Longing For You Ch. 05


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The rental was all packed up before the police even finished their investigation, and they were heading down the highways to Columbus. Between refillings and stopping to eat, the trip took somewhere around six to seven hours. They finally pulled up to what would be their new home for four years. Theo's uncle Jamie had gotten them a two bedroom home, with one bedroom set up as an office with two desks and the main bedroom with a king size bed.

Theo stopped with his duffle bag at the door to the master bedroom and laughed. "My uncle is sweet but a little presumptuous. Luckily for him, he wasn't wrong this time."

Hop glanced in the room on his way by with a box and smiled. "Like it wouldn't be too difficult for you to find someone to fill that bed if I hadn't come along?" he joked, kissing Theo on the cheek and continuing down the hallway to put the box in the office.

Theo smirked at that. "I've heard handsome vers men are a hot commodity," he joked to Hop.

"Where do you suppose we'll find one of those?" Hop asked innocently on his way past for another box. "Are you going to help or sit here making faces at the bed?"

Theo laughed again and put the duffle bag down just inside the room before he went to help Hop bring in the boxes. It took them most of the evening to get everything inside and return the rental truck. After that, they ate pizza and went to bed so they could wake up to start unpacking. It took them a good week but they got everything unpacked and put away.

"So, you excited to really get into your new major down here?" Theo asked Hop once they had everything organized.

"Actually, yes!" Hop exclaimed excitedly. "It feels like an opportunity for a fresh start where folks don't make assumptions about me based on what makes them comfortable. I get that the guys from the old team may have talked shit to the folks here but really, how much are they going to believe from sour grapes Michiganers?"

"You're a good player, and the teams know that," Theo commented. "I have no doubt they'll ignore whatever the UofM teammates said if it means Ohio State will win some games and have a chance in the playoffs. Besides, they'll probably have fun going up against those same sour grapes soon. You just make sure you kick their asses."

"Well, I intend to play as fairly as I always have. I don't doubt they'll insist on two-on-one defense against me for a bit, but I seldom get the ball anyway. I'm mostly good at looking like I'm going to get the ball and then not actually getting it," Hop said unself-consciously. He was very sure of his abilities and that included the things he knew he wasn't that great at doing. He could catch a ball, but he didn't have the best hands on the field. All he had to do was catch the few that did get thrown at him and it would support the belief that he was a more valuable player than he was.

"And for the first time in your life, you'll have a boyfriend in the stands cheering for you," Theo said. "I'm not wearing a skimpy little cheerleading costume though."

Hop snapped his fingers while gesturing and saying, "Damn! Not even here at home?"

"Nah," Theo said with a shake of his head. "I'll wear a cat boy costume though."

Hop looked confused by that, "I don't get that reference," he said gruffly.

Theo gave a short snort. "It's a kink thing. Latex suit, cat ears, I stick my ass in your face, you get to pet and play..."

Hop looked like he was half afraid to picture it, but still intrigued, "Interesting..."

Theo couldn't help but chuckle again. "Maybe I'll teach you some kink stuff over time. Depends on how up for it you are. Trev would probably tell me to wait until you've bottomed."

Hop chuckled, "About that. I'm willing to try it, but I can't guarantee I'll like it or want to do it as often as you do."

"Really?" Theo asked, looking surprised but hopeful. "We can definitely test it out. I'm okay being a very rare top. I always preferred bottoming, but it can be nice to be in charge sometimes."

Hop smiled brightly at that and kissed Theo brusquely before getting up and motioning for Theo to come with him. They made their way into the basement where Hop had set up the few free weights he had. "What do you think about making this a proper home gym?" he asked Theo shyly.

Theo looked around the room, getting an idea of how it could be laid out in his mind before he slowly nodded. "That could be perfect. We're both athletes after all. I already agreed to join the swim team and hockey team during my time here, and you've got to keep that wonderfully sexy physique up...for sports, obviously."

Hop chuckled, "Yeah, for sports and that's all! What is it that your friends call it? Sportsball?"

"It's what Trev calls it," Theo agreed. "River plays rugby so he's of the sportsball persuasion, according to Trevor."

"Trevor and River are probably going to miss you," Hop observed quietly. "Was there any hard feelings about," here Hop gestured between himself and Theo, "y'know, us?"

Theo smiled and shook his head. "No, River was happy for us. He said that if one of us could find a happily ever after with our reformed straight boys, then he'll be fine. He also said that he's glad to have us as friends, and we have to skype regularly, especially while Trevor recovers."

Hop nodded. "I was unsure about trying to pursue a friendship with him if it would continuously open a wound," he admitted.

"To be fair, we went into it knowing we were both entirely not up for an actual relationship," Theo explained. "He was...is...in love with Chuck, and I'm in love with you, and neither of you knew. He told me he could be cupid if I needed him to be when you were undecided on us."

Hop hugged Theo briefly but tightly. "Remind me to give him my thanks for keeping you warm for me," he said with a wink. "Is he ever going to tell Chuck?"

Theo laughed at the first part but then the smile dropped from his face when Hop asked the second part. Theo gave a shake of his head. "I don't think he plans to. I guess they've been friends since high school. Chuck knows he's gay but not about his feelings. He keeps that under better wraps than I ever did. River sees it as a lost cause. He told me that 99% of people don't get that kind of happy ending in those circumstances and he'd rather have Chuck as his friend rather than lose him completely."

Hop nodded in understanding. "Well, I am sorry to take you away from him. I hope he manages to move on if there's no chance with Chuck and find someone who makes him happy."

"I hope for that too," Theo replied quietly. "He deserves someone who only has eyes for him."

"He really does," Hop agreed. "Wait... Do you think I 'only have eyes for you'? I thought you knew us bisexuals can't make up our minds and are, like, 'so flaky'."

"And yet, I haven't even seen you glance at anyone else lately," Theo teased.

Hop considered that, saying, "I suppose I haven't. I'll have to start checking people out so you don't get the wrong idea."

"Oh yeah? Check out all the hot Ohio women?" Theo laughed as he put his arms around Hop's neck, pressing their bodies together.

"I have such a confused boner right now..." Hop mumbled before kissing Theo.

"Oh, I'm more than happy to take care of that," Theo murmured before he fell to his knees and worked to free Hop's cock. He used his hand to get it to full mast before licking up the leaking precum and taking half of it into his mouth.

Hop moaned encouragingly and ran his fingers through Theo's hair. He really enjoyed it when Theo did this for him. He had offered to learn how to do it himself but so far Theo hadn't taken him up on it. It occurred to him as he laid his head back against the doorjamb and closed his eyes that Theo may have felt like the offer was forced based on guilt instead of genuine interest. Hop made a note to bring the subject up again later and make a more genuine offer.

One of the best things about Theo going down on Hop was how easy it was to tell that Theo loved doing it. He was skilled and knew just how to drive Hop crazy with pleasure, and he relished having that kind of control over making his boyfriend feel that good. By the time Theo took Hop deep into his throat and started swallowing around him, Hop could already feel that pressure building in his pelvis that meant his release was near. Theo kept Hop's hips pinned against the doorframe as his knees weakened and he shot down Theo's throat, with Theo swallowing everything Hop could give him.

Theo used his tongue to clean Hop up and then put his softening cock away, zipping up Hop's pants while Theo stood and kissed him again, this time sharing the taste of his own release with Hop. "Still confusing?" Theo teased quietly in Hop's ear.

"Confused, but also much less urgent," Hop laughed. "Thank you, love. Can we head back upstairs now? We both have paperwork to finish. Who knew transferring schools would be so much work?"

"Me!" Theo replied with a laugh. "I told you there'd be a ton to do."

They continued their joking banter as they went back up the stairs to finish up what they needed to do before one of them would make dinner for the night. Theo sent off some photos to his uncle of how they set up the house to thank him for everything. There was no way Theo could have afforded school and housing without his uncle. His swimming scholarship only took him so far.

It felt like they were closing one chapter and beginning another now, which they kind of were. Theo had hope that this school wouldn't come with the various issues the last one did. He wanted things to just be calm and boring for a little while.

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Cane23Cane23about 2 months ago

Although very sincere, conversation between Theo and Hop left impression of successful business deal. It has been more conversation between best buddies 'with benefits' than lovers. I can see Hop is concerned of losing his friend, it is noble, but he doesn't look like guy in love. Even sex is one dimensional - does Hop really need Theo's approval to grab his dick, suck him, not to mention bottoming. I don't know, it's been months now and I have feeling that they are closed in magic circle. It is not just saying the 'love' word, it's about showing it.

Unfortunately, Trevor has been the 'collateral damage' of this situation. The best of them has paid the highest price, he sacrificed his future. It is sad that sparkles didn't occur between Trevor and River. They are both good guys and deserve happiness.

StraycatndcStraycatndcabout 2 months ago

Probably the worst thing you can do to a person is to take away their dream. I don’t understand how another human being can do that another. I feel for Trever 😞

I hope he gets his HEA some day.

MarcLuciFerMarcLuciFer2 months ago

I can empathize with Theo in just wanting calm after reading this. It's probably due to this story being so well written and realistic that caused this chapter to have such an emotional impact on me. When an author creates characters that are so likable that they almost feel like friends, reading a chapter like this with its violent attack was very difficult. That difficulty is made even worse when eyes won't focus on words due to tears flooding them and that is a tribute to your immense talent as a writer. The attack and the extent of Trevor's injuries which put an end to any possibility of a career in dance and then the little to no repercussion for the three that caused it had me filled with the same anger as Hop. Having lived back when violence toward LGBT people was the norm, I see how far we've come, but a story like reminds us that there's still much that needs to be done. This was a truly powerful chapter for this great story!

BlowPopJBlowPopJ2 months ago

My poor baby Trevor! I just can't believe those guys got away with what they did and they shouldn't even be still living at a frat house at a college they were expelled from though.

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