Love U Ch. 01


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She got her cell phone and placed the call. I had thought ahead enough to put my phone on vibrate. After letting it ring for several times I answered. Her voice told me she was agitated as she asked where I was and why I hadn't called. I apologized and told her I was just getting back to the hotel. I had had a busy evening and I was sorry but that I was, in fact, going to be one more day and I would make it up to her with a surprise.

To add to the agitation, I told her there was a business card on the bureau and I described it. I asked her to please get it and give me the phone number printed on it.

I watched her face drain as she covered the mike and said something to Dana. She said, "Just a minute, I'll go look." She smiled at the asshole, sat down and gave him a long hot kiss.

Beside setting my camera phone to vibrate, I had also turned the flash off. I took a couple pictures of her "looking' for the card.

After a couple of minutes, she put the phone back to her face and with mock concern in her voice, "Honey, I have looked all over and I can't find the card. Are you sure it's here?"

I thanked her and told her not to worry. I'd get the number elsewhere. We spoke for a moment and then ended the call. I watched as Dana drew her to her feet and headed out of the living room. I saw a shaft of light appear on the lawn further down the back and, obviously, the light was from the bedroom they were entering. The curtain was open enough for me to see most of the room.

The rage in me was boiling and I was exercising every bit of control I had as I watched them undress. He was nude and she was wearing only her stockings, garter belt and heels. Normally I would have said she looked beautiful, but now she looked like a two-bit whore to me.

I could barely hear them but I could make out a couple of remarks about still having two nights together as they moved into a sixty-nine position. I checked again to make sure my flash was off and took pictures through the window. I was pleased that the pictures had a reasonable amount of light and were relatively sharp.

I was fighting large doses of nausea and rage as I continued to take pictures of them. At one moment he was fucking her, and in the next, she was fucking him. When I had what I needed, really all I could stand, I waited patiently. I was waiting until it appeared they were about to climax and I pulled out my cell phone and speed dialed hers.

It was now approaching midnight (ten p,m, where I was supposed to be) and I detected real irritation when she finally answered the phone. I smiled as I could see that I really had caught her just as she was about to climax. I simply told her that I was thinking about her and that she had better be ready for a big surprise when I got home.

She almost exploded, "Harry, do you know what time it is? I will be happy for the surprise, but not at this hour. Please let me sleep."

I know she probably couldn't detect it, but I said in a sarcastic voice, "I'm sorry to have bothered you hon. get back to sleep and sleep well."

I stayed long enough to see her get up and head for the bathroom while spouting to Dana, "What in the hell is wrong with him? I don't give a shit about his wonderful surprise. In fact, the best surprise he could give me is more nights with you."

That really hurt. How had this come to pass? As I said before, I had some suspicions, but I really couldn't believe it could or would happen to me. Well, she was going to get her wish. She could have the rest of her life with that asshole.

I returned to the hotel and had a fitful night's sleep and was up early.

In the morning I visited an attorney friend who handles divorces. I transferred copies of the pictures to his computer and asked if he could draft the papers by early tomorrow afternoon. He told me it would be no problem but asked me if I didn't want to try for counseling and possibly reconciliation.

I told him that I was sure this affair had been going on for some time and that after what I heard last night I didn't ever want to hear or see her again. Next I rented a U-Haul van and went to the house. I loaded the van with everything of mine that I could, and was able to do it without leaving too much evidence of my work. I wanted it to be part of my surprise, but, if she did discover my missing things, so what? She might think it was a burglary and if not, it would only soften the surprise that I was preparing.

The things I took, I deposited in a mini-storage that I rented and then returned to the hotel. There I did some preparation for the next day, had supper and decided I would wait for her to call me. Before the stores closed, I purchased two cheap cell phones. When I purchased them I paid cash and used Dana's phone number and address. And to mess things up a little more, I put a cancel on his his current cell phone. I was informed that the service would be noted as terminated today but that it would be sometime around noon tomorrow before the service would actually be cut.

About ten thirty she called. I could definitely detect irritation in her voice as she asked why I hadn't called. I lied and told her that I had a tough day and that I had come back to the hotel and taken a nap and it was her call that had awakened me; that I hadn't even had supper yet.

I could tell she was nervous and I knew she was at Dana's ready to hop in the sack with him. I said, "Honey, you don't sound like yourself. Has something happened?

She almost snapped, "No. I was just worried about you. I'm concerned about you. Why didn't you call before you took your nap?"

I reiterated that I hadn't planned to go to sleep. I was sorry. Then I told her I had my flight plans and would get to the airport at ten to five tomorrow evening.

I left the hotel about five thirty a.m. and went to the house. As I had guessed, she had not returned yet. I drove to Dana's and her car was still there. I speed dialed her cell phone and got a rather drowsy and irritated response wanting to know what I was doing up and why I was calling at this hour?

I told her I was sorry, I had forgotten the time difference. I told her that I had just missed her the past few days but more importantly, I wanted to let her know that I would be out of cell phone range most of the day. I would be at a ranch back in the mountains. I told her I would call as soon as I returned from the ranch.

She replied, "Thanks for letting me know sweetie. I'll see you tonight. Now let me get a few more winks before I have to get dressed for work. Love you, Bye."

Last night I had not been able to see that the yard was surrounded by a six foot concrete block wall and I could now wander around without neighbors being able to see me. The sun was not up and I could still move fairly freely into Dana's back yard.

Next I dialed his number with the cell phone I bought yesterday. When he answered, slightly out breath I said, with the mouthpiece covered with a handkerchief and a raspy voice, "Mr. Johns you don't know me. But, I feel we should meet tonight after work. I have some pictures of you and Mrs. Osgood that you might like to purchase. Of course, you are not obliged to purchase the pictures but then I would feel it necessary to see if Mr. Osgood might like them."

He spluttered for a moment and then said, "Who the hell is this? If it's supposed to be a joke, it's not funny."

"Mr. Johns, like you, I am a business man. I don't joke about business matters and I have no time to waste. The pictures were shot through your bedroom window and they are really quite wicked. You and Mrs. Osgood talk this over and I'll meet you at the Osgood's at five-thirty this afternoon. I understand he is out of town. If your not there then, I'll see to it that Mr. Osgood gets the photos." I hung up and turned the phone off. By this time I was near the bedroom window which had been opened some during the night.

Just as I got into position I heard Faith scream, "Not at my house. Not tonight. Henry will be there or will be coming in at any moment. Call and change the time and place"

Dana tried dialing the caller id number, but of course he found the receiving cell phone turned off. He was trying to explain to her that he had no way to reach the caller. Faith was in complete hysterics but she finally got around to asking how anyone could have gotten pictures of them. Dana had to concede that someone could have entered the back yard and taken them. With that they both headed to the window and I ducked behind the barbecue.

I heard her wailing at him and asking why the shades had not been drawn. Of course, he was defenseless but he told her she could have perfectly well drawn them herself. After several minutes they both regained some of their senses and devised a plan.

Faith was to call me and ask me to meet her at her office and that we go out to dinner. Dana had the key she had given him and would go to our house to meet the person, explain that she had been unavoidably detained at work and try to negotiate a deal. If there was no way out other than to have her there, Dana would arrange a meeting some other time.

Next she tried to reach me and ended up leaving a message. "Honey, it's me. Please give me a call as soon as you get back into cell phone range.

Once the plan was settled on, it was Faith that suggested they have a quickie before she had to go home and get ready. As they were getting on the bed and I was leaving I heard her say, "Oh Dana, everything will be alright, won't it? These last three days have been so wonderful. I don't want them to end. I never thought I could love someone any more than I did Henry."

I was out of earshot before he answered. The black cloud of despair completed its coverage before I reached the car. I kept trying to figure out what had gone wrong in our marriage, when it happened, and what I could have done, if anything. The words coming out of my wife's mouth made it obvious that her love for me was gone. Why couldn't she have been honest and told me we were through?

Again, after feeling sorry for myself for a while, rage and revenge started to take control. Faith and Dana, you are going to pay.

Just before time that my flight for home should have been leaving I called her to let her know I was on my way.

She was sounding somewhat anxious and she replied, "Oh honey, I'm so glad to hear you. I can hardly wait to see you. Did you get my message?"

I told her that I hadn't had time to check my messages. She said, "Honey, if you're not too tired, why don't you meet me at the office and then let's go out to dinner. I've missed you so much and I don't want to cook tonight. Will that mess up your surprise?"

I told her "not at all" and we ended the call.

A little before five that afternoon, I parked next door, doubting Dana would know my car, and went into the house. As I had hoped, inside the house it was becoming dark as the winter sun disappeared. I checked to be sure where everything was, I didn't want to stumble over a piece of furniture or a chair when the time came. I then took my baseball bat and sat down where I could see out of the dining room window.

Once seated, I pulled out my cell phone and called Faith. I told her I had just gotten off the plane. Before I could go on, she told me how happy she was to hear me and know that I had arrived safely.

Then I dropped the bomb. I said, "Honey, I hate to mess up your evening out plans, but I don't feel very well and am going straight home."

I could hear the panic in her voice when she said, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Why don't you wait at the airport and I'll come get you. If you don't feel well, you shouldn't be driving."

I said, "Thanks for the offer, but I'm not that sick. I can make it OK. I'll see you there in a little while." I hung up before she could reply. I had worked out the timing so that Dana should be at the house shortly after I would supposedly get there. I also knew that if Faith left her office right now, she could not get there until ten or fifteen minutes after Dana. My only question was, had Dana left the office yet? He should have if he was going to meet the caller at the appointed time and she couldn't reach him by his cell phone.

Things were going right on schedule. The twilight outside had deepened, I had drawn the blinds, and there was little light in the house. I saw Dana pull up, get out of the car, and carefully look around. Satisfied he came to the front door, fumbled with the lock for a moment and then let himself in.

As soon as he started to close the door and reach for the light switch, I came up behind him and said, "Where did you get the key Dana?"

He twirled to face me and as he did, using the bat in battering ram fashion, I drove it into his mid section with all my might. As he started to fold, I twirled the bat like a drum major and caught his jaw with the upswing.

I let him fall to the floor unconscious and then I used the bat to administer three swift blows to the genitals. I then went to the phone on the desk and called 911 and reported a break in and that the perpetrator was down and injured.

A first response fire vehicle was the first to arrive. I went out to assure them the assailant was out of commission. Within moments a police cruiser arrived followed by an ambulance.

The ambulance crew worked on Dana, who by now had regained consciousness and was in severe pain. They were just about ready to move him to the ambulance when Faith came shrieking in wanting to know what had happened.

The police officer to whom I was giving a report let me go to her. I took her by the arm and guided her to the sofa and had her sit down. The whole while, she kept looking at Dana with a look of horror on her face. I smugly must admit that he wasn't pretty.

Her first question to me was, "Is he hurt badly?"

I replied, "I certainly hope so."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes at first and then they changed to a look of rage. She said, "You set this up didn't you?"

I told her that I had just gotten home when someone started to enter the house. I knew it wasn't you and it could only be a burglar. I took care of the intruder and then found it was Dana.

I could see the fury building in her eyes as she said, "You bastard. You didn't like him so you set this up. I'm going to let the officer know what is going on here."

She started to get up and I pushed her back down. I looked her square in the eyes and said, "Would you like to tell me and the officer how he has a key to our house?"

Through the tears she replied, "Honey, I have no idea. I can't believe he would have stolen one when he was here."

I said, "You lying bitch. You gave the key to him. Let me show you something." I reached for the envelope on the lamp table and gave it to her.

"What's this?

I told her to open the envelope and look, that it was self-explanatory.

She looked at the first two pictures, clasped her hand over her mouth and ran for the bathroom, dropping the pictures. I picked them up replaced them in the envelope, and returned to the officer.

He wanted to know if my wife was alright and I told him she had just received a great shock with what had happened. Dana had been taken out and I completed my report to the officer. I told him that I knew the victim but I had no idea how or why he had our key and that my wife didn't know either.

The officer finished his work and as he left, he said "Well whether you knew him or not, breaking and entering is breaking and entering. You messed him up pretty good and you may be facing a civil law suit."

There were a couple of good sized spots of blood in the entry where he went down. I decided she could clean it up and went to the bathroom where I could hear her loud gasps and sobs. I knocked on the door and told her everyone was gone and went to the bedroom. There I opened my briefcase and took out a large manila envelope.

The envelope had the divorce papers and a letter from me. In the letter I told her goodbye and that the house would be placed on the market next week; that I would return next week to gather my personal property. I told her she need not try to contact me; that I had seen and heard all that I needed. I also told her to inform her fucking SOB companion that if he tried to retaliate against me in any way, his present condition would seem like a scratch compared to what I would do with him then.

Affixed to the envelope was the familiar LOVE stamp with a "U" bordering it. But, this time it was different because it also had a broad red line in ink, starting at the upper left of the "U," cutting across the stamp, and terminating at the lower right corner; a proper and fitting cancellation (I love you—not) for a stamp and almost thirty years of marriage.

The next week I sued the furniture company. But, instead of asking for a financial award, I demanded that letters be sent to all of their suppliers, vendors, and manufacturers announcing the termination of Faith and Dana as employees and buyers and stating the reason why. The company was more than happy to comply with the settlement terms.

I personally visited Dana and informed him that if he filed a suit against me for damages, he would not want to bear the pain or the consequences. Nor would he want the expense of fighting an Alienation of Affections suit. I must have been convincing because I never heard from Dana again.

They were both fired and Faith found a job as a clerk at a lumber yard (Close, but not quite furniture). She stayed with Dana while he recovered, but he disappeared a few weeks later. Although she was entering menopause, it turns out that she was two months pregnant, probably from the last North Carolina trip. She aborted about a month later.

* * * * * *

It has now been two years since that horrible week. I can't say I have fully recovered, but I am going on with my life. I will retire in a year or two and will devote my time to being a full-time grandparent when the time comes. Until then, in addition to my normal work, I am working pro-bono for people in true need of legal assistance but can't afford it. My specialty has become representing the plaintiff in cases involving infidelity.

Our divorce became final just two weeks after what would have been our thirtieth anniversary. My daughter has kept in contact with her mother since then but she hasn't forgiven her for what she did to me and the family. She has told me that Faith regrets what she did and would really like to see if we couldn't somehow repair all the damage she did.

I'm sorry. Simply having an affair could possibly have been repaired. But, the way she did it, her showing a complete lack of love and respect for me hurt, and still hurts for that matter. There is no way that I could ever respect, trust, or believe her again.

Both of the children have gotten married during the last two years and neither invited her to the wedding. They both made a choice because I told them that I would not come if she were going to be there. They both knew that I would not hold it against them if they wanted their mother there, they knew they just couldn't have both. My daughter hugged me and asked, "Daddy, how can I get married if you are not there to give me away?"

I don't think my son has talked to Faith since we split. He was very hurt and he still cannot understand why she did it. One night while visiting, he told his new wife, "Honey, if you ever did something like that to me, you wouldn't have to regret it like mom has. I'd kill you."

Today, as new Love stamps are issued, I can't help but feel a pang when I think of what might have been. By-the-way, the kids will not even purchase Love stamps any more.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

OK story but I have to agree with many that why watch all this happen? Just tell her what you know and be done with her. Sure, if you can beat the guy, or even the wife, AND GET AWAY WITH IT then fine. But seriously it may feel good at the time but off you get caught they are not worth the jail time.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I do not like gratuitous violence.

StubbyoneStubbyone11 months ago

Hmmmm ! Still your stories evoke no emotion. Reads alot like a newspaper report. You need to figure out how to develop the characters such that we can identify with them, like then, feel sorry fir them. Something !! A 3 for effort. Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

An entertaining tale, well done

Hiram325Hiram325over 1 year ago

Good job on the punishment meted out to Dana, he should've had his balls destroyed.

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