Love is Where You Find It


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My two little ones just waited on me, hand and foot. At first I thought it was a bother, but after a while, it was just showing how much they cared.

One huge advantage of Junior getting his driver's license, was if one of the younger kids needed a ride somewhere, he was the chauffeur.

One night, sitting around our living room, we were back in the name choosing mode. Out of the blue, both of the older kids said, "how about Joy?"

We all knew she was going to bring a lot of joy to our already joyful home, so we all decided on Joy, for our newest addition.

When the kids were all headed to their rooms, with us laying in bed, and Deanna was softly rubbing my expanded belly, she very slowly started sucking on my highly sensitive nipples, with one hand dipping down between my thighs.

As hard as I tried, my moaning became a bit loud. When two fingers entered my pulsating pussy, my first orgasm hit like a ton of bricks.

I barely was able to catch my breath, when her mouth replaced those two fingers, and my body reacted by gushing just a little bit of girl cum into her mouth.

Moving around, placing her snatch right over my face, I went to town, with my tongue and three fingers slowly fucking her properly. Then, I got really brave, and put two very moist fingers in her rounded behind.

Both of us were shaking with our excitement. I was hoping this wouldn't hasten Joy's birth. What the Hell, I was having so much fun, I truly didn't care.

The next morning, at breakfast there was the usual chatter, with Junior fairly quiet. When Deanna asked what was wrong, his face turned a beet red.

"Uh, um, mom and, um Betty, we kind of heard noises last night. All the way up stairs. Um, oh, shit, aren't you a little far along to be doing that sort of stuff?"

"And just what do you think Betty and I were doing?"

With that, I thought he was going to pass out. It didn't help that Daniela was laughing.

"Mom, I'm seventeen, now, and know what those sounds are. I'm sorry I brought it up."

"David, don't be sorry," I said, "your mom and I might have got a little carried away, but that's how much we love each other."

"A bit carried away?" Daniela commented.

"OK, kids, you both seem to know what married folks do, so we will try to keep the noises to a minimum, OK?"

They both nodded, and left the table.

I was still so horny I could hardly sit still.

Just as we were starting to leave the kitchen, I had this 'feeling', looked at my wife, and told her its time to go.

Calling all four together, we told them what was happening, and took off to finally greet our newest daughter.

Getting to the hospital in near record time, getting to the delivery area, where my doctor was just arriving, and realizing what was taking place, I just kept holding onto my wife's comforting hand.

The older kids texted their dad, and my parents, and then herded the little ones all together, for their trip to meet their new sister.

The waiting area was filled with people all waiting on me.

After less than a hour a serious labor, Joy Susan Chambers-Smith made her debut. Just over six pounds, with a head of dark brown curls, she was a spitting image of Daniela.

All through my labor, Deanna was the best labor coach in the world. Knowing just what to say and when.

When the nurse put her in my arms, I just melted. Both Deanna and me, couldn't get enough of our little bundle of Joy.

Finally, getting wheeled out heading to my room for an overnight stay, my troupe couldn't stop hugging each other.

We must have been quite a site, with mixed races, mixed sexes, the whole nine yards.

In my room, with our visitors limited to two at a time, our treasure just kept staring at all these strange people. With her little pink hat keeping her head warm and her infectious little smile, she was just the perfect little baby.

When my parents finally got a chance to view their newest grandchild, they both had grins a mile wide.

At first, they just couldn't wrap their heads around the fact I'd fallen in love with another girl. Added to that, our sperm donor was my wife's ex husband, well, we didn't know what to expect.

My mom spoke first, telling both of us how beautiful our daughter was. When both of them gave Deanna a big hug, I really thought they had made a complete 180 turn-around and accepted her fully.

Getting our brood back home, the next day, we already had our plan in place. Everyone had tasks to do, and knew that my comfort was priority number one.

Everyone also knew that my first priority was to Joy. Each time she made a peep, at least three people were attending to her.

She just seemed to bask in all this attention. All four of our children couldn't wait to tell all their friends about our new addition. I do need to add one thing. Neither of our older kids volunteered to help with diaper changing.

As our life started to return to a sense of normalcy, we did talk a few times about doing this again, but decided against any further additions.

With Deanna's job keeping her as busy as she wanted to be, and me being able to work from home, our kids received any need attention.

As Joy turned two months old, Deanna came to us, one Thursday afternoon, and told us she would watch Joy, if we wanted a night out. She finally got the diapering down pat, and was quite comfortable feeding her baby sister from the bottles I'd fill from my handy dandy pump.

So, after a little discussion, we were off to our favorite Karaoke bar. As we walk in, we were hit with a barrage of cheering, balloons, and people just hugging us and congratulating us on our baby.

David and Josina walked up to us, hugging us, and admitting this was their idea, after being prompted by Daniela.

Settling down, we did dance, with each other, with both David and Josina, switching between all four of us.

Dancing with Josina, close enough to feel she just might be getting excited, I whispered in her ear, that I might just want to taste a black cock for the first time!

"Don't you fucking dare, you trollup!" she grinned, knowing I'd never cheat on my wife.

Going back to our table, the four of us just had the best of time, the rest of the evening. To most observers, we were a most unique quartet. Two black, gay man, one now a t-girl, with two white women, married to each other. At this bar we weren't the only odd couples there.

Finally, getting back home, we encountered quite a scene. Joy, sound asleep in her little bassinet, and Daniela sound asleep in our armchair.

Trying to be quiet, I leaned in, checking on our baby, realizing she didn't need a change, Daniela woke up, and started to tell us about their evening.

When we both told her everything was perfect, she took one look at both of us, saying she didn't know how we could take car of a baby, along with everything else we had going.

What was that line from the old beer commercial, 'practice, practice, practice'

"Just so you both know, I'm not having kids until I'm thirty! Good night, I'm exhausted."

Getting ready for bed, after one more feeding and change, we just laid in bed, looking at each other, admiring each other, knowing it was my shitty marriage that brought us together. But in truth, it was the two of us that made it work.

As life was back to normal, or as normal as a family with five kids could be, we were watching the evening news when an interesting news story came on.

The crux of this story was the result of a nearly two year investigation of drugs and sex trafficking in and around Las Vegas, nearly twenty people were arrested, and hundreds of thousands of dollars recovered, but the head of this crime ring seemed to have evaded arrest.

It went on to say, law enforcement didn't have an ID on this mystery man, but the DEA said they were on his trail, and an arrest was impending.

Two hours later, with the kids either in bed, or getting ready for bed, my phone rings, with an 'unknown number' on the caller ID.



How are things going with your new baby and the rest of your family?

Um, aren't you taking a big risk calling here?

Nope, I'm in a country that doesn't have an extradition treaty with the US.

We're fine, thanks for asking.

If your wife is listening too, be aware that I most likely won't return to the US, but I'm fairly certain you'll never be questioned about my gifts to you.

I don't know how to thank you, Mr. Tipton.

No need, and just keep on enjoying your family. Good night, ladies.


Heading towards our fifth anniversary, with Junior doing very well in college, heading towards an MBA, and Daniela wanting to be a drug and alcohol counselor, and the younger girls heading to middle school and even Joy in preschool, life couldn't be better.

Planning a fairly large celebration for Deanna's fortieth birthday in three weeks, we all sat back, enjoying the best family life possible.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
Nicole2023Nicole20235 months ago

Just why do you have to give the description when someone is black? You didn’t when someone is white. Regardless enjoyed the story.

Anton79Anton7910 months ago

Very good! You have a great attention for detail.

JustplainjeffJustplainjeffalmost 2 years agoAuthor

Nitpic: Use your fucking brain!! Oh, wait, that's something you've proven by your many negative comments, you don't possess.

NitpicNitpicalmost 2 years ago

So,what did she do with all the money she was given?.

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