Lovebright Academy


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Mrs. Baxter became aware that she was staring. It was all too unbelievable. The boy spouted this nonsense as if it were actually true. For a long moment she was simply dumbstruck. She could feel the press of her slim dress against her legs, and for some reason that got her thinking that the nice thing about short-short skirts was that you could wear them with anything. With heels or flats, sandals, slip-ons or even a pair of slick, knee-high boots.... She was aware of just how badly she needed to get off again.

The sleek blonde fought off a panicky feeling. "Mrs. McBoots!" she shouted at the headmaster, "I mean, Mrs. McLeod, do you, do you believe any of this?"

The overheated headmaster looked at her unseeingly, her wild eyes half hidden behind the hair that had fallen across her face. "Oh fuck it, I'm going to come!" she cried. Pushing back from the desk, she threw one leg over the arm of her chair.

Mrs. Baxter rose to her feet, eyes round in astonishment. For the first time she could see clearly what was going on behind the desk. The headmaster's legs were spread wide, her tiny black panties pushed aside. Jimmy's fingers were slipping in an out, quickly now, pausing occasionally to lightly tickle her clitoris as they went by. The headmaster's black lace garter straps stretched across her thighs. On her feet were shiny black sandals with towering platform heels and spaghetti-strap laces that wound across her foot up to the big bow knot at the top of the ankle. "Jimmmy!" she whined, thrashing about in the overstuffed chair, "Oh Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmmmmmy!" Her voice rose higher and higher, finally fading out as her body arched and shook in orgasm.

Standing before the desk, watching the other woman climax in her chair, Mrs. Baxter clung desperately to her senses. Suddenly she realized how wet she was as a whole new set of memories flooded her mind, perceptions that had been there all along but had somehow been held back. There was more to each of the scenes she had so recently recounted. The girls' uniforms, for example - they were not only obscenely short or provocative, but most of them were cut to accommodate various stages of pregnancy. Crystal Sexsmith's tummy poked so far out, it looked like the young teacher was going to have triplets! Ms Libertina's strange class was teaching nothing more than a erotic version of Lamaze exercises. She'd better know; the instructor looked like she herself was due any day now. And the rutting woman before her. No wonder Jimmy's fingers had so easily aroused her; the headmistress was at least six months pregnant!

Pregnancy! The infirmary! That must explain it. A final repressed scene burst into her consciousness.


Of course! Just after seeing Johnny filling the helpless, fertile Leanne, Mrs. Baxter had fled into the hall trying to make sense of her reaction to what she had just seen. A "Lovebright Infirmary" inscription caught her eye. Well, at least she was pleased to see one innovation she approved of. After so many horrors, a sense of fairness impelled her to look in on the infirmary so she could at least season he report with something positive. The door was partially oven, so she walked in.

"I don't know what is happening to me, Dr. Fecunda," the slim, dark-haired girl was sighing. "It seemed to start when I transferred to this school."

"Just tell me what exactly is troubling you, dear" a busty blonde in a short white smock replied sympathetically.

"It's like I have always been so good in school, top of the class. I'm going to be an astrophysicist and I just never had time for boys. They are so stupid; you can't talk to them about anything serious! All they are interested in is trying to grope you, anyway. And here it's even worse. They expect you to enjoy it!"

"Don't you?"

"That's the problem, Dr., I think I'm kind of starting to! I ride the bus and every day a different boy sits by me and tries to put his hand in my blouse and up under my skirt. I fight them off but it's getting harder and harder. And by the time I get to school, I'm so horny I can hardly think. My grades are starting to suffer."

"Well, Britney, you are a very pretty girl and you do have a nice set of, er ... you are well developed for your age. It is rather natural for young men to become excited and your reaction is not that unusual either. You have reached an age when your body is starting to give you some new priorities. Well built girls like you just naturally need sex; it's nothing to worry about. I suppose you have begun to masturbate more frequently, right?"

"Masturbate?" the innocent teen asked.

"Play with yourself, get yourself off."

Britney turned red. "Oh, no Dr. Fecunda. I'd never do anything nasty like that!"

"There's nothing wrong with having a nice come by yourself, even if there are much better ways," the nurse chuckled. "Maybe I should take a look," she said and gently pressed the girl back onto the examination table.

"What are you doing, doctor?" the girl exclaimed, taken aback.

"Just checking the sensitivity of your breasts, Britney. Perhaps you respond too much to simple fondling. How does that feel?" the doctor asked, starting to massage first one then the other of the teen's pert and now quite hard tits.

"Please, don . . . . Oh, doctor. ... I ..."

"You like it, don't you, Britney? Looks like you have the makings of quite a hot little girl. No wonder, a little feel-up gets you so horny you can't think!"

"No, Doctor! I'm not ..."

"Not fooling anyone, you little tart. I'll have to check you down here, too." The woman smirked, pulling up the girl's skirt. "My god! Still wearing pantyhose? Soaked, though, just as I expected. Let's get you out of those!"

"Ahh!," the confused teen gasped as the garment gathered around her ankles and she suddenly felt fresh air hit her soggy twat. "Uuuuhhh," she exclaimed again as Dr. Fecunda's fingers began trailing lightly over her pussy lips.

"How do you expect to let the boys diddle you if you don't allow them access to this pretty little pussy, Honey? You do like being diddled, don't you?" The helpless teen only moaned in reply as the older woman's expert fingers pushed her nearer and nearer to orgasm.

Mrs. Baxter was transfixed. She knew she should rush in and stop this terrible perversion, but she couldn't quite bring herself to do it. Her own hand was too busy in her own pussy, her fingers mimicking those of the lascivious doctor with similar effects on her own arousal. Again, she was so close . . . .

"Of course a little sexpot like you enjoys being diddled," the grinning doctor cooed; "but that's not what your really need is it?" Not waiting for a reply, she reached beneath the table and withdrew a large dildo. Teasingly and then more determinedly, she began sliding it into the teenager's well prepared twat. "This is soooo much better, Honey, big and thick, almost exactly what a horny girl like you needs."

"No, No" the panting girl gasped, but her thrusting hips belied her feeble protests.

"Yes, dear. You need to come. Just relax and I'll get you there."

Little mewing sounds escaped the pretty girl's mouth as she closed her eyes tightly.

"You are soooo horny, baby. Just relax and let me make you feel good." Dr. Fecunda's voice had become very soft, almost a whisper and she was working the dildo deeply but slowly in and out of the almost unconscious girl "That's it, honey. You need this bad, but I'll take good care of you. Relax... Sooo sleepy. You need a good come help you go to sleep. A ... nice ... sleepy ... Come!"

A final flick of the doctor's thumb and Britney shrieked, bucked several times, and collapsed unconscious. The teen's noisy orgasm covered similar sounds from just outside as Mrs. Baxter almost passed out from her own climax.

"Very good, dear. Have a nice nap. Now listen carefully to what I'm going to tell you, but you won't remember it when you wake up."

The next thing Mrs. Baxter heard was, "Time to wake up, dear."

"Wow! What happened?" Britney asked.

"I was just examining you, honey and you got a little excited. You had an orgasm, in fact. Nice, wasn't it?

"Oh, god, yes."

"I've got a feeling you will be having a lot more before long."

"Really? How?"

"Well you can get yourself off, of course, but it's a lot more fun with boys. And there are plenty of them that would love to help you. You're not going to pass up any chances now, are you?"

"Not anymore! But if I start letting boys, er ... be with me, couldn't I get pregnant or something."

"You're a very smart girl, Britney," replied the doctor proudly. But I can give you something so you don't have to worry about that.

"Like a contraceptive, you mean?"

"Not exactly. The law does not allow me to give you a contraceptive without your parents' permission," the doctor explained. "And I'll bet you don't want them to find out what you'll be doing, do you?"

"Oh, no!" she giggled.

"But if you take these pills, I guarantee you no unwanted pregnancy."

"I don't understand."

"Just take one every day and you will, Sweetie"


But Jimmy was speaking again.

"Look, Mrs. Baxter," he said intensely, withdrawing his hand from the sighing headmaster, "I know you mean well, but if I may say so, I wonder if you are seeing the situation here with unbiased eyes." He sucked the headmaster's sex juices from his fingers, while beside him Mrs. McLeod, still out of breath, began to slowly tug her dress back into place over her bulging belly. "I wonder if you are really prepared for the sexual awareness of the young generation. In fact, I wonder if you are not just projecting your own sexual insecurities onto the school."

"Now just a minute! How dare you -- "

"It isn't unusual for a woman of your age and position to be a little bit uptight. After all, any kind of sexual liberty threatens your own cozy little world, doesn't it? A supportive husband, nice home, and no need at all to confront your own debilitating fear of sex lest it result in another pregnancy."

Mrs. Baxter lost her temper completely. "Sexual inhibitions! Why you impertinent little fucker! You haven't the slightest clue what you're talking about! I'll show you who's afraid of pregnancy, you little twerp!" Reaching behind her she unfastened the button on her designer dress and pulled the zipper down. Staring fixedly at Jimmy she pulled the dress down her arms and off her torso, then pushed it down her hips and onto the floor. "How's this for sexual inhibition, asshole," she taunted, pulling off her slip. "I bet you haven't seen a body built for baby making like this since the last time you drooled over Playboy!"

The fuming blonde took a deliberate step toward him. Without hesitation she unfastened her bra and let it slide down her arms. She held out the brassiere in one hand and posed in the middle of the office, one leg thrust forward, wearing only panties,

pantyhose and heels. "You were saying something about fear of pregnancy?" she challenged. The bra joined the pile on the floor. "What's the matter, smart-ass. Nothing to say? What's happened to all your glib explanations, huh?" She cupped her small, upturned breasts in each hand. "I had my period two weeks ago. So I should be fertile as a turtle. Let's see if you're man enough to knock up a real woman, you half-baked kid."

For once Jimmy looked abashed. "Why, uhm, Mrs. Baxter, I'm, I'm amazed. I guess I misjudged you completely. I'm terribly sorry about what I said. I, I just had no idea." He got to his feet, looking contrite, but there was a definite bulge in his school pants.

"Course you didn't, you little fool. You're just a kid. You need someone to show you how a real woman takes charge when she chooses a male to get her pregnant." She took another step toward him, deliberately swinging her hips. "Ready to put bun in THIS oven, youngster?" she cooed, playing with his tie.

"Well, I, I guess so. How do I start?"

"Like this," the blonde husked. She pulled him toward her by his tie and locked his lips in a deep and lust-inspiring kiss. "Mmmmmmm, not bad for an amateur," she whispered a little while later. "Keep it up!" They kissed again, longer, while Jimmy's hands explored her tight, smooth curves.

After a few minutes of heavy necking Mrs. Baxter was breathing hard. "Wow, you learn fast, baby," she whispered. "Let's move on to the main event."

He pinched her left nipple. "Great idea."

"Oh! How do you want me?"

"Here, turn around. We need to get these off." While the trim blonde giggled above him Jimmy knelt down and slowly peeled down her pantyhose, making generous contact with her skin as he went. She let him pull the material off her feet, then impulsively stepped back into her Italian-made shoes. "Now lean over the chair, OK?"

"Lover!" Mrs. McLeod said with amusement, "You're not going to take her from behind her are you?"

"Why not? She's up for having a baby, aren't you Mrs. Baxter?" He slapped her buttocks playfully.

The rich housewife wiggled her hips in return. "Course I'm up for it, kid. You think I've never had a simple doggie-fuck before? 'S perfect for conception!"

With a resigned smile, Jimmy unzipped his pants and let them fall. He heard a sharp intake of breath from Mrs. McLeod when his dick sprang free. Mrs. Baxter was well lubricated and he had little trouble slipping into her. She fell into his gentle, unhurried rhythm, the blonde leaning over the arm of the overstuffed chair and bucking back at Jimmy to drive his strokes deeper. Little groans of contentment came from her mouth.

Jimmy spoke without breaking his stride, "Headmaster, I uh, think you had, ooof, better call, call Holly in with, uh, the re-report. I'm not sure how long, I can, l-last."

Mrs. Baxter's head was lowered over the chair arm. "Ooooh, you kids," she teased. "No staying power." But she was panting for breath.

The headmaster, who had been watching the proceedings with open fascination, calmed herself with a deep breath. She retrieved the telephone that Mrs. Baxter had been gripping unknowingly. She looked at her watch. "It's three-thirty. I hope she's not too drunk." She punched a single digit. "Holly? No, everything's under control, Jimmy's here and he's taking care of everything." She leaned against the desk and idly stroked Mrs. Baxter's hair. "Did you finish that report we gave you? Good girl. Can you please bring in the good copy. Yes, right now. Thanks."

"Oh lord you fuck good! Give me that baby!" Mrs. Baxter cried. She raised herself on her hands and lowered her head, trying to look back to where Jimmy was doing his best. He leaned over her and reached around to toy with one breast. "I'm going to be pregged up so fucking good," she wailed.

The door opened and a tall, long-haired brunette came in. She had the slender good looks of a model, exaggerated by a short black maternity dress and platform sandals in soft black suede. Her large, expressive eyes went wide when her gaze landed on the couple beside the desk. "Lover!" she squealed when she recognized Jimmy. "You're doin' her right here....I mean, like, right on the chair, oh god that's sexy." She brushed back her hair and bangles glittered on her wrist.

"Do you have the report, Holly?" Mrs. McLeod asked.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, the report. Sure, here it is." She handed the headmaster a slim sheaf of typed pages. The front page read "Mid-Term Report on Lovebright Academy"

"The date's wrong," Mrs. McLeod observed. "The girl wasn't supposed to come till tomorrow." She shrugged. "It'll do."

Without dismissing Holly, who was clearly getting turned on herself, Mrs. McLeod approached the blonde housewife who was still getting plugged by the side of her chair. "Mrs. Baxter, I thought we could save a little time. We took the liberty of preparing a report on your visit. It's dated tomorrow but that's not a problem. It just needs your signature." She slid the report beneath Mrs. Baxter's perspiring face.

"Signature? What? Wha signatuuuuuuure?" Mrs. Baxter burbled, uncomprehendingly. "Ohmygod does he ever know how to use that thing. I'm going to have triplets!"

Mrs. Baxter sat down on the edge of the desk in front of her. "Perhaps you would like to read it first. "Here, I'll turn the pages for you." She flipped casually through the ten-page report. Mrs. Baxter's sex-fogged mind caught the words "academic excellence", "innovative and imaginative", "maintaining high standards" and "extremely favorable impression".

The headmaster flipped to the last page. "Just sign it here." She pointed to the line above Mrs. Baxter's typed name. Uncaringly, Mrs. Baxter took the proffered pen and scrawled her name across the page, then tossed the pen away. "Wheeee! I'm coming!" she shouted as her climax swept across her. Somewhere in the ensuing convulsions of pleasure she heard Jimmy cry out behind her and she realized he was coming too, shooting his virile load far up into her.

At length the couple separated. Mrs. Baxter collapsed happily into an overstuffed chair, keeping her legs raised so the boy's baby juice would stay where it would do the most good while Jimmy caught his breath. "Well, we have the signature," Mrs. McLeod said proudly, showing him the report. "Just as you said we would. I'll make sure this gets to the Board." She looked over at the naked, sweating housewife, still basking in the afterglow of her climax. "Do you want to give her another go round?"

Holly spoke up from across the room. "Hey, No! I wanna be next!" She had one hand up under the hem of her short dress.

Jimmy grinned. "No hurry, ladies. I think I have enough for everybody this afternoon. I'm sure Mrs. Baxter will want to stay a while. Let's have Dr Fecunda check her into the infirmary for a few hours," he smiled benevolently. "After all, we don't want her to leave here with an unwanted pregnancy."

The headmaster looked admiringly at the father of her next baby. Such a remarkable boy!


The Board of Governors had ample time to read Mrs. Baxter's glowing report before the next regular meeting. The mostly male Board was very receptive. Mrs. Baxter herself led the discussion, laughing and teasing and flirting at the front of the room in her high heels, her loose smock, hiked provocatively by her proudly protruding belly.



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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Pretty hot!

I liked the twisted humour in this story, but I'm sorry, I just don't get the fascination with wanting pregnancy...

GmogrosGmogrosabout 11 years ago

Very erotic

punkduckypunkduckyover 19 years ago
Nicely Done

This was by far the greatest story I've read apart from some of masterhypnotist's stories and Call Girl Cheerleaders. You guys know how to make a page turner.

Keep Up (pun intended) the good work!

~ punkducky ~

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