Louise... Slut at Last Pt. 04


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"And then, what? You spring the obligation on her?"

"Yes, I spring the obligation on her, and I fuck her. And we all live happily ever after."


The next morning, Louise was greatly interested to hear what Mark and Will had found to talk about while they shared drinks. Will did not give forth a great deal of information, which worried Louise at first. He confined himself at first to general statements affirming Mark's character.

"Mark is a solid guy. What a great mind! Smart as a whip."

"How do you know he's smart? What did you talk about?"

"Well, I knew he was no dolt just from reading his novels. But last night? He gave a fairly long discourse on human behavior, and what drives people to do the things they do. Fascinating stuff. It's almost as if he minored in psychology or something. And, of course, we talked of you. He thinks very highly of you! But you must know that already. You two are very lucky ... as writers ... to have each other. Kindred spirits.

Louise sensed that whatever had passed between Will and Mark, no damage had been done, no dark secret revealed. Will, for his part, felt buoyantly optimistic about the next phase Mark was planning for Louise's slut training.


But we are all aware what they say happens to even the best-laid plans. And Mark's plans to lay Louise were of the very best sort. But a Ladies' Retreat at her church intervened. Mark was putting the final touches on the roll-out of Louise's ultimate obligation to him, when she first sprung the news on him.

"Oh, dearest Mark ... I'm not going to be able to come for ministry on Friday or Saturday. I've a Ladies' Retreat at our church, and I can't miss it. Four different women made a point to invite me, and I'll look like a real rotter if I skip."

Mark scowled as he held his cell phone up to his right ear. But he had learned to be patient. This would be only a minor speedbump in his plan.

"Oh, that's fine, love. I mean, you've done INFINITELY much for me already. Two or three days will fly past in the most ephemeral manner!"

"Are you sure you're not cross with me?" Louise asked. She was almost ready to call off the retreat at the first sign of his sadness or anger. But he showed her neither.

"Oh, of course not, silly! 'As well for the soul as the body' and all that!"

Louise was put very much at ease, and now she was able to look forward to the retreat with joy in place of anxiety.

But the retreat itself was destined to cause her much anxiety. There were a lot of Quiet Hours, for private meditation. But in between these, there were meditations on each of the Ten Commandments. The First Table of the Law, covered on Friday, caused her little if any angst. But the Second Table, especially Commandment #7, covered on Saturday afternoon, shattered the little world she had built for her with Mark's help.

"Thou shalt not commit adultery."

"Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law."

Her view of herself and of Mark, and of her ministry, crumbled in an instant. And she knew by instinct what the 45-minute "meditation" from the Pastor would later make explicit in her heart and mind: She could not keep carrying on like this with Mark.

It wasn't that the Pastor's remarks were so profound. Looking around at the ten women who had joined her for the Retreat, she realized that the Pastor probably thought he was wasting his time even covering this Commandment. Which of these holy church ladies, save herself, would even have a fleeting thought of adultery, much less a sin of word or deed? It was unthinkable. And so his remarks seemed perfunctory, as if he had "phoned in" this part of the weekends curriculum, or copied it from the yellowed notes of some previous year's Retreat.

No, it was that wretched line, "and incline our hearts to keep this law." It was making her pray directly against everything she now wanted! This was not at all fair, and CERTAINLY not why she had come to the retreat.

By the end of the Meditation on the 7th Commandment, though, she had turned from struggling against the inevitable, to thoughts of how to possibly break this horrid news to Mark without crushing his very soul. How can you minister to someone so steadily, so compassionately, for three months and then just cut him off? But she gradually realized what she had to do.


"Oh yes, darling it's absolutely beastly, I know! Oh Mark! I don't know what I can say. I'm just so, SO sorry!"

Mark was peeved. This little two-day speedbump had turned into a damned "Dukes of Hazzard" riverbed jump. Damn it all to hell. But he was able to collect himself. The stakes were high.

"Oh, dearest! You mustn't blame yourself! It is I who am at fault. At fault for being so greedy for your wonderful company. Blame me, if you must. But you have to follow your faith."

"Oh, Mark ... how can you be so kind, so understanding?" She wanted to go and suck his cock that very instant, if the truth were to be told. But her course was set.

"Because, love, whatever else befall us, our friendship will last eternally. And, someday, if you ever want to come over and finally read those love sonnets to me ... well, I'd be delighted."

They rang off amiably, but her heart was breaking, and he was not a little nervous.

Two weeks went by. Will was aware of the entire thing, of course, with almost all of the information having come through Mark, not his wife. What would she have said? "Oh, Will, the retreat was marvelous! And because of it, I've decided to stop committing adultery! Isn't that swell?"

Not bloody likely.

During the two weeks, Louise had no sexual outlet whatever. She started to play with herself several times, but it was always with Mark in mind, not Will, and the accusing voice in her head demanded the withdrawal of her hand from her panties. Will, for his part, knew instinctively to ride out the storm. He must not initiate sex with Louise. A few times, she got close to initiating intimacy with him. But when she did, she was overcome with a sense of her own uncleanness ... with which she didn't want to soil her innocent husband's soul. So, she had two weeks of celibacy. Will jerked off several times to some of the best videos he had of Louise and Mark, but it was a joyless release each time.

In short, the two weeks was miserable for all three of them. Will worried that it might go on forever this way. Mark was still guardedly optimistic, but he was about to start making plans for Contingency Pussy. He wasn't going to wait forever.

In the end, though, 20 days after the retreat, Louise broke down. She knew that she had to have Mark no matter what. Everything that had been taught her in their 90 days together, every habit, every addiction, came flooding back to her at once on a Friday evening, 3 weeks after the first day of the Ladies' Retreat. She didn't know it, but she was in severe dopamine withdrawal, and she was about to fix it. One way or another. Come what may.

She phoned Mark from her basement. Will was up in his study. She wasn't even going to tell him where she was going this time. She often had to go out to do shopping or such; he would take it in stride.

"Yes, Mark? It's Louise. Listen, I know it's late ... I'm really sorry ... but I just have to see you! Tonight, if humanly possible!"

"Okay, sure," Mark replied.


"Fast asleep. Had a difficult day with her, and she's worn herself out being angry with me. We'll have the run of the place."

"Fantastic ... twenty minutes too soon?"

"No, it's perfect. See you soon, dear."

She hurried to tell Will that she had to go out and get some things, trying not to sound too much like a madwoman. But Will took it in stride, having received this text from Mark:

"Will, my man. You're going to want to get yourself some refreshments and retreat to your office. Show starts in 20, and I think it's going to be very good."

If Louise was trying not to look like a horny adulterous hussy, Will was trying not to look like a pathetic cuckold whose biggest dream was on the verge of coming true. Neither knew if success was achieved, but they needn't have worried. In each case, their hearer was completely preoccupied.

Louise rang Mark's doorbell anxiously, and Mark was right there to get it.

"Let's go to my room, just in case," he advised. "I mean, in case she stirs."

Louise followed him eagerly down the familiar hallway. It seemed like home to her. She'd only been gone for three weeks, but it had seemed so much longer.

Inside Mark's room, Louise immediately removed all her clothing. She was planning for the best case scenario, the one in which Mark would cum twice, and feel her pussy with this talented fingers.

"Oh, I'm SO sorry, Mark! I must have injured you awfully by staying away so long! I know your needs, and I've totally neglected you ... just for some selfish notion I took into my head." She looked down at the ground.

"Chin up, love! A happy reconciliation means the world, now, doesn't it?"

She nodded, and started to reach for the pillow on which she would be kneeling to perform her ministry. But he put a hand on her shoulder ... just a very gentle touch to stop her.

"Before we get into that, I have a surprise for you!" he beamed.

"A surprise?" Louise asked. She wracked her brain to think what it might be.

Mark reached for a long manila envelope from his desk, and said, "I'm afraid I've been quite naughty, but you MUSTN'T be cross with me. You see, I've done something on your behalf which, technically speaking some killjoys might think would require your permission first. Say you won't be cross?"

"Of course not ... how could I be?"

"Well then, sit down here on the bed, and I shall sit beside you while you read this letter, which is Part A of the surprise." She sat down, and he handed her an embossed and notarized business letter that began as follows:

"From: Crossfire Publishing House, Martin Beach, Manager of Talent

To: Ms. Louise Irwin

Re: Your Manuscript

Dear Ms. Irwin, I have before me the manuscript of your novel, Rock of Remembrance, which was forward to me by your Agent, a Mr. Upshaw, on this past August 2nd. It was a delight to encounter such a wit and mature voice in a writer who has yet to publish her first major work. Bravo!

This distinction shall not remain yours for very much longer, however, as I have persuaded the powers that be here at Crossfire to accept your manuscript for publication, immediately upon the completion of its review by our style department."

That was as far as Louise was able to read before her eyes filled completely with tears of joy, blurring her entire field of vision. She threw her arms around Mark and wept on his neck.

"Oh, darling! This is the most wonderful day of my life! I owe you so, so much! Did you have to pull many strings to get this done? Just ... wow!"

"No strings at all, really, darling," Mark responded, which was a bit of a lie. He had managed to get the manuscript set before Mr. Beach's eyes by his secretary, a married lady of 50 who owed many a joyous romp and many an orgasm to the considerable talents of Mr. Upshaw. But this was not the time to go into that, Mark thought to himself with a chuckle.

"I'm SO happy!" Louise kept repeating as if it were not obvious. I owe you a debt I can never repay. Never ever!"

"The Great Obligation," Mark thought to himself.

"And that's only Part A!" he said. "Here is Part B."

He handed Louise a large fancy check drawn upon the bank used by Crossfire Publishing House, LLC, in the amount of $10,000, an advance on the sales of her first novel.

She was simply overcome.

At home, watching from the high-elevation camera, Will said to himself: "Oh, she is SO going to fuck him!"

Louise hugged Mark again, then gave him a long, very wet kiss, with a lot of tongue.

"I'll pay you back if I die trying!" Louise said, and suddenly she was kneeling on the edge of the bed, still naked, with her breasts and head pushed down into the bedspread, and her perfect 35" ass aimed up high, presenting herself for Mark.

"Fuck me darling! You must fuck me this very instant! I owe you so much! You've made me a published author! Now, make my husband a ... a ..."

"I believe the word your searching for, love is 'cuckold.'"

"You've made me a published author! Now make Will Irwin a cuckold! Fuck me, Mark!"

Mark gave his cock a few quick strokes to ensure that it would be rigid enough to make the penetration - it would - and transferred some saliva to Louise's married pussy lips. Insurance lube, he thought, which a moment later he found out was completely superfluous. She was extraordinarily juicy, and so he plunged in, trying to go slowly out of respect for a woman who had only ever been fucked by a dwarf cock her entire life ... but it was so hard to exercise restraint at this point. Within 30 seconds, he was long-dicking her, and she had a look of serene bliss on her face. Her head was down on the bed. He could see her right cheek, flushed with blood, and her closed but very happy eye. He grabbed both her ass cheeks and pulled her back forcefully onto his rigid cock, over and over again.

"I'm cumming!" Louise groaned, the first time she had truthfully issued this warning. Her entire body shook in a way she had not anticipated. But the pile driver that was Mark Upshaw's cock took no notice and kept mercilessly fucking her tight, wet, married snatch.

"You're so fucking hot, Louise! I can't stand it! So sexy!!" And it seemed like he started thrusting even a bit harder. His very full balls were smacking her clit with every stroke. She was in heaven. Part of her was still thinking, "I'm a published author! Hot damn!" But most of her was thinking, "This is by far the best thing I've ever felt." It will be almost redundant to mention at this point that her brain was pumping out dopamine like there was no tomorrow.

Suddenly, Mark pulled out. What was wrong? Louise wondered. Had she done something wrong.

But Mark merely scooped her up, flipped her over, and set her back down on her back. He reentered her and started his thrusting rhythm again. He stood up a little straighter by the side of the bed and grabbed a tit in each hand, groping and massaging them, a little less gently than in the past. Louise didn't mind. After a few minutes, he suddenly reached his forearms under her hamstrings and asked her to hug him around the neck. She complied. With his big cock still in her tight honey tunnel, he lifted her with his arms so that he was now standing up straight. He grabbed her ass tight and bounced her up and down forcefully on his enormous dick. With gravity to help, the weight of her body caused the penetration of his cock into her to be deeper than ever. She was cumming again. She screamed a bit this time, not giving a single thought to Millie or Will or anyone else in the world but Mark and his wonderful orgasm-inducing body. Again, he did not miss a beat, but kept bouncing her tight, married ass up and down on his well-lubed fuckpole. She screamed again, but this time there were words:

"I'm a fucking published author! Literally! I'm a published author, and I'm fucking like I've never fucked before!"

Mark decided to cum now before his arms or lower back gave out. Five minutes in this position was a full-body he knew, from his rich experience with other wives. When he finally came, he blasted shot after shot of lust lotion into her adulterous pussy, and he could sense that she was cumming again, too. Her first three orgasms, all from him, and all within 45 minutes. Not bad. And then he couldn't help himself. He went against a time-honored tradition and broke the Fourth Wall. He turned to his right and winked at the high-elevation video camera. He guessed that Will was probably winking right back at him.

Finally he turned away from the bed and sat down on it, Louise's married gash still split by his now-relieved cock. She gave him a tight hug, her tits pressing hard against his crispy chest hairs.

"Oh, darling! I don't want this to ever end! I want this ... exactly this ... forever!"

"So do I," Mark assured her. "And, frankly, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't have just that!

The reclined for a long while, each lost in thought. Then, as you might expect, they spent perhaps three more hours, fucking in every position imaginable, and a few unimaginable ones for good measure. The show lasted so long that Will ended up quite drunk, and didn't even wake up when his wife finally arrived back home at 10:45 am the next day. She had never been happier.

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26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

This whore has a right "married" ass. I wonder if her pussy is married too.

suckermansuckermanabout 6 years ago
O boy

At last she knows what a mans cock feel likes . My wife was the same and I didnt get any sex for months. We played at her dominating me and a chastity cage helped to stop me getting any pussy for ages. Happy days

sober71sober71over 6 years ago
Loving it

5*s again,,I agree with other readers there is loads of scope for further adventures.

Jrunner16Jrunner16over 6 years ago
I knew it!

Just awesome...keep it going. Great story can't wait to read more. JR

OGHMNWOGHMNWover 6 years ago

Your have built the story up excellently to this point and provided a Great Climax to this chapter. I agree with the other comments that this is not the end but only the opening to a new beginning. Louise will need to confess to Will about her “weakness & need” and of course Mark is will pleased with his plan coming through the way he had hoped. I’m sure he didn’t mind convincing the secretary to show her boss Louise’s manuscript. Looking forward to reading more chapters of their experiences and adventures.

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