Long Lost Son Returns Home to Amma

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The taboo desires of a mother and son.
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Another mother-son incest story. I have tried to add some panty fetish as well. All the situations are made up. None of this would happen in real life. A lot of taboo, obscene sex. Comments are welcome. Thanks


Shankar and Meena knew the importance of a good education and instilled this in their children. The older daughter, Rani, was the smart one and got good grades and managed to get admitted to the nursing college in the next town. The younger one, Raja, though, was a rebel. He did the things that naughty boys did. He threatened to run away from home if his parents pressured him too much to study, but they laughed at this.

But reality struck hard. Raja's high school results were disastrous, and he could not even manage admission into the local college. He made good on his threats and ran away from home. His parents were devastated. It seemed that the whole town was looking and searching for Raja, but after getting no news for about six months, Shankar and Meena resigned themselves to the fact that their younger son was lost to them forever.

But all was not lost really. With help from some loyal friends and his own resourcefulness, Raja managed to get into the army, though at first only at the lowest of the lowest level. But with hard work and dedication, he was stable enough in his work in about a year, and looked forward to a bright future in the army.

He thought about his parents often, regretting what he put them through when he ran away. He missed his mother. Her food and love, but mostly her presence in his life that he had taken for granted. After about a year, he sent a letter home through some friends of friends.

His parents were elated and overjoyed. Their son was safe and sound! There was much rejoicing all around. After that, Raja sent letters back home, though not on a regular basis. But that was enough for Meena, knowing that he was alive and well. Raja's letters were infrequent but they were enough to keep Meena's hopes that one day her son would come back home to her.


Raja proved himself to be a worthy and able soldier. He made his way up the ranks and in about five years he was sent to accompany an elite band to a remote coastal and border area to handle dangerous separatists and suspected terrorists. The secret nature of the assignment made it difficult for him to send letters back home.

His people were crestfallen on not getting any communication from Raja. Months became a year, and one year followed the other and then they had no more hope of seeing Raja. Life went on as usual in their town. They got their daughter married, and a grandson followed within a year. Festivals were celebrated. Rituals and anniversaries observed. With no news from Raja.

But Raja was a survivor. He drudged through another half a dozen years in the Army. What kept him going was the memory of his home. Of late, he thought of them often. Especially his amma. He missed her the most. He was now senior enough to get a posting in the army cantonment and would be offered accommodations if he was married. He decided that was what he wanted. He had a two week leave coming up.

He decided to come back home.


Shankar and Meena could not believe their eyes. Raja, their long lost son had returned! It was impossible to digest. They thanked the many, many gods they had prayed to. They threw a big feast for their friends and relatives. If there had been a celebration and rejoicing bigger than the one they had on Raja's return, no one had yet to see it. For two days, there was an endless procession of family and friends coming and going. Only after that did they have some time to themselves.

But between all this, Meena had a queasy feeling the last few days. Seeing her son after more than ten years made him seem almost like a stranger to her. It was a weird feeling, no doubt, and she could not explain it to herself. There were a lot of changes in him. She remembered him as a very thin, gawky, awkward teenager and that was how she pictured him in her mind all these years. But now he was a fully grown, mature man. The years in the Army, the regular food and work had made him into a handsome and healthy young man. He was much taller than all the males in the family. The change in his body structure, the way he carried himself - so erect and straight and confident, his mannerisms, his way of talking and laughing, all were so new to her.

It felt as if she was seeing him for the first time. An unknown newcomer. Someone she passed by on the road, or a person she observed standing at a bus stop, who piqued her interest because of his stature, posture, build, looks, youth, attractiveness, novelty, smile. He was like a breath of fresh air to her. She involuntarily and automatically distanced herself from the role of his mother while looking and admiring him. It felt surreal to her, but she kind of liked the sensation.

Shankar had arranged a private trip to the temple of their family deity the next day. Raja suddenly remembered something from the days of his youth and approached Meena.

Raja said, "Amma, do you remember how you used to give me an oil massage before we went to the temple. Aiyoh! How I missed this! It has been, what, ten - twelve years since I had one? Come on Amma! Can you..please..."

"Your fault for running away, Raja!" she responded, and then without thinking, said, "Okay, I'll heat the oil and bring it out."

Meena saw Raja through the Kitchen window as he pulled up a chair and got ready for his massage. Her eyes grew wide as she watched him and she almost let out a yelp like a small dog. Raja had removed his shirt, and then his lungi. He only had his shorts on. Meena gaped at her son. So trim and strong. Not an inch of fat was visible anywhere. Muscles like coiled ropes ran across his abdomen. His thighs were like tree trunks and the muscles there rippled as he moved. His pecs were like two copper discs, shining and curved. His biceps and triceps bulged in every direction. His shorts were tight, very tight on his buttocks, taut and creaseless except for the line that ran between his asscheeks where the shorts were pinched. "Oh my god! He shouldn't.. couldn't be wearing that inside the house! At least not in front of me!" Meena said to herself. But she was ogling her son shamelessly. She didn't want to move, and wanted the moment to go on forever. Just her and her son. She realized she was holding her breath as if she were in a trance. And as she released it, a slow warmth, starting from her groin, spread across her body.

"Ready, amma!" She heard Raja call out.

"Coming, coming, Raja," Meena responded and she carried the oil to the inner courtyard where Raja waited.

But she hesitated. She tried not to stare. Not to make it obvious that she was uncomfortable doing this. It was after all her son. But he was not the young teen she remembered. Here was a full grown man, in just his shorts, almost naked!

Raja bent forward from the chair, stretching to reach his toes. Meena eyes flew to his back where his shorts had pulled down to reveal the beginnings of his ass crack. "Oh God! What are you doing?" an inner voice asked Meena.

A tremor ran through her body as she first made contact with his flesh. She moved her hands very slowly at first. Then she realized what she was doing and that Raja might find out something was not right. She started talking, just to distract him. But she was acutely aware of the manly body her fingers were pressing and pushing against. She could feel each and every taut muscle on his back, neck, chest and stomach as she rubbed hot oil on him. He then pulled a small stool and put his foot on it and Meena spread oil on his thighs and calves and feet and toes. She tried to concentrate on his chatter and the jokes and stories, but she couldn't. Her fingers lingered on the contours of his thighs, his rounded knees, his shapely calves, his abdomen. His skin was so smooth, so hairless, almost like a child. His body rippled and shone with the oil she poured on him. She broke out in a sweat and her breathing was becoming rapid. She felt droplets of sweat on her forehead and on her waist and on her armpits. She almost lost control of what she was doing. She spread oil on him repeatedly, more than once, on the places she had already covered. His chest, his abs, biceps, triceps, neck and back.

Oh! How beautiful! What an absolutely perfect specimen of a man, she thought. Just like those models in magazines. She had not touched a man other than her husband, of course. But she had imagined and fantasized about what a body of a fit, athletic, strong, virile man would feel like. She did not have to imagine anymore. For a span of a few minutes her fingers and hands were just moving over just such a man's body. Her eyes lingered on his back and moved over his narrow, slim waist and up around his hips and his chest and abs and thighs, and his deep navel. Her eyes followed the line of his inner thigh as it went beneath his shorts. Her eyes fell on his groin. Did she sense a bulge there?

"Hey, Meena! Where's my towel?" came Shankar's voice from somewhere in the house.

Meena was rudely shaken from her reverie. She could only stammer, "What.. what..towel, yes...must be there..somewhere.."

Meena jumped back and stared at her hands and then at Raja's back. Raja was still chatting away, telling some story from his Army days, and then laughing at what his appa had asked. "What appa! Take your towel with you.. ha ha.. What can amma do? Let her finish my oil massage.. Come amma!"

But Meena had regained some sense of composure. Oh my god! She thought. It was her son. She was..was..enjoying her son! Enjoying the feel of his body..the pleasure it gave her, Imagining his manhood...oh god!

"No, Raja, I am done. Go to your bath after appa comes out. Okay?"

Meena rushed back to the kitchen. She was breathless. She leaned against the counter in the kitchen and looked back at Raja. He had risen up from the chair and was now stretching this way and that, still in his shorts.

Meena could once again see him in his entirety. His bare back, flesh and muscle glistening in the sun, rippling like gold after the oil massage she had given him. He bent backwards and his abdomen stretched like a taut washing board. She gulped and gaped, looking at the very prominent bulge at the front of his shorts as he held the yoga pose for about ten seconds. He straightened and then quickly put his hands on his crotch and adjusted his private parts.

Blood rushed to her face and then she felt the warmth again in her groin. And suddenly a release, a coolness, a wet sensation formed right where it should not, at least not when she was looking at her son. But she couldn't help it. She put one hand between her thighs and clutched them shut and leaned against a table till the feeling passed. She trembled a little as it slowly ebbed out of her.


The Army had trained Raja well. He was capable of deep sleep, but could awaken at the slightest sound and be fully alert and aware in seconds. The previous night was no exception. The crowds had gone, and there were only him and his appa and amma in the house. They had gone to bed after a great meal.

But something, some slight noise from within the house awakened Raja. He slipped out of his room, barefoot and silent, but with a heavy stick he kept for protection. At first he could not hear anything. Then sounds like a low moan, accompanied by a grunt. That kept repeating. Rhythmically. He thought it was a machine, the fridge or something. As he crept along the dark corridor, he realized the noise was coming from his parents' room. Within a fraction of a second he knew what it was, but he still did not stop. He slid silently to the door as the noises became more and more clearer.

His amma was moaning. His appa was grunting. Their mattress was creaking.

His parents were fucking!

Raja stood motionless. It was for only about half a minute. Then he realized two things at once. First, the noises from the room had suddenly stopped. And second, he had a throbbing hard-on in his shorts. He slipped silently back into his room and lay on his bed.

Fuck! His amma and appa were having sex! And why not? She was in her mid-forties and his appa was a couple of years older. What was so wrong with them fucking? In fact, it was natural, no? It was..just..hard to imagine or think about his parents having sex now. But not quite

Raja was not so innocent. During his adolescence, his fantasies involved all the girls and women he had encountered. He masturbated regularly to their images in his mind, and on many occasions had thought about his amma and appa in bed. He recalled that at times he used to look at amma in the morning and tried to figure out if she had been fucked, either the previous night or had had an early morning session with appa.

He had lost his virginity many, many years ago to a prostitute that he and his comrades visited. He realized he loved sex. He spent every furlough, every few hours of free time the Army allowed, with a whore or a willing woman or girl. Between her thighs, fucking. Holding her head steady as he mouth-fucked her. Spreading her ass cheeks and pounding her asshole as she screamed. Ejaculating his cum on her face or into her mouth if she was okay with it. Boy! He had his fill. And of course wanted more, like any virile young man.

But he had a secret that he hid from even his closest buddies. He had a thing for older women. Not sure where it came from or when. But even as his friends went after young, nubile, innocent girls, he tracked down older women. Something about them, their mature body, their experience, their willingness to satisfy unconditionally, appealed to Raja. He loved to handle the fat and flesh on their hips, the smooth, hard muscles of their asses, and the feel of moist, cool, well used, slick cunt walls gripping his thick dick, their heavy tits topped with hard, stiff nipples.

And now he lay on his bed, sweating profusely. He pulled down his shorts and freed his painfully erect member and stroked it. Images floated into his head. Of two people fucking. His amma and appa! God, what would they have done? What kinds of sex acts? He imagined his appa doing to his amma all the obscene, lustful, pleasurable things he himself had done with his women. Or were they shy, just doing it platonically, just for a few minutes? Fuck! He pictured his appa on top of his amma, she with her thick thighs spread apart and goading his appa to fuck her harder and longer, clutching his back, scratching, screaming, moaning, groaning.

He grabbed his appa by the shoulders and pulled him from atop his amma and pushed him aside. He parted his amma's thighs and pressed his face to her crotch and inhaled the musty smell from her pubic hairs. He lapped her pussy lips and tasted her juices mixed with her piss. Heaven! He then got up and she grabbed his thick, hot, veiny, black, smelly cock with her fist, gave it a few jerks and directed it into her cunt. Motherfucker! Really! The moist, silky, slimy, hot, velvet walls of her cunt engulfed the entire length of his cock. Oh what a feeling! He tore into her, howling and screaming, as if she were one of his whores. She pushed up and met each of his thrusts with the same or even more ferocity. It seemed like they could go at it for hours and hours.

Suddenly he ejaculated. Raja heaved himself from his cot just in time and stood up. His cock erupted and streams of thick semen flew out in never ending ropes. He couldn't help it. A voice inside his head kept calling "Amma, amma, amma!! ahhhhhhhhh!"

Raja could not believe what he had just done. He masturbated to images of his amma. He fantasized about fucking her! Was this why he was attracted to older women? Did he really see his amma in all the women he fucked? Or was he seeing a whore in his amma? Whatever it may have been, it was something that he would never get out of his head. What if he subconsciously wanted to have sex with amma?

Just then, an incident, something he did in his Army days, flashed into his mind. Many years ago when he was posted to a small, remote village deep in the forests, he had come across a woman who was carrying illegal sandalwood to her home. He had threatened to expose her and her family to the forest police. But she had offered herself to him in return for him not turning her in (He forced her, but that was just some minor detail!). He went to her repeatedly. Fucked her numerous times. Did all sorts of nasty, obscene things with and to her. She was his first ass fuck. And hers too. She screamed and wailed as he pushed and pulled his thick dick in and out of her hairy asshole. It was painful for both, but it was so pleasurable for him! It became normal for him. Fuck her cunt, then her ass, then come on her face and in her mouth despite all her protests. Three holes, three positions. Repeated many, many days and nights.

But was there a reason why he recalled that particular woman now, of all times? Her face flittered into his brain. Then suddenly there was his amma's image now, superimposed on the other woman's face. That woman and amma, back and forth, back and forth, flitting in and out, images flashing in his mind!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! That was it! She could have been a younger version of his amma! Yes, that's why he went to her, repeatedly. Perhaps that's where it started. He missed his amma, and fucking that woman was in a convoluted way like being close to her. How much closer to a woman can you get beyond having your dick in her pussy, asshole and mouth. Oh god! He wanted to do all those things to his beloved amma! It was so wrong, but.but..it felt so good! Then and even now. He was going to be a motherfucker!


Fortunately some relatives came visiting in the morning and Raja was busy talking to them. In the back of his mind, though, were all the things that happened to him the previous night. The sounds of amma and appa fucking, and his jerking off to the images of amma. He wanted some quiet time to reflect on what that all meant. He avoided his amma as much as possible.

His appa had arranged a trip to the temple, and as was usual, his amma gave appa a perfunctory oil massage before his bath. Raja, innocently and unwittingly, also asked his amma to give him a massage as well.

When he was young, he had not paid any particular attention to the oil massage his mother gave him and his appa. In fact, Raja never liked it at all. The smell of the oil was off-putting, His amma touching him made him uncomfortable and he used to get away as quickly as he could.

But now something made him ask her for it. Perhaps his fantasy from the previous night drove him to it, giving him a reason to be close to her. Just the two of them and no one around.

That proved to be a big mistake. Electricity coursed through his body and amma spread oil on him. He was not a small boy anymore. He was a man. And here was his amma touching him all over. He steeled his mind telling himself it was his mother and not just another woman. But he could not push the images from the previous night from his mind. The sounds from his parents' bedroom echoed in his ear. He was not ready for it. His body had a mind of its own and he found to his dismay that he was getting an erection.

He did the only thing he could to distract himself and amma. He started telling stories from his days in the force and making jokes and laughing. He could not be sure if his amma was paying attention. She was just nodding and saying "Oh I see", "Really?" "Uh-huh.." etc as she covered him with the warm, scented oil.