Lost In The Snow Ch. 01

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A young couple hiking in the forest seek shelter with a man.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/12/2013
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My name is Eric. My wife Katie and I had been married for just 18 months. We had met in College and married young at only 21. Both our folks thought we were too young at the time but we knew better.

She is a brunette with long dark hair, really tiny at 4 feet ten inches and 105 pounds with a slim figure, but despite that she has gorgeous pert 34C boobs . I am not much bigger at five feet six inches and 165 pounds.

We had both been shy as teens with religious upbringing and for both of us our relationship was the first. Neither of us had a boyfriend/girlfriend before we met so it was all new for us. We were not virgins at our wedding as we had tentatively explored each other before our wedding and one thing had led to another and we had ended up fumbling to lose our virginities together in what was not a memorable moment.

I work for an insurance company in administration and she worked as a legal secretary. Work and the rest of our lives had already become a bit mundane especially including our sex life which had never really kicked off. Neither of us had any previous experience so we were still learning. I had bought a few books to look at new techniques to spice things up but Katie was too shy to try many new things. I don't think she had ever had an orgasm, hell I would even know if she was like having an orgasm. She said she enjoyed our love making but I think she was a bit disappointed. I know I come too quick leaving her feeling 'high and dry.' I often wondered if it had of been better if we both had partners before each other and once I suggested as a joke maybe we needed to take experienced lovers to get some other experience. She just looked at me darkly.

We were not outdoors types but I decided it was time we did different things. I announced to my wife that we were going to spend a long weekend hiking in the mountains. I had done some research and found there was a great day climb to a peak about 7000 feet high about 3 hours drive from home.

We packed some sandwiches and water and a warm jacket each and set off early and drove up the mountain to a car park in the forest below the peak and started our climb up. It was a beautiful warm late autumn day with a clear sky. It was supposed to be a popular hike but we were surprised that there were no other cars in the car park and no one else was on the trail. In hindsight we should have taken notice of the alarm bells.

It was steep and hard going and neither of us was really fit. We stopped for lunch about noon and I noticed some high clouds forming were overhead starting to obscure the sun. Around 1 pm we crested a ridge with a view to the north about two thirds of the way to the top and were greeted with the sight of a wall of black cloud approaching over the horizon. I was a rank novice in the outdoor and hadn't bothered to check the weather forecast which I realised suddenly everyone else had and they had stayed home.

I had really wanted to prove something to Katie and decided to keep going as I figured it was only a bit of rain and we had water proof jackets. We had only gone for 20 more minutes when suddenly the wind changed to the north. It was icy cold and soon rain after started to fall which soon changed to sleet. I looked at Katie and she wasn't looking very happy. She looked at me and said, "honey I feel a bit scared, can we go back?" I looked at her and the weather and readily agreed.

As we started to go down the mountain cloud descended on us and the sleet turned to steady snow then to a blizzard. It was a whiteout. Our clothes were really only good for a cool autumn day not winter and we started to get very cold despite our exertions. I was having a lot of trouble following the trail as the snow started to cover the path. Somewhere I made a wrong turn and missed the trail.

We just kept stumbling down the mountain in the freezing weather. The ground was very rough and we were falling over boulders and rocks as we walked down. I knew we had to get lower down the mountain and somehow find our car but I didn't have a clue where we were going except down. By this stage Katie was getting really scared and I was as well though I tried not to show it. I kept encouraging her to keep going saying we would get to shelter soon.

After a bit we reached the tree line and plunged into the forest but the snow was not letting up. The light started to fade and I knew we were in real trouble. If we didn't find shelter we could die of exposure on the mountain.

We kept stumbling down the mountain in deepening snow. I was by now half dragging Katie and barely able to keep going myself. We were both on the point of collapse when Katie pointed out something to the right. I followed her gaze and saw a faint glimmer of light in the distance. We dragged ourselves towards it and couldn't believe our luck, it was a cabin with lights on and smoke coming out of a chimney.

I banged on the door frantically and it opened. We were greeted by the sight of a tall very well build middle aged guy who looked at us in astonishment.

"What in god's name are you doing out in this weather" he said as he ushered us in. I explained we were out on a day hike and got lost. He just looked at us and shook his head. "Lucky you are not both dead in this weather you idiots."

He pulled us both in front of the fire and said "better get outa those cold wet clothes quick." My fingers were so cold I could hardly undo zippers and buttons. Katie was shivering from head to toe and just stood there unable to do anything.

"My name's Sam, I have to get you warm fast." He sat Katie in a chair, knelt in front of her and immediately started taking off first her coat then her jumper and top. He then unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her legs and off. She was just sitting there in her bra and panties. He said "these are wet too" and reached behind and unclipped her bra and eased it off her shoulders freeing her 34C boobs. He then reached up and grabbed her panties and eased them over her hips and down her legs. His gaze went slowly over my wife's gorgeous body from head to toe. My wife just sat there in shock, looking away and not saying anything, naked in front of a stranger and only the second man to ever see her naked.

Sam got up and fetched a blanket and wrapped it around her then tossed me one saying "get all your clothes all off you as well." He then went to the kitchen and in 5 minutes we had cups of sweet hot chocolate in our hands.

He went outside into the cold and carried back in a pair of huge logs effortlessly under his arms. He quickly split them with an axe and stoked a roaring fire. After about a half hour in front of the fire we began to thaw out and look around. It was not a little log shack but quite an up market looking cabin.

Sam busied himself in the kitchen and soon called us to supper of a hot meaty soup and bread which we both wolfed down. I looked at him while we ate. He looked about 40, was obviously really fit and strong, and stood over a head taller than me. He looked kinda friendly but his face was impassive and I couldn't figure out what he was thinking. After a while with hunger satisfied I started to talk to him. I told him we had only been married a little while, where we lived, where we worked and stuff like that. He didn't say too much about himself other than he was taking a break from life in general.

I looked at my wife. She had said very little over dinner. I think she was feeling embarrassed having dinner with a strange man naked except for a blanket.

He said, "I have been here for six months just hanging out for a while taking a break from life. I never expected any company. I have been thinking of packing up for the winter in a few weeks but looks like it has come early this year. Temperatures going to drop real low tonight. Snow storm looks like it will last for a good few days. You two wouldn't last another hour out there. You were crazy to go hiking with this bad weather coming." I admitted to him I hadn't checked the weather forecast and he just gave me a look of distain and shook his head.

I said we were so lucky to come across the cabin and thanked him profusely for taking us in and saving our lives. He looked at me for a while and then at Katie and said "in one respect you were lucky not to perish, but I'm not sure you will think it is all that lucky by the time you leave." I felt a chill down my spine and looked at Katie and she had a look of concern on her face.

Sam said. "come over by the fire we need to talk." He led us over and we sat down at the fire and he poured us all a stiff drink. He sipped his drink for a while looking into the fire and then suddenly turned towards us. "you can stay the night in the spare bedroom but you have to leave tomorrow morning, you can't stay longer."

My wife and I looked at each other and then she said to him, "but Sam if we go out there in this weather won't we die?" He said, "maybe, maybe not, you need to take your chances."

She said "but why would you do that to us."

He said, "let me tell you about me. I have been here mostly alone with little company and definitely no female company for 6 months. Hell, I haven't been with a woman for over 2 years. If you two stayed I would end up losing it and raping your wife, just couldn't help myself. I have never hurt a woman ever and don't want to start now." Looking at me he said, "and you would try to stop me and I would end up hurting you bad. I don't want it on my conscience. Better you go in the morning and take your chances getting down the mountain. Sorry but that is the way it is folks."

We all sat there for a while in silence contemplating the fire.

I broke the silence by saying "there must be a way, what if we were to tie you up or lock you in a room so you couldn't do anything if you lost control. He looked at me and laughed and said "yea right as if."

"But you are virtually condemning us both to death."

He said, "it wasn't me who set out to go hiking in this weather. If you hadn't found this cabin you would be dead already. At least this gives you a chance."

My wife said, "Sam please there must be some way, that is too cruel."

After a while he looked at me hard and said, "the only way I figure it's possible for you both to stay is if you agree to give your wife to me while you are staying in the cabin. She has to become my wife in every way for the duration you are here, and she has to agree to it as well. If you decide to stay, you are free to change your mind any time and leave, but while you are staying you have to co-operate with our agreement and no silly shit. If you stay I promise not to disrespect you and I will treat her gently like she was my own wife."

"You both need to decide tonight whether to stay under my terms or go first thing tomorrow no matter what the weather is. Maybe you two should go into the spare room for a while and talk it over, and don't get any silly ideas about trying anything stupid. You need to give me your answer one way or another on what you have decided tonight."

I looked at him disbelievingly, my wife just sat there immobile with a look of shock. I said, "surely you can't be serious, you don't really believe I would willingly give you my wife to ..... well ..... sleep with."

He said, "I am deadly serious. You two have a choice, either take your chances in the weather tomorrow morning or agree to my terms. Now go take your wife to the spare room and talk it through and let me know your decision." With that he tossed our now almost dry clothes to us from the fireplace. I took my wife's hand and led her into the spare room and closed the door.

We quietly dressed and faced each other. I said, "That guy is totally crazy and dangerous. There is no way I am agreeing to give you to him, no way."

Katie said, "but I don't want to freeze to death either. Maybe I can appeal to him to have mercy, he looks a kind man underneath"

I said, "well its worth a try but I doubt it will do any good. Hopefully the weather will be good enough to leave in the morning. We need to stall him until then. Maybe if we pretended to agree we can check out the weather in the morning and then leave then. It will buy us time.

"What if the weather isn't OK tomorrow, he said it would last for days."

I said, "If it is too bad to leave in the morning you must distract him so I can hit him on the head with something and we can tie him up until we go. I certainly couldn't take him on an even fight, he is too big and strong even though he is older."

"He reminds me of a panther the way he moves around. I am scared of him, what if it goes wrong he could kill you," said my wife.

I said, "better than a fate worse than death for you." We agreed on that plan and after a hug walked out into the lounge room.

Sam looked up as we walked in. My wife walked over to him knelt down and looked directly at him. She said, "Sam, you look like a good man and you know this is wrong. Please Sam, you can't do this, we don't want to die but please don't make us do this. We have only been married for 18 months please please have mercy on us, on me. Don't make us do this just let us just stay in the spare room. We will be quiet and keep out of your way."

He looked at her with some pity and said "sorry honey, even if I agreed to try, I know I just couldn't manage that. I would end up hurting you both bad."

My wife walked over to me, looked into my eyes, paused and said , "Looks like I have no choice my dear, I don't care for me but can't let you risk dying in the cold for me, I love you too much," then she turned to him and with eyes downcast said, I will agree to stay on your terms"

Sam looked at me and said "Eric do you agree to give your wife to me so long as you stay in the cabin." I murmured "yes." He looked at Katie and said "do you agree to be my wife as long as you stay in the cabin." She murmured "yes'. He stood and said "do you both swear on pain of punishment to honour your agreement and not do anything stupid." We both quietly gulped and said "yes'

He looked at me and said "place your wife's hand in mine to seal the deal" and I did. He then slipped off her wedding ring and gave it to me.

He turned toward me and said, "this will be hard for you Eric, but you just have to man up and please don't do anything silly. I like you and really don't want to hurt you. If you try anything I promise you will wish you were out in the snow instead. It has been a long day, why don't you turn in now in the spare room."

I said "Ok see you in the morning" and motioned for Katie to follow me.

He grabbed her hand and said "you don't seem to understand she is mine now." I said "but you said we could stay until morning with no strings."

He smiled and said "yes I did, but you both just agreed, so the arrangement has started, she is mine as of now." A wave of dread swept over me. He started to lead her by the hand towards his bedroom and she just looked back at me fearfully.

I was standing next to the woodpile and eyed off a perfect size piece of timber. It was worth a chance to save my wife. I was so nervous but I forced myself to reach out to grab it with the intention to hit him on the head from behind when he had turned his back, but he somehow read my mind. He glanced at me with a fierce expression. I froze and felt just like a deer in the crosshairs waiting to be shot.

Suddenly my wife put her hand on his shoulder and said to him, "wait a minute please Sam." She walked back to me with tears rolling down her face and took both my hands and just shook her head slightly. She said "Eric, you know I love you so much, I will be OK, please keep loving me no matter what." With that she kissed me gently on the lips then walked back to him not taking her eyes off me. I could see she was shaking as he led her to the room. AS she walked through the door she was staring directly into my eyes with a fearful look mouthing to me "I love you." Then the door closed and she was lost from my sight. I just sank to my knees and put my head on my hands and wept.

.... To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The opening had me remembering a short walk my wife and I took on a mountain trail in Colorado a few years back. As we left the parking area the weather was perfect for a nice climb but about 30 minutes later we noticed the sky getting dark with rolling clouds. Not as foolish as these two characters we did a 180 and headed back to our car. We almost made it before a line of afternoon showers caught us and left us wet when we got into the car. Thankfully it was a summer rain and the car's heater kicked out dry hot air almost instantly so we made it back to our hotel room with a lesson learned: Keep a eye on the sky and be ready to retreat as soon as the clouds start to come over the mountain crests.

Where will this story go? I've got a feeling I know but will be reading the next chapters to see if I'm right. Who ever posted the Anonymous comment back in 2013 sounds as if he sees what he wants to see in these stories.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

OOAA loves his cuck stories, no matter how they happen.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 8 years ago
Finger Slipped

Gave 2, should have been 1!

Let's see, you have a young couple freezing in wet clothes, and a spare room.

Instead of sending them into the spare room to get out of their wet clothes you strip the wife in front of her husband and they say nothing?

Then that stupid agreement! Why didn't they at least wait till the morning, maybe the weather will have cleared!

In the morning Eric would then say that there was no way he could agree to that head for the door and ask Katie if she was coming.

If/when she said no,he would leave anyway, turning to her saying,"I may die out there. If I do, I hope it stays on your conscience for the rest of your life. If I don't, I will be going to a divorce lawyer. Good-bye!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Gay Ass Americans

This Cuck must be an American as all the world knows that American Men are all closet Homos who LOVE to watch their wives get worked over by a huge black pipe layer while taking it in the A$$ while hiding in the closet XD

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Nice Story

Looking forward to more chapters, great job in the first chapter.

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