Love You, Daddy! Ch. 03


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Karli and I held hands across him, caressing one another's fingers. The movie now showed two action girls running around in cargo pants and tank-tops, shooting lots of things up. The action scenes gave me a tingle, especially once their skin began to glisten with sweat and their clothes started to sport small tears.

"Mmm, the ginger one is hot," she said softly, giving my hand a squeeze. "Reminds me of you."

Huh, I only wish I had moves like that." I replied, knowing what she had planned.

"You've got all the right moves as far as I'm concerned," Karli purred, giving me a subtle tug on the wrist. I clambered into my daddy's lap and then pulled her to me, kissing her deeply while he just gawked in utter astonishment at our behaviour. We held one another's faces gently as our tongues tangled.

"Uh..." my daddy said uncertainly. "I..."

"Daddy, sit still or move over so I can kiss Karli." I murmured through the kiss, ignoring his objections. The thrill of sitting on his lap while I fucked Karli's mouth with my tongue was getting me wet, something he might begin to feel before long. I pressed my behind down subtly into him, hoping to feel his cock through his dress pants.

He might've been paralyzed into inaction, but I preferred to think that he simply wanted to stay, because he didn't move. I moved my bum subtly on his lap while I kissed Karli, our mouths open so he could see our tongues wrestling. We pressed closer so our breasts squashed together though our dresses. The gunfight on screen was getting louder and more intense, leading Karli and I to make more noise as we made out.

Our hands made their way to each other's breasts and we pulled the tops of each other's dresses down, exposing ourselves. Like me, Karli was wearing the sticky lifting cups beneath her breasts so that she didn't have to wear a bra. I moaned into her mouth as she squeezed me and did the same to her. Daddy just stayed perfectly still, although I'm sure I could feel his cock starting to twitch and grow beneath me.

I moaned as I pulled her further onto me, Karli leaning in resting both hands on daddy's thighs while her breasts squished into mine. It wasn't long before we were both sitting on and making out in his lap. We kissed and fondled one another, nipples growing hard as they grazed one another.

Then we both moaned loudly as daddy did something unexpected and put his hand on the small of our backs. It sent incredible shivers and tingles through us both. Our spines arched at his touch and I was definitely wet by now and had no doubt Karli was too.

"Okay, ladies," he said as firmly as he could. "Y'need to dial it down or I'm gonna have quite the heart attack."

Turned on as we both were, we knew better than to disobey him and risk incurring his displeasure and sabotaging our overall plan. We pulled back from one another and pulled our tops up, followed by moving off his lap and back to our seats. A sidelong glance confirmed my suspicion and hope- he was definitely hard, although he was doing his best not to show it.

We watched the rest of the movie peacefully, all of us no doubt trying to get our libidos under control, including daddy. The flick ended and we all walked out, perhaps looking a little more flushed than when we had gone in, but still in control. The ice-cold drinks had certainly helped. We went back to the car and as a show of good faith to daddy I sat upfront with him, Karli in the back.

"Club next?" he asked as we pulled out of the theater's parking lot. I was kind of surprised he was still ready to be out with us after our antics during the movie. "Still early, after all."

"Sure, that'd be great," I replied readily, wanting to keep him positive. "Daddy, I'm... sorry we got carried away in-"

"No worries, pumpkin," he said easily. 'Things were just getting a little heated for me."

We said nothing else about it and made our way to a swank club, where we sat at a secluded table and laughed and chatted while we had drinks. Karli and I were having tequila shots while he was drinking

his single malt. The dance floor beckoned nearby and soon Karli and I were side-by-side, gyrating and writhing. It was the kind of club where two girls dancing together meant nothing, so we enjoyed ourselves dancing, moving our bodies together, smiling slyly at daddy, occasionally teasing him by throwing a large bump and grind in his direction.

The moment was marred, though, by a couple of frat boys, who apparently had done more than a little drinking, came over and began dancing with us, more close than we would have liked. They were getting a little handsy when I'd finally had enough. I flung one of their hands away and snapped at the kid to leave me alone. Before daddy could intervene, the door security had come over and told them to leave. Once they'd been escorted out, Karli and I went back to dancing together and enjoying ourselves. After all, it wasn't the first time we'd had some assholes bother us in a club.

We danced for another half hour, laughing and enjoying ourselves before we went back to sit with daddy. He smiled as we joined him, saying he'd enjoyed just watching us have fun.

"Okay, but next time we do this you have to come out on the floor and show us your moves," my lover cooed, walking her fingers up her arm. "I'd love to see how you dance."

He grinned. "Well, this sort of place isn't normally my scene, but if you will agree to come with me to a metal club or a swing club, I'm sure that can be arranged."

"Oh, daddy," I giggled, patting his arm. "Any excuse to wear that zoot suit mommy got you."

It was after midnight now and we decided it was time to go. Daddy got up and went to the bar to pay our tab and we said we'd meet him out by the car since we were a little warm from all the dancing. We walked out into the night, hand-in-hand, talking about what a great night it had been when suddenly three guys confronted us in the mostly empty parking lot.

"Think you're going anywhere, bitches?" one of them snapped. It was one of the jerks who had interrupted our dancing earlier. They'd apparently waited for us.

"Excuse you!" Karli said angrily, glaring at him. "Didn't you get told to fuck off earlier, asshole?"

"Pair of sluts like you, dressing like that and dancing together, don't deny you're asking for it," he sneered. "So we're jus' here to take what you denied us earlier."

"Lay a fucking finger on us and that's not all you'll lose, prick." I growled, not terribly intimidated by three drunk guys. "Last warning or I'll shove both their heads up your ass."

"Not afraid of two sluts!" one of the other guys added. "You just need some dick to remind you-"

"Problem, ladies?" rumbled my dad in a deep voice as he strode up to us, staring sternly. Say what you will about my daddy, he almost never lost his cool. Even the day mom died, when everyone else fell apart, he kept it together. "These boys giving you trouble?"

"This isn't your concern, old man!" snapped the ring-leader, scowling at daddy, even though he was a full head taller than any of them. "These bitches just need to know when to say yes."

"They'll say yes when it suits them and when they find some real men instead of piss-ant boys," he growled, stepping between Karli and I and firmly moving us behind him. I noticed two more frat boys rushing up to join the scene, clearly backing up their buddies."

"Fuck you, pops!" the leader now spat, pissed at another interruption. "Go back to the old folks' home and we'll take-"

He never saw my dad's fist coming and he spun twice before falling on his face several feet away. He'd be lucky if daddy hadn't broken his jaw. My father now glared at the remaining frat boys, daring them to try something.

"Anyone else?" he said dangerously.

Apparently they were drunk enough to not know better because two more of them lunged in together but daddy was ready. He stopped the punch of one and twisted his arm while he sent the other flying back with a big shoe to his chest. Daddy then wrenched the arm he held and doubled the kid over, causing him to cry out in pain. There was a 'pop!' noise as his arm left his shoulder and he collapsed.

Without waiting to see if they were game, daddy got in the face of one of the last two standing and slammed his fist into the guy's stomach. As he bent over, daddy's knee rammed up into his face. He then turned on the last one, who looked frightened but pulled out a knife. Daddy paused for a moment and then moved in front of Karli and I before glowering at his last foe.

"Your move, big boy," daddy sneered. "But hurry up, I've got a date with your mom to teach her how to say yes..."

The kid's eyes flared angrily at my dad denigrating his mother's virtue and he lunged in, stabbing wildly. Daddy caught the knife, twisting the hand upside down and causing the guy to keen in pain before dropping the knife. He switched his grip and pressed down on the disarmed guy's wrist, causing to go up on his toes in pain, wincing and whimpering. Daddy slapped him across the face twice, causing him to start to cry before walking him over to Karli and I on his tip-toes, blubbering like someone had taken his ice cream.

"Now," daddy said, pressing on his wrist and making the man gasp, going even further up on his toes. "On behalf of your fellow jerkwands here, apologize to the ladies."

"I'm... I'm sorry..." the bleary-eyed guy choked out between sobs, tears streaming down his rosy-pink cheeks.

"Thanks. Goodnight." Daddy said as he turned the kid to look at him and slammed his forehead into his face. The kid crumpled and went to sleep. All was silent, apparently there had been no witnesses. The jerks who may still have been awake didn't dare move.

"Daddy..." I whispered, looking at the scene and then up at him. He turned his head to look at me and there was a ferocity in his eyes that would have terrified me if I'd been anyone else.

"You two okay?" he said, pulling us both to him and hugging us. My heart was pounding in my chest although I couldn't really tell why. I had a suspicion, though...

Karli looked at at him, her eyes wide. "Holy shit, Mister Sturm," she said quietly still holding herself against him. "That was..."

She didn't seem to know how to continue, although I knew exactly what she wanted to say. So I picked up the ball for the two of us.

"Daddy, can you please take us home?" I asked. "And please let Karli stay the night."

"Of course," he said, his normal demeanour of concern returning. "Are you sure you're both alright?"

"Very, daddy, but that's not the issue," I said. "Just... trust me, let's go home, okay?"

He nodded and led us to the care, leaving the idiot frat boys laying where they'd fallen. Someone would find them and call the cops eventually. I sat in the back with Karli, neither of us saying much but just holding one another's hands. Nothing needed to be said between us, we both knew what was going to happen.

We got home and we walked inside, Karli and I still holding hands. Daddy closed the door and then looked at the two of us, hands on his hips.

"Now are you two sure you're okay?" he pressed, his tone brooking no argument.

"Daddy," I said, looking up at him. "We're fine. More than fine. You saved us from an ugly situation."

"Of course," he said reasonably. "I had to, couldn't let my girls get hurt."

"And you really took it to them, sir," Karli breathed, her eyes shining. I could tell she was getting even more worked up just remembering, not to mention still being in my dad's presence while he was pumped full of testosterone. "It was amazing watching you take them all down."

He kind of coughed. "Well, I-"

We both went up and hugged him, although it barely would have qualified as a hug- I almost ground my body into his side shamelessly and caressed a hand up his broad chest while Karli did the same on his other side. We had to get out of here and soon, it wasn't time yet.

"Thank you, daddy," I said in a barely restrained voice, pulling him over to the stairs and then stepping up on two of them so I could see him almost at eye-level. Karli joined me, both of us holding his hands. "You have no idea what that meant to us."

We both leaned in and kissed him then, each of us on the cheek and then I kissed him on the mouth, which Karli did next. His eyes widened only a little but you could still tell he was surprised. We then turned and started heading upstairs, hand-in-hand, making sure our hips wiggled provocatively.

"I'm still just-" he began, standing at the bottom of the steps.

"Daddy,"I said gently but with a tone of finality that indicated I was well and truly done talking. "I think this is one you're going to have to work out for yourself. Thank you for an incredible evening, you're the best date ever. We'll see you in the morning. And don't you dare come into my room without knocking..."

Without looking back we went upstairs and into my bedroom. Once I'd closed the door we attacked one another hungrily, almost tearing the outfits off. Naked, we grappled with one another as we fell onto my bed, rolling around in desperate need. Tongues plunged and fingers wasted no time in teasing and penetrating. We were both wet beyond belief and needed to cum, hard.

"So close tonight..." Karli murmured as she squirmed against my fingers in her pussy. "We almost had him."

"We will, Kar," I breathed, shivering as I felt two of her fingers inside me. My tits mashed to hers as we writhed against one another. "It won't be long now, stick to the plan until he wants us with no hesitation or regret."

We kissed again feverishly, so incredibly turned on. Everything had gone perfectly tonight, daddy never faltering or regressing once. And even the incident with the assholes in the parking lot had worked out to our advantage, because he was incredibly possessive of us now, in a territorial male way that went beyond fatherhood. And it had made us both so horny to see that display.

"You weren't... kidding about him... being a total asskicker..." she moaned as I finger-fucked her. "That made me totally wet... I almost tore his pants off in the parking lot..."

"I know," I hissed as she rimmed my ass with a finger. "I need that cock so bad now, more than ever."

"At least you've felt it against your bod now," she panted. "His giant dick against your ass and your pussy... gnnnn, hate you now..."

We were losing the ability to speak coherently and we just went back to kissing and fucking. It wasn't long before I jammed my pussy into hers and began grinding strongly, shuddering and moaning as I felt her slippery, sticky netherlips mingle with mine, our clits brushing. Our scissored legs wrapped around one another and we writhed and pumped against one another.

I gasped as she took my nipple into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it before giving it a tiny bite and a tug between her teeth. One of my hands massaged her breast, tweaking and pulling on her pert brown nipple until she was moaning at the delicious sting as well. We slithered our cunts together until we were both shaking almost uncontrollably. I jammed my mouth against hers and we screamed in mutual ecstasy, cumming so hard that I nearly blacked out. Scintillating colours swirled through my mind as my cunt squeezed and my clit pulsed against hers.

I could feel Karli turning her body around and I locked my lips onto her pussy, sucking on it greedily while she did the same. She and I had always been messy when we came, so much sticky goodness to lap up until our faces were shining. I lapped her cunt with my tongue like I'd never taste her again and she did the same to me, keeping me shuddering and in total bliss.

Finally we were spent, lying on my bed as limp as dish rags and trembling from exhaustion. Even for Karli and I it hand been a hell of an orgasm. Finally I tiredly turned myself around and crawled up her body, hugging her close and kissing her lovingly, our forms melding together perfectly.

"Holy fuck..." she whispered in my ear. "That was... just wow."

"I know," I murmured, nuzzling my cheek to hers. "Even if we can't get him into fights, maybe we can convince him to work out, use heavy weights and get all sweaty or use the heavy bag and the dummy in the basement. That's be hot, seeing him get all worked up and sweaty."

"That's a great idea," she sighed, clearly picturing it. "We need to get on that. And we can wear little outfits around him. He will crumble even sooner."

"You okay for now?" I asked softly, knowing we were both sated, at least this very second.

She nodded. "Yeah. If you get any urges, just go ahead and I'll wake up eventually and join you."

"Me too," I said, smiling and kissing her on the lips affectionately. "Love you Karli."

"Love you too, Evie..." she murmured as we slid into a blissful sleep in one another's arms, dreaming of my daddy holding us close.


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DomJ69DomJ69about 5 years ago
Good Story

I am thoroughly enjoying your story, but the typos are annoying. Only four stars from me, but it would have been five, without the mistakes.

gara5289gara5289over 7 years ago

Really impressed that you actually took 3 chapters for the girls to seduce him and that there was an actual seduction beyond a flashing and alcohol!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Smokin hot!

Can't wait to read more from you! I love the lesbian tease and daddy trying his best to remain stoic throughout. Cant wait till they take turns on his big cock!

TruienTruienalmost 9 years ago
Top shelf stuff!

First off...BiscuitHammer....whoever you are, good shit! The grammar could use a bit of editing but the plot build up is right where it needs to be. Fuck all these haters who want you to get to the punchline. I never will understand why people read erotica if all they want is a few expletives and archetypes to pound off to. If that's what you're looking for go on some video site and type 'gonzo' in the search bar. The story is the whole point here. If you don't have the patience to read the story than perhaps erotic literature is not for you. Quit ruining it for the rest of us.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Enjoying the build up but...

While I'm enjoying the buildup, the story seems to be more of a lesbian story with a teasing daddy component than an incest story. Both are good and I can see why this series is in this section, I just hope it crosses into the truly "taboo" soon.

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