Louise Ch. 02


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The place wasn't too crowded when we got there. It was in a building where you could pay to host an event in the top floor. Inside was spacious with four huge chandeliers in the ceiling, and the walls and tables were decorated with blue and white sashes and balloons. It was a woman's big fifty and she definitely went all out.

I saw the wine bar was open so I got a glass for me and one for my mom. I was nearing the end of my first when I saw her. She was wearing a silver dress that looked damn good on her. Her husband was gripping her arm, and I could tell her smile was fake. I couldn't keep my eyes too long on her because I still felt hurt that she hadn't responded to my messages. I just hope she didn't see me.

As if I didn't feel awkward enough, she and her husband picked the table across from ours. Thankfully she wasn't looking around at people so I guess she didn't see me.

I tried my best to not glance at her every now and then and to just ignore her presence. But since I was attuned to her, I could feel her in the same room. She was electric. The more I tried to ignore her the stronger the pull. It became so great that I turned my head involuntarily in her direction and she was staring right at me. My face grew hot and I couldn't help but turn away and walk to the bathroom.

I stayed in there for half a minute and then I saw her walk in. She walked right up to me.

"Didn't I tell you that I would find you if you try to run from me?" Her big almond eyes were studying my face.

I gulped, my face burning red. "Why weren't you responding to my messages?"

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't. He hid my phone and laptop away..." She said that last sentence with a somewhat angry tone.

"It's because he thinks you're cheating?"

"Yes. He says he's going to check through them."

"Don't you have a password?"

"Yes, but..."

"But what?"

"He has ways of getting things out from me eventually. And making me do things. Nasty ways."

She looked sad and angry at the same time. I had never seen that expression from her before.

I thought we were done for.

"What's worse is that he's pretending things are okay between me and him."

There were a couple of women washing their hands, but they weren't paying any attention to our lowered voices.

"He asked me to go out to dinner with him yesterday. He never does that. I refused...but he forced me to go. He thinks going out with him would make me warm up to him."

"His logic is crap."

"And for an educated person."

Outside we heard someone on a microphone say that the speeches and toasting was about to start.

"Can't we just stay in here? I wouldn't feel comfortable out there without you," I said.

"We've already spent too long in here. People are going to wonder where we ran off to."

We walked out of the bathroom. She went to her husband and I went to my parents.

At a point in time during the speeches and toasting she had to go up on the stage and say her own for her friend. The lights shone on the sparkly design on her dress and I was in awe of her beauty while she spoke.

For the rest of the party we had to keep pretending that we didn't know each other. After the toasts there was just dancing and drinking. I just sat at my table and listened to the music with a glass of wine in my hand. Every now and then I would search the sea of moving bodies for even a glimpse of her, but I never saw her.

Towards the end of the party, when it was much less crowded, she came up to me while I was in the outdoor area. I was sitting at one of the tables and taking in the view. I felt at ease until I saw her husband was with her.

"Mark, this is Alice's friend, Kristen," she said.

Alice was her husband's niece, the girl I used to love. She was the person responsible for the connection between Louise and I. It was the only thing she was really good for. We were never friends, I think Louise just wanted a reason for me to meet him.

Mark and I shook hands. His face was solemn. I couldn't tell if it was because of age, a bad mood, or he just sucked as a person.

"You and Alice are the same age. You're in university as well?" He said.

"Yes. I'm studying Literatures In English."

"So you like to read then?" He said.

I hated when people asked me that. No, it's because I like analyzing written art.

"Yeah, I do."

"Alice tells me a lot about you."

"Oh, she does?"

"It seems she's very fond of you."

"Um, I think it's time we get going. It's pretty late," said Louise.

"It was nice to finally meet you," he said.

We shook hands again, Louise told me goodbye and they left for the elevator.

I was sitting there by myself, feeling a little jealous. I knew there was no reason to because she hated him and loved me. But seeing them together made me bitter.

Coming to the end of October, after a long and painful two months, I got a message from Louise. In the message she told me that he finally checked through her devices and found out about our relationship. He seemed unbelievably calm. All he did was show her our messages and gave her stuff back. He stopped talking to her, he wouldn't even look her in the eye. He stopped sending her on errands, and even went to live in another one of his houses, from which he mailed her a divorce form with his signature. He wanted nothing to do with her.

"I didn't think he would be so calm about it," I texted her.

"Me too. I'm going to sign it. Tell me when you're free from classes and studying, so we can fuck in celebration."

Louise took me to Divali Nagar the following night. We walked through the crowd holding hands and looking at the stalls on either side of us. There was food, stuffed animals, clothes, household ornaments, and fireworks on sale. We bought samosas, saheenas, and bottled water. When we finished eating we walked to the back, where we stood and watched the Hare Krishna group perform.

Before we left we wanted to get henna done on our hands. We walked over to one of the stalls that offered it and got matching patterns.

When we left we checked in to a hotel. We had dinner and a couple of drinks. During the day Louise told her son where she would be and left food for him. He was a responsible kid, so there was no reason to worry.

Both of us were a little tipsy when we got to our room. I was already horny by the time we left the table, and I knew she had sex in her mind too by the looks she was giving me.

We thought things were going to be heated by the time we closed the door but we were both so full so we just dropped ourselves on the bed and squeezed each other's breasts from time to time.

It wasn't until 2am that we got our clothes off. Now the only light in the room emanated from the dim lamp next to my side of the bed.

We were lying on our backs next to each other. I raised my right hand and examined the back. The pattern reminded me of dancing flames, and there were dots in between. I'm a Leo so I think it suited me. Louise shifted closer to me and put her right hand next to mine. My hand went to meet hers and I let my fingers sit between hers. We turned our faces to each other at the same time. We rubbed our noses against each other and giggled, while peering into each other's eyes. I let go of her hand and swing my arm around her as I turned my body to face her. She does the same to me and our nipples touch as we embrace each other.

My lips meet hers. Instead of continuing the kiss she grabs some hair at the back of my head and goes straight for my neck. She bites me, but not too hard.

She nips at my neck while still holding my hair.

"Louise are you a vampire?"

"If I was then I would have turned you a long time ago," she whispers in my ear.

"That feels so good though."

"I'm going to leave you with a little gift. You'll see it tomorrow."

"What gift? Wait..."

She giggled and released herself from me. Now we were facing each other again.

I put my hand to my neck and felt the tender spot where her mouth was, while she was giving me that smirk of hers.

"It's only Tuesday...well, Wednesday morning. Your parents are seeing you on Friday. It'll most likely be gone by then."

It wasn't that bad of a mark. It was pink and small, and in the sunlight it was barely noticeable unless you were looking at the right side of my neck.

"I'll tell them I fell or something. Anyway, I really need to sleep."

"Good night honey." She kissed my lips.

She slid her arm from under mine and shifted to her side of the bed.

We checked out at 9 the next morning. She dropped me back at my apartment and went home to spend time with her son.

I was never brilliant academically. I actually struggled to do well for most of my school years. But since the semester started I put in a greater amount of effort. Louise would message me at 7pm almost every day and ask me what I got done, and if I completed what I set out to do for that particular day. Sometimes I didn't finish everything, and she said she wouldn't visit me until I did.

After her husband moved out she would usually visit my place twice a week and we almost always had sex, but that was when I was productive. If I wasn't, she would only visit once. There were weeks when she wouldn't visit at all because we were both very busy.

She would take me out once a month. It was November, and this time we were going to a park near my house. It was a huge national park. There was a heart-shaped pond, much of it was well-maintained, and there was also a lot of forest area. Weddings, fairs, etc. take place there because of the scenery and space.

We were going to have a picnic together, so we prepared stuff from beforehand. I was at her house that morning where we made cookies together, iced tea, and stewed pork for sandwiches. When we set out for the park we picked up her cooler and bought wine, bread, garlic paste and some snacks.

It was 1pm when we reached the park. We took our stuff out of her car, spread a quilt on the grass and set up our chairs near the pond.

Years ago a gay entrepreneur had the pond made in the form of a heart as a gift for his lover. If I had the resources I would have done the same for Louise.

We were sitting next to each other slowly sipping from the bottles of iced tea, staring out at the pond and the overhead trees. After a while we got up to stretch our legs. I was stretching my arms above my head. She went behind me and gave my breasts a quick grab.

"What the fuck Louise. I was in mid-stretch. Don't scare me like that."

She held her head back and laughed. She put her arms around me from behind and bent her head to press her face against mine. With her hand she turned my face to hers. The tips of our noses kissed and then our lips did.

Our lips were colliding and collapsing into each other's. The fact that we were doing this in public was getting me wet. But at the same time I was glad there was no one around to see us.

I turned so I could press my breasts against her. When she grabbed my butt I felt the flood spill into my underwear.

This was it. I needed a good fucking from her.

But I wanted her to initiate it. I wanted her to take me down and tame this wild pussy. And I knew she would eventually do it here.

I hugged her tight and bit hard on her ear.

"Ouch baby," she said.

My hands dived to her chest to unbutton her shirt.

I had one button loose when she held my hands together and looked at me, surprised and a little turned on. Then I saw the smirk creeping into position. Just like I wanted.

"You're being a bad girl," she said in that low voice.

She pulled my pants down. Then my underwear. I was pretty sure my wetness was smeared on my crotch.

I stood there without taking off the jeggings and underwear from around my feet. She pinched my ass hard and then slapped it. I loved how hard her hands were.

I put my underwear and pants to a corner of the quilt we spread. She sat down on the quilt and ordered me to lean over her. I did, and she spanked me until my entire ass was red. What I loved most about it was the sound of her hand on contact.

When she was finished we both stood up. She rubbed my ass and said, "Too hard, baby?"

"Just right. I needed it."

"Good. But I know what you really want."

From behind me her hand slid around to reach my pussy. She cupped it and started rubbing.

"Fuck me already," I said.

She had her face pressed to mine, and I could feel her smiling. I spread my legs apart a little, and she slid two fingers in.

In and out she went. She didn't start slow this time. She went right to her natural pace. I bit my lip as I felt myself tighten around her. She started going even faster, and I knew the sound of wetness was turning her on.

Within a few seconds I had a heavy climax. I squealed a bit and felt my legs shake. She slid out of me and I dropped to my knees on the quilt.

I put my clothes back on and went to make a pork sandwich. While making it I noticed she wasn't taking her eyes off of me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"You've never done that before."

"Bite you?"

"Yes." Her head was slightly tilted.

"Do you like it?"

"Oh I love it."

My ass was still a bit sore so I stayed standing to eat. While I was eating she washed her hands and went to put the paste on the bread. She pasted half a loaf by the time I finished the sandwich.

She handed me a slice from the bowl of garlic bread.

"I was hoping there would be ducks on this pond," she said.

"There were two alligators, but they were moved for people's safety."

"That's interesting."

We were eating garlic bread and listening to the birds around us.

"I know you've always wanted a kitty," she said.

"Yeah but you know I can't have one." My apartment building had a no pets policy.

"You could if you live with me."

I turned to look at her. "I wish I could."

"As soon as you finish your degree and move out of the place you're staying in, you're free to unpack your bags in my bedroom." She smirked.

"My parents..."

"They'll recognize you as an adult by then. They won't be able to stop you from making decisions. Don't let them scare you."

We ate and talked for the rest of the time we were in the park. At 4pm we started to pack our stuff into the car.

At 5 she dropped me back at my apartment building.

When she left I unlocked the front gate and closed it behind me. Sitting on the stone bench to the left of me was Alice, staring at me with wide eyes.

End of Part 2

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
DarkSolarDarkSolarover 7 years ago

It's a quite interesting and enjoyable story you written. In my opinion, there is a decent mix of plots, character developments and of-course, sex. I am not going into any details about why I think that nor I am going to critique grammar or spelling errors unless its horror-able. I prefer to let the story carry me and it did, rather well.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter as Kristen encountered Alice. You don't need to rush getting the next chapter written. Let it simmer some and percolate.

Thank for an enjoyable read,


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