around and they were seated, he asked the question: "Okay, Erik - why are we here?"

"Not necessarily for the reasons most of you think. I was by myself at the lake, sipping my third cup of coffee. It was a gorgeous fall day, and my senses were unusually acute. The air was clean and crisp, yet I could also smell the odors of lake water.

"I heard the birds singing, the wind shaking the leaves in the oak trees, the roar of a passenger jet heading to SAI, the waves breaking on the rocky beach below, and a boat running wide open, cutting through the water on the other side of the lake. Nothing seemed discordant; they were all a part of the environment of this time and place.

"I looked up toward the sound of the plane, and saw the contrail. It was a line below the light clouds, which were coasting across the sky on the upper winds. Buzzards were lazily riding the lower wind currents, and a flock of geese was cutting through the air in a V, heading south for the winter.

"The noises, the smells, the sights, the water and wind themselves; I perceived an interplay among the elements and senses I'd never before appreciated. I just stood and took it all in, and then the answer to the niggling in my brain struck me like a thunderbolt!

"An AI powered module could troubleshoot its vehicle and make general and specific recommendations regarding any and everything it was monitoring - if it was effectively monitoring everything! The electrical system, tires, fuel and engine, drive-train, aerodynamics/wind resistance, brakes, load distribution; the driver safety monitoring system and sensors, even the roadway could be monitored and evaluated in real time!

"Any part of the vehicle and anything it encountered or utilized could be made better: more efficient, longer lasting, easier to use! Aggregated, our real-time data could inform everyone from the engineers to the manufacturers to the mechanics and repairmen!

"You see, just as all things in nature are intertwined, everything on the road, on the rail tracks, on the sea, or in the air is entwined with the vehicle using it and the environment in which it is used! The interaction/interplay among all elements affecting performance can be instantly analyzed and evaluated, by real-time data that is constantly being updated! It would be W.E. Deming's constant feedback loop for the twenty-first century!"

Johnny's chagrin was obvious; Karla's eyes were wide with wonder, Donnie's wide with possibilities. The others combined looks of confusion and wariness. Johnny was first to speak. "I thought we had an agreement: no more bright ideas until the others are fully developed, being manufactured, and making money!"

Erik shrugged: "They come when they come. Besides, it makes no sense to proceed with a watered-down version of the green module if we can develop the more expansive version and market it."

Donnie came to life next, and his questions awakened Thomas. "I get it, Boss, but what is involved in making that concept work? For instance, many of the sensors we would need don't exist, and those available most likely aren't refined enough."

Before he could answer, Karla asked the questions he had dreaded, and then proceeded to problem-analyze. "Do you have any kind of modeling? Even a rough diagram?

"Scientific and commercial work on sensors is rapidly advancing, Donnie. Perhaps we could get by with adaptation and refinement? If not, we have to not only do the engineering and programming for new sensors, we have to apply for the patents. We are already learning that is time-consuming AF - please excuse my Saxon - and I'm afraid the amount of development around incorporation and assessment of that amount of data will be mind-boggling enough in itself!"

"Karla, I don't have a model or diagram; only a concept. That's why I'm here with all of you. AI can be helpful once we do, but humans are going to have to develop the diagram and then the model.