Lost And Found Ch. 01.5: Miracles


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"Want me to come with you?" she heard Adia offer.

"No, thank you!"

She hastened to the ladies', praying it was empty. She got inside, darted her eyeballs all about, and detected no women. Or men. She dashed into the closest stall, smacked the door shut, latched it with one hand, jammed the other into her panties and sat.

Don't look, unborn baby. Mommy's gonna, eh...hand-le herself now.

Um, Pen, are we really about to do this?

What? Jill off like hell in a convenience store restroom? Can we say, "Duh"?!

...Isn't that a little...kinda...gross?

Maybe so! On the other hand, who cares?!

But, Penny

This is not up for debate. Either we cum in the stall, gosh-damn it, or we cum in the stall.


Zip it, and I'll buy you a lottery ticket.

Deal. Give Lolita my best.

Already drenched, Lolita greedily gobbled the digits fed her, drooling for seconds as her owner retracted. Over and over, she teased herself, then granted the frustrated Lolita the passion she so craved and needed. As she sat on the royal throne plunging herself into oblivion, she revisited the lust-driven misunderstandings of the last few minutes.

"Oh, I just love pussies, don't you?" she'd thought she heard the first woman say.

"YES," she mouthed intensely, picturing said first girl naked. "I do. And I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Is it tasty?"

No objections here, Lolita opined, trying to swallow her owner's fingers whole.

"But I will give you this item for free," came the cashier's voice next, "With a strapon, if you can flash me two tits."

"You've got a deal, good kinky merchant," Penny whispered, mentally placing herself back at checkout. She imagined whipping her top completely off, dropping her bra, freeing Hansel and Gretel, and subsequently asking the cashier to please grope them, sublimely, and thoroughly. Her girls swelled, nipples hardening at the illusory touch.

"Tickle your cunny with a feather," Adia's voice chirped sensually.

This one drove her crazy. Penny was a little afraid of feathers, because she was ticklish all over. Not that she'd ever been tickled in, on or around the genitals. But should it happen, Penny didn't see herself holding up very long before going insane. It was her adventurous, daring side which viewed this scenario as a turn-on.

"Tickle away, hottie," she grinned, feeling the tingles intensify.

And torment me a little too while you're at it, added Lolita. The big gal's scared of feathers. They drive her crazy. I, conversely, love them.

While Penny and Lolita did not always see eye to clit, there were no actual feathers in the ladies' room, or in Penny's pussy. All Penny had to do was imagine the blade of one of those evil little plumes swirling near her weak spots, and she was on fire.

"OHHHGOD!" Penny shrieked, prior to the realization that she wasn't in the privacy of her own home. It would seem her naughty pussy had made her cry out. "Um...whoops."

Hee hee heeeeee...gotcha, lady.

Be quiet, Loly.

I'll be quiet when I want to be quiet, slave; I own you. And just for that

"Maybe I can give you a romp and make you drown in cum like a versatile whore."

Penny gasped and whipped her head back so sharply, it smacked against the wall.

Rats, that's gonna hurt later.

Never mind that, Penelope. Listen up; this is your pussy speaking. And you will do as I say. G-spot. NOW.

Penny indeed felt the stirrings deep down and up in there, willing her to take it to the level of no return. She knew she couldn't resist. Columns of sweat ran down her forehead and dripped off her face. She strained, cringed, reached up inside for her magical billion-dollar spot, desperately pumping to get at it. Lolita insisted she replay the suggestive phrases she thought she'd heard earlier. They echoed against one another, words bumping about. The intensity grew and grew, built and built, with each replay.

"...Flash me two tits..." "Tickle your cunny..." "I love pussies..." "...Give you a romp..." "...Strapon..." "...Whore..." "...Feather..."


And as if precisely on cue, Penny hit her g-spot just as Adia's voice purred the magic word. The first wave of utopian bliss, more powerful than any orgasm she could fathom, nailed her...head on...like a speeding bus.


Penny thought someone must've heard that one, but paid zero heed. She could see through walls right now. She was in the throes of the orgasm from the future, and no silly little thing like reason or caution would stifle it. Penny couldn't believe such a facet of life as being pregnant could bring on such incredible bouts of hidden, unknown, unbeLIEVable torridity. Such unbridled sizzle. Such raw, primal, blindingly hot...hot...

...Hotness. She was out of nouns. She was so far gone, she was losing parts of speech. Faculties dropped left and right. Once her fingers touched her g-spot, they all but literally shot off sparks in her blood-engorged cunt. As the digital lasers electrified her pussy, cum began splattering out. Her glistening face grimaced in howling madness. Her back arched over the flush fixture. Her synapses fired off like a pinball machine gone haywire. Her heart beat a lightyear a minute to circulate the blood. Each nerve ending sent crazy signals of white heat to her brain. The next thing she knew, Lolita gushed out a waterfall to bring the whole show to its marvelous firework ending.

Penny didn't know she was done cumming till a minute after it happened. She whined, groaned, and gasped for breath, catching it as she wound down. Without concept at the moment of time, space or matter, Penny was compelled to wait for her eyes to roll back in position. Unfortunately, she hadn't a towel, but she unraveled a generous amount of toilet paper and tidied up while her blood redirected. Finally, she discarded the tissue, flushed, peeked outside to a luckily still empty ladies' room, and washed.

Good God Almighty, I cannot believe I just...jilled myself off...in a public restroom.

Well, I do believe I TO—

Don't you dare say you told me so.

Okay, fair enough. But you still owe me a lottery ticket. Promises are promises.

Yes, yes, fine. But if we starve, it's your fault.

Yeah, 'cause one lotto ticket costs a fortune.

Oh, hush the hell up; I'm done arguing with you. You make me tired.

Oh, I make you tired. And draining our coochie just now had nothing to do with it. Right.


Hormones And Horseshoes, Act 2

Wednesday, October 15th, 2003, 8:22 p.m.

When Penny at last emerged from the ladies' room, she was stunned to see Adia still sitting in the rest area.

"O—...oh my gosh, Adia, you're still here?"

Adia looked up from her magazine to see her.

"Oh hey, Penny! Well, someone sure was a busy little beaver, huh?"

Penny's eyes went wide, fearing she'd been caught.

"What do you mean??" she asked with alarm.

Adia turned confused again. She darted her eyes around a bit before answering.

"I...just meant you were ocupada for a good little while, jumpy! Why, what'd you mean?"

"Oh...nothing! Nothing at all! Just...same as you!" chortled Penny.

"Be honest, I was a little worried about you, girl," said Adia as Penny rejoined her. "I mean, well, I didn't really have much else to do today...and when you told me you were homeless, I felt so bad for ya, I wanted to be able to give ya a, uh...little companionship, I guess, if nothing else. And, well, not to toot my own horn, but I thought if you came out and I wasn't here anymore, you might be a little disappointed."

"Aw, that's really sweet, Adia! Well, I'll be honest too then. I mean, yeah, it wouldn't have made my year if I came out and you were gone, but I'd understand. I mean, I'd figure you had stuff to do and all, and I'm actually kinda surprised you stuck around. But in a good way, definitely. I really do feel touched."

Adia smiled modestly. "Oh well, there's another thing too," she added, gesturing to her mag. "Once I start into reading about video games, I can sit for frickin' eons. Put me on a two-day flight, give me a few issues of Nintendo Power, I'm set."

Penny laughed. They sat and shot the proverbial breeze a while longer. The sun had gone down while Penny was making love to herself. Adia, as mentioned, had little else to do, and Penny had little choice. They got to know one another actually quite well. Adia Zuri Bethwell—whose name meant "beautiful gift" in Swahili—was 20, and indeed a gifted young lady. She was a lesbian, of Kenyan descent, young and idealistic, intelligent and quick to learn new things. She was equally talkative, able to contribute something to just about any topic Penny could drum up. They went through some more snacks and ate deli sandwiches for supper. Before they knew it, it was almost 10:00.

"Oh gosh!" Adia realized. "We've only got an hour till the drawing! I gotta get my slip!"

Oh yeah, Penny thought. Well, now or never.

"I'll come with you." Penny was less than familiar with lotto playing, so Adia showed her how to purchase them. She offered to treat Penny to one, but Penny assured her it wasn't necessary. They cost only $2, and she didn't want to push any luck she still had.

"So when do they do the drawing?" Penny asked as they resumed their seats.

"Right around 11:00."

"Great, so what do we do?"

"Basically, just randomly pick five white numbers on the top part up here, and one red powerball one at the bottom. Then we give our slips to the cashier and she'll print out our tickets. Then we wait for the drawing and see. And if they draw at least three of the same ones we picked, or our powerball number, then we win!"

"Oh, cool, how exciting!" Penny commented. "Okay, any five?"

She did as Adia instructed on her play slip. They took them back and got their tickets.

One hour later...

"Here we go!" grinned Adia, rubbing her palms. "Feeling lucky, Penny?"

"Hee hee," Penny giggled at the ways that could be taken. "Well, I guess we'll see."

"Penny, I just want you to know that if I win, I'll share with you. I don't get the chance to help homeless people every day."

Penny's heart melted. "Awww! Why, that is so kind, Adia! That's so...that's wonderful. Well, I'd like to say I'll share with you too..."

Adia waved her off. "No, no, Penny; I'm fine. My family's not exactly loaded, but we're doing okay for ourselves. You bought that ticket yourself. What's yours is yours. I insist."

"Well...this would normally be where I'd say, 'If you insist'...but you kinda just said that."

"And our jackpot prize this evening!" intoned the announcer on the TV set, standing between the ball-spinning machines. "For all five winning numbers, plus the powerball...

"Fifty-eight million, three hundred twelve thousand dollars!"

"Good lord!" Penny shouted. Adia clapped her hands in anticipation.

"Good luck, ticket holders, and as always, play responsibly," the announcer went on.

"And your first winning number in tonight's drawing is!..."

The first white ball rolled down the chute. "...39!"

"Oh my gosh, I've got 39!" Penny said.

"Wow, good job, babe!" said Adia, patting her hand. "'Kay, here comes the next one."

"Second number...29!"

Penny gasped. "Twenty-ni—oh my God, I have that one too!"

Adia's eyebrows jumped. "Are you serious?"

"Here's your third number...6!"

Penny shrieked. "No way!" she cried, showing Adia. "I have 6 too!"

"Omigod, Penny, you won!" Adia exclaimed. "Wait, wait, they're not done yet!"

"Your fourth ball...is 52!"

Now focused only on Penny's ticket, both girls screamed.

"52! You gotta be kidding me!" Adia hollered.

"Fifth and final winning number ball is..."

"9??" Adia shouted at the screen.

"9!" joined Penny. "Please, 9!"

White ball number five rolled down the chute and plonked beside its four predecessors. It looked like another 6...but underlined on its other side.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!" Penny and Adia chorused. They leapt from the table in a hopping embrace, as the first five picks were repeated.

"Oh my God, Penny, you're rich!" said Adia. "Whether you get the powerball or not, you just won a million dollars!!"

"A MIL—..."

Penny started to cry with joy. "Oh my goodness!...You mean my problems are over??"

Is it okay now to say I told you so??

"Wait! Wait," said Adia. "What'd you pick for your powerball?"

"Oh, uh..." Penny checked her ticket. "...8!"

They turned back to the TV. The first machine was stopped. The second machine, containing the red balls, had subsequently spat one down its own chute.

"Those winning numbers for you, once again, ladies and gentlemen—

"6...9...29...39...52...and your powerball, 8!"

The girls' hearts all but stopped dead in their tracks.

"Congratulations to all our winners!" the announcer concluded. The lucky numbers again appeared onscreen, one by one. To say that the girls couldn't believe it merely aspired to understatement. Penny Isabel James had just won the powerball jackpot.

"Oh God, Penny..." Adia whispered in dumbfounded shock. "I...think you may have to change your name, 'cause...

"...You just won fifty-eight million dollars."

Penny lost control of herself and fainted straight forward. Adia just barely managed to catch her before she crashed to the floor.


It Could Happen To You, Too...

Thursday, November 27th, 2003, 4:24 p.m.

"Homeless Expectant Mother Saved By Powerball Miracle," Penny read to her Aunt Tracy from the newspaper. "On October 15, pregnant Penelope James, 23, took refuge at Cedar Convenience store, in the city of Juniper, Minnesota. Reportedly, on a whim, James spent her last funds on a powerball lottery ticket, to find that she would choose each winning number drawn, for a grand prize jackpot of $58,312,000."

"And quite a story it is indeed!" Tracy assessed. They toasted with Juicy Juice. "Fifty-eight million congrats, Punky!"

It was Thanksgiving. As was tradition, Tracy had Penny come to her house in Rochester. The James family was never enormous to begin with, and had unfortunately bid most of their kin farewell. Penny's paternal Aunt Tracy, however, made it clear she planned to go nowhere, and would be with her beloved niece for a long time to come. Understandably close to her one remaining relative, Penny was happy to hear that.

Calling her "Punky" was also sort of a tradition just between the two of them, having watched the show together in the '80s. Punky Brewster's real name was also Penelope. Penny pretended it annoyed her, but secretly thought it was cute. She played along.

"Thank you, Glomer."

"Punky" James, in the meantime, had been living in a lovely Statler apartment. Thanks to her miracle, she could afford just about anything. So when Tracy returned from vacation, she took Penny to a realtor, who handled things from there.

"I am so thrilled for you, sweetie!" Tracy grinned, clasping her hands. "Everything's gonna be just fine now. Just promise me you won't let the wealth go to your head."

"Oh! Nothin' to worry about there, T.," Penny emphasized. "Trust me, I had time-a-plenty to think about it. And I'm gonna do exactly what I planned if I ever came into this kind of money. I'm gonna get a nice, comfy place—big enough for me, my baby, and probably a dog—put the rest in the bank, and look into some charities to donate to."

"I'm glad to hear that, Pens. Babies and pets cost a fortune, but, well, you've won a fortune. And I love the idea of charity. Hey, maybe you could found your own one day."

"Maybe...but not before the little dumpling here comes along."

"Oh, yeah...so when's the little dumpling due?"

"February 8th! Oh, my little dumpling! That's what I'm gonna call her. 'S gonna be my nickname for her. I'm so excited!!"

"Me too, Penny. You're gonna be a wonderful mother."

"Aw, you really think so?"

"I sure do. Just remember a few things. A: don't plan to sleep through the night anymore."

Penny laughed. "Noted."

"It won't be so funny six months from now. B: when you change the diapers, expect to see colors you never imagined."

Penny did not laugh. "...Noted..."

"C: unless you have a penchant for incredibly extreme pain, have the doc anesthetize your bottom half beyond natural belief."

"...Oh my...gosh. Is it...uh...is it really that excruciating?"

"More. D: have fun!"


On January 3rd, 2004, Penelope Isabel James' life would change forever. It was not her baby's due date, and it was not her baby. In the middle of the night, she awoke to what she thought at first was nature's call. But it was not this either. She did not recognize this feeling. She clicked on the light, and gasped in horror at what she saw.

Her bedsheets were soaked in blood.

She grabbed her phone and dialed. The next few hours were a dizzy blur as she was rushed to the ward. The last and only thing she remembered of the terrible twilight morning was a nurse coming in to address her.

"Miss James..."

"Yes? What?? Wh—...what's wrong with me??" She could likely have pieced it together herself, were she not so freaked out.

"Miss James...I am so sorry..."


Penny's heart froze. An eternity seemed to pass before the horrific next sentence.

"...I'm afraid you've had a miscarriage."

Penny went numb inside. She felt as if she had just died. Tears almost instantly spilled from her eyes like a broken dam. This was the one possibility she never wanted to consider, even for a second. She didn't know what she thought all that blood was if not this, but here it was, in nightmarish living color.

"...WHAT?!...But...but, I thought miscarriages only happened in the first trimester!"

"Most do. However, terrible as it is, there are exceptions. Women have miscarried and had stillborns right up to the due date. Again, I'm so awfully sorry."


"Oh, no...no, no, no...n—"

"Miss Jame—"

"NOOOOO!!" Penny buried her face in her hands and bawled hysterically.

"This can't be happening!"

The nurse felt so horrible for her, but there were only so many things she could say and do. Penny raised her head, her face covered in tears.

"Tell me this isn't really happening! Tell me this is a nightmare! Tell me I'm dreaming!"

To her dismay, the nurse remained silent.

"PLEASE!!" she begged and sobbed. "PLEASE, tell me this isn't really happening!!"

A half hour later, Penny began to stop crying, calm down and accept the reality that had just occurred. It had already happened; she couldn't go back and erase it. She never knew anything could feel like this. The despair and agony were unreal. Greater than she ever could've believed. Her heart was crushed to sand. She wanted to die. Her unborn baby girl had been taken from her, poached from her womb before she ever had the chance to hold her in her arms. She didn't want to live if her baby didn't.