Love Long Gone


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"Trick or treat!" she repeated. Seeing the stunned look on the man's face, she giggled and did a pirouette in front of him, her skirts twirling as she turned.

J.L. noticed that the hip scarf was if anything cut much higher in back, emphasizing the perfect buttocks he'd watched on the camera outfeed weeks before.

Iris had been slow to realize how attracted she was to the man. Indeed, she knew now, it had taken her much too long to realize that she loved him. She could also see how deeply J.L. was hurt, sensed that he would never move out of his hole unless pressed. When J.L. had declined her invitation, she knew with that most pragmatic female logic that the ball was in her court.

The result of her considerations was a Halloween costume owing much to boudoir lingerie. It had taken her very little time to make up her mind and not much longer to actually make the costume. Once she had contemplated herself in the mirror wearing it, however, it had taken her considerably longer to work up the courage to go ahead.

Iris stopped turning and, her eyes fixed on his, walked slowly, gracefully towards him. She stopped just in front of him. Her arms came up, took his head and pulled it towards hers, stopping when it was a hand's-breadth away.

Staring at her blue eyes, J.L. thought he could smell her youth.

"I couldn't stand the thought of you being out here alone, J.L.," she said again.

The girl led him into the library, gently pushed him into a chair and knelt in front of him.

"Here's the problem, J.L." she said softly. "I need your advice, a man's point of view. I think... I think I've fallen in love with a good man."

"Iris..." he tried to break in.

"Hush!" Her finger came up to his lips, rested for a moment.

"I've fallen for somebody, J.L. He's a good man, a very good man, even if he won't let himself think about himself that way. And he's wrapped himself up in his grief, hiding himself away from the world because it might hurt him again.

"It breaks my heart, J.L. He's kind and wise and gentle and handsome and patient and I dream of him at night."


"Let me finish. He saved my life once and has been gracious enough to allow me to intrude my presence inside the only things he thinks he has left -- his isolation and his memories. And it's such a waste, J.L. Because I love him and I'd give anything for him to love me, but I don't think he does.

"So, J.L., I decided that, if I couldn't have him love  me, then maybe at least I could have him want  me. So, give me some credit for trying, J.L. I've spent two days making myself looking like somebody his body might fancy on Halloween in hopes that I might get his attention that way. And you still haven't even touched me.

"What's a girl have to do, J.L.?"

The girl stopped, clearly awaiting a response.

J.L. could smell some sort of a perfume on her now, subtle but dark and spicy. The scent was touching him deep inside and he seemed to be falling into a lake of blue eyes. Without thinking, he brought his face closer to hers, brushed his lips against hers.

"I love you, J.L." she whispered. "Tonight isn't about us; it's about you. Let me be good to you, J.L., just for one night. Please?"

Wordlessly, J.L. surrendered. Unbidden, he rose, pulled her to her feet in front of him. His hands took her by the hips, ran slowly up bare skin, over the hip scarf until they came to rest around her bare waist, not quite touching her breasts. At the same time, he leaned into Iris, his kiss turning more passionate. Her tongue flowed against his teeth as his lips opened.

Iris's hands on his head pulled him against hers, hard, then slid down over his body, pulled him into her. She was not surprised to feel his hardness against her belly; that's what the costume was for.

J.L.'s hands swept up and down her flanks, again returning to rest just under her arms. Iris gave a little gasp when his thumbs first brushed slowly over her nipples. She pulled back, looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Oh, god, J.L., you have no idea how often I've dreamed of you doing that!"

His hands slipped inwards to cover her breasts with his palms. He squeezed gently and the girl moaned. Her hands slid between them, began to unbutton his shirt.

"I want to feel you against me," she said softly.

The tails of his shirt were caught inside his trousers. In frustration, she grabbed the garment by the shoulders and pulled it down. With a shrug of his arms, it fell loose, hanging down from his beltline. His hands came back up towards her, but the girl moved faster, pulling them together in a hug.

"I want to feel you against me, J.L." she said again. His left hand pulled them together; his right swept slowly through her hair. The two stood that way for a long minute before the girl slipped out of the hug.

"Thank you, J.L." she said. "I needed that."

The sound of the storm outside increased. He suddenly looked at her body and its almost non-existent costume. Her raincoat was hanging by the door, a puddle of water under it and a line of wet, bare footprints leading to there from the door. "How...? I mean, did you come all that way dressed in..."

Iris laughed. her hands now moving over his chest, tugging lightly at his chest hair, caressing his own nipples. "No, silly! I changed in your shed!"

He laughed with her, pulled her back in for another kiss, then squeezed her as tight as he could.

"It's a wonderful surprise, Iris, and an amazing costume," he said, his hand holding her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm not prepared for Halloween. No candy or pumpkins, sorry."

She pulled his head to hers again for a firm kiss.

"That's all the sweet candy I want for tonight, J.L."

She kissed him again, slid out of his arms and knelt gracefully in front of him. Slim fingers traced the length of his manhood inside his clothes. J.L. hissed as her fingertips lingered over his bulbous, swollen head.

She looked up at him, smiled brightly. "And here's the pumpkin!"

She deftly undid his belt, fumbled an instant to find his zipper tab. Once she had it in her fingers, she pulled it very slowly down towards his feet, thrilled at the warmth, the expectancy in his eyes.

The trousers slid down his legs, fell to the floor, exposing a pair of quite utilitarian boxer shorts. They followed the trousers in a second, leaving J.L.'s rigid cock waving in front of Iris' face.

The girl cupped her hands around his low-hanging sack, slid them lightly up his length, bent forward and gave his head a light kiss. His cock twitched at her touch.

The young woman laughed delightedly, but knelt back on her heels, seized the pile of clothing around one of J.L.'s legs in her hands. "Up," she commanded and J.L. obediently lifted one leg free of the clothing. The other leg followed.

"That's better," she laughed, tossing the pile to one side admiring his nudity. "Now you have a proper costume, too!"


Her bright, smiling eyes were locked on his. "For the party, silly."

She moved towards him and gently began stroking his shaft with her hands.

"I've dreamed of this, too, J.L." she said.

"Should we move, Iris?" he asked.

"Not yet." She began licking him, light tongue strokes up and down his length, around his swollen head, behind his sack. Her hand took his shaft more firmly, doeskin softness over ironwood core, and began to pump it lightly as, one by one, she sucked his fragile eggs into her mouth. Keeping her teeth hidden behind her lips, she slowly pulled her head back, stretching his sack, before they slid out of her mouth with a small pop!

And again.

And again.

J.L. closed his eyes, tucked his hands into her hair. His breath became ragged as the girl in front of him began to lick his length with broad, hard strokes, over and over.

Iris switched, began pumping his shaft more rapidly while taking his engorged head into her mouth and running a firm tongue around and around it. J.L. could feel a heavy heat building inside him. He opened his eyes to see hers locked on his face.

She pulled off for a second, smiled broadly at him, her thumb gently massaging his slit, before again bending to her efforts. Her eyes remained on his as her head bobbed up and down on his member.

Iris stopped, backed away. Again there was a slight pop!  as J.L.'s cock emerged from between her lips. "I love you, J.L." she whispered and, for the first time in years, the man felt something within him other than emptiness and pain.

Again she bent down to his organ, sucking it into her mouth and moving down on it until J.L. felt it start to probe the back of her throat. The girl coughed a little, backed out just a bit and began working him, her cheeks hollow with suction, bobbing up and down as quickly as she could. He brushed away the mass of red hair so that he could watch.

Feeling his orgasm approaching, J.L. tried to pull away. "Iris, I'm going..."

The woman resisted, continued her ministrations. As her head dipped up and down on his length, she fondled his balls with her hands.

J.L. felt a tightening, a burning pressure and then his orgasm hit him. The girl kept him in her mouth but slowed down, stopped teasing with her tongue and simply let him empty himself into her throat. She smiled to herself as his organ pulsed over and over, swallowed again and again until his passion had ended.

"Trick or treat, J.L.!" she said, a loving smile on her face.

She rose gracefully, rested her head on his shoulder and pulled in for a firm hug.

"Now take me to bed," she whispered.

Wordlessly, her man bent down, picked her up effortlessly and strode down the hall.

This is the second time he's carried me.  Iris thought to herself.

He gave a half-turn, easing her feet-first through the door into his bedroom. The girl looked around as she was carried in, for despite repeated visits, she had always respected J.L.'s last refuge of privacy.

The room was clean and neat and definitely a man's bedroom. It was dominated by a massive old four-poster bed, complete with an ornate brocaded canopy. It and the other matching pieces in the room were clearly antiques, possibly left over from when the house was first built.

A framed picture of Sandy stood on the bureau.

J.L. dropped her gently on the bed. She shifted over towards the centre, held out her arms to him. He slid in beside her, half-lying across her chest. Their lips met as her arms closed around behind him.

Iris's heart soared as she felt J.L.'s hands sweep over her shoulders and along one flank, dragging the soft fabric of her costume over her body. His hand came to rest first on one breast, then on the other. His gentle squeeze brought a moan of pleasure from the girl, but his fingers kept moving over the fabric and she suddenly wanted more than anything to feel then on her bare skin.

"Stop!" she gasped, wiggling out from under him. "Just for a moment!"

She sat part-way up. Her hands went behind her back, seeking her bra clasp.

His hands shot out, grasping her arms gently. "You stop," he said.

Her eyes widened.

"Let me look at you, Iris," he whispered. "You went to so much trouble. Let me unwrap my own present."

Smiling, Iris complied. She felt his hands sweep again over her back, one moving down to caress her bum, lingering, and squeezing and fondling her buttock. She felt herself begin to tingle.

The man's hands rose again to her back, paused over the catch for her bra. It parted.

Iris, her eyes sparkling, caught the two cups in her hands, covering her nipples. Smiling, she leaned her face towards his. Their lips met and their tongues began to caress each other.

Iris felt J.L. seize her wrists. Gently, but firmly, he pulled her hands away from her chest. The bra slithered off her body, slid to the bed between them. His hands released hers, came up to pull her face harder into what became a lingering, blazing kiss.

Iris felt her heart pounding, felt her nipples grow hard, then harder still as J.L. moved his lips from her face to her breasts.

Slowly, gently, his tongue traced out the fullness of her boobs -- around and around, back and forth. His hands supported and squeezed them gently as he did so.

Iris began to pant. She reached down, searching for his manhood. She found it, still only half-erect again. Her slim fingers flowed over its shaft; her thumbs teased its head. J.L. found himself rapidly becoming hard again.

He began to gently play with her nipples, first with his lips, then with soft, teasing nips with his teeth.

The girl began to moan now. She felt a wetness between her legs, gave a low cry when a strong finger swept along the length of her now-swollen labia.

"Oh, J.L.!" she cried softly.

He stopped his exploration for a moment, pulled her waist scarf down over her hips, let it and the green loincloths fall, leaving her utterly bare under his eyes. He paused to admire her beauty; Iris glowed at the awe and the open desire on his face. He returned to pleasing the girl, his fingertip spreading her sweet juices along the length of her sex. Lust building within her, she reciprocated by stroking and pumping his length and smiled to herself at the look of pleasure in his eyes.

His weight came down on her, pinning her to the bed. It seemed to be at once and the same time the weightiest, most protective thing she could imagine and also totally delightful, something as light as a suntan.

Their lips danced on each others'. Hands swept over each other's body.

J.L. gave a groan, rose off her body. Strong arms seized her hips, lifted and turned.

Iris came to rest on her hands and knees, her feet over the edge of the bed. J.L. moved quickly to kneel behind her on the floor. She cried out as the roughness of his beard brushed her inner thighs, cried again at the first stroke of his tongue on her sex.

Wordlessly, he pushed her knees apart to give him better access. His tongue now stroked her, front to back, in broad, firm strokes. It lingered, probing with its tip as it passed over her opening, danced lightly over her button on its return.

Iris could feel her arousal soar higher and higher with each stroke. She began calling his name again as her orgasm broke.

It burned through her, sharp as the lightning outside the house, fiery as her hair, leaving her gasping for breath.

Again without warning, J.L. pulled away, stood up behind her. The girl felt a slight fumbling as his hands guided his cock into her now-drenched sex. With a long, steady thrust, he pulled her over him.

Wanting to watch her lovers' faces as they penetrated her, Iris had never tried the position before. To her surprise, she was experiencing the act of love in a very different way. As J.L.'s cock slowly eased back and forth within her, she found the stimulation very different from what she was used to. Never had she felt so absolutely filled, especially to this depth.

It felt, in other words, very good. No, it felt exceptionally good. She could feel another orgasm building with amazing speed.

J.L. seized her hips with his hands and began drive home his strokes with all his force. The girl's full breasts swung beneath her as his stomach slammed again and again into her bottom. She again began to utter wordless cries.

J.L. stopped, shuddering, his hands clenching Iris' hips in a rigid grip. Within her, the girl could feel his organ begin to pulse and throb. With that, Iris came again, a deep, round orgasm which left her breathless and quivering.

J.L. restarted his strokes, but much, much slower, far more gently. To the girl's surprise, his pleasure strokes hit her with a totally unexpected third orgasm. With a soft cry of joy, her head dropped to the mattress; she would have fallen completely had not J.L.'s strong hands on her hips held her upright.

The slim man leaned down on top of her back, panting. After a few moments, he withdrew, picked up the girl and positioned the two of them in the centre of the bed, drawing the covers over them.


Iris woke the next morning. She felt a solid, loving arm over her waist, a gentle hand cupped over one breast and J.L.'s deep breath behind her.

Yawning, she opened her eyes, only to jerk back in surprise. Staring into her eyes from no more than a foot away, Bonnie yawned back, her long tongue sweeping over her muzzle.

"Good morning, girl," Iris chuckled softly, her hand sweeping lightly over the dog's head, scratching behind her ears. In response, the big dog leaned forward, her tongue stretching out to lick Iris' nose.

Giggling, Iris rolled over slowly. J.L. was still in a deep sleep.

Quietly, the girl disengaged herself from his arms and slipped out of the bedroom, the dog following. Iris closed the door behind her and let the two dogs out the back door before putting the coffee pot on.

Coffee in hand, she stuck her nose outside and discovered that this first of November was going to be an unseasonably fine day. Already it was warm enough to go out without trying to find something to wear. Her feet sinking into the wet grass, she followed the dogs outside, found a chair and settled down to watch the boats below.

A few minutes later, Bonnie and Clyde joined her, lay down beside her.

It was there J.L. found them half an hour later and it is there that we will leave them all, for loss and loneliness can sometimes be just tricks and saints come in all forms.

Some of them - some of them - even bring treats on dark and stormy nights.


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naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4u7 months ago

That was a beautiful well crafted story

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Utterly beautiful. Tender, warm, smooth. Quite delightful.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

“The girl obviously knew something about cooking” as did the author, as she does about punctuation and grammar. Full marks for a middle aged man sporting something other than a bulging wallet.

BigotedeFocaBigotedeFoca8 months ago

Beautiful, just as everything else you’ve written that I’ve read has been. A very easy 5⭐️’s

BobLee7BobLee79 months ago

Great story. Thank you for sharing.

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