Love is Not a Game


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Kevin slowly nodded his head. "I understand Jenna, and I apologize for my behavior."

Jenna gave him a little smile as she briefly pictured the young version of Kevin in her mind. "I'm just glad you are one of the people that has a higher than average grade for each of your subjects, you won't be missing a lot in this period of time but I do want you to keep on studying, even during your suspension, okay?... Oh, and your apology has been accepted young man." She said, sounding like the nice caring woman she had always been to Kevin.

Kevin and Jenna made small talk after that before she let him out of her office, wishing him luck and hoping to see him soon again. Kevin knew that his mother would be asking questions when he would mention that he wouldn't be attending his university for a week. There were never any lies between the both of them and he wasn't about to break that bond between them, he would tell her about the suspension but not about the reason as he didn't want to see her hurt again.

The three days that followed were a mystery for Caroline. Kevin had told her about his suspension but refused to tell her the reason for it, of course she could just simply call Jenna to find out more about it but she didn't want to confront her son with it. What if it was something that would only make him more distant?

Kevin wasn't his chirpy self for the last three days. He wasn't really talkative during dinner, he rather stayed in his room in the evening and their gaming sessions weren't there. It was as if he desperately wanted to hide the reason for his suspension. Caroline and her motherly instincts were on high alert, she wanted to comfort her son but she had no idea what to do. She then sought out the assistance of her best friend Zoë, the two of them had a private Skype conversation while Kevin was once again in his room, doing whatever.

"And that's about it Zoë... He really started acting odd after he had told me about his suspension, I tried to make him smile again but for whatever reason the things I tried don't seem to work... I think something is really bothering him, something that had happened at his university." Said Caroline, sitting on her comfy chair in their gaming room.

"Mhmmm... You know, I've seen him acting the same once. It was right after the death of your father, but at that time he wasn't distant to you but to others... Maybe this suspension has something to do with you?" Responded Zoë over the skype call.

Caroline looked confused towards her webcam. "How in God's name would his suspension have to do something with me? It happened at his university while I was at home."

"Yes... You're right, guess I'm just imagining things here on my end. But hey, that's not why you called me, right? So you want some advice from me to possibly break his shell and see him smile again?"

Caroline nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I tried different kind of things but to no avail. Maybe you have been in a similar situation like me?"

"Well... Now that you mention it... There was this time when Gary had broken his leg after his football practice. He was all pissed off and sad too because he couldn't play his championship matches. Soooo... I did a... Eh... Little something for him which turned him into my sweet baby boy all over again." Explained Zoë.

Curiously as can be Caroline waited for her answer.

"You know what? Let me show you something." Said Zoë.

Caroline watched her best friend doing something on her computer before the sounds of new messages popped through her speakers. Zoë had send her two pictures, it was a woman posing in an oddly familiar, and rather skimpy outfit. She then noticed that the outfit resembled one of the many heroines from Eternia, they were cosplay pictures.

"So what does this have to..." Said Caroline before she stopped her sentence. She then spotted the small mole to the right side of the woman's mouth, and then her bright hazel eyes. Caroline's jaw dropped a bit, this wasn't some random woman, this was Zoë, her best friend!

"Zoë! Is this you?!" She yelped.

Zoë laughed through her microphone before she spoke. "Pretty good looking right? Was about time that you noticed it was little ol' me! Very accurate to the character, isn't it?"

Caroline had to admit that it was on point, her best friend looked really good. "Well yeah, it looks rather professional and I have to admit that you nailed the character!" But then another thought popped up in her mind, the pictures were clearly taken at her home. "Wait... Who did take these pictures of you?" She asked quickly.

"Gary of course, I mean I was all dressed up and cosplaying for him! And let me tell you that he absolutely loved it, gone was the grumpy Gary and in return I got my sweet son back. You should have seen how excited he was!" Explained Zoë happily. "Here, let me show you some more pictures, we have been doing this off and on because we both rather enjoy it!"

Caroline couldn't believe what she heard and saw, more pictures popped up. Outfits that got skimpier and poses that got a lot more... sexual and flirty. Was here best friend giving her hints on what to do?

"Zoë... Are you suggesting that I should try doing this for...? For Kevin?" She asked nervously.

Zoë laughed again before talking. "Hon, I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just showing you what made my boy all happy again. But now that you mentioned it, I think Kevin wouldn't mind seeing you cosplaying either... Maybe you should try it out?"

A thousand thoughts ran through Caroline's head. Would something like this make her son smile again? Would he enjoy it if his own mother would cosplay as one of his favorite heroines from Eternia?

"I... I don't know Zoë... I mean, I think I'm not really cut out for cosplaying..." Responded Caroline.

"What?! You got to be kidding me girl! Look at yourself! You're one sexy momma with all the right curves, cosplaying would be totally something for you!" Answered Zoë very excited, and she wasn't wrong.

"So... What if I would go with your advice... As what should I cosplay as for him?" Asked Caroline. Deep inside she could feel her heart flutter, would she really be able to pull something off like this for Kevin, her own son?

"Well since he's just as much as an Eternia geek as you and I are... Maybe he has a favorite character or something?" Answered Zoë. "Say, didn't you two play together last week in the same room?"

Caroline nodded. "Yes, we did."

"So check out his PC or whatever he was playing on, maybe he has a wallpaper or something that could inspire you." Suggested Zoë.

Caroline shifted her head to the left and looked straight at the computer of her son, she knew his password so she could have a little peek. She turned on his monitor, entered his password and saw his desktop popping up.

She remained quiet for bit before speaking up to Zoë who was eagerly waiting for her.

"He has Erianna, queen of the night elves as his background wallpaper." She said with her face a bit flushed, overlooking the rather sexy and busty character.

Zoë clapped in her hands out of excitement. "Girl, you hit the jackpot! That character would be perfect for you! I mean that busty and sexy body of yours will resemble her so much!"

"Zoë!" Yelped Caroline. "Even if I would go on with this... How would I be able to resemble her? She has dark purple skin, white silvery hair, red eyes and pointy ears! Plus, her rather eh... 'revealing' outfit."

"Well, that's where I come in sweetheart. I've been really getting into cosplaying for Gary that I purchased a lot of accessories like body paints, clothes and other things. I'm sure I can make you look just like her!" Said Zoë.

Caroline grew quiet for a bit. Thinking everything over in her mind.

Zoë quietly waited for what her best friend's response would be.

"Okay... I will do it." Said Caroline a bit nervously, but with a smile on her face after a while.

"Yes!" Shouted Zoë. "I swear that you won't regret it Caro, and neither will Kevin!"

Caroline then remembered that Kevin would be visiting a friend tomorrow in the afternoon, it would be the perfect time to get herself 'ready'. She didn't want to waste any time, she wanted to see her son happy and smiling again.

"Can we... Can we do it tomorrow Zoë? Kevin will be gone in the afternoon so we would have all the time in the world." She asked.

"Wow! Someone seems to be eager! But yes, I could transform you in the perfect Erianna look-a-like in a few hours. So, see you tomorrow?" Responded Zoë.

Caroline nodded, a new flush of red forming on her face. "Y-yes Zoë, let's see each other tomorrow..."

Her own son had surprised her with something truly incredible and sweet a week ago, this time it was the mother's turn to do something incredible for him. As Caroline laid in bed that night she felt all her nervousness wash away, she felt something burning inside of her: excitement, passion... And love. A deep lingering love for the most important man in her life.


Caroline was greeted by Zoë who had a stupid grin on her face when she opened her front door. She also had a large suitcase with her which presumably contained all of the cosplay items.

"Hi hon! Ready to transform and give that son of yours the surprise of his life?" Asked Zoë as she stepped inside the Felton household.

"Yeah... I... I guess so..." Answered Caroline a bit vaguely, the excitement from the night before had washed away a bit since she realized that her cosplaying for her son would be taking place in a few hours.

Zoë placed her free hand on Caroline's shoulder. "Don't be nervous Caro, believe me, you will have fun doing it. Just image Kevin's face when you reveal yourself!"

"I presume that I will be giving you your makeover upstairs?" She asked as she already made her way to the stairs.

Caroline nodded before following her best friend to her bedroom.

Zoë immediately started to extract item after item from the opened suitcase onto Caroline's bed. A makeup kit here, a piece of clothing there and much more additional accessories, and, as last a printed paper with a full body shot of Queen Erianna for reference.

"Wow... That's quite a lot of stuff Zoë, I never knew that cosplaying would be such a chore." Said Caroline as she eagerly waited.

"When you do something, you gotta do it good! Especially when trying to resemble a character like this." Answered Zoë.

After separating and placing everything she needed on the bed Zoë turned towards her best friend. "Should I give you a small summary of what is going to happen? And, I want to make sure that you are one-hundred percent behind this Caro because your body is going to be my canvass so to speak. I want to make you look as good as possible." She asked rather serious.

Caroline could feel the confidence and excitement from the night before finally returning to her, she nodded and gave her best friend the go ahead.

"Alrighty! Now, one question: you shave everything, correct? Because I will be needing your skin to be as smooth as a baby's bottom." Asked Zoë.

Caroline developed a small blush on her face before nodding again.

"Good. So, first I'm going to dye your hair in this silvery white color that perfectly matches Erianna's hair. After that I will be using this dark purple body paint to recreate Erianna's skin color, and yes, I mean that all of your skin will be covered. Now don't worry, you will be able to clean yourself after the event but it will require some scrubbing. Then comes the clothing, we will be going after Erianna's primary costume so knee length high-heeled boots, tight silk shorts and a bustier/corset combo." Explained Zoë excited.

"That seems quite... Revealing, wouldn't you say? No bra and panties?" Asked Caroline, again with a small blush on her face.

Zoë smiled at her. "Elves are a thing of beauty! It might be a bit revealing but that's what we are going for, we want you to resemble her as much as possible."

"Anyway, after the clothing is out of the way I will be doing your additional makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, black nail varnish. Then we need to use some props: your red contact lenses, these dark purple elven ears and as finishing touch her characteristic moon-shaped earrings." Explained Zoë further.

Caroline was quiet for a bit, overlooking everything that was laid out on her bed. She truly was going to be transformed into a total different person from the outside. She then smiled at Zoë and spoke. "Well, shall we begin?"

Zoë clapped her hands and started gathering the needed items for the first part of Caroline's transformation. The two best friends would have a few hours before Kevin would return, hopefully to witness his own mother representing his favorite, busty Eternia character.


After an almost three-hour session of Zoë letting loose her cosplay skills onto Caroline they finally had reached the end. Zoë had kept Caroline away from any mirrors so it would be a surprise for her as well, but judging by the huge grin on Zoë's face Caroline knew that the result had to be good.

"Aaaand... We, are, done!" Said Zoë overjoyed before letting out a puff of air. "Girl, you are looking mighty, mighty fine if I have to say so myself. I dare to say that this blows any of my previous creations right out of the water!"

"Sooo, am I allowed to actually see myself now?" Asked Caroline.

"Oh right! Here, let me return your mirror into the room." Responded Zoë before returning the body length mirror to its original place. "Prepare to be amazed!" She said.

Caroline closed her eyes, let out a soft sigh and walked in front of the mirror, she then opened her eyes.

Her long, silvery white colored hair hung loose, just ending above her behind. Her eyes shining a bright red due to the contacts, her face professionally made up accompanied by the elven ears and jewelry. Her body a dark tint of purple, the revealing clothes wrapped around her curvy body like a second skin, her breasts almost spilling out of the tight top and her motherly hips and juicy ass were out on full display. There was no mistake, this afternoon she had transformed into Erianna, queen of the night elves. The resemblance was spot on; Kevin's world was about to get hit by an earthquake, in an hour or so he would be confronted with a real life version of his favorite character which also happened to be his very own mother.

Zoë observed Caroline as she was standing awestruck, looking at herself in the mirror. "I think I'll take your silence as a compliment Cora, glad to see that my skills never stop evolving." She said after a while.

She then glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost six o'clock, time flew by while she had been sculpturing her best friend into the perfect Erianna cosplayer.

Zoë walked up to Caroline and placed her hands onto her shoulders which made her snap out of her paralyzing stance. "Caro, I think Kevin will be returning soon, you always serve dinner around six, right?"

"Y-yeah I do..." Answered Caroline softly.

"Alright... Look, I got to go. I still have a son of my own to dine with. Remember what I told you, the body paint is erasable but it's gonna take some good scrubbing, and don't bother returning the clothing and props, their yours now since they fit you like a glove." Said Zoë as she looked at Caroline in the mirror.

"And don't be nervous, Kevin will appreciate and love it that you went out to do something like this for him, I'm sure of that." She added.

"T-thanks for doing this for me Zoë, I owe you one." Responded Caroline, a little more relieved.

Zoë laughed. "Girl, you don't owe me nothing, you helped me out a lot too. That's what best friends are for after all. Anyway, I really got to go now before I bump into Kev, you stay here and wait, once he gets home, give him the surprise of a lifetime!"

And so Zoë left while Caroline stayed upstairs. She then remembered that Zoë allowed her son to take pictures of her, serving as a memory of her cosplay outfits. She liked the thought of having some memories of her own as well, so she decided on the spot that she would allow Kevin to take pictures of her too, something that would probably make him even more happy.

She walked up to the drawers in her room and open the bottom one, it contained a rather professional camera, often used when she and Kevin would go on vacations. She took it out, checked if the battery was still full and then placed it on the end of her bed, making sure that Kevin would see it.

Just as she finished that she heard the lock from the front door unlocking. This was it, Kevin was home at last. She suddenly felt a bolt of excitement running through her body and even a bit of... arousal?

"Mom, I'm home!" Came from her son's voice downstairs.

Caroline took another big breath, opened her door slightly before responding to her son. "Hi honey, could you... Could you be a dear and help me out upstairs? I'm in my bedroom."

Kevin, being the attentive son he is, responded right away. "Sure Mom, just give me a few seconds to take off my shoes." He said.

Caroline felt her heartbeat increasing rapidly as she quickly darted towards her own seperate bathroom that was attached to her room. She left the door open a few inches and started to wait for her son to come upstairs. The door to her bathroom was exactly opposite of her bed, once she would come out of it Kevin would have a perfect view of her.

She then heard him slowly walking upstairs, each step making her more nervous but excited at the same time. Finally, he reached her bedroom door, opened it and walked in.

"Mom? Where are you? I thought that you needed my help?" Said Kevin as he walked into his mother's room, spotting her camera sitting on the end of her bed.

"I-I'm here, just... Sit on my bed for a bit..." Came his mother's voice from her bathroom.

Kevin shrugged his shoulders and did what his mother told him. He sat down on the end of her bed, placing the camera safely in his lap to make sure it didn't get damaged.

Caroline took a deep breath. "You can do this! Make your boy happy again!" She said to herself. She opened the door and walked into her bedroom with mild confidence. Kevin was inspecting the camera and didn't notice her right away.

"D-darling." She said to him, sounding a bit shy.

Kevin was still looking at the camera when she walked in and spoke to him, he immediately looked up. "Hey Mom, I was... I... Was..." He said before his sentence broke up until only silence remained.

His eyes almost popped out of his skull as he witnessed his mother, or was it queen Erianna? standing in front of him. His mouth dropped open as his eyes darted all across and over her body. Her long, silvery white hair, her beautiful made up face with bright red pupils that seemed to stare into his very soul, those bombastic pair of tits that were on full display in what seemed to be a corset, followed by her curved ass and motherly hips in those tight silky shorts, her cute little feet and smooth legs now covered by high-heeled knee-length boots that made her a few inches bigger, and to top it off her whole skin was covered by a warm, inviting dark purple color.

Kevin felt his body burning up, his heart fluttering as he had a real-life living version of queen Erianna standing about a meter away from him. And this incredible beautiful and sexy queen Erianna was his very own mother to boot.

"S-surprise!" Said Caroline shyly with an odd smile on her face as she presented herself to her son. She was blushing intensely but due to the purple body paint it didn't show.

"Mom... This is... Oh my God... Mom... You look amazing! You look just like her! This is incredible!" Shouted Kevin out of excitement, all his questions washed right away when he heard his mother's voice.
