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Neil reveals his feelings to Saoirse.
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"Alright, gorgeous?" Neil asked quietly, greeting Saoirse as he waited patiently for her outside their office building at the end of the day. Saoirse nodded. "How was your day?" he asked as she stopped in front of him fumbling with her car keys and purse.

"Ahhhh...," Saoirse shrugged, exhaling forcefully. "but that's it over and it's a little treat to have you waiting on me." she smiled. "Nice to have you staying at mine on a school night too." she looked up at him coyly. "How was your day?" she asked.

"Good but I'm all over the place today." Neil said. "Back to usual hours tomorrow though." he said with an apologetic smile. "At least I won't have as long a commute in the morning." he said. As much as Neil was reluctant to admit it, he liked staying at Saoirse's flat. Though more often than not Saoirse stayed at his. Saoirse's was a bit more spacious than his own, it was more homely with colourful soft furnishings and lots of quirky knick-knacks, photos and pictures on the walls and it was only a 20 minute drive from work.

"When we get home, can I have a cuddle?" Saoirse asked quietly as they walked side by side along the paved pathway.

Neil looked at her and smiled. "Hmmm it'll cost you." he said playfully, putting his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head as they walked.

"Neil!" Saoirse hissed, her eyes darting around cautiously at the mass exodus from the office.

"Come on, it's alright." he said reassuringly, grasping her hand and entwining their fingers. "What's up?" he asked, holding her hand and walking slowly towards the car park.

"I haven't been sleeping properly and when I do I'm having weird nightmares about making mistakes at work." she said, bowing her head. "Sometimes I get a bit overwhelmed, I'm not sure why. I let things that normally don't faze me just get the better of me." she said, glancing at him briefly and then bowing her head. "Sorry... I'm really embarrassed."

He squeezed her hand and looked at her. "Awh Saoirse, don't be embarrassed. You work hard, I know you do, and you care." he said softly as they reached Saoirse's car.

"Anyway, I've made bolognese in the crock-pot for dinner," Saoirse said, changing the subject to stave off tears. "Just have to boil the pasta and grate some cheese." she said, unlocking the car.

Saoirse drove them home to her flat listening to a random Spotify playlist, she sang quietly along to some songs, they chatted and Neil periodically stroked her hand and thigh.

Back at Saoirse's flat they bickered playfully in the kitchen. "Let me do that, just chill out." Neil said, as Saoirse weighed out the pasta.

"No! You always cook when I'm at yours!" she replied, placing her hand on his chest.

"Not always, Saoirse," Neil said, giving her a look.

"Neil, please. It's only spaghetti bolognese!" she pleaded. "You're going to annoy me in a minute."

"Ok, Ok, I'll set the table then I'll be on the sofa." he said, smiling as he held his hands up. She kissed him and turned back to the stove. Once the pasta was boiling, Saoirse stood against the door frame and watched Neil watching TV. He turned and tilted his head, inviting her to share her thoughts. She smiled and looked down shyly. "What's wrong?" he asked with a light chuckle. Saoirse shrugged. "What's got you so preoccupied?" he asked in his soothing voice. Saoirse shrugged again. "Come here you!" he said softly. Saoirse approached the sofa and Neil held out his arms, grasped her and pulled her down onto the sofa into his arms.

"I'm not really sure, it's been working on me for a few weeks. I can't put my finger on it but it's this mixture of sadness and stress that makes me this needy, emotional mess." she said, picking at her nails and trying not to let her voice break as she spoke. "Sorry..."

"You're not a needy, emotional mess! You're just tearful 'cos you're tired." Neil said with a quiet laugh, stroking her hair out of her face. "But you don't need to get so worked up all the time!" he said, exasperated. "Do what you can and when you leave work just let it go until the next day." he said, as if providing the obvious solution. "That's all, just let it go."

Saoirse pursed her lips at being patronised. "I can't help it, that's the way I'm made and I'm not apologising for that!" she protested. "Are you telling me you don't think about work when you've left for the day? What about when you're on-call?" she asked, gruffly.

"That's different, I..." Neil started.

"How do you keep it all in here?" she interrupted, grasping his temples.

"THE PASTA!" Neil shouted, pulling her body up with him as he stood up then raced into the kitchen.

They ate dinner slowly and talked at great length about their ways to manage their stress and feelings about work. Afterwards they shared the washing up, Saoirse got everything ready for the morning and they sat on the sofa to watch whatever mid-week TV had to offer.

"You suit that black t-shirt." Saoirse said, stroking her left hand over his chest. She sat up on her right hip, turned towards him with her legs pulled underneath her, and leaned her right elbow on the back cushion of the sofa and her head on her hand as she spoke.

He looked down at his t-shirt then smiled. "That's what you said about the navy one and the grey one." Neil chuckled, looking at her.

"Oh the grey one!" she sighed and smiled longingly. "Well, you suit them all. You suit everything you wear." she said, gazing lovingly at him. "I'd fancy you in anything."

He laughed quietly. "Mm hm. You're the rainbow to my monochrome." he said, nodding to her green, yellow and pink patterned blouse. "Even better when you're wrapped round me." he smiled, stroking his arm across her thigh.

While they watched TV, Saoirse started to fall asleep. "Why don't you go to bed?" Neil whispered, startling her awake.

She shook her head and blinked awake, clearing her throat and looking sheepish. "Only if you come with me." she said smirking, lifting Neil's arm, wrapping it round her and kissing him.

"You're falling asleep sitting here!" he said. "You want me to watch you sleeping?! Sure I'm doing that now!" he joked, with a playful look on his face.

"As soon as I get into bed I'll be wide awake. I just need a good sh..." she stopped.

Neil raised his eyebrows. "A good what, Saoirse? Hmm?" he smirked, lifting her chin in his hand.

Saoirse sighed and smirked back at him. "A good shag, Neil. I need a good shag. OK?" she said, looking at him. They both laughed.

"Hey, no need to ask me twice." Neil said with a cheeky grin on his face.

He followed her into her bedroom where they fell onto the bed kissing each other in long, slow tongue strokes. Their breathing got heavier and synced as their hands explored each other's body. They undressed each other, slowly and carefully, keeping eye contact and caressing and kissing each area of skin as it was exposed. Neil turned Saoirse onto her front and she squirmed and giggled while he kissed and caressed her from her head down her neck onto her shoulders and down her back. Saoirse hummed in pleasure and her muscles relaxed down onto the bed.

"You falling asleep on me, babe?" Neil whispered.

"BABE? Since when did you call me babe?" Saoirse giggled looking up at him.

Neil smiled with his tongue in his cheek and raised his eyebrows. "Just checking you were still awake!" he chuckled. She turned her head round and Neil leaned down to kiss her. Saoirse stroked his face, neck and down his chest with her left hand. "Ready?" he asked.

Saoirse propped herself on her knees and elbows and turned on her side gathering the pillows from the bed. Placing 3 pillows on top of each other, she lay them lengthways and gently lay her torso on top. "That's like one of your yoga poses." Neil said with a chuckle. Saoirse giggled, looking round at him. "Are you comfy?" he asked, gently caressing the backs of her thighs with his fingertips.

"Yeah, feels perfect for a good shag." Saoirse nodded, still looking at him. Neil raised his eyebrows and leaned forward to kiss her. "I want you inside me." she whispered. Neil hummed in agreement and stroked her ass and her back.

He exhaled loudly and sat up on his knees, nudging her legs inside his and shifting forward on the bed. Saoirse sat back and reached down to grasp Neil's cock and slowly guided him into her pussy. They both sighed and groaned as Neil eased in and out allowing Saoirse to adjust her position until his cock was right inside her. She jumped a couple of times and inhaled sharply as he thrust deep. "Oh careful! You're hitting my cervix." she warned, wincing. "Wait I need to move a bit to fit your big dick." she giggled. She lay forward right over the pillows she had laid out in front of her and Neil slowly eased forward. They both exhaled with pleasure.

He thrust slowly, steadily and deeply into her warmth as she lay on the pillows. He panted steadily as his cock slid in and out of her slick pussy. "Oh yeah that's good." Saoirse groaned slowly. "Mmmm yeah, I love feeling you so deep." she groaned, turning her head to look at him.

"Yeah?" Neil asked in a low voice, looking at her and stroking his right hand up her ass to grasp her hip.

Saoirse nodded, lying her head on the pillow as she looked back at him and reached her left hand back to him. "This is what I needed." she groaned slowly, the pleasure spreading through her. "How does it feel?" she asked.

He grasped her hand and looked in her eyes while he fucked her without speaking. Saoirse watched his mouth drop open, he nodded and the sound of him fucking her made her groan softly. Neil quickened his pace as they gazed at each other, their breathing heavy and Saoirse moaned. "Mmm I could lie here like this all night!" Saoirse said softly.

Neil frowned, pulling himself back. "That's not good!" he said, leaning down to kiss her as he stopped, let go of her hand and adjusted his knees on the bed.

"Yes it is! It's so good that I could lie here like this all night!" she said, smiling at him.

"That's not gonna work cos I'm gonna come pretty soon and that's hardly the 'good shag' you needed!" he breathed, stroking his hand up her back as she sat up slightly.

"It feels amazing but I'm not gonna come tonight unless my clit is involved." she said. Neil reached his arm round her body to try and stroke her clit and started thrusting again. "But then it doesn't feel as good an angle when you fuck me." she whined and her breath jerked.

Neil stopped again and tried to catch his breath. "OK, do you want to change position?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Does it feel good for you?" she asked. Neil nodded as he breathed heavily. "I want to come with your cock inside me, like I want to come while you're fucking me. I feel like I need it." she groaned, frustrated.

Neil grit his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, feeling himself on the edge again. "Very specific, dirty talk instructions there!" Neil panted. "I love a woman who knows what she wants!" he drawled, grasping her hips and looking down at her with a flirty smile on his face.

"Can you reach the drawer?" she pointed to her nightstand. Neil opened the drawer. "There's a purple vibrator." she said. Neil raised his eyebrows and his head jerked to look at her as he took the vibrator out of the drawer and handed it to her. "Oh...I suppose I should've asked, are you OK with this?" she asked, looking round at him. He nodded. She turned the vibrator onto the lowest setting. "Good cos if you'd said no you'd be out on the doorstep." she stuck out her tongue at him playfully. They both giggled. "Are you close?" she asked, looking back at him.

He nodded, agitated. "Kinda edged a bit, about to blow my load, let's go!" he said urgently.

"I'm gonna come in a matter of seconds once this touches my clit." she warned him as she sat up slightly, spreading her labia and placing the vibrator by her clit before relaxing back down on to the pillows.

"Whoa!" Neil tensed, grunted and started fucking her much faster. "I can feel that right through me. Oh fuck!" Neil exclaimed.

"Ohhhhh yeah." Saoirse moaned. "That's it." she panted. She felt her orgasm approaching quickly with the vibrator on her clit. "Don't stop." she whispered urgently, her eyes shut reflexively and buried her face in the pillow. Neil felt her pussy get wetter and begin to tighten around his cock as he fucked her. He grasped his balls and tried to hold himself back. Saoirse panted heavily but she couldn't speak as she came hard, her body went stiff then spasmed and she gasped before dropping the vibrator and groaning in low growls as aftershocks followed in quick succession and her body contracted in strong clenches then she became weak. She heard and felt Neil being pushed right to the edge as he thrust urgently into her.

Neil groaned and let go of his balls as they tightened. Saoirse moaned as she opened her eyes and watched him coming, it always turned her on even more. He panted and exclaimed loudly as he pumped 3 large spurts into her pussy before collapsing down on top of her. The warmth spread through her and she felt content. "That's exactly what I needed." she whispered and giggled quietly.

"Good," replied Neil. "'cos I'm completely fucking spent!" he gasped trying to recover his breath.

Neil woke up just before his alarm as the bright Summer morning shone through the pale, flax-coloured curtains. Saoirse was fast asleep and didn't even flinch as Neil got out of bed. He left her sleeping peacefully. He had a shower, shaved and got dressed before going into the kitchen. Saoirse rarely ate breakfast before she left for work in the mornings so he smiled when he walked into the kitchen to see she'd left out porridge and peanut butter for him and on a little handwritten note she'd scrawled 'Good morning, handsome.xx'. He ate breakfast and drank a cup of tea while watching the morning news and scrolling through his phone.

He looked round Saoirse's living room, everything was so unique and specifically chosen and undeniably her personality represented in just one room. Saoirse always described it as "a vomit of carefully curated colourful jumble" and, as odd as that sounds, it was oddly accurate. Neil remembered how he'd felt when he first met her, there was just something about her that drew him to her. Saoirse was so warm and friendly, he felt like he'd known her forever. He loved how she was so quietly spoken, so meek and mild at first appearance and she purposely maintained this image but once you cracked the surface she was kind but fiery with a wicked sense of humour and the most infectious, dirty cackle of a laugh. He loved how she expressed herself, not bowing to peer pressure of how she 'should" have attained or be aspiring to certain life goals by now, standing up for what she believed in and not sitting back and letting people be treated unfairly. She was just herself, unapologetically so.

Neil put on his shoes and gathered his coat and bag before going back into Saoirse's room. He heard Saoirse stir. "Alright, Sleeping Beauty?" he asked softly. Saoirse groaned as she stretched and yawned. "Wakey wakey!" he teased, leaning over her on the bed. She opened her eyes and sighed. "I'm just making sure you don't sleep in cos I'm leaving for work now." he said.

"Is it 7 o'clock already?" Saoirse asked sleepily. Neil hummed in agreement. "I slept so well!" she mumbled, turning over in bed with her back to him.

Neil laughed his cheeky giggle. "You're welcome, gorgeous." he said, gently smacking her ass. Saoirse sighed. "RIGHT!" he said sternly. "Saoirse, if you're late for work it's not my fault!" he said in a sing-song. Saoirse groaned, threw back the bed clothes and got out of bed. She hugged Neil. "See you later?" he asked. Saoirse agreed, yawning and rubbing her eyes. He smiled and kissed her bed head hair. "OK, bye. Love you." he said automatically as he walked to the bedroom door. They both stopped and looked at each other.

Saoirse tried to hide a smile. She stepped towards him and kissed him, his face flushed an awkward blush and he opened his mouth to say something but Saoirse interrupted him. "Love you too." she said, smiling at him. "See you at work."

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