Longfellow Ranch Pt. 01

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Chris, while on the road, runs into a cowboy named Cody.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/05/2022
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"Dammit all to hell," Chris cursed, trying to get the nozzle into the opening of the gas tank. He pushed his long hair behind his ear, and then pushed the nozzle until his knuckles went white. "Muthafu..."

There was a cough behind him from the other gas pump on the other side where a big red truck was parked. Chris turned back and was startled by the grinning man looking over at him. The guy was well over six feet, wearing a plaid button-front shirt with the sleeves cut off exposing part of a shoulder tattoo, tight jeans fronted by a big shiny silver buckle, and big tan-colored cowboy hat.

"Diesel nozzles won't go into an unleaded tank," the hunky cowboy explained.

Chris quickly replaced the diesel nozzle and grabbed the correct one as his face went red.

"Uhm, thanks," said Chris meekly with a little ashamed frown.

"No problem," the cowboy said, touching the brim of his hat and nodding before walking over to the cashier.

Chris slyly watched as the cowboy walked away, his boots clacking against the hard pavement. His worn faded jeans looked like they were spray-painted over his big thighs and round ass. Chris watched the tight jeans flex as the cowboy reached back and pulled the round can from his back pocket and threw it into the trash. When he reached the cashier, he turned to the side and saw Chris looking in his direction. He gave his watcher a big full white smile and a wink before leaning down slightly to speak to the cashier behind the window. Chris moved so his vehicle hid him, his heart beating fast. The pump clicked and he grabbed his receipt. In seconds, he quickly pulled away from the pump and sat at the red light, watching the cowboy in the rear-view mirror walking back to his truck with the swagger only cowboy boots allowed.

Now that's a fucking man right there, Chris thought to himself before pulling out onto the highway.

The rains earlier in the day had settled the dust and cooled everything down a bit, but still the steam rose off the hot blacktop as Chris zoomed down the long straight road. What had been a big highway was now a much smaller blacktop road zigzagging through grass and scrub land. There seemed to be fences and cows everywhere he looked. It was a big change from the crowded city. But he was glad to get away from it and from Phillip.

Chris remembered walking in on Phillip fucking the young guy he had hired to help in the garden. They had both talked about how cute the young olive-skinned college student was; and they had even gone as far as planning on asking him to do a three-way with them, which Chris had found really exciting. Phillip had basically stopped having sex with him so Chris was ready for a fuck-around with a hot uncut college cock. It had been far too long. But seeing Phillip alone on the bed ramming his big red Irish cock into the bronze dude's ass, thinking Chris was out of town was just a step too far. That started a long drawn-out battle which ended with their break-up. Of course, Phillip knew everyone and had turned everyone against him after their breakup. Chris decided it was time to move away. He wanted a fresh start in a new town, so he bought a used SUV and packed it up. He didn't have a job, but old friends had invited him to stay with them until he found one.

As he wiped away his tears, Chris didn't see the coyote or fox or whatever as it ran out of the grass onto the road. He swerved to miss it and the vehicle slid onto the muddy shoulder and down an embankment. Chris heard a boom and the sounds of crashing as he was jostled around before the airbags deployed. Then everything went quiet, except for the sound of raindrops on metal as the rain began again.

Chris opened his eyes as someone tapped on the window asking if he was ok. Chris tried to roll the window down, but nothing happened. He cracked the door a bit and the person outside pulled it open. It was the hunky cowboy from the gas station.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"In a bit of shock this happened, but I think I'm ok. Nothing broke, I believe."

"Well, come on, let's get you out of there," the cowboy said stretching out a big wet hand.

"I need my bag," Chris groaned, reaching backward.

"You get up the bank. I'll get it," the cowboy responded, turning Chris toward the bank and then leaning into the car to grab the black bag. "Anything else?" he shouted back at Chris.

Chris turned around and slipped on the bank, falling face first into the mud. He sat up and wiped mud from his cheek.

"My phone and keys...uhm, my phone is in the compartment in the middle," he said, spitting mud from his lips. He wiped his hand on his shirt, noticing it was covered in mud too. "Shit."

With the bag in one hand, the cowboy jumped up the embankment and held out a hand for Chris. He pulled Chris up in one strong move, his biceps flexing and bulging. The falling rain drenched them both before it suddenly stopped. Chris ran a dirty hand back through his long brown hair before remembering it, like everything else, was covered in mud. The cowboy held out a red bandanna with one hand as he grabbed Chris' shoulder, directing him toward the big red truck. The bandanna was wet and Chris managed to wipe away a good bit of the mud. The cowboy opened the passenger door for Chris who hesitated.

"I'm filthy. I don't wanna get your truck dirty," Chris responded noticing the pristine interior.

"Nothing that can't be cleaned. Put this on," the cowboy said, reaching inside and pulling out a windbreaker.

Chris put on the garment and climbed into the cab. The cowboy shut the door and walked around the truck. Chris watched as the cowboy pulled off his own drenching wet shirt. He noticed the tattoo that ran over his muscular shoulder down to the well-developed chest covered in a mat of light brown hair. The hair ran down in a perfect trail over a six pack of abs down and behind the silver belt buckle. The cowboy opened the driver-side door, throwing his wet shirt behind the seat. He grabbed a dry rag and ran it over his wet chest, then threw it behind the seat too. Chris averted his eyes shyly after the cowboy looked at him and smiled. He slid into the driver's seat smoothly. Chris turned back as the cowboy drew the seat belt over his golden muscled torso and pulled at a leather cord necklace with an unusual pendant on it -like a strange, stylized number four.

"I live just down the road. We'll get you cleaned up and get you a tow to Albert's garage over in Shiloh. How's that sound?"

"Uhm, yeah, that sounds great."

"I'm Cody, by the way," the cowboy said, holding out a rough tanned hand.

"I'm Chris," he replied as he grabbed the hand and shook it, noticing the firm grip he was given.

"Alrighty, Chris, let's get on the road and go get you situated," Cody said as he cranked up the big truck and they pulled onto the blacktop.

Cody reached over and turned on the radio, adjusting the tuner to a country music station.

"What kind of music do you like?" he asked. "I don't figure its country," he laughed.

"No, I like country music...but the older stuff. I've heard some of the newer stuff, but I really like the older songs."

"Like what?" Cody asked watching the road and gesturing toward Chris with one hand.

"Reba, Loretta, Patsy Cline...Shania Twain. I like all the big legendary female artists. Tammy Wynette, Dolly."

"Well, shit, you really like that old stuff?" Cody reached over and pushed a button on the stereo system. "Who's this?" he asked as a song started to play.

"Hey, that's an easy one. It's 'Country Sunshine' by Dottie West from 1973."

"Well, I'll be damned. You sure as shit don't look like a walking encyclopedia of country music," Cody laughed and slapped the steering wheel. He started half-singing the song and pointing at himself whenever Dottie sang "I was raised on country sunshine..."

Chris almost started to laugh at the sight of this handsome, hot cowboy lip-synching to that old Dottie West song and put his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing too loudly.

"What are you laughing at?" asked Cody with a mock-seriousness before busting out in laughter himself.

"I feel like I'm in some weird real-life Instagram post," Chris answered.

"What's that?" Cody asked.

"Instagram? You know half-naked cowboys with bulging muscles dancing to Neon Moon."

"Line-dancing? Brooks and Dunn song?" Cody asked, giving Chris a quick questioning glance at a stop sign.

"No, Instagram. Social media, like Facebook and Twitter and all that. No line-dancing and it's now a remix."

"Oh, I don't do any of that stuff. Life is hard enough without that entire online world colliding with it...social media stuff...and remixes," Cody told him before leaping into another acappella verse of "County Sunshine". He suddenly stopped singing. "We're here...my own patch of country sunshine," he said as they turned. He pointed at the brick pillars that held a metal arch with a sign hanging from it. "Longfellow Ranch."

Chris noticed an emblem on either side of the sign.

"That's the same as your necklace."

"That's the ranch's brand: a capital 'L' with the lower-case 'f' hooked over the bottom of it. It's our logo now," Cody explained holding up the pendent. "That's the ranch office...besides the ranch, we've got a feed mill, saw mill, bits and pieces here and there," Cody said, pointing at a modern brick building looking much like a doctor's or lawyer's office. "And that's my house."

The large wooden house looked like something from a hundred years ago. It was painted white with two-stories, multiple chimneys, and a big veranda which wrapped around the front. I was flanked by several very large oak trees, with roses and hedges in front of it. There was a circular drive in front which had what looked like an old fountain with a large urn in the middle of it. Cody didn't turn in front of the house, instead he continued around it to a large covered area attached to the house with a smaller pickup, a couple cars and a few ATVs under it. There was a screened storm door leading into the house.

A woman came out of the house carrying several cardboard boxes which she stacked in a pile in a corner near what looked like a chimney.

"Elvira!" Cody shouted as he got out of the truck.

"Where in the heck have you been?" she responded.

"I had to save a stranger in need," he told her, motioning over to Chris, who gave her a little wave. "Is Maria around? I want her to look him over. He had a little wreck over near Holcomb branch."

"No need to go to any trouble...I'm fine," Chris interjected.

"Oh, Elvira, this is Chris. Chris, this is Elvira."

"Howdy," she said, before looking back at Cody. "She's over at the mill, I believe. I'll talk to her on the way home," Elvira said, ignoring Chris. "Now I brought you a nanner puddin' and a pot of chili."

"Damn, you tryin' to fatten me up, old woman?"

"There's steak defrosting in the fridge, 'cause I know how you are...there some potatoes in there too, wrapped in foil and ready for the oven."

"I can just microwave them."

"Don't be stupid, boy. You know they taste better baked in the oven. Microwaves will kill ya," Elvira reprimanded. "I did the shopping, but they were out of that shake stuff you drink...they're going to call me if it comes in and I'll bring it Thursday when I come back...and, for Lawd's sake, put a shirt on."

Elvira walked back in the house, and instantly reappeared putting her coat on and holding her purse. She flung a thin scarf over her hair, and tied it under her chin.

"She's got to protect her hairdo until she goes to the hairdresser Thursday morning," Cody whispered to Chris.

"I heard that, you ungrateful child, and you know my standing shampoo and set appointment is Friday afternoon. The cornbread is cooling down in the oven. Don't forget to put it in the fridge after while."

"Yes, ma'am!" Cody yelled to her as she climbed into a small rough two-tone pick-up truck and drove off in a clatter of smoke and grinding metal.

"She's quite a character," Chris said as Cody opened the old screen door and motioned him inside.

"Her husband, Larry, is the ranch manager. She's my housekeeper, part-time cook, substitute grandmother. She helped my grandmother raise me. Her daughter, Maria, is a nurse practitioner, and I want her to give you a look over."

"I'm fine I tell you. But I guess it's a good thing. You know, Dottie West had a wreck on the way to the Grand Old Opry and she thought she was fine after it.. Then BOOM, she was dead."

"No kidding!" Cody said, motioning him down a hallway past the kitchen.

The house seemed like a museum of the past. Old photos everywhere, antique furniture, oil lamps here and there. You knew this family had been here for quite awhile. Some of this stuff would sell at antique auction s in the big city for huge sums, Chris thought as Cody led him to the big stairway in the entrance hall.

"I figure we'd go upstairs and get cleaned up before we do anything else," Cody told him. "Follow me."

"This is one of the guest rooms. The bathroom is through that door. There should be a robe in the bathroom. My room is at the end of the landing if you need anything."

"Thanks, I really appreciate this...everything you've done. I dunno how I can repay you."

"No problem. I hate you had a wreck and all. But you've been great company," Cody responded and smiled as he walked out of the room, closing the door after him.

Chris made his way to the bathroom and stripped out of the dirty clothes. He looked down at the sad brown wet pile and groaned. He sat on the edge of the tub and noticed his reflection in a large mirror propped up against the wall. He was a mess. He almost didn't recognize himself with his dirty face and long wet stringy hair. He wiped at a muddy smudge on his cheek. Some folks would always compliment him on his style in the city; some even told him he resembled that long-haired Jonathan Van Ness without the facial hair. Stylish, modern, with a finger on the pulse of what is now and popular. Now, here he was, a queen in the middle of nowhere, sitting on the bathtub of some strange cowboy's house. But, he was a pretty cowboy; he thought to himself and sighed.

There wasn't a shower so he filled the tub with water as hot as he could stand it and looked around for a towel. There was a cotton robe hanging on a hook, but not one towel in the whole room, not even a washcloth. He was already naked, so he just got into the tub thinking he might dry off with robe. He'd figure everything out later. He was feeling sore and that bath was going to feel so good. He stepped into the bath and let out a deep groan as he settled into it. He lay his head back and just enjoyed the soothing heat.

There was a soft rapping on the door.

"Hello? Hey?"

It was Cody's voice. The door creaked open a few inches.

"I forgot your towel. You wanna grab it?" Cody said as he pushed a towel and washcloth through the crack.

"I'm in the bath. You can bring it in. We're both guys here," Chris told him.

"Uhm, yeah, okay," Cody responded as the door slowly opened.

Chris hoped that his shock wasn't evident as Cody came shyly tiptoeing into the room. Chris' mouth dropped a bit as he saw Cody wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. No jeans, no buckle, and no hat. A clear tan line showed at his hip. Without his hat, his hair was golden blond in a high and tight military cut. Out of his jeans, his legs were thick, muscled, and covered in golden brown hair.

"I don't want to disturb you and all," Cody said as he tried to avert his eyes. "I'll just leave these here." He placed the towel on a small table near the door. "That okay?" He said and made a little coughing sound in his throat.

"Can you bring it over here?"

"Uhm, yeah, sure," Cody said, looking over at Chris. "I like your hair."

"Thanks, I like your haircut. Very macho," Chris replied. "Among other things." He added that under his breath.


"You've got a good shape. You must work out a lot."

"Yeah, I've got a gym in the basement. Not a lot to do around here. I don't really get out...I mean, there's not a lot of entertainment around here...uhm." Cody hesitated. He closed his eyes and then opened them wide as if to refocus. "I don't really date much or anything," he said, shaking his head. "Uhm, yeah, I don't."

"I find that hard to believe. I bet you've got a long queue of 'em waiting to snag you, the local hot hunk of a cowboy. You are gorgeous and I'd be right there in front of the line," Chris said with a laugh before realizing what he had just said. He made a distracting splash in the tub with his hand. "I mean..." He didn't finish his sentence.

Cody stared hard at him. Chris looked back at him, thinking he might get thrown out of the house.

Cody walked over to the tub. Chris gripped the edge of the tub in case he had to jump out in a hurry; his other hand was in a fist under the water if he had to fight.

Cody sat on his haunches beside the tub, one hand resting on the edge.

"I think I'd like that, Chris, very much." He moved his hand close to Chris' and ran a finger lightly against it. "I've never met anyone like you." He gave Chris a little smile.

Chris moved his head forward a bit. Cody was looking at him straight in the eyes and he couldn't believe what he had just heard. He was not expecting that at all. Cody moved his head closer to Chris.

Fuck it, Chris thought as he took his fist out of the water and placed his wet hand against Cody's cheek and leaned in to kiss him.

Cody's lips were warm and soft against Chris'. He let his tongue roll over Cody's full lips before slipping past them. He could taste what was left of a shot of whisky still in Cody's mouth, that ounce and a half of courage he probably had drunk to walk back to the guest bathroom. Cody grabbed him by the back of the head, pushing the kiss deeper and fuller. Then he pulled away. He had heard a door.

"Cody! Hey, Cody!" yelled a voice from downstairs. "You here? It's Maria!"

Cody stood up in a panic. Chris pointed at the robe hanging on the door. Cody walked over and dropped his towel, giving Chris a perfect view of his round full ass before it was hidden again by the robe.

Cody gave him a sign to be quiet.

"I'll be back," he whispered before walking out of the bathroom.

Chris plunged under the water to give everything a final rinse, and then got out of the tub. He quickly dried off and wrapped the damp towel around his waist. From the bedroom, he heard Cody explaining that they were getting all cleaned up and would be down in a minute. Maria said something about the kitchen, and Cody said something about the cornbread and they both laughed.

The bedroom door opened and Cody slipped back inside. He walked over to Chris and shucked off the robe. It fell to the floor and he stood there completely exposed and naked. He grabbed Chris by the waist, pulling his body to his and letting the towel drop to the floor. Chris let his hands run up the tight belly up to the hairy muscled chest before grabbing the thick biceps of the arms that held him close.

"Now, where were we?" Cody asked before leaning in to kiss Chris again.

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Smith79Smith79over 2 years ago

Awesome start please give us more

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Start of a great story. Cody sounds sexy as fuck. Chris deserves a good man, as phillip sounds like a huge cheating asshole!

Will1652Will1652over 2 years ago

Great start. Can’t wait to see where the story goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow, this feels like the start of something really good and hot!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I do love me some big hairy cowboys. A big fantasy of mine. Very hot, can't wait for part 2.

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