Lost Worlds Ch. 03

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Marooned Victorian starfarers take some scandalous risks.
5.8k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/17/2020
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The first truly scandalous event, of the sort that cannot be concealed by polite society, happened two months after the survivors of the HMS Intrepid landed on the tropical moon, and one night after the typhoon.


The survivors had noticed the sky darkening one afternoon as they retrieved the fishing nets. The storm had quickly risen until it covered the sky, with blinding rain and a wind that lashed the sea into a froth. They had spent that night sheltering, their roof lowered to prevent it from blowing away in the sudden wind, their eyes always half-open for floodwaters or a deadly piece of windblown debris.

They crawled out of their home the following morning to assess the damage. One of the fishing nets they hadn't brought in had been swept away by the waves, but the others remained anchored to the trees where Roger and Anabella had tied them. Much of the other damage appeared to be superficial.

Admittedly, as they walked around the island to repair the damage from the storm, Anabella was assessing more than just their equipment. Since their arrival on the tropical moon, she and her friends had worn almost no clothing, so as to survive the moon's humidity. After a day or so of observing each other's nudity, they had cast shame aside and pleasured themselves and each other, with hands and lips and whispered words of pleasure.

The night of the typhoon had been the first night in weeks in which Anabella had not pleasured herself or any of her friends. And so, as they walked around, Anabella could not help but admire her friends with more than her usual amount of lust.

Roger, her former footman, was tall and strong. Months of physical work had left him lean and muscular, and Anabella couldn't help but stare at his back and his legs as he straightened their shelter or pulled their fishing nets out of the water. She knew he wouldn't mind her looking, but some fragment of her old propriety still inclined her to watch him surreptitiously.

Shanti was a few inches shorter than Anabella and Roger. She was slender, with black hair and brown eyes that Anabella could easily get lost in. She'd been specific about giving Anabella permission to ogle her, and they snuck glances at each other as the day went on. Shanti had told Anabella once that she was particularly enticing when she threw the fishing nets into the ocean, and now every time Anabella did so while Shanti was present her heart raced a bit.

Ciara was the curviest, as far as Anabella could tell. Her curly red hair fell across her shoulders and onto her lovely bosom. While the others wore fragmentary skirts or shorts, she wore only a skimpy undergarment that accentuated more than it concealed. Ciara had also given Anabella permission to ogle her, but she frequently gave her a knowing smirk or a teasing comment when she did so. Anabella knew this, and yet she could not bring herself to stop.

Anabella was able to keep her desires in check until the evening, when they finished their last meal of the day and retired to their shelter. It was large enough to protect them from the occasional rainstorms, but it was not large enough to accommodate anything more than the bed they'd sewn together from scraps of fabric and padding. The bed, in turn, could only accommodate them if they slept at each other's sides.

"How on Earth did you survive a night without any attention, Roger?" Ciara asked as she set her undergarments aside for bed.

"He's done it before," Shanti noted. "But it must have been hard."

"You should know," Ciara replied. "He was facing you."

"I survived just fine," Roger said.

"He was likely worrying about you," Anabella volunteered, blushing on his behalf. She knew that Ciara was only being a tease, yet a part of her couldn't help but take his side. Another part of her, small but insistent, wanted to help Ciara tease because Robert blushed beautifully when he was bashful.

Ciara faced Roger and stepped close, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

"Were you worried about me?" she asked softly, her gaze wandering from his eyes down to his chest and back up.

"Yes," he admitted.

"How can I reassure you," she said, stepping closer and pressing her body against his, "that I am quite safe?"

He took a deep breath. Anabella caught a glimpse of his manhood, stiffening as Ciara pressed her belly against it. She was vaguely aware that, even if Victorian society could ignore the class differences and the nudity on display, they would expect her to be jealous, to jockey for position with the others and claim the superior position as befitted her birth. And yet, Anabella felt nothing but joy as she watched Ciara and Roger embrace. Fighting for a good seat seemed irrelevant when every seat in the house sat next to her friends, and had such a lovely view of the stage.

"I suppose," Roger allowed, "that you could let me check your pulse."

Ciara smiled brightly. "Proceed, sir."

Roger leaned down and kissed Ciara's neck, gently at first but with rising ardour. Ciara panted and leaned her neck back to give Roger better access, holding his shoulders tightly.

Anabella sat down on the bed, facing them cross-legged so she could watch. Shanti sat at her side, nudging her knee playfully.

"Do call if you need assistance, miss," Shanti whispered. It was teasing, and yet it was quite sincere.

Anabella smiled. "You do the same, please."

Shanti took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on Roger's kissing and Ciara's flushed skin. She ran her fingers through her bush and along her lips, the first of her dew already showing.

"Yes," she said.

Roger broke the kiss and drew back to face Ciara.

"Your pulse is a bit elevated," he said, "but I am reassured all the same."

She pulled him close and kissed him fiercely, so much that he had to steady himself on the bed. He returned her kiss, their lips pressed together as if driven by the previous night's storm. She pulled away after a moment, almost as fiercely as she'd begun, and held Roger's head to stare into his eyes.

"Perhaps you should let me lie down somewhere warm, as a precaution."

Roger needed no further prompting. He lay down, his arm mere inches from Anabella's knees, and gave her an excited smile as he did. Instead of lying down next to Roger, though, Ciara gently maneuvered him to the middle of the space. She caught his eye, and held it as she lifted her leg and straddled him.

"I suppose this looks comfortable," she said as she leaned down, pressing the curves of her bosom against his chest. "Are you confident I'll be safe here?"

He glanced down to their hips. His view was blocked, but Anabella could see his manhood pointing skyward, resting against Ciara's lips.

"That depends on how you move," he gasped. He pulled her close and kissed her gently, caressing her hair. "I don't want to put you at risk."

Anabella whimpered. She had not spoken of it, but a certain number of her fantasies had begun here, with Roger's manhood venturing into forbidden territory. Sometimes she had imagined Roger thrusting his cock into her, holding her close until he came apart inside her. Other times he had been with Shanti or Ciara, filling their wombs with his seed. She knew it was thoroughly impractical, and would complicate their rescue, but her sense of practicality had never faced a challenge of this magnitude before. Judging by Shanti's soft moan and the motion of her fingers, she found it at least as exciting as Anabella did.

"I am sure that you would never harm me," Ciara said, her hips making gentle circles that pressed Roger's cock against her lips. "You are a gentleman."

"Yes," he groaned.

"So," she went on, "if a lady asked you to...oblige her, and hold off on your own pleasure, could you do so?"

Anabella gasped, her mind racing in two directions. On the one hand, the very thought was making her grow wet. On the other hand, she might be in a better position to act as a voice of reason. Judging by Shanti's long, helpless moan, she would not find it easy to speak up.

"Are you quite certain?" Anabella gasped. She couldn't stop rubbing herself as she said it, and she hoped that didn't undercut the message.

"It's alright, Anabella," Ciara said, her eyes never leaving Roger's.

Roger took a deep breath. "Yes," he said.

Ciara smiled. "Just tell me if you're going to do anything ungentlemanly," she said. She lifted herself up just a bit, and reached down to take his cock in one hand. She guided it to her lips, gasping as she felt his head part her lips. She let the motion continue, her hips sinking down a bit at a time as she took his cock deeper and deeper inside her.

They all moaned together as Ciara settled her hips on Roger's. Ciara's moan was deep and primal, an acknowledgement that she shouldn't be doing this but that she couldn't resist, either. Roger's moan was more controlled, a dam to hold back his rising pleasure. Shanti was wanton, crying out in unmitigated lust, while Anabella's tone still carried a bit of shock at the rules of decorum being broken.

Ciara began a gentle exploration, seeking out a rhythm without pushing Roger too quickly. She set her hands on his chest as she rose and fell, half watching his expression and half minding her own pleasure.

Anabella was always entranced by her friends' bodies, but every sight seemed new and electric. Roger's expression spoke volumes about the exquisite pleasure he felt, but Anabella couldn't set aside the thought of what would happen if he rose to his full and filled Ciara with his seed. Ciara's breasts bounced as she rocked atop him, and Anabella kept thinking of how her curves would grow if she was expecting. Shanti wasn't doing anything risky, but Anabella glanced over to see her whimpering as she slid two fingers into her kitty, and she realized that Shanti might wish she was doing something risky.

"Oh," Roger moaned. He reached up to caress Ciara's cheek, and she smiled and kissed his finger.

"Are you doing alright down there?" she asked softly.

He nodded. "I'm still in control."

She giggled, then leaned down to kiss his lips. The kiss lasted only a moment, and when she rose back up, he tried for a brief second to follow her. She smiled deviously and placed her hand on his chest, keeping him in place.

"You are in control, are you, sir?"

He blushed, and Anabella was amazed that he was capable of it under the circumstances.

"Of myself, at least," he admitted. "You can control everything else."

"Hmm," Ciara said. She adjusted her legs, shifting her motion forward until she was lying atop him. She spread her legs, her ankles pushing his legs together. He set his hands on her hips, his fingers on the curves of her bottom, and Anabella couldn't tell if he was trying to guide Ciara or just feel her hips rise and fall.

"What if I want to control you, just for a bit?" Ciara asked. "I promise I'll be kind."

His brow furrowed with concern, even as Ciara's pace began to pick up. "Be kind to yourself," he said. "I don't want you to regret anything. Do that and you can be as much of a brat as you want."

Ciara laughed, boldly and cheerfully. Roger held her hips tightly to keep her from slipping, although her rhythm hadn't faltered. He smiled up at her, and Anabella felt that she finally understood the effect of her teasing on Roger. He didn't care if he won or lost, or if she made him blush all day long in front of them all. He only cared that she loved the game. As long as she was smiling, nothing she would do would hurt him.

"As much of a brat as I want?" she asked. "That's...oh...quite the promise." Her pace began to pick up, her hips rocking more determinedly against his. "You have no idea how bratty I can be."

"I can guess," he gasped.

"You don't have to guess," she said. "I'm going to show you."

At first, it seemed to Anabella that Ciara was doing so. She leaned in to kiss Roger, her lips bouncing in time with her hips. Her motions rocked her hips sharply against his in a small, precise way. She groaned deeply, her breath coming in rough gasps as she rode him. Beneath her, Roger thrust up into her as much as he could, his every motion speaking of his desire for more. Anabella had seen her chase her pleasure before, and had seen her be a shameless tease, but she'd never seen the two purposes so seamlessly united as they were here. Ciara had better make sure he is satisfied too, Anabella thought, lest I be tempted to do something foolish.

"What if my brattiness went as far as riding you until I reach my fill, and then rolling over?" Ciara asked. "That would be terrible, would it not?"

Roger groaned, although he was smiling as he did so. "That would be bratty," he admitted, "but it would be lovely to see."

Ciara bit her lip. She leaned in close to kiss him again, her nose rubbing against his, her bosom pressed against his chest.

"Will you still be gentlemanly even if I am that bratty?" Ciara panted.

"Yes," Roger growled.

Ciara whimpered as she drove her hips against Roger's, and Anabella couldn't tell if she was desperate to reach her peak or if she was hurting herself in her eagerness. Either way, she was getting close.

Anabella could see Ciara's approaching climax in many places - her widening eyes, the urgent motion of her hips, her slowly curling toes. But perhaps the clearest sign was that she had set aside banter in favor of moaning.

It was incredible how much they each managed to communicate through nothing but moaning, though, Anabella thought. Ciara was crying out with each motion of her hips, her tone rising and her voice growing breathy as she broke into a sprint. Roger was moaning with her, and staring into her eyes as she drew close, determined to see her through and keep his own desperate desire at bay. Shanti wailed as she thrust three fingers into her wet pussy, clearly doing everything she could to imagine herself in Ciara's place. Anabella's own moans were not as overt, but she could feel her own desire building, rising along with her friends' pleasure.

Ciara was the center of the world as she reached her peak. She moved frantically, her hips bouncing against Roger's, then drove herself into him and held her body against his. She roared, a perfect image of primal triumph, and leaned into him as her pleasure exploded. Anabella couldn't see Ciara's pussy contracting and squeezing Roger's cock, but she could hear it in the way he groaned with her. Anabella felt her blood rising as she watched, her body calling out for release, and judging by Shanti's helpless wailing her body was saying the same thing.

Ciara collapsed into Roger's arms, her every breath both a desperate gasp for air and a cry of unsullied pleasure. Roger held her close, one arm around her shoulders, the other hand resting on her ass. The caress of his hand on her back, and the slow rise and fall of his hips told Anabella volumes about his varied desires.

After a long moment, Ciara raised her head and smiled at Roger.

"Thank you for being such a gentleman," she said.

"Of course," he said, although Anabella could hear how much his control had slipped. "Now are you done being bratty for the moment?"

Ciara met his eyes and sat up. She slowly lifted her hips, then suddenly lowered them, driving his cock back into her. She chuckled and put a hand on his chest as she began to gently rise and fall.

"I am never done being a brat," Ciara said.

"Can you pause for a moment, then?" he groaned. "If you don't get off you're going to end up..."

"End up what, sir?" Ciara grinned.

He took a deep breath, trying to get his emotions and his body under control.

"You're going to end up expecting," he managed. Anabella could hear his voice catch, hear just how badly he was torn between wanting to fill her and wanting to protect her from social ruination if rescue should come.

"That excites you, doesn't it?" she asked, a bit of wonder in her tone. Her hips continued to rise and fall, Roger's manhood occasionally visible as it slid between her wet lips. "You want to spill your seed in me."

"That doesn't mean you need to take it," Roger moaned.

"Well, I think it's your choice," Ciara said. "You are still in control, aren't you?"

Roger's brow furrowed, and Anabella felt a pang of sympathy. She'd had similar rash thoughts from time to time - her body refusing to understand why it couldn't take Roger's seed and make a baby. Being engaged in the act must make it even more difficult to deny, she thought.

"You...don't have to," Anabella said softly, even as she touched herself. "As tempting as it must be."

"Do you think it's tempting?" Ciara smirked. She didn't take her eyes off Roger as she spoke, watching him carefully so as to slowly drive him higher. He clearly couldn't decide whether he should be resisting or rising up to meet her.

"Is that what you think about when you rub yourself, little bird?" Ciara asked. "Do you imagine Roger filling your pretty cunt with seed, and watching your belly swell with his child?"


"Do you have to tease us both like this?" Roger asked.

"Yes," Ciara said. "Because I love you both."

Anabella whimpered. Roger took a weighty breath, trying desperately to keep himself under control as Ciara rode him.

"And as long as I can make you make sounds like that, why wouldn't I?"

Shanti, who had been mostly silent apart from moaning, spoke up.

"Do you love me, too?"

"Of course," Ciara replied.

"Then don't stop," Shanti gasped. "I want to watch him fill you. Please."

Ciara laughed. "I want to please you, Shanti, but Roger is in control here."

Roger couldn't speak, for a moment. He kept his hands on her hips, watching as they rose and fell, watching her lips part to admit his cock. In spite of his reservations, Anabella could see his hips rising up to meet hers. She could hear the ragged edge in his voice, and knew he was getting closer to his release.

Ciara could hear it, too. Anabella would have been afraid, knowing what an illegitimate child would mean for her, but Ciara seemed too wrapped up in her teasing and in the pleasure she shared with Roger to be worried. She smiled at him, caressing his chin with one hand as she picked up her pace.

"You said I could be as bratty as I wanted," she said, almost apologetically.

Roger reached up, his hands running along her sides and over to her breasts.

"Is this really what you want?" he asked.

"What I want is to share my joys with you," she said. "I want to be your home and your territory. And you get to decide how you mark your territory."

He groaned. He was eagerly rising to meet her with each stroke now, his hesitation evaporating. He slid his hands back down to her hips and gently shifted her towards rolling over.

Anabella was conflicted, as she watched Ciara grin mischievously and flip onto her back, bringing Roger with her. On the one hand, this was both improper and risky. It might be kept secret if Roger's seed did not take root, but if it did there would be difficult explanations to make.

On the other hand, she wanted desperately to watch it all happen. They had shared so much, over the past few months - the sights of each other's bodies, and the sounds of their pleasure, and the touch of their hands and lips to help each other find release. It felt to Anabella as though Ciara and Roger were sharing this moment with her, too, as though there was no longer a line between their pleasure and her own.

Roger leaned in and kissed Ciara gently, then thrust himself inside her. Anabella could clearly see Ciara's fiery hair, wet with her excitement, as Roger parted her lips with a groan. Everything that Victorian society had told her was shameful - lust and nudity and pleasure - was on glorious display before her, and she could find no fault in it.

Shanti was even more transported by the sight than Anabella. She moaned as she drove three fingers into her pussy, her every muscle straining with her effort. She gripped Anabella's upper thigh with her other hand, holding tightly. Anabella couldn't tell if it was for comfort, or stability, or just to push Anabella a bit higher, but she was happy for it regardless.