Looking for Miss Right Pt. 02


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She smiled, "Thank you. It doesn't sound like you have a particular physical type that you're attracted to."

"No, I have found I'm very much attracted to a combination of attributes; yes, including physical appearance, but more so, the whole package, including the cliché 'personality', but something more than that - character. I like a woman with a strong character, a strong sense of self, but at the same time, doesn't take herself or life too seriously - I find that especially attractive. Of course, with Tonya, that comes with a caveat - I wasn't actually attracted to her."

She nodded, "I like that. I like that a lot. So that's the way you see me?"

"As much as I know about you so far, yes."

"I think I'm ready to cool off," she remarked.

It was well after eight p.m. but still in the high 80's.

"Oh, and Chelsea, speaking of physical attributes, you know what I find most striking about your physical appearance, I mean besides your beautiful face?"

"If you say my tits..."

"No, your long, wavy, auburn hair. I think it's breathtaking."

She grabbed me and kissed me again, only this time, I felt her tongue separate my lips, and we soul-kissed for the longest time. I melted into her. I was fully aware of every inch of her pressed against me, and for the first time, I became aroused. She couldn't help but notice.

She broke the kiss, leaned back and smiled, "I guess that kiss inspired somebody else. Maybe we better get in the pool and cool off, now."

"I think you're right; before I have an accident."

She laughed, put her arm around my waist and we walked to the pool and down the steps together.

"Oh this water is divine. The temperature is perfect," she remarked as she separated from me and started swimming to the other end in a graceful Australian crawl. I followed and we stopped at the far end.

"Nice stroke," I commented as I came up beside her.

"In college, I was on the swim team. I always loved to swim, but with my body type, I wasn't exactly streamlined enough to be in the top tier of competitors. I did it mostly for the enjoyment and physical fitness reward. How about you?"

"I've always loved the water, and like to swim, but never swam competitively; I wrestled, played football, and was on the track team. I do snorkel and scuba dive. In fact, I just came back from a trip to Cabo where we went scuba diving."


"Monica and I - she has a villa there, and we combined a working trip with some leisure activity."

"I think I'm going to be very jealous of Monica. I guess she's pretty wealthy."

"She is that. But, and I need you to be very clear on this, Monica is no threat to you, to us."

"We'll see. It just sounds like an odd relationship to me."

"It is that."

To change the subject, I challenged Chelsea, "How about a race, four laps? Loser has to kiss the winner."

She laughed, "Prepare to get your ass kicked!" and pushed off.

She glided through the water, covering the length of the pool faster than I expected. I thrashed along, trying to keep up. I'm a powerful swimmer, but I've never had great form. By the end of four laps she touched a full body length ahead me. She came up smiling, not even breathing hard. I came up beside her, huffing a little.

She smiled and wrapped herself around me, "I guess you're going to have to kiss me."

"If I have to," I replied and engaged her in a warm, soulful kiss.

After we separated, we agreed we could use some water and a drink. We toweled off and returned to the chaises. I fetched cold waters and poured drinks. We sat side by side, looking at the stars.

"Jonah, I need to ask a favor."

"Sure, anything."

"I don't want to mislead you, and I want to take this slow, but I'd like to stay here tonight, if..."

"Of course," I answered. Her expression looked troubled. I asked, "What's wrong?"

"Okay, here's the situation - Tim and I live together, and it's his place. I'm looking to move out, but in the meantime, I'm stuck there and he's being a real shit. I need a night away from him."

"Of course, and I'll respect your wish to go slow. I want us to start off on the right foot, too, especially since we already did the 'wrong foot' thing," I lightly joked, then continued, "But maybe you would consider this. You don't need to find a place. You can move in here...Let me finish," I stopped her protest, "I have plenty of room, and you can have your own suite. Why spend the money on a place when you don't have to?"

"I'll think about it," she replied, softly, and took my hand and squeezed it.

We continued to hold hands, sitting in silence, a comfortable silence, as we finished our drinks.

At the end of the night, I set her up in a guest suite, and went to bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was full of nerves and energy, and my mind was racing. Morning came far too soon. I was awakened by meowing. The kitties were hungry and had come in and gotten on the bed. Rocky and Angel were lying at the end of the bed, waiting patiently for their breakfast.


I got a quick shower, dressed and went to check on Chelsea, but found a note attached to her door.


I needed to leave early. I've decided to take you up on your offer.

If anything has changed, please call me.

I need to get some clothes and things while Tim is at work and I should be back around 2.

If you won't be home, let me know, so I can make it a different time.


I immediately called to let her know that I was happy and thankful she had taken me up on my offer, and that I would be home all afternoon. Then I went out for a long run to take my mind off things and get some exercise. I got some exercise, but all I did was think about Chelsea, and the recent developments - the prospect of finally having a woman in my life that could be Miss Right. Of course, with her moving in, I knew the 'taking it slow' proposition was going to be difficult. And of course, I had to deal with Tonya, posthaste. I didn't have to wait for that opportunity to present itself.

She called around one p.m. I was out cleaning the pool and didn't get the call. I came in, freshened up and changed, getting ready for Chelsea's arrival.

Tonya left a message, "Hey honey, I was going to head your way, wanted to make sure you're home. Oh well, I'll take a chance. I'll be there about 1:30 or so. Love ya, bye."

It was Saturday and I had nothing going on except for Chelsea coming, so I had no reason to check my messages.

At a quarter to two, I heard a car pull up in the driveway. My heart skipped a beat and I headed for the front door, pulled it open, and a bubbly Tonya, in a bikini and coverup, immediately wrapped me up and started kissing me.

"Hey honey, glad you're home. You didn't return my call, so I figured you were out running or something, and took a chance you'd be here."

"Tonya, wow. What a surprise. No, I didn't check my messages...wished I would have," I mumbled to myself. "Um, Tonya," I said as I separated us, "Tonya, honey, I have company coming, and I don't have time right now..."

"Ohhh, phooey," she remarked, and let go of me. "I'll just hang out at the pool then," and skipped to the back of the house. I started to go after her, but at that moment, Chelsea pulled up. Well crap.

She got out of her car and was struggling with a big suitcase in her backseat. I went out to help.

"Thanks, I've got more in the trunk." She opened it and pulled another big suitcase out. There were a couple boxes in there, too, and a garment bag and more stuff in the front of the car.

"I can't thank you enough for this. Tim showed up at lunch time and came in on me packing. We had a row. I sure can't go back there now, so I hope you don't back out on this," she smiled and kissed me, then we headed for the house. Tonya was standing in the front door in her bikini.

"Who the hell is she, and why was she kissing you? Better be your sister," Tonya snapped.

"Tonya, I take it," Chelsea surmised, "and why is she in a bikini?"

"Long story," I said aside, then addressed Tonya, "I thought you were at the pool."

"You didn't follow and the door was open so I came...who the hell is she, and why does she have all those suitcases?"

"Come on," I said, as we approached the door, "let's go inside and I'll explain. Why don't you go back to the pool. I'll join you in a minute. Let me help Chelsea with her stuff, then I'll get us something to drink and join you there, okay?"

"Fine," she answered with a pout.

We dragged Chelsea's suitcases upstairs and I took her to her room. She waited till we got there.

"What is Tonya doing here, and why is she in a bikini?"

"She called me earlier saying she was coming over..."

"And you said, come on over and wear your skimpy bikini?"

"Calm down. Let me finish, okay?"

"Sorry, this just wasn't a very good surprise, considering. And your description of her didn't do her justice. She's pretty damn hot looking. I'm quite jealous."

"Okay, she's pretty, but there's no comparison with you. And she's not half the woman you are. Don't be jealous. And trust me. I'm not happy about this either. She called and said she was coming over. It went to voicemail. I was cleaning the pool and never checked my messages. She just showed up here. I heard what I thought was your car and answered the door. She breezed in and kissed me. I told her I had company coming. She just headed for the pool and said she'd hang out there and wait for me. I started after her, then you drove up..."

"Okay, stop. I got it. I'm sorry I got upset. What are you going to do?"

"What I was going to do anyway, only I'd hoped for better circumstances. But I have no choice now. I just have to do it - break it off with her. But let's get your stuff in."

"No, I can do that. You go take care of her. And I am sorry. For a moment I thought the worst."

I grabbed her and kissed her hard. Thankfully she kissed me back.

"Go ahead; good luck. I'll get my stuff."

I nodded and beat it downstairs. I grabbed a couple beers and bottled waters and headed to the patio deck. Tonya was waiting, sitting at the table, arms crossed, sulking.

I set a water and a beer in front of her and sat down.

"Tonya. I was going to ask you to come over tomorrow, to explain this to you..."

"That you've been seeing someone behind my back, cheating on me. It's bad enough that you have stupid Monica, and I tolerate that, but this, whatever it is..."

"Tonya. I'm sorry, but it's not like that and it didn't happen that way. You're going to let me explain, just listen, not talk, okay?"

"Fine," she bit off.

Tears were starting to leak down her cheeks. I felt like shit. This couldn't have gone any worse if a person planned it to.

I explained about the wedding, and the aftermath. I explained about meeting with Chelsea, yesterday.

"Tonya, I like you. I do. I care for you. You are a sweet g...woman. But I don't love you. I'm sorry, but I don't..."

"But I 'love you'!" she exclaimed, more tears running down her cheeks.

"Tonya, honey, I am sorry. I didn't want that, want this, but I'm not right for you and you're not right for me. I'm over ten years older than you. You need to find someone who is right for you..."

"I don't care about the age; and you are right for me! So now, you are all of a sudden in love with this Chelsea, just because you got drunk and fucked her at a wedding?"

I hung my head and shook it. I looked up and tried to take her hand. She pulled away from me. Tears were now streaming down her face. I stood, pulled her up and wrapped my arms around her. At first she resisted, then put her arms around me and started bawling. I held her while she sobbed. When she was cried out, I had her sit back down. I took a long pull from my bottle of beer.

"Tonya, honey. I can't change this. I can't change how I feel. I am in love with Chelsea..."

"Just like that? You just met her. According to you, you fucked and had one date. What, is she a better fuck than me?" she spit out, angrily.

"Stop it. That has nothing, 'nothing' to do with it. Besides, 'you' are a 'great fuck'!" I exclaimed.

She laughed and cried at the same time, then looked me in the eyes, "But not good enough for you to love me."

The look she gave me made me sick in my heart.

I tried once more, "Again, that has nothing to do with me not loving you, or with me loving her. Love happens the way it happens. I'm sorry you love me...Um, I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry I can't love you back. That wasn't and isn't in the cards for us, honey."

"Okay, I'm going to go. I guess I understand, but I can't be here anymore."

She stood and brushed past me before I could stand. I got up and rushed to catch up with her. I caught her at the door, took her arm, turned her, pulled her to me and tipped her chin up.

"I will miss you, Tonya. I mean that. But I can't be who you want me to be. I just hope you meet the right person and have a wonderful life. I wish you nothing but the best."

She nodded into my chest, then reached up and kissed me on the cheek; turned and left. I was sick to my stomach. When I turned around, Chelsea was standing behind me. Tears were running down her cheeks. Oh good grief, what now?


"Yes, what's wrong?"

"You love me?"

I nodded, "Yes, I do. I'm completely gone for you. I knew it that morning, that you were special, that you were the one I had been looking for. Then after last night, I knew what I felt for you wasn't 'like', or 'infatuation', or just 'attraction'. I'm in love with you, Chelsea."

She rushed into my arms and started crying. I held her tight to me, and started tearing up, myself.

When Chelsea calmed down, we both realized we hadn't had lunch and headed to the kitchen and made sandwiches. We discovered we both like ham and cheese with cheddar, not Swiss. I poured us iced teas and we sat at the nook, and discussed events.

"I'm sorry I eavesdropped. I couldn't help it," Chelsea apologized.

"I understand. And thank you for understanding. It would have been easy for you to have taken it a whole different direction. And I am sorry about the timing."

She reached for my hand, "No, no apologies. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. But you showed your character, the way you handled things. You're a good man, Jonah, and you've only helped me to know that I've made the right decision."

"Thank you. But I'll be honest. It didn't feel like I handled it well. It made me sick."

"That just goes to show you have a good heart, that you are a sensitive person. But now we need to talk about something else," she added, with a little hesitation in her voice.

"Sure, anything."

"Jonah, you said you are in love with me..."

"Look, Chelsea, I don't expect you to..."

"No, please, let me, okay?" I nodded. "Jonah, I was afraid to believe it, to believe you. I mean it seems crazy, but I know you wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true; if it wasn't how you truly felt. And...I have to say, I feel the same way...I'm having trouble believing it, but I think it's true."

Her hand started shaking in mine, and she started tearing up again, "I really didn't want to accept it; that it could happen like it has, but I think I'm in love with you, too. I'm scared. I'm not sure I trust it, trust this. I want it to be true...I just don't understand..."

"Hey, it's okay. Like we said. We'll take it slow. We'll work through everything, together."

I squeezed her hand firmly.

"Thank you. Um, and I think I need to go ahead and just move here. Get all my stuff. If you're okay with that?"

"Of course. I think you should. It sounds like the sooner you do, the better. I think you might not want to trust Tim to not do something rash to your stuff."

"I didn't think about that. But you're right. He might do something stupid."

"I have to leave on a trip, Wednesday, and I won't be back till Saturday, so I think we should do it right away. Will we need a truck?"

"At least a small one, yes."

"Okay, well, we can't get one tomorrow, so I'll rent one first thing Monday morning and we'll go get everything. Okay, settled?"

"Yes," she smiled, "thank you...And I still need to finish unloading my car," then added sheepishly, "I never finished, because I went to listen to you and Tonya."

We finished eating, cleaned up, then went and brought the rest of Chelsea's stuff in. While she busied herself putting stuff away and getting situated, I sat and thought about Monica. I decided to call her and see if we could get together tomorrow, get it out of the way. Now that I knew where Chelsea and I stood, I didn't want to delay, and have another situation come up.

I gave her a call, and briefly explained recent events.


"Well, doll, it sounds like you've found a keeper. Have you told little Miss 'Dyed Blonde' about Chelsea?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to rehash that right now."

"Okay. Listen sweetie, why don't you come for dinner tomorrow. I'm busy during the day, but I'd like to meet the woman that's going to steal you from my bed."

"Monica, I..."

"No, doll, don't worry. I'm just making light. I hope you'll still be my friend, but I will miss our little, well, dalliances. Come for dinner, bring Chelsea. I really do want to meet her."

"You sure, I mean, is that really a good idea?"

"Doll, since you've told her all about me, she's going to need to meet me, get to know me, or trust me, she's going to worry about me; and it will lead to complications. If she cares about you as much as you say, she's not going to understand our relationship. I can put her mind at ease, okay?"

"Yes, you're right. Thanks Monica."

"Hey, what are friends for? Don't worry, doll. It'll be fine. And I'm doing this for my own selfish reasons. I don't want to lose you as a friend. I have too few, as it is. Be here at six, and bring swimwear. I promise I'll put mine on when the time comes," she joked, and we said our goodbyes.

After I got off the phone, Ellie called and needed a hand moving some stuff to her garage. Chelsea joined me, and while we helped Ellie we brought her up to date on things.

When we got ready to leave, Ellie went up to Chelsea and gave her a big hug.

"Welcome to the family, Chelsea. You know, I knew there was something special about you, and I'm glad to see this big dope realized that, too. He's been floppin' around like a fish out of water since his fiancée dumped him..."

"She didn't 'dump' me..."

"Oh hush. Anyway, I'm glad he finally met the right woman, and I can tell, you're the right woman."

"Thank you, Ellie. I appreciate that."

After we got back to the house, we decided to have dinner in, being a Saturday, we didn't want to deal with any packed restaurants. Chelsea suggested we invite Ellie, and I gave her a call.

"What are we havin'," she asked.

"How about enchiladas?"

"I'm in. I'll make rice and beans."

We had a great meal, laughed and visited, with Ellie and Chelsea getting better acquainted. After cleanup, we sat and had coffees, then Ellie excused herself, packing up some leftovers, and headed home.

Chelsea walked up and wrapped her arms around me, "You know, Ellie made me realize something; I am the right woman, the right woman for you. And you are the right man for me. Now, I don't have to hesitate to say it; I love you. It doesn't matter how it happened; how odd it might be. It just is."

We kissed tenderly, and at that moment, I realized my world had just changed, in all ways for the better. I decided to spring Monica's invitation on her.

"Oh, Jonah, honey, I don't know if I'm ready to meet her..."

"Well, I think Monica's right. You need to meet her. I think it's imperative. It's the only way you're going to be able to see and understand her, and our relationship; that she's no threat to you, okay?"