Love, Betrayal, Love Ch. 01


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My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"That will be Shani, can you go put some clothes on Greg and then come have your coffee."

"Yeah sure."

I made my way into the bathroom and put on my jeans and a t-shirt. Rinsed my mouth and borrowed some of John's deodorant. I walked back out to the kitchen to be greeted by Shani along with my cup of coffee.

"How's the head? I heard you guys had a bit to drink last night."

"Morning Shani, Yeah my head is not the best right now."

"Well, I guess it was for a good cause."

We were all silent for a few minutes drinking our coffees, enjoying the quietness. John then broke the silence.

"Are you still going to take the apartment you liked yesterday?"

I had looked at four apartments yesterday after leaving Katie, one I was happy with both the apartment and the price.

"I think so, they need to complete their rental check first. So probably late Monday they will let me know."

"What about your stuff? Do you need a hand collecting it?"

"No, I will be fine John. I decided last night that I'm going to leave her with all the furniture and house stuff. Just going to take my clothes and my laptop."

"What about the car?"

Katie and I own a Honda Civic, although she mainly drives it everywhere including to work every day while I catch the buses. I would rather her drive than deal with all the unwanted attention attractive women always seem to get on public transport.

"She can keep it. It's insured in her name anyway so I don't think that's going to be a problem."

"Do you want to borrow my truck today then to go get your stuff?"

"What about you, won't you be needing it?"

"Shani is taking me to the coast in her car. I love fucking on the beach."

Shani then stood from her chair in mock disgust.

"I can't believe you just said that!"

John and Shani then started to play wrestle which then turned into playful hugging and kissing. I finished my coffee and excused myself from the love birds to go take a much needed shower.

When I arrived back at my apartment I noticed Simone's car parked out front. Great, if her or Rachel are here and start giving me a mouthful I might just throttle them to death.

As I walked up the stairs to our front door, I could hear the conversation taking place inside. I decided to stand there a second to gauge the room before I entered. I could hear Katie talking rather loudly although not quite shouting, it also sounded like she had been crying again though as her voice sounded tired.

"None of this would have happened if you two had just left me and Greg be. You had to drive Greg away and then go and invite Jake. Why would you do that to me, to the both of us? My life is over now because you guys wanted to hang out with Jake rather than Greg!"

Rachel apparently could not let that go by without correcting Katie.

"Hold the fuck on Katie, first off let's be clear. It was you complaining about your man's little dick and how much you missed Jake's big cock. It was you complaining that he couldn't fuck you like Jake could. It was you complaining that you missed having multiple orgasms with him. We are your best friends Katie, so we gave you what you wanted!"

Then Simone spoke up with an anger in her voice we don't usually hear.

"And why are you blaming us, that first night you saw Jake in the club it took all of what, ten or fifteen minutes before you had your tongue down his throat? Then within the hour you were back at his hotel room getting properly fucked. That was not us Katie, I did not hold a knife to your throat, you could have not done any of that if you didn't want to! You chose to sleep with Jake and cheat on Greg, not me, not Rachel. That is all on you!"

Rachel then finally adding in to pile on Katie.

"And every Friday night since then too! Hell, girl you even organized it that the only Friday's you are not with Jake is when its your time of the month. You then drag your stupid-ass husband along on those nights to stand there like a dumb fuck and we have to all act like nothing is going on. The only way we can do that is to ignore him. Then you go get pissed with us because he thinks we're being rude. Fuck, seriously Katie!"

The room fell silent, but at least now I had my reasons why. I waited a few more seconds then knocked on the door.

Katie answered, and a look of terror went across her face when she looked up into my eyes, no doubt wondering if I had heard their yelling a few moments earlier.

"Afternoon ladies."

I walked past Katie who had still not said anything to me. Simone and Rachel gave me two very quiet hello's as I walked past them and towards my bedroom.

I started grabbing all my clothes out of the drawers and wardrobe and threw them on a growing pile on the bed. I also grabbed my suitcase from the top cupboard and started packing my clothes inside.

Katie then walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

"Hi Greg."

"Hey Katie."

I continued folding and placing my clothes into the suitcase.

"Are you staying at John's still? When are you coming home?"

"I will be at John's for a few more nights. I have applied for an apartment already, I will move in as soon as I'm approved."

That news brought Katie closer to me, she knew this was really happening. Before she could speak I continued.

"I'm leaving everything here for you except my clothes and my laptop. That includes the car. Here are the apartment keys as well."

The cold detached way I was speaking to Katie was sure to upset her. I was purposefully trying my best to not get emotional after what I had just heard between the three of them.

Part of me wanted to start yelling at her, saying what that you love me except for my little dick? Except for the multiple orgasms I don't give you and he can? Except for the fact I can't fuck you as well as Jake and his big dick can!

And what the fuck, since when does a big dick equal orgasms? How the fuck can you say you love me when all you want to do is fuck him? And why would you drag me along to the club to have me ridiculed in front of your shitty friends who all know your fucking someone else because you think I'm pathetic in bed!

But I didn't say any of that, I think if I let my anger boil over right now I could go too far. My male ego had just been completely destroyed and ridiculed. A natural reaction would be to explode in anger and even violence to try to regain it. Instead, I somehow managed to hold the fury in, and just kept packing my clothes into my suitcase.

"Can we talk Greg?"

"Go ahead."

"Please stop with the clothes and look at me."

I stopped packing, then looked up at the ceiling taking a deep breath to calm myself, then I turned to face Katie who was standing beside me.

"Can we work this out Greg? I don't love Jake, I never have. I have only ever loved you."

"You have been fucking him for two years Katie, which part of loving me does that cover?"

She reached out and put her hand on my arm. She looked like she was trying to be confident but her voice quivering when she spoke was betraying her.

"With Jake it was never love. I only slept with him because we are good together, sexually. But I will never sleep with him again. Ever, I promise."

"What does that even mean Katie? You are good together sexually? How could you possibly think saying that could make it alright? Are you listening to yourself right now? Are you telling me that I am that bad in bed that you need to sleep with someone else?"

Any confidence she had crumbled away as she began to cry again, Katie then reached out and wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't say that, not ever. I have always loved having sex with you. I'm so sorry Greg, I'm hating myself right now for what I'm putting you through. I know this isn't fair on you and I've been so selfish, but I do love you more than anything, you need to believe that!"

I stood there quietly then finally I spoke.

"I don't believe that Katie. If you loved me like I love you, there is no way you would ever even consider doing what you did. Not the once. But you did it. Week after week after week."

"Answer me this Katie, honestly. If I had not found out this weekend about you and Jake, this coming Friday would you be going to his hotel room once again to fuck?"

Katie did not respond, instead she buried her head against my chest.

I'm sure right now she was hoping that this was all just bad dream as much as I did. That she could wake up and it would be Friday morning again and that none of this had happened. The only difference being she would go back to getting her loving husband while also getting to keep her big dick boyfriend. While I would only go back to having a wife that I did not know is cheating on me. For two years I'm sure she felt like she was getting her cake and eating it too.

"I take your silence to mean that you would still be fucking him if I had not found you out. How can you look at me and say you love me?"

I took another deep breath and then continued.

"I have loved you Katie with everything I have, I even wanted us to start having a family, I have been dropping hints for the last six months but now I'm thinking that you didn't want to have a baby because it might interrupt your fuck sessions."

"You want to have kids? Why didn't you tell me Greg? I've always wanted to have kids with you. Jake has nothing to do with that."

"Well its for the best we didn't have kids Katie. It would just make this harder."

"This doesn't have to be hard Greg, I promise I will never see him again. We can have our children. Please Greg, I will do anything. If you want to go out and sleep with other women to get back at me, I will accept that. Please, just stay with me."

"Tell me why Katie, why did you sleep with him for two years? You still have not told me. Sexually good together does not mean anything. Why would you be so prepared to risk our marriage just to fuck this guy that you say you don't even love?

She looked up into my eyes and wiped some of her tears away. I wasn't sure if she would admit to the reasons I overheard Rachel and Simone so clearly spell out earlier. Did she have the strength to say those reasons out aloud knowing how much it would hurt me? Part of me wanted her to say it, so it would make it easier for me to despise her, to be able to walk away from her.

"I can't explain it Greg, just that we have a connection and that I find it hard to deny him. It's just been like that from when we were in high school. I don't know what else to say."

"You're right Katie, there isn't anything else to say."

With that I went back to packing my suitcase while Katie sat on the edge of the bed. She wasn't crying now, she was just sitting there silently staring at the floor. She looked defeated. I think she knew she had nothing left to say that could possibly make this alright again.

I went into the bathroom and collected my toiletries from the cabinet and placed them in the suitcase along with my laptop, then zipping it up.

I looked at Katie, she was still sitting on the bed staring down at the floor. I held out my hand, as Katie looked up she took my hand and I pulled her to her feet so she was standing in front of me.

I then gave her a hug, the first meaningful show of affection I had displayed for her since Friday night. But she knew what this was, it was me saying goodbye.

I leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips and spoke softly.

"Goodbye Katie Johnson, the best part of me will always love you."

"I love you Greg, I always will."

I picked up my suitcase and walked out of the apartment, leaving the love of my life behind.

To be continued.

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LonesomeBoy60LonesomeBoy608 months ago

"The love of his life", but NOT her's.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

I’m crying again, real tears. Everybody says Sex is not Love, and it isn’t, unfortunately.

sennodensennodenover 1 year ago

It's not even her friends that were undermining Greg, Katie did that all along lol

Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

Heartbreaking. Katie loves big dick more than hubby. Excellent writing, great plot. 5 stars. If she loved hubby as much as he loved her she would never have cheated

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