Love, Sex, Revenge Pt. 03 - Pain BTB


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It was a flimsy plan, but it would go smoothly if executed correctly. But he had a backup plan which wasn't as elegant, just in case. He had Grace drive over to the hotel herself as Vinnie drove the stretch limo a quarter mile behind her as Johnny sat in the back. He watched from a distance as she walked into the hotel and looked at his watch. It was now 4:05, and he needed to get ready.

Archer saw Grace and smiled because she wore the dress, he told her to wear. He knew she wanted him again and laughed at how easy these women were, all for a good fuck. He knew he had a few hours before he had to leave for the airport and could not wait to rip that dress off her and cum in all of her holes one more time.

He gave her a kiss, hello, and she said she needed a drink and went to the bar. Upon her return to the table, his hand was immediately on her leg and Grace told him that when she got home, she realized how hot that sex was and wanted it one more time before he left town.

Archer was proud of himself and continued to tell Grace how sexy she looked and what a great lover she was. He told her how much he loved how she sucked his cock last night.

Grace was trying not to show her disgust and convince him how much she enjoyed last night. That's when her phone rang at exactly 4:20. She looked at it and then up at Archer and said, "It's Johnny, I better answer it otherwise he might get suspicious."

"Hello?" she answered, standing up and turning from Archer.

"I'm going to yell loud enough for him to hear. When he hears me, walk away, and tell him you'll be right back, understand?"

"Yes, I'll be home by 8."

Archer heard Johnny screaming on the phone and saw Grace stand and turn away with a sad face. He felt bad for her as she walked away. She looked back at Archer and told him she would be right back.

Archer was so intent on watching her he didn't see the man in the suit approach him. "Hello, I'm Mr. Clarke, are you Archer Roberts? Is your wife Amanda Roberts?"

He looked very confused and said "Yes, why?"

Vinnie, who was pretending to be Mr. Clark, looked sad and said, "Let's go someplace quiet, please come with me and I'll explain."

Seeing her still on the phone and watching the man walk into a quiet part of the lobby, he decided to leave with the man.

"What is going on? How do you know my wife?"

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but she's outside. Have you checked your phone for text messages lately?"

Archer took the phone out of his suit pocket and opened the phone with his fingerprint but didn't see any text. Vinnie watched Archer put the phone into his jacket, led Archer outside and suggested he speak with his wife. He explained that she doesn't want to make a scene here in the hotel.

Archer quickly went outside to find his wife but didn't see her.

"Where is she?" he demanded.

Vinnie just pointed to the stretch limo and the open door and said, "Good luck, man!"

Archer took a deep breath and walked to the door and slid into the seat only to see Johnny sitting on the adjacent seat. He immediately realized that they set him up and he tried to get out of the car, however, Vinnie blocked his exit and told him to sit back down.

"Just relax Archer. Right now, I just want to talk," Johnny said. A minute later the door opened, and Grace and Vinnie entered the car. Grace tried to sit next to her husband, but it surprised her when he stopped her and said, "No Grace, you're going to sit next to your boyfriend while we go for a ride."

She sat next to Archer, who was now seated in the middle between Grace and Vinnie. Johnny sat across from them and handed Vinnie a zip-tie and nodded. Vinnie zip-tied Grace's wrist to Archer's wrist. They were now joined and not going anywhere.

Vinnie then reached into Archer's jacket pocket, where he saw him put his phone earlier, and handed it over to his boss. Johnny nodded and Vinnie left the car and entered the driver's seat. Vinnie started the car and raised the privacy shield, and they started their journey.

Archer spoke, "You need to let us go, Johnny. You're making a big mistake."

Johnny smiled and waited to speak. They got on the highway, and after he knew Archer was rightfully frightened, Johnny started speaking to them.

"Archer, you are a man of your word. You told me you were going to fuck my wife and she would love it. Apparently, you were right on both fronts because she came out to see you again today. I also have to give you credit for having the balls to blackmail us, which was an interesting move. And you definitely won in the short term. However, the outcome of your actions may not turn out as you first expected. Now I know you have that photo and planned to burn me, and I can't let that happen Archer. Tell me, how do you think we can solve that?"

Archer looked like he was going to cry as he realized he was now in deep trouble. He looked at Johnny and said, "I'm so sorry for being stupid and I promise I won't do anything. Trust me, I won't tell a soul."

"That's a good start and I like your attitude, lover boy, but I need to know how you planned to burn me. What was your plan?"

"You know as well as I do that if I tell you, I'll not have anything to protect me from you hurting me in the future. I won't tell you, but I promise you will never hear from me again. But if you do anything to me, you will pay the price."

Johnny smiled and reached into his bag and took out the metal rod from his work bag, which turned out to be a cattle prod. He turned it on and looked at Grace and then Archer.

"You're an excellent negotiator and I respect that, but I'm pretty good as well." Johnny placed the metal object to Archer's balls and then looked up and said, "Now, I'm going to ask again how you planned on using those photos. If you don't answer, this device will turn your balls into a sack of gelatin, never to be used on other men's wives again. So Archer, how did you plan on using those photos?"

Archer pissed his pants as he shook in fear and Johnny laughed as he pushed the metal rod harder against Archer's balls.

"Wait, don't do that. I'll tell you. I uploaded the files to my iCloud, and I have an email set up on the phone to send the photos. All I had to do was hit send."

"If I understand what you're saying, you have the photos on your iCloud and you had an email ready to burn me if needed. Where else do you have those photos?" Johnny pushed the rod into him with enough pressure to cause some pain.

"Just there and on my phone. Nowhere else."

Johnny looked at him and asked, "Does anybody else know about your plan or the photos?"

"Nobody, I swear to God."

Johnny took his iPhone, grabbed his finger, and used his fingerprint to open his phone. He scrolled his photos and found the ones he took in his hotel with Grace. Johnny erased the images. He then opened the text files, found the photo he sent, and erased that as well. Next, he went to his iCloud account and opened the photo file, and found a folder called Jenny.

Johnny looked up at Archer, who was sitting there still shaking, and said, "You named the folder Jenny? Hilarious."

Archer told him where the email was located, and Johnny deleted it promptly. He erased the images, went to the trash, made sure it deleted them, and then changed the password on the phone to have access to it if needed later. He then removed the SIM card so as to disable the service and any GPS tracking.

During this conversation, Grace just sat there crying, not sure what to expect. She understood that everything that happened was her fault, even though it was unintentional, but wasn't sure what was in store for her.

"OK, Archer, if what you said is true then we have nothing to worry about. If you haven't told me the truth, my revenge will be scorched earth. You may destroy me, but I will wipe out your entire family and leave you to grieve. So, think about that while we drive and make sure you've told me everything about your plan to blackmail me. Do you understand Archer?"

"I swear, that was it. I just wanted insurance against any payback. I'm sorry for what I did to Grace, and I'm begging you to forgive me and let us go."

"Not yet, Archer. Now we have a long ride and I need both of you to put these on. You'll understand everything when we get there," he said, handing them blindfolds.

"We will take those off when we get there, but for now, I need the two of you to sit there and think about what you have done. How you took my wife from me and hurt me deeper than anyone has ever hurt me before. And Grace, I want you to contemplate your role in all of this as well. I'll explain more when we get there. Now just sit there and do not talk."

With the blindfolds in place, they drove for another two hours, and then they could feel the car making a turn and driving on a bumpy dirt road for another twenty minutes. The two passengers could only sit and wait to reach their final destination.

Vinnie opened the car door and Johnny got out, turned to Vinnie, and said, "Keep an eye on them. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Twenty minutes later, Johnny came back and took off their blindfolds. He sat back and spoke quietly, "Archer, do you have anything to say before we continue? Now is the time to confess or tell me why you should live."

"Johnny, I don't know what you are going to do, but I beg for your forgiveness. I did things I regret and I'm sorry I was such an asshole."

"Just tell me why, Archer. Why did you have to go after my wife, knowing she was a married woman? What gives you the right to take another man's wife?"

"I'm weak, Johnny. It's easy to get wives in bed because most of them are bored and I took advantage of them. I swear I'll never do it again. I'm so sorry I took advantage of Grace," whined a piss-soaked Archer.

Johnny turned to Grace, "Grace, you know how much I love you and you know how much it hurt when I saw you dress up for this scum bag and then go to lunch with him, sitting all cozy next to him in the booth, and purposely keeping it from me. What if I hadn't seen you that day? Would you have let him fuck you? Would you have made fun of me, and disrespected me? Tell me Grace. I need to know."

Over the next five minutes, Grace told him how much she loved him and how sorry she was for wanting to impress Archer, and how excited she was to go to lunch with him, and how guilty she felt, but she swore she would never disrespect her husband or let this man touch her again. Grace said it made her feel wanted and desired but never had sexual thoughts of him and begged him to believe her.

Johnny was trying hard to believe her and wanted to with all of his heart. He loved her more than life itself but knew what he saw that afternoon. His anger raged again and looked at Archer and spoke with venom.

"Archer, do you see what you have done here? You've put Grace in a terrible position by your predatory ways, taking advantage of weak women, stupid women who have loving husbands at home. Your desire to cuckold their spouse, and laugh about it, is unforgivable. I understand what you said and your promise to never hit on another married woman, but I honestly don't believe you."

"As you said in your text, you beat me. You said that you would fuck my wife and take her from me. But now it's my turn to balance the scales. Let me tell you how we get even in my world."

He turned to Vinnie and asked, "Did you get the confirmation?"

Vinnie nodded and said, "It's done, boss."

Johnny turned back to Archer and said, "Right now your pretty wife Amanda is on a plane to Bogotá Columbia, where she will become a drug-addicted whore for the cartel. They love sexy American blondes, and they will have lots of fun with her."

Archer wailed and screamed out, begging Johnny to make it stop. He would do anything and begged him to leave her out of this.

Johnny was not done and continued, "Not going to happen, and I'm just getting started. Your sweet girl, Debbie, is on the way to Soacha Columbia, where she will be turned into a drug-addicted whore. They will teach her all about sex, how to take cock in every hole, and become a superb cocksucker. Yes, her life will now only consist of drugs and cock, thanks to her daddy."

Archer was weeping and pleading for his family's lives, but Johnny continued.

"I didn't forget about little Archer Jr., he's on a plane to Arauca Columbia. You know what that city is known for, right? I can't even imagine what his life will be like, the poor boy, but someone must pay for the sins of the father. Now both of you, get out of the car."

Grace and Archer struggled to get out, still zip-tied together, and looked around at the gigantic construction site wondering where they were, and what Johnny was planning.

"Welcome to one of my projects. I want to give you a tour."

Vinnie pushed them and told them to move and follow Johnny. They were led to an area with deep holes on each side, where they were putting in a foundation for a large building. Not knowing what else to do, they followed down a makeshift walkway to an area where they were pouring concrete under the lights of the large generators.

They stood at the end of the walkway in front of a deep trough. Archer was barely audible through his tears and Grace had a look of shock on her face as he cut the zip ties.

"Look down there, Archer. In a moment, you will become part of the foundation for one of my new buildings. You'll have company, as Grace will be with you for eternity. You will both slowly die from the concrete that will engulf your body. As you die, Archer, I want you to think about all the lives you've destroyed by your actions, and I want your dying thought to be about how your wife and children will spend the rest of their lives in Hell because of their fathers' actions."

The noise from the concrete mixer was loud, and just before he pushed Archer into the 6-foot hole which was half full of wet concrete, he looked at Archer, spoke into his ear, and said, "Now we're even asshole."

Archer tumbled into the hole and struggled to move but was quickly overtaken by the wet concrete. Johnny waved his hand and the concrete mixer that was parked near the hole released its load on top of Archer, covering him and removing his dark soul from this world.

Grace was in shock waiting to die but Johnny took her in his arms and said, "I love you, Grace, I'll never let anyone hurt you, let's go."

Archer saw his life flash before his eyes, he experienced the pain of what he had done and begged his god for forgiveness.

Back inside the limo:

"Johnny, you can't do that to his family. I can't believe you would do that. That's horrible."

"Grace, I would never do those things. Amanda, Debbie, and little Archer are fine. I created that story to make sure that asshole suffered more pain than any man can take until his death. For what he did to you was unforgivable, and now he's paid for his sins."

With a sigh of relief, Grace relaxed a little more and asked, "Why the blindfolds, and where are we?"

"As you know, we have dozens of construction sites, and I couldn't have you know where we were in case things went bad. I needed to keep you out of it and the less you knew, the better. This way, you would never know where this took place and could never lead anyone back here, and I'm sorry, but you'll be wearing that blindfold all the way back home."

"You can lie down and sleep and think about tonight. You will have some choices to make. Clearly, you know what kind of man I am, and what I will do when I'm betrayed. After seeing my dark side tonight, the question you will need to answer is, do you want to stay with me and be my wife? Can you remain faithful and not betray my love? If you say yes, I will worship you and make sure you'll be happy forever. If you have any doubts or can't be with me for who I am, you need to tell me that too, and I will let you go. I'll take care of you financially and no harm will come to you. I'm giving you this choice out of love. Grace, I only want what will make you happy. Everything I do is for you, so please think about it and when we get back home tonight, I'll need to know where our marriage stands. I love you, Grace, and I hope you want to remain my trustworthy wife."


Six months later Archer's disappearance was filed as a missing person. The ensuing investigation led to nothing but dead ends. Grace would never forget the look on Archer's face that night. Archer's name and the events of that night were never mentioned again. The new hotel was completed, and Archer would forever be a part of the foundation. Grace remained married to Johnny, and they were now together forever. The scales were now balanced.

Dear readers, I would appreciate any positive feedback -- Thanks!

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LechemanLecheman26 days ago

For Arthur, quoting Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick!

26thNC26thNCabout 2 months ago

Johnny don’t play. He let Archer die in terrible pain, in mind and body. Don’t try to cuck a mob boss, that is a concrete fact.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I didn’t like part 2 too much, but I understand it in the total story. Overall the story is very good. I really like your LW stories.

Catcher78Catcher782 months ago

Not sure if were I the husband that I would believe her.

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