Love and Sex Ch. 01


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"Cathy had told me about Walter and his visions. She said they were often difficult to understand, but they always came true. I was worried enough that I asked Walter questions. He didn't help much, but when I asked about the bedrock, he muttered something that sounded derogatory before he answered. 'Cathy is your bedrock. You need to cling tightly to her no matter how provocative the dark being's mindless onslaughts prove to be.' I asked if Cathy and I would survive. Walter shook his head and said, 'That I cannot see. My future ends after the mindless being reaches full strength.' I took my eyes off of the old midi for a second, and he was gone."

Cathy said, "You're scaring me. You never mentioned Walter's vision. Part of it has already come true. The whole world is fighting the coronavirus pandemic. I need to talk to my uncle about the dark being. Maybe, I can call home later in the week."

Cathy shuddered and finished her wine. She made a grave error when she half rose from the couch and leaned over to fetch the bottle sitting at the back of the coffee table. My wife had forgotten her trim body was naked under the skimpy towel. As she bent over to grab the wine, she flashed her ass as well as her clean-shaven pussy that was visible between her parted thighs. She must have felt a draft on her sweaty ass because she brushed her free hand down her lower back.

She squealed when her fingers encountered the crack between her luscious ass cheeks and swept over the moist opening to her vagina. She threw herself back onto the couch with the same disastrous results as the first time she sat down too hard. Once again, the knot flew open only this time the towel fell to her waist.

My wife giggled, "Oopsie."

She carefully set the wine bottle she'd managed to grab down next to her glass. Her face was red as she fumbled with the towel for what felt like an eternity before she managed to get it tied. She filled her glass quickly and took a couple of big gulps. Her legs were once again bouncing around on the balls of her feet.

John said, "Thanks, Paul, for sharing the old guy's scary vision. I had Cathy all nice and relaxed. Now I have to start all over."

While he was talking, my friend put his hand on my wife's jouncing leg just above her knee and gave it a firm squeeze. I raised my fingers to my lips and mimicked zipping them shut. Cathy stared at the large black hand wrapped around her leg and poured more wine into her glass.

John left his hand on my wife's leg as he turned back to my wife and asked a series of simple questions like how many children she wanted and what baby names she liked. Finally, he felt she was relaxed enough to begin the interview. By that point, the wine bottle was three-quarters gone, and my friend's big hand was halfway up her thigh.

"What do you miss most about your life before the crisis?"

My wife took another large gulp of wine and thought for a moment.

"I miss going for long runs with Paul in the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. It's where we went for our first date. After a nice run, we would do yoga stretches and then lie out on the lawn with the sun shining on our sweaty bodies. I miss being outside so much."

I laughed. With the clothes dryer running, our apartment had been turned into a sauna.

I said, "We don't need to go to the Botanical Gardens' tropical greenhouse to get hot and sweaty."

John refilled my wife's wine glass and said, "Paul, it would be helpful if we could confine the interview to Cathy and me. "


By the time John concluded the interview, Cathy had polished off the entire bottle of wine. It was her only visible reaction to discussing the horrors she lived through daily in a CORVID -19 Intensive Care Unit. She had expertly described how her ICU was overcrowded with some of the city's poorest and sickest patients.

John said, "Thanks, Cathy, that was one of the best interviews I've ever conducted. Thanks, Paul, for your interview and a wonderful dinner. It's late. I should probably be going."

"No need to rush off. Cathy and I won't turn into pumpkins for another hour. Besides, it's time for the mayor's nightly briefing. As a war correspondent, you need to keep up with the current fighting on the ground."

I flipped on the wall-mounted TV. The briefing had just started. After giving the still rising daily numbers, the mayor said he had ordered stricter enforcement of the quarantine. He had ordered the police to arrest anyone on the street without a valid permit, indicating they were an essential worker. Violations would result in immediate incarceration on Rikers Island without a hearing. My wife's comment summed up my reaction.

"Oh God, that prison is a hotbed of infections. Locking someone up on Rikers Island is a death sentence."

Even John was stunned for a moment before he recovered his typical, carefree attitude. I doubted he'd been back long enough to go through the bureaucratic maze required to get an essential workers' badge. He hadn't been wearing one when he arrived.

John said, "I saw a lot of people on the street on my way here. Hell, there was a pickup basketball game in the park at the end of your street. It's a big city. There's no way they can arrest everyone. I think I'll take my chances. At least they're not dropping barrel bombs on the citizens like the government was doing in Syria."

Cathy said, "I hope you're prepared to wait for a bus. A lot of drivers are out sick. Nothing is running on schedule. I had to wait 40 minutes tonight."

"Well, it's only five miles to the place I'm staying. I can walk if necessary."

The briefing had just ended when we heard sirens. A loudspeaker outside our window ordered the people in the park to return home. We ran to the window and watched as people started throwing rocks at a police car. Another couple of patrol cars and a van filled with a SWAT team arrived. The police fired tear gas and charged the rock throwers. A shot rang out, and the riot became deadly. We watched in horror as people were handcuffed and dragged to vans. They took two people to the hospital. I wasn't sure if they were alive when they were loaded into an ambulance.

Cathy said, "There's no way we're letting you go home tonight. The couch folds out into a Queen-size bed. We'll just have to share it."

Unfortunately, she was right. With the sofa bed unfolded, the only free floor space was in the bathroom. Cathy and I needed our sleep, and John would be crippled if he tried sleeping on the cramped floor. My big black friend looked around the tiny apartment and shrugged. I started clearing the coffee table by dumping our trash in the kitchen wastebasket.

John said, "If the bed doesn't collapse under my weight, I'm game. Sure beats sleeping on the floor of a cave. Hell, after two weeks in quarantine, I'm glad for the company. I need to hit the bathroom again. Can someone grab me another beer."

Cathy walked into the kitchen and pressed her body against mine. I spun my wife around and pushed her against the kitchen counter. I had my hands on her tight naked ass under the skimpy towel, and I didn't want John to see me copping a quick feel. When my wife gasped, I thought it was because I'd pressed a couple of fingers into her surprisingly wet pussy. Instead, it was because she was staring at John over my shoulder. I could hear him pissing like a racehorse despite the noise of the fan. She whispered in my ear even though I doubted John could overhear us.

"Oh, Sweet Jesus, it's so big. How does any woman handle that monster? It would destroy my poor little pussy."

I laughed when I should have yelled at my innocent wife for even thinking about taking John's big black cock in her tight pussy. Why should I be surprised? I had reaped the benefits of her arousal for months when I told her stories of John's sexual exploits.

I heard the toilet flush, and my wife turned her attention to me. She kissed me hard and drove her tongue inside my mouth. Her hips began to slowly grind against my crotch as I worked my fingers deeper into her wet pussy. Damn, it had been a month since we last did it. Back then, I was in medical school. Life was still normal, and the government said the coronavirus outbreak would be contained in China. I remembered Cathy telling me she had stopped taking birth control so we could get a head start on our family. I would be graduating from medical school in a few months and starting my residency in Minneapolis. I wondered if she was still off birth control.

Cathy whispered, "Do you know what today is?"

Four beers on top of too little sleep for weeks didn't help my thinking.

"Is it Tuesday? I'm not sure. Maybe it's Thursday. I'm pretty sure it's a day that begins with a 'T.' So it's Thursday, right?"

Cathy laughed so hard that I felt her vagina contract around my fingers.

"Silly. It's our anniversary. I was thrilled when I saw your schedule for the week. I realized we could both be off tonight if I switched with another nurse and did a double shift tomorrow. I've been dreaming about celebrating with my special man for days. I thought maybe we'd get lucky and make a baby. I was devastated when I saw John sitting on our couch."

When we got married, I'd made an oath that I wouldn't be like other guys and forget anniversaries. I'd even put it in my calendar app. However, I'd been so stressed at work that I'd turned off all notifications on my phone.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. I can't believe I forgot."

"It's ok, Sweetheart. I understand. Just don't think I'm going to let you off easy. As soon as your big black friend falls asleep, I'm going to fuck your brains out."

My innocent wife never used to talk dirty before I began telling stories about John's sexual exploits. Talking dirty had become part of our role play after I related the colorful language my roommate's conquests used when he drove his enormous cock into them for the first time. My cock twitched at my wife's promise to fuck my brains out. There was just one problem.

"Cathy, I just took 10 mg of melatonin so I could catch some sleep before my 4 AM alarm. I'm going to be toast in twenty minutes."

"Damn it, Paul. I'll just have to wake you up before your alarm so I can give you my anniversary present."

"I can hardly wait to unwrap my gift."

My wife was breathing hard from my finger fucking her sweet pussy. She was getting more excited by the second, but before I could get her off, John left the bathroom and turned off the bathroom light. I stopped driving my fingers into her horny pussy when the wet squelching sound became too obvious in the small room without the whine from the fan. My wife whimpered in my ear as she forced herself to stop grinding her sex on my fingers. I heard John open the dryer door.

"Damn, my clothes are still too wet to wear."

I said, "It's my fault. I washed your clothes in with mine. They should be dry in another three or four hours."

"Any chance you have something that will fit me? It wouldn't be neighborly for me to sleep in the nude."

"Sorry, John. Because of the heat, I always sleep in my boxers. None of mine are even close to your size."

I felt my wife's body shudder at the thought of sharing a queen size bed with the large naked man who had been part of her fantasies for months. It didn't matter that I would also be sleeping with her. In one of the wilder fantasies, I had made up. I told her how I restrained a reluctant blond while John fucked her six ways from Sunday. For all Cathy knew, John and I were planning to do the same to her. I wonder what she'd think if I told her the truth about how John and I had repeatedly taken the willing blond in a night-long threesome.

I stood up and yawned. "Guess I'll have to sleep in the middle to protect my wife's innocence."

I moved the coffee table to it's night time location and unfolded the sofa bed. Cathy and I never bothered with blankets in the overheated apartment. All that was on the bed was a pair of sheets. John crawled under the sheet and laid on his side, facing the bathroom. I remembered that he used to be a heavy sleeper. I hoped that he hadn't changed.

I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and stripped to my boxers. I regretted my offer to take the middle as soon as I joined my old friend on the sofa bed. The thin mattress lay on top of worn-out springs. I was lying on top of a metal support rod that ran down the length of the bed. I struggled to get comfortable.

My wife used the bathroom next. Fortunately, when she used the toilet to pee, She was hidden behind the wall. I'm sure it was embarrassing enough that John could hear her piss. When she finished washing up, she hung up her towel and quickly pulled on a nightshirt that covered her down to the top half of her thighs. She slipped on clean bikini panties and joined us in bed after turning off the lights.

I thought about asking my wife to sleep in the middle but fell into a deep sleep.


I was having a fabulous dream about being stranded on a desert island. A young native girl found me half dead, and skillfully nursed me to health. For days, she fed me a thin broth and bathed my feverish body with fresh spring water. Once my fever broke, her ministrations became more sexual. I woke up every morning with a brown hand stroking my cock, and her red lips wrapped around my throbbing erection.

I opened my eyes and saw Cathy's mouth bobbing up and down my hard cock. Her eyes peered up at me as she drove her nose down to my dark pubic hair. Damn, she was taking all seven m inches of my cock without the slightest hesitation. I whimpered when she stopped.

I broke into a smile when she straddled my hips and directed my hard cock against the wet opening to her vagina. I knew for her to get that aroused, she must have been playing with her clit while she sucked on my cock. The room light wasn't dark, thanks to the bright marquee lights leaking through our thin curtains. It was light enough for me to see that my wife was naked when she took all of my cock into her sweet pussy with one quick thrust. I noticed she had shaved off the stubble of pubic hairs when she took her shower. My fingers savored the feel of her slick sex as they searched for her protruding clit. I closed my eyes and moaned. I was in heaven.

I heard someone snore and opened my eyes in a panic. My wife pushed me down and whispered.

"Its ok, Sweetheart. Your friend is deep asleep. Just relax. I'll do all the work."

I turned my head and saw John sleeping on his back. His eyes were closed, and he was softly snoring. Somewhere in the middle of the night, he had kicked the sheet off, exposing his naked body. Even flaccid, his cock was enormous.

I looked up at my gorgeous wife. Her naked body was glistening with sweat, and we'd barely begun. I knew this was going to be tricky. The cheap sofa bed rocked and squeaked every time someone so much as breathed. I already heard the springs singing softly as she slowly rolled her hips. I could see my hard cock moving less than an inch back and forth between her engorged pussy lips. Her generous breasts were gently undulating with the slow fuck.

My hands on her hips were eager for more. I cupped her mons and stroked my fingers through the short blond triangle of curly pubic hairs she'd left when she'd shaved her sex bare. When my fingers traced the path indicated by the small triangle, they found her hard clit waiting for attention. My wife jumped from the intense, unexpected stimulation and let out a cry. We both froze. I heard John stop snoring. My heart was pounding. I stared at the big black man for any sign he was aware of our clandestine activities. I breathed a sigh of relief when he rolled over on his side, facing away from us.

When Cathy resumed her hip rolls, they were even more subtle than before. I realized she was giving me just enough stimulation to keep me erect. Only when my black friend resumed snoring did my beautiful wife pick up her pace. She leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"Sweetheart, don't worry about me. Let me give you my anniversary present. All I want in return is a baby. Relax and go with the flow."

When she sat back up, she pulled my hands to her breasts. The clown who said all you need is a handful didn't know what he was talking about. I've had sex partners who were as flat as pancakes, one's who would put a cow to shame, and everything in between. I've enjoyed fucking every one of them. However, Cathy's breasts were the best I've ever seen, felt, or tasted. Now, I'm a reasonably large man with big hands, and my wife's pert breasts were more than a handful. Tonight, I was content to play with her soft breasts while she did all the work. I made a silent promise to make it up to her the next time.

I didn't last long. It had been too long since I'd had sex, and that had been a week ago with my right hand in the shower. It had been much longer since I'd had sex with my wife. For nearly a month, I'd done little else than work in the hospital and sleep. After I finished shooting my sperm seven inches deep in my wife's womb, she leaned over and kissed me. She was asleep by the time my cock slid out of her. I held her for a few minutes until my fitness tracker vibrated, telling me it was time to get up.

After I carefully crawled out of bed, I pulled the sheet over my naked wife. I covered my friend's bare body while I was at it. I decided to shave at the hospital so I wouldn't have to turn on the bathroom light and fan. I dressed quickly and quietly. By the time I was ready to go, John had gotten too hot and kicked the sheet off again. I left them sleeping on their sides, facing away from each other. With any luck, my young wife would get a few more hours of sleep before her shift started at 4 PM.

On the bus ride, I thought about John and my wife. I was glad Cathy had finally met my old friend. It hadn't taken long for her to warm to his Southern charm. I felt proud of her and loved her deeply. I was glad to see that John approved of my choice. I hoped they would get a chance to know each other better once this damn plague was over.

I had a fleeting moment of concern about the two people I loved the most in the world, sleeping together naked. I laughed at the thought of anything happening. I trusted my modest wife completely, and John was a man of honor. In all the time we lived together, he had never made a pass at any of my girlfriends.

As I got close to my hospital, I realized I was doing everything I could to avoid thinking about my assignment for the day. I opened the files on my phone and forced myself to review the procedures for intubation. I was always nervous about causing the patient pain or injury the first time I performed a procedure, but this time was different. Covid-19 was dangerous. I could become infected and pass the disease on to my wife while I was asymptomatic.


Author's Note: I must be a masochist. I put this story in the Loving Wives category despite swearing I would never post here again. This story certainly doesn't fit in my usual category, which is nonconsent/reluctance. Maybe it belongs under romance.

I take the loving in "Loving Wives" literally. The point of the story is that love and sex are two different things. I believe that the right conditions it is possible to have sex with someone outside the marriage without betraying one's love for their spouse.

Please remember, this story is a fantasy. It's just an excuse to provide an erotic tale. I have to confess, I have been faithful to my loving wife since we were married decades ago. My wife is naughty only in my dreams.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
re: anonymous- the haters can go fuck themselves

Seems like you're the hater ass wipe. So please, go fuck yourself. We all know loving wives is for cheating wives, it's how the cheating is resolved that what makes a story interesting. Willing cuckoldry and men getting off watching their wives get fucked is garbage in my book and I will always low score those type of stories. You sewer rats should really go to fetish, it's more your speed. Go that ass wipe? And even though I post anonymous I always post my initials..What's your excuse? (signed ML)

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 4 years ago

@Anonymous Re: "The haters can go fuck themselves" - You and luedon have the same misconception, although I THINK she knows better, and is just trying to stir things up. We DON'T have an issue with wives fucking, not even if the fuckee isn't their husband. Our issue is what happens AFTER the fucking (assuming it was cheating; if not, that's a whole different issue!). Will they reconcile (we actually don't have an issue with that, under the right circumstances, as long as it's not RAAC)? Will they divorce? What will the consequences of the cheating be? Will it be BTB? Scorched earth? Believe it or not, most of us have nuanced feelings, and we don't always agree! If you ask four Consequence fans, you'll probably get five different opinions!

loericsloericsalmost 4 years agoAuthor
How long it takes to do laundry

dragonmann72 commented that I don't know how long it takes to do laundry. He's right if you don't live in a sixty year old New York City high rise shit hole apartment with an ancient compact washer and dryer set that stack one on top of the other. A large load of laundry takes hours to dry and basically just raises the humidly in the apartment to unbearable levels. Most apartments in Brooklyn are big, old and horrible. Thank God I don't live in the city anymore.

I'll confess it was a gimmick. I love my characters to have sex in hot humid conditions. Its so raw.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

It may well be "possible to have sex with someone outside the marriage without betraying one's love for their spouse," but it's not possible to do so without betraying your marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
The haters can go fuck themselves

The same trolls keep lowballing LW stories because of their tiny pricks. It's like Louis in Casablanca: I'm shocked, shocked there are wives fucking in this category! If you don't like it, read something else. Save your phony outrage for the people you see at church. This entire site is for perverts you fucking hypocrites.

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