Lore of the Angels Ch. 12


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He attempted to snatch it from her hand but Iluna clamped her fingers shut. "Kiss me and I'll give it to you."

Zilarrezko was too stunned to respond; flinging her aside with disgust. "Get the hell out of my territory Iluna. The next time I see you, be prepared to die." He was already walking towards the door when he felt her grab his hand.

"What have I done wrong Zilarrezko?"

He pulled his hand away roughly as he stepped back. "You killed my mother's Ordinals!"

"But I spared you!"

"Your mistake."

Her lips were still pursed as she tilted her chin arrogantly, "Don't you want to know how I got this?"

Zilarrezko chose not to give her any satisfaction by keeping his expression blank. Instead, his eyes were like a hawk's focused on its prey. He wasn't interested in how she got it but why it had taken her so long to come here and return it.

His nonchalance irked her for she began shrieking. "She gave it! That stupid mortal! How dare you give something this precious to her?"

Again, he remained stoic; simply watching her outbursts.

"You're stupid Zilarrezko if you think a mere mortal could truly love you! They want nothing but your immortality for themselves and they'll lie and cheat to get your trust!" Coming closer, she waved the feather in front of him. "See this? This is proof that she is still working for me. She was so willing to trade this for... a better life," she sneered.

Iluna thought she delivered the speech well for Zilarrezko was finally showing his anger. His eyes had narrowed to slits; the silver in them swirling with hatred and fury. It didn't take much to realize that his rage was directed at her.


Raising his hand, he felt the first tug of resistance at the centre of his palm. A snap --and his mother's Metal feather was stuck to his hand; the blade refusing to detach.

But the Metal Archangel didn't seem to notice. His anger wanted to be fed with more --

Iluna screamed; the pitch slicing through the air, shaking the chandeliers above. At first neither of them realized what was happening, even as she desperately tried to blanket herself in Darkness; a shield against his lethal magnetic force. Iluna was sprawled on the floor, breath caught in her throat, eyes bulging at the sight of silvery beads popping up on her skin.

Her air supply was running low --he was forcing the iron in her blood to divorce itself from the red cells...

"Please!" she gasped.

"The truth!" he roared before releasing his hold on her. "Or I swear I'll kill you this time Iluna."

Iluna's chest was heaving as she resurfaced from the murderous hold Zilarrezko had on her. His eyes had turned molten silver, the heat and light almost blinding to look at. She had no doubt that he would execute his threat and she had not come all the way to New York to get killed.

Still, it infuriated her to know that he had feelings for that pathetic mortal Aria. Iluna clenched her fists to stop herself from spitting out in disgust. "I took it! Satisfied? She's in the Andes Mountains!" When he said nothing, she smirked. "If you get there fast enough, she should still be alive."

His expression hardened. If Iluna thought he was grateful for the information, she was wrong.

"Get the fuck out of my sight," his voice was raspy; as though the words were forced out from a choked throat. When Iluna didn't move from her position, his eyes turned mercurious --the light silver darkening into heavy orbs of liquid Metal; his wings unfolded into razor blades, ready for murder.

Iluna understood the intention on his face. She had given up all her cards in hopes that one of them was the trump but the plan didn't work. It was then she started to panic; all attempts to flirt gone."I can't leave! Please! I have nowhere to go... she... she's chased me out of my own land! That bitch!"

He knew who she was referring to of course. He had seen the Ice spreading, almost uncontrollably but Yuki was supposed to be with her fleet, en route to North America...

"You're lying." His eyes reflected pools of molten steel.


The small argument with Lucian had allowed Anthony to slip away from her sight. She was sure that he was heading towards wherever Zilarrezko was but at that moment she was simply lost and alone in an empty passageway with a dead end.

Iluna's presence at the Obelisque could not be considered good news. When Iluna wanted something, she would manipulate and hurt anyone who dared to get in her way.

Aria knew that Zilarrezko could defend himself but she was still worried for him. The sudden wave of unease and nausea that overwhelmed her was a cue that something was wrong. She was starting to hear so many voices inside her head --most of them screaming but then it faded to the sobs of a child before ending abruptly.

She didn't know how but Aria instinctively knew her Archangel was in trouble. Her feet began to move faster; steps becoming trots and eventually she was running...

"Aria Ayn."

Aria wouldn't have stopped if it wasn't for the formal way she was being called. There were only two people so far who've addressed her as such and it didn't take long for her to recognize the voice.

"Gaia," she whispered as she looked around to find the source of the sound. Aria knew that just because she couldn't see the elderly woman doesn't mean she wasn't there. The Earth Cardinal had mastered the ability to cloak herself in Illusion for centuries; evading capture or death.

"Gaia..." This time her voice sounded slightly impatient --her priority was to look for Zilarrezko, not stop to play games with the Cardinal. However the knowledge that Gaia would only appear as and when she liked made her pause. There might not be another chance to talk to her.

Squinting her eyes, Aria focused her gaze at the end of the corridor where a figure was slowly materializing.

"Gaia, we need to talk but right now, something's wrong with my Archangel." Not wanting to waste more time, Aria started walking as she spoke; relieved when she heard soft footsteps trailing behind her.

"You've been looking for me the whole day." She sounded so matter-of-factly that Aria turned her head and frowned. Did Gaia avoid her on purpose?

"Yes I did but we'll get to that later. Iluna's here right now and she means trouble."

The footsteps died instantly and Aria felt cool fingers gripping hard on her shoulder.

"Where?" The question like a croak chilling down her spine.

"I don't -- "

She never managed to complete her sentence for Gaia was pulling her along so fast that the paintings along the corridor appeared as a kaleidoscopic blur. Aria was almost convinced that they were flying, except that the Earth Cardinal had no wings.

Before she could ask where they were going, she felt herself flung slightly forward as Gaia made an abrupt stop.

"Why are we..." her voice trailed off at the sight of Marcus was guarding the library door with --

Dark Ordinals.

She had recognized them instantly, having gone to battle and extending her own Illusion over their forms. If they were here, that meant that Zilarrezko was probably inside the room with Iluna! Fear caused goose bumps to appear on her arms. Why was Marcus simply standing outside?

Aria tried to take a step forward to confront him but Gaia held her back; her cold fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist.

"I have to go in. Something is wrong!"


Aria would have protested if not for the murderous tone in Gaia's voice. The Earth Cardinal's fingers were already imprinting themselves on her hand; the crescents in her eyes glowing slightly with concentration.

"They're just... talking."

Aria had no idea how Gaia would know that but she was too worried to care. Shaking herself out of Gaia's grip, she started marching forward towards the library doors, until she came face to face with the Ordinals.

"Cardinal! You can't be here!" hissed Marcus at the sight of her. Already the Dark Ordinals had gone silent, staring at her in disbelief.

When she managed to push past Marcus, Aria was stopped by the wispy winged Dark Angel --the same one that kidnapped her.

"The Metal Angel may be too weak to stop you but you have to get through all of us if you wish to enter." His wings of smoke fanned out determinedly. Behind him, the other Dark Ordinals were in a similar stance; all prepared to protect their Archangel.


"I'm not lying!" Iluna was on the verge of hysteria. "You have to let us stay here... please."

"Pathetic!" he spat. Iluna was an Archangel and instead of staying to protect her own lands and people, she had chosen to run away. For that alone, he should unclip her wings off; dethroning her from her Archangel position.

Iluna must have read the intentions in his eyes for she immediately stiffened; starlit wings wrapped around her in self-defense. Her gaze held his desperately, "Please Zilarrezko... I will do anything!"

"There is nothing that I want from you."

His words hurt.

"And you want her? That weak mortal? What does she have that I do not? And you think Sona would approve?

His movement registered like lightning on her senses but Iluna wasn't fast enough to stop his solid grip around her neck. She took every blast of energy --magnetic wave and all -- but forced her feet to stay rooted on the ground even as she started to feel the punch right through her heart stopping its beat for a millisecond.

Meanwhile outside, Andhera was suddenly falling to her knees; the others following suit, one after another. It was as if their joint lifelines were being tugged and like dominoes they fell, unable to resist the pushing force.

"Open the door!" Aria cried to Marcus. Ordinals didn't just fall; weakened unless something happened to their Archangel...

Aria tried to push forward but an invisible barrier prevented her from taking more than five steps into the library and one look at the scene before her and she knew why.

Zilarrezko was beyond control.

His eyes were devoid of any irises; pure liquid Metal swirling dangerously. His hands burned into the tender flesh of Iluna's neck. He seemed to exude some kind of impenetrable shield separating them.

Aria tried to scream; to shake him out of his trance-like state but he was impervious to any distraction.

"Do something!" she cried desperately. With the other Dark Ordinals weakened, Marcus was the only one left. She could see the flicker of fear masked by the awe on his face but knew the Ordinal would do anything for his Archangel.

However, the moment Marcus came closer, in an attempt to cut through the shield; he got inevitably sucked through to the other side. But his intrusion provided a disturbance to Zilarrezko's concentration for the Archangel released Iluna, letting her body fall flat to the ground.


Aria turned at the sharp cry of one Dark Ordinal. He was dragging himself across the floor, using his hands to prop his body upright.

Another male Ordinal moved forward with Aria close behind him. When he crouched beside Iluna's fallen figure, Aria moved quickly to Zilarrezko's side. Bringing him to a fierce hug, she tried to assess the extent of his injuries. Physically he looked unharmed but the expression on his face looked... off.

"Who am I?" she asked, cupping his face between her palms.

"Mine," he croaked but Aria saw the fire dimming in his eyes; his gaze trailing slowly to the other Archangel lying not too far away. "She's not going to make it..." Zilarrezko was on his feet; one hand resting on a nearby shelf for support. Angling his face to Marcus, he managed to whisper, "Carry her to the sofa. Check her pulse."

He had only placed one foot in front of the other when he was immediately surrounded by the Dark Ordinals.

"Don't you dare touch her!" it was a cold order from the female Dark Ordinal.

"Andhera..." The quiet warning caused the black-white striped Ordinal to raise her gaze from her Iluna's body to Zilarrezko.

"What did you do to her!" she seethed; the alternating white and black blurring into a morbid shade of grey.

"Don't speak to my Cardinal like that!" A bronze glazed wing blade aimed threateningly at her throat.

Before Andhera could retaliate, she was interrupted by soft, solemn whispers. "This was what she wanted."

It was the Ordinal Yuen who had spoken; his gentle voice acting like a balm to her fury as he knelt down beside Iluna's body.

When Andhera looked down at her Cardinal, she saw that indeed, Iluna was smiling as though she concurred with what Yuen said. But her eyes were only for Zilarrezko. Her voice was hoarse as she called out to him but the Archangel had heard.

"Take..." She paused as a spasm hit her body. Guilt soared through Zilarrezko's heart for he knew her organs were slowly failing. But the Dark Cardinal was not done. With a final smile, she whispered, "Quill..."

Then she was gone.

For a moment, no one dared to breathe; all too stunned at how easily the Dark Archangel had chosen Death. But then Yuen turned; the gentleness all gone. His eyes were the color of charcoal as he sent a blast of Dark smoke in Zilarrezko's direction.

Marcus deflected it; taking some damage in his Cardinal's place. But alone, he was no match against the five Dark Angels who were now attacking them endlessly with lethal fumes and clouds of Darkness.

Marcus was sordidly overwhelmed when a massive brick wall formed in front of him and Zilarrezko; shielding them from the worst of the attack. Zilarrezko, still weak turned to see Gaia standing by the library door.

It was as if she had materialized from nowhere; eyes focused only on one spot in the room --Iluna.

"Her feather is pure poison. One touch and you'll die." Gaia's words were toneless; betraying no emotion as she hobbled towards Iluna. The Dark Ordinals, clearly stunned to see her still alive kept their distance, simply watching as the elderly Cardinal knelt down beside their Archangel's body.

"So you chose Death? As expected from you Iluna..." She raised her eyes, scanning the room until her gaze landed on Andhera. "I am simply taking back what is rightfully mine. You will grow into yours."

Not caring if the Dark pre-Cardinal understood her cryptic words, Gaia raised her hand slightly and brought them down in the shape of a 'V'. The movement translated into a perfect wedged incision on Iluna's scapula --the bone connecting her wings to her shoulder blades.

The Dark Ordinals had stepped forward; clearly outraged at Gaia's disrespect but one look for those strange crescent eyes made them pause mid-step. Her outer façade did nothing to hide the depth of power in those eyes --the silver rings amidst the brown glowing warningly.

Ignoring them, Gaia extracted the cut portion of Iluna's wing --balancing it mid-air instead of touching it directly. The dislodged segment was beginning to bubble and froth, spouting sizzling liquids that burned the carpeted floor. But Gaia's face bore no panic. She looked calm as she waited for the acids to do their worst; indifferent to the fate of the fine fibers beneath her.

"Ah... there you are," she whispered finally when a single black feather dotted with starlight emerged from the Dark pools.

"Gaia..." the warning in Zilarrezko's voice was unmistakable, forcing the Earth Cardinal to stop and turn to face him. Nothing was verbalized but their silent conversation was strained enough to make the Ordinals on guard.

Zilarrezko knew what she was about to do; they had an agreement but Gaia didn't seem perturbed at his concern. Iluna took her wings --this was justice.

With her back turned, Gaia picked up the Dark Angel's feather. Cupping the delicate quill in her hands, she pressed it to the middle of her chest; aligning it with her sternum.

The ritual caused the room to descend into a hush as all the Angels stared, spellbound at Gaia's transformation.

The first visible change was the tightening of her dry wrinkled skin to a smooth earthy brown, dusted with golden flakes. Long chestnut hair fell past her straightened back and the raggedy scraps she was wearing disintegrated; replaced by intricate pleats of moss and saffron threads.

But it was the return of her wings that caused everyone to stop breathing for a moment to stare in awe. Instead of soft down, each feather had the look and texture of coconut leaves; long blades of greenish yellow, forming together into a fan that could overshadow a peacock.

Wings stretched out taught, Gaia opened her eyes and aimed them at Zilarrezko. For a split second, the two Cardinals looked like they were trying to stare each other out; personal thoughts forced into the other's mind.

What of her?!

I don't need you now Zilarrezko.

Gaia glided towards Zilarrezko with a ballet quality in her movements. Every step was calculated and controlled like a determined roller blade player after millennia of hiatus. Smiling, she moved her index finger up and down, forcing his palm to open on its own accord; revealing the Metal feather he had been clutching.

She needn't say anything for he read the intentions in her eyes. He narrowed his own to try and fight her but Gaia was strong --thousand times stronger now in her immortal form. Zilarrezko managed to clench his fist in retaliation but Gaia had been quicker. The feather was snatched the moment he flexed his muscles.

There was no triumph on her face; an empty canvass that now turned to face Aria who had been stunned into silence throughout the whole event. The instant their eyes met, Aria began to slide away from Zilarrezko's wings that had been protecting her all the while.

"No!" His cry was futile for Aria had already gotten up; linking her own hand with Gaia's, shrouding them both in the Earth Archangel's Illusion.

The library fell into deathly silence... but the screams of Humanity had only begun.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

More! I'm hooked and you can't leave us on the eve of battle with Iluna dead, Giai's wings newly restored and Aria on the verge of... of... of what?!

moonsolielmoonsolielover 12 years ago
Please give credit where credit is due...

I have enjoyed the story so far but I feel you should give credit to Nalini Singh. The world she has created of angels, Archangels, and mortals and vampires is unlike any other. I feel that she deserves credit for her ideas. I have read the four books in the Guild Hunter series those who have suggested this story should be published may want to read them (the first book is Angels' Blood, followed by Archangels Kiss) . Copyright is something which many people do not think is a big deal but it really is, whether it is intended or not. Miss Singh also has a series of books about shape shifting animals which has been borrowed extensively borrowed from on this site as well. I guess for me this story was just the straw that broke the camels back. I have no issues with your story as I said I have enjoyed it I just feel that you should give credit where it is due.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

You have a GIFT. please continue writing :-)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am absolutely speechless! Your entire series is wonderful! I can not wait for more to come! I love it! 5/5

AlecrireAlecrireover 12 years agoAuthor

Okay, the comments are just amazing! Now I don't know where to move the story towards! I seem to have two camps. To the anonymous reader who talked about Gaia's 'betrayal' I think you figured it out :) But we'll see. Thank you all for your wonderful comments! I'm truly humbled

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