Longhorns Ch. 01


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Virginia rolled her eyes visibly in the rearview mirror.

"I've got a big paper due in my English class. Would you look at it and tell me if it's too terrible to turn in?"

"I'm sure it won't be," he reassured her, "but, yeah, come by any time tomorrow afternoon, and I'll go over it with you."

"Thanks, you're the best."

"Like I said, anything for you."


Meredith had only left his apartment for work fifteen minutes ago when Robert heard an insistent knock on the door. It could only be one person.



Virginia didn't wait to be invited in, though by that point such formalities seemed out of place anyway. Normally, she'd head to the refrigerator or the sofa, but once inside, she seemed fidgety and remained standing.

"So," Robert asked expectantly, "what's up?"

Virginia looked wound up, like the time she'd taken adderall to study and ended up painting a mural on her bedroom wall.

"Ummm, are you seeing anybody right now?"

Robert was taken aback. No jokes, but also: where was she going with this? She already knew the answer.


"What about Meredith?"

Lately, Meredith had been spending a lot more time over at his place and not always with Virginia there. After the first time he'd helped her with a paper, they'd fallen into a routine of reading each other's stuff. His political science graduate work was sometimes a little over her head, but she was always a good and attentive reader, and thanks to her he no longer had stupid mistakes he'd overlooked peppered throughout his writing. Meredith still had work all the time, but his place, she told him, was so much less chaotic to study in compared to her apartment or the university library. They'd become study partners, mostly working in silence with the occasional joke or question back and forth.

"How should I know if she's seeing—"

"I mean you and Meredith. You could tell me."

"What's this about?" he asked confused and even a little irritated.

"You like her right? Are you two, you know?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

He had a fear that maybe Virginia was about to go off on him.

"I just want to know. I mean, if you're not with her, then, like, you want to be, right?"

Was this how Clay ended up on the shit list?

"Do you want the truth?"

Virginia looked worried.


"I think Meredith is a sweet girl. She's the best. But, to me, she's like a little sister."

"Because she's young?"

"Partly. But, partly because she just reminds me of my actual sister, too. You'd like her."

Robert hoped to deflect this whole uncomfortable line of questioning. His friendship with Virginia, such as it was, was founded upon shallow conversations, wisecracking, and beer. They didn't do 'deep.'

"Do you like me?"


"Am I like a little sister?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're not dumb, Robbie. Do you like me like a little sister or do you like me like me?"

Robert felt his stomach in his throat. So much effort had gone into not feeling this feeling.

"I like you. A lot. It's just—"

"It's just that you don't want me as a girlfriend, right?"

There it was, the vulnerability underneath all the bravado. Virginia's chest was heaving slightly, and Robert noticed that she'd worn that simple, blue-and-white striped tank top that showed off her cleavage. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail, away from her beautiful face, which currently betrayed a tangle of emotions going on inside her. For a moment before he moved, he knew what was about to happen, and part of him wanted to enjoy that feeling, the anticipation, the knowledge of what was to come, almost as sweet as the reality.

"Virginia, I would—"

"'Cause it's OK," she interrupted. "I don't want to be your girlfriend anyway."

Now his head was spinning. The feeling, the giddy anticipation of telling her how he felt, was replaced with the vertigo of confusion. Had she come over just to toy with him?

"I just thought," she continued, "you know, you like me, I like you, we're friends and all—why not be really, really good friends."

She moved closer to him, and though she was making the move, she still seemed scared, hesitant. She reached out to touch his chest, and he pulled her in for a kiss, their first as "really, really good friends." Her lips were soft, and Robert could feel, with her body pressed against him, the beating of her heart like a hummingbird.

Now that neither of them had to speak, they could give in to what had been between them for so long. Robert felt her hands trailing across his back, grabbing handfuls of his shirt as her tongue intertwined with his. Given their difference in height, Virginia was on her tip-toes and craning her neck upwards. He started to backpedal towards the bedroom, and she almost tripped following him, until she realized that, yes, their lips weren't permanently sealed.




"Don't what?"

"Don't laugh at me."

He had no idea why she thought he might laugh at her. Now in the bedroom, he sat down on the edge of the bed, and now he was at an almost perfect height, where it was she who ever so slightly looked down to kiss him.

Leaning over slightly while standing between his legs, Virginia kissed him with the ferocity of repressed longing. Robert had rolled up the back of her shirt enough to expose her bra strap, and soon it was deftly unfastened. She tore off his own shirt and then hers, and he got his first glimpse of her magnificent tits.

They put to shame any he'd ever seen in real life. Gravity-defying, perfectly shaped, and crowned with pink, puffy nipples that betrayed how turned on she was.

Robert couldn't resist taking first one, then the other nipple into his mouth. His mind raced, wanting to make her feel good, but hungrily finding his own pleasure in her soft, young body.

"That feels good," she panted, before he raised his head to meet her lips with his again.

There was an unsettled energy with Virginia, a constant push and pull he could feel within her—her kisses surprisingly passive and soft, her hands wildly stripping him of his shirt. She was vocal, but seemed embarrassed about it. He loved the sound she made when he grabbed her ass firmly and practically threw her on the bed, a sexy, lust filled moan, yet almost immediately thereafter, she grew quiet, as if she was ashamed to be enjoying herself. There was still a lot about her that Robert didn't quiet understand.

"I don't normally do this sober," she said, almost as if to herself.

It gave Robert pause, at least for a moment. He wanted her to want this as much as he did.

"Are you OK?"

"Just kiss me."

She didn't have to ask twice. His body hovering over hers, he kissed her deeply, and his hands roamed over her, to caress her and to feel the soft, smooth skin that was now glowing. He'd always known she was sexy—hot—but at that moment he saw just how beautiful she was, their eyes grazing across each other's bodies, hands struggling to feel and to touch.

Without much conscious thought, Robert realized they'd succeeded in stripping each other fully. For a fleeting moment, he wanted to simply plunge himself into her, to feel the warm and inviting feeling of being inside her, but he knew he couldn't. He hadn't yet lost his mind completely from lust.

"There's a condom," he said between breaths, "in that box on the night stand."

Virginia smiled, and for a moment she looked like the girl he knew, the confident wise-ass and not the girl who had just begged him to kiss her.

"Why, you got a date?"

Robert smiled. It was a reassurance, of sorts, that after this, things wouldn't change.

"She can wait."

Virginia reached over and retrieved a condom, but before she could tear it open, he stopped her. Robert gave her a sly grin before taking hold of her hips and rolling the two of the over suddenly until Virginia was on top of him.

"Not yet," he said, holding her hips still.

His cock, straining on its own accord to enter her, was pressed into the soft, wet folds of her pussy, so that the head rested against her clit. As soon as Virginia moved to kiss him again, she let loose a delightful gasp, and soon she was grinding herself against him, writhing in pleasure.

"Would you go down on me?" she asked in a curiously soft voice. "It's my favorite..."

"Lie back," Robert replied.

Virginia rolled off him, and Robert couldn't help but take the opportunity to pull her hair aside and kiss her neck, first softly, and then with passion. He kissed his way down her body, taking his time with her soft, full tits, until he laid eyes upon her glistening sex.

"You don't mind—"

Virginia's question was interrupted by a low, shuddering moan when Robert ran his tongue immediately across her slit, all the way from just above her asshole to her clit. Her body was now covered in goose bumps, partly a result of how cold he kept his place, but also, he hoped at least, because of the sensations coursing through her body.

He wanted to surprise her. He wanted to make her feel something she had never felt. He wanted to be the best she'd ever had. As his cock throbbed, he summoned up all the saliva he could and let it run down his tongue as she looked on, until it dribbled across her clit. Then he started, slowly, almost teasingly at first, to circle it with his tongue. He'd taken the condom from her earlier without her noticing, and he didn't think she was able to see what he was doing outside of the actions of his magical tongue.

"Do. Not. Stop. That," she ordered in staccato, and Robert saw her right hand move across her breasts, caressing them as her left hand clenched into a tightly balled fist, clutching the royal blue and gold sheet. "You could do this all night."

As tempting as that sounded, Robert had other plans. Impressing himself with his own dexterity, he unrolled the condom onto his cock with one hand, still using the other to hold open Virginia's pussy so that he might taste her. True to form, she was antsy, though given how he was pleasuring her, he couldn't much blame her for not staying still.

"Robbie...if you keep...I mean..."

Robert knew she was close. He moved onto his knees and lined his cock up at her entrance. Virginia, whose head had been rolled back, sat up a little to see why he'd stopped.

"Go slow," she asked, "please."

Robert was in no hurry. He only pushed forwards slightly, just enough for the head to enter her, yet he felt himself slide in all at once. She was so wet, and it felt so good, though he hadn't wanted to go against her wishes. Luckily, her sigh of pleasure told him she hadn't minded, and true to her request, he withdrew slowly, almost playfully teasing her with how slow he could be.

He expected her to object, but she didn't. She seemed to like it, and Robert thrust into her languorously, drawing out each in- and out-stroke. Then, he brought his right hand up to his mouth and licked his middle and index fingers. Virginia looked on in blissful confusion, until she felt him circle her clit once more, this time with his full length inside her.

Still thrusting himself inside her slowly, he watched as her face was transfixed by her first orgasm. She seemed to try to speak, but only a high-pitched wail of sorts came out, signaling for Robert to pick up the pace. Before it became too much for her, he stopped playing with her clit and brought himself down gently on top of her, so that once more there lips were locked, this time with his cock thrusting powerfully in and out of her inviting pussy.

He had a thought, about how his ex hated tasting herself and would never kiss him after he'd performed oral on her. It was the first time he'd thought about Beth in a while—Virginia had simply taken her place in his thoughts. In any event, she didn't seem to mind where his mouth had been, as she kissed him back fiercely, the timidity of before replaced by an urgent need.

This time, it was she who grabbed him and shoved, trying to get on top. She wasn't quite strong enough to roll him over, but Robert got the idea and withdrew from her long enough to let her get on top. Not wanting any of this to end, he felt himself come down from the precipice for a moment, all the better to make things last when Virginia climbed on top of him and swiftly sank herself onto his cock. Once more enveloped inside her, he felt an intense longing to make her come again, to awaken something inside her that would draw her back to him again and again.

"Do that thing again," she begged. "It was soooooo good."

Before he asked her, it dawned on him, and he placed his hand, palm up, against his stomach. As Virginia rode his cock, his thumb grazed her clit, stimulating her more than his cock did alone.

"That's it!" she cried out, "you're gonna make me come again."

"Come for me," he said in a low, deep voice. "Come."

It almost looked like an electrical current had passed through her body as she shuddered and all but collapsed onto him. He could feel her spasm and contract against his cock from the inside, as if she was simultaneously trying to push him and pull him in all at once. He held onto her hips now with both hands, desperately trying to bury himself ever deeper, as if he could feel the pleasure of her body everywhere at once.

Her breasts, now glistening with sweat, were pressed against his chest, and he could swear she almost looked like crying.

"Do you want to come on me?"

For a moment Robert didn't process the question, until he realized she was offering him a porn-worthy finish. In truth, he had never been partial to finishing inside a condom, but at the moment, despite the latex sheath that separated him from fully feeling her, he was too lost in the rapture of her body to ever want to pull out.

Rather than answer in words, he let his body do the talking, picking up his pace until he was practically bouncing her off of him. His strong hands held her in place, while the sight of her magnificent tits bouncing as he thrust into her, over and over, more than made up for anything he might be missing.

"Fuck me," she whined, "fuck me hard. Please."

Robert reached the point where all thought, all reason was lost. Loud sounds, of fucking and no longer love making, echoed throughout the room. He'd given her pleasure—they'd found it together—and now he could only think of himself, in finding his own release within her. Yet his selfishness in the moment only delighted her, as her face lit up at the prospect of satisfying him as he had done for her.

Robert clenched his eyes shut and felt a body rocking orgasm course through him. He breathed heavily, unable to move or think, as Virginia looked down on him with gleeful incredulity. Time slowed down, as he felt his balls tighten and contract, each spurt of cum also a shudder of ecstasy.

They didn't want to untangle, though Robert knew the unpleasant ritual of condom disposal awaited. His mind wandered briefly: images of coming on Virginia's face, coming on her breasts, of erupting inside her, filling her up, even fantasies of impregnating her. He felt a strange, sinking feeling that he might be in over his head. This wasn't a girl for him to just fool around with. She had him, wherever that was going to lead.

"So that happened,"" she said, in the voice to which he was accustomed.

It injected a note of awkwardness and uncertainty to what had just transpired between them. She had prefaced the whole thing by saying she didn't want a boyfriend. Sated and spent, Robert's hesitant, skeptical nature re-emerged. What had just happened, really?

"Is that regret?" he asked, afraid of the answer.

Virginia kissed him before slipping off of him to roll over beside him. She seemed to be staring at the cum-filled condom.

"Not at all," she said reassuringly. "It's just that...I mean I planned this, but, like, I came up with the plan about thirty minutes ago."

Robert stood up and walked into the bathroom, tossing the used condom into the toilet and flushing it. He looked at himself in the mirror, not to check his appearance, but just to make sure that the person he thought was there really was. He returned to Virginia with a handful of toilet paper, suddenly feeling unsure of himself and his own feelings.

"Is this the time to talk about what just happened? " he asked, " because it seems like it's not. I mean, the whole thing about your roommate and all."

He could tell immediately he'd touched on a sore subject, as Virginia blushed bashfully.

"Yeah, there's some...history you don't know about there," she said. "Sorry."

"Nothing to apologize for," he replied. "It's just...look, I like you. A lot."

Virginia sat up.

"No, I totally get it," she said. "You don't want some sophomore girlfriend. We can so do the fuck buddies thing, though. I'm totally cool with that."

It was only then that Robert realized that he had just about told her that he didn't think he wanted some kind of no-strings-attached arrangement, that he knew himself too well, and that that last thing he wanted was to fall for her more and more while he knew she would be out seeing other guys. Yet this was the second time she'd described her feelings for him that way, as a casual, occasional hook-up, and maybe that was all she wanted.

"Only if the friends part doesn't change," he said, with a trace of sadness he wasn't sure if she detected. "I mean it. No sex unless you keep letting me supply you with alcohol and drugs."

Virginia laughed.

"That's a promise I can keep."

He wasn't sure where all this was going to lead, but he knew one thing: he didn't care if Virginia was crazy. He was crazy about Virginia.

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NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77over 2 years ago

I LOVE this story so far!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I love this romance tale. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Five thumbs way up

Hot and funny too. "Besides, I have very conventional fantasies. The furry community is growing every year."

Try not to fall into the angsty melodrama trap.

MaximguyMaximguyabout 10 years ago

I'm totally digging this. He knows she may be nuts but is thinking with his own nuts. Guess we will find out how this turns out. Don't keep us waiting too long.

sferguson53sferguson53about 10 years ago
Great characters, great story!

I totally fell in love with both ladies. It's like I can see them and know them, the way you developed the characters. Great story. Can't wait to read more!

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