Love's Triumph: Deep Affection


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"When you go, I won't see you again. Be happy, Desmond, you deserve happiness above all else." Maude whispered. Her eyes glistened with tears. In an uncharacteristic move, Desmond moved to comfort his mentor. He hugged her tightly, and promised her that he'd be alright.

The deep affection he felt for his mentor was akin to a son's love for his mother. His entire existence on this earthly plane was with Mauve guiding him. She was essentially his mom. It was time for both of them to let go.


Genevieve arrived in New Orleans on a warm, humid afternoon. She didn't talk much, but she remembered. She remembered being a child, running free through the cool plains of the country. She remembered her grandmother always warning her of the dangers of being too trusting. Her memories fade and she recalled waking up in the hospital. The couple that spoke to her as she left gave her an eerie feeling. Then as the bus stopped, she saw her grandmother waiting. It didn't matter. She was home now.

"Genie girl look at you." The older woman greeted her. Genie had no idea that this woman was an angel, sent here to help her adjust. He grandmother passed away years before she became an earth angel. But this angel was assigned to help her recreate her memories.

"Grandma, I have traveled so much." Genie said, "I've been so many places, but I can't remember."

Grandmother nodded, "Child, the memories are there, just wait for them to come." She explained, and then they loaded into the old pickup for the drive to their home. Genie sat by her grandmother and listened to the sounds of the country. She watched the hills and valleys as they drove along. She missed this place. Grandma talked. Genie just listened, then she remembered leaving for college at eighteen. Her grandfather was alive then, and he was so proud. She was the first one in her family to go to college. He told her to do her best and if she needed him call. She left, six months later he passed away and grandma would not let her move back home. She told her to live, and she did. That was ages ago.

When they arrived at the old homestead, it looked the same as it did the last time she remembered. It was a little more modern, but basically the same. They unloaded and went inside. Family and neighbors stopped by to welcome them, and soon things settled. Genie needed to work, but since she had recently recovered from a cardiac syncope, a serious medical episode, she had to wait until her doctor gave her permission to return to work. Her memory loss was highly unusual, but she was regaining memories daily. Fortunately, the hospital faxed her records and she had an appointment the next day.

For four weeks, she was under medical care, then on week four her doctor told her she could work if she wanted to. She went and so far she was doing great. She went out and met people. Genie hated that she had mild amnesia, but she was glad to be home.


Desmond turned in his letter and applied for a post in Baton Rouge. His last day at the clinic was bittersweet. The staff gave him a small farewell party and well wishes. They weren't sincere, but he didn't really mind. Maude stopped by, and he almost broke, but she willed him too compose himself and he did. As he loaded the last of his belongings, he faced his mentor for the last time.

"Be safe and happy, Desmond. I'll miss you." Maude whispered.

Before he could reply, she vanished. He was alone for the first time in centuries. Cranking his car, he put the gear in shift and pulled off. He had to stop. Pulling over in a park, Desmond felt a sharp pain through his chest as he essentially became human. He hurt, and could not move. No one came to help him. He just had to wait out the pain. But he remembered everything. Soon, he could move once more. He wasn't sure how long he was delayed, but he knew he was no longer immortal. He drove until he entered the city of Baton Rouge.

Desmond remembered everything and at first, it was hard to function. He felt so lost and confused all of the time. One day, he sat in his small home holding his head willing the memories to fade. He couldn't move, for the memories were too great.

Dear God, Please give me the strength to carry this burden. He prayed. That night he could not sleep because of a barrage of memories. The next morning, Desmond reported to his new job. The staff was honored to have a doctor of his caliber.

He had one day to acclimate and then he went straight to work. For the first week he did not see her. He knew she was here. She still had her nursing credentials, but she did not come to the hospital

One night, Desmond was working in the ER. A call came in. Being on call he waited for the ambulance and was stunned when it arrived with Genie accompanying the patient, performing lifesaving CPR. The staff took over and he asked her to wait Genevieve sat. She spoke with the officers that came. Soon, a nurse came and she accompanied her friends to the waiting room. She had just recently started working as a home health aide when Mr. Dixon had an episode.

The doctor returned and told the family he would be alright. He smiled and genie and her heart raced. Mr. Dixon was being placed in a room and Genie was headed home.

"Your actions saved his life." Doctor Gorgeous stated.

Genie blushed, "I'm just glad I was there."

"Genevieve, why aren't you working here at the hospital?" He asked.

Genie froze, her head hurt. He seemed to know her. She had retained some of her memories but not all. Apparently she was in some sort of freak accident and it caused her memory loss. Grandma said she would be alright with time. The hospital would pay a settlement and cover her medical cost.. She didn't have to work as a nurse of she did not want to. However, Mr. Dixon needed help and as a neighbor she took the post as his home health care provider through the local agency.

"You know me?" She asked nervously.

Desmond laughed, "Yes, Genevieve, we worked together in Henson before you moved here. As a matter of fact, you are one of the best nurses I've ever worked with".

Genie blushed. She knew she worked in the medical field, but for some reason, she never wanted to work in a confined building like a hospital.

"I can't do it. I don't want to work at a hospital anymore." She whispered.

Desmond nodded. "That's OK. I'm just happy to see that you are well. Look, I'm looking for an apartment, as soon as I'm settled, we can have lunch, alright."

Genevieve smiled, "Of course, Dr. Scott." She gasped. She remembered his name. Desmond smiled as they walked out to the parking lot. An elderly lady drove up and he watched Genie ride a way with her. He felt pretty good. She was still just as wonderful and sweet, and everything he never thought he'd find again. He remembered Sia. The sadness and despair returned. Yet, he went back to work. Maude watched him. It was alright for now, but she knew having the memories would be a heavy burden.

Genie smiled all of the way home. Her grandmother just drove. The next morning, Gene reported back to the agency and was assigned a new set of patients. She went to work, but throughout the day she thought about Dr. Scott.

At the end of the day, Genie went to see Mr. Dixon at the hospital. A part of her hoped to see Dr. Scott. Just as she was leaving Mr. Dixon's room, Desmond Scott appeared.

"Hello, Genie, you owe me a lunch date." Desmond reminded her.

Genie smiled, "Wait, you found an apartment?" She asked. She was currently looking for a place closer to town. She loved her grandmother, but it was obvious that grandma wanted her space back.

"Yes, on Alpine. The place is actually decent." Desmond explained.

"Well, tell me the day and time and I'll meet you." Genie stated as she was preparing to leave.

"Wait," Desmond called. "I'm glad that I ran into you."

Genie smiled, "I'll see you tomorrow, Dr. Scott." She added.

Desmond stopped her, grabbing her hand gently, "Call me Desmond."

Genie nodded and then left.

Over the next few days, they had lunch. Desmond loved talking to her. He realized he almost missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime. He wished he could talk to Maude. But he knew he'd never see his mentor again.

"What's wrong?" Genie asked. He seemed sad all of a sudden.

"I haven't had such a wonderful time since before I lost my wife, Sia." He couldn't tell her the truth. "We were married for ten years and I lost her to cancer." Desmond added.

"I'm so sorry. She must have been wonderful." Genie whispered as she began to pull back. She would not compete with a memory.

"The thing is last night, she said goodbye. In my dreams, she told me to live now. She said I've grieved long enough." Desmond explained grasping her hand willing her not to leave. This dream occurred months ago, but that was in another life. It was part of a life he could not share.

"Desmond, I... I really like you, but I can't be her." Genevieve explained.

Desmond smiled, "Of course you're not Sia. Sia was Sia, and you are my magic Genie." He smiled and Genevieve's heart raced.

They finished lunch, but Desmond asked her to join him for dinner. Genie went home and found her grandmother napping.

Not wanting to wake her, she quietly made her a quick dinner. Soon, she woke but seemed more tired than usual. Genie was concerned so she called Desmond and cancelled. Desmond wanted to see her; so that evening, he drove out to her home.

As the two ladies set supper, someone knocked. Genie was pleasantly surprised to see Desmond. She invited him in and the three ate together. This was an opportunity for Genie's temporary guardian to observe the couple. The evening went well, as Desmond laughed at stories that Genie's grandmother shared. "Genie, love, can you bring me my pills. I need to take them." Her grandmother asked.

"Listen Desmond, you know I'm not really her grandmother. I must leave soon. Tonight you passed the one test. I won't go until, I'm sure you both are ready." Then she smiled, "Bless you, may you and Genie have a beautiful life together." Then she smiled as Genie returned.

For the next several months, Genie and Desmond were inseparable. Genie was worried because she wondered why he was interested in someone like her when he could date any woman he wanted. Also, at times he'd shut down. He'd go inside himself but wouldn't share whatever was bothering him. Desmond was attentive kind. Each night he drove her home and kissed her passionately, but that was all. She would even visit his apartment on occasion and he was the perfect gentlemen.

One night, she needed to know. So borrowing her grandmother's car, she drove to his home. She approached the door and heard him sobbing. Instantly concerned she began banging on the door. Desmond let her in. The memories were crushing him, but he could not tell her what they used to be.

He couldn't stop crying. Genie did the only thing she could. She held him. Soon, she cried too. "What is it? What's wrong?" Genie asked nervously. Was he still grieving his wife? Should she leave and give him space?

She stepped back and Desmond grabbed her hand. "Please don't go. I need you."

"OK. But what's wrong? Talk to me." Genie asked truly concerned.

Desmond had to tell her what he could, "I made mistakes and they cost. But despite that, I've tried to make things right." He closed his eyes. He could not stop hurting. He recalled Maude, Patrick, the last few centuries. She sat beside him, concern etching her brow. "Angels and demons exist, Genie. Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there." He whispered. He tried to stop crying, and then he smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Genie asked growing concerned.

Desmond smiled, "You are my angel, Genie. You are the missing piece of my soul." He stated tears drying on his cheeks..

Genie's heart pounded, "What are you saying, Desmond?" She asked.

"I'm wrong for asking this, but will you stay here with me tonight. I need you. I need more than slight touches, and chaste kisses. I need you." he whispered.

Genie froze. "You want me to sleep with you?" she asked. Her body hummed. She could not deny him. She wanted this man so badly, that if he tried to change his mind, she'd go insane.

"No! yes!" Desmond sighed and pulled her close. "Just stay tonight."

Genie nodded, and he kissed her. His lips were so soft, and his touch was so gentle. He worshiped her with his touch and his words. Genie felt like a true goddess.

Carrying her into his bed, Desmond took his time, and tasted every inch of her skin. She was not sure, but he calmed her. He tasted her breast, kissed her flat stomach, pressed his nose into the dark hair at the apex of her thighs and inhaled her feminine musk.

"Baby, are you on the pill?" he asked. "I'm safe, and I know you are too. But if it's risky, I can use protection."

Genie could not speak. Her voice was gone. She wanted him to stop talking and use his mouth on her once more.

Realizing he was waiting on a response, she squeaked out, "Condom."

Desmond paused and retrieved one from a bedside drawer.

"I bought them last month. I knew then that I would have to have you. Let me make sure you're ready. He then tasted her sweetness. No man had ever placed his mouth on her before and Genie quickly had him to stop.

"That's nasty. What are you doing?" She asked.

Desmond smiled, "It's not. It's beautiful. You're my woman, right?" he asked.

Genie nodded. Desmond smiled, "Then I get to taste you. Relax, you'll enjoy it." He was so right. Genie responded to him with wild abandon.

Her body dripped and Desmond soon entered her sweetness. She froze as he entered her canal for the first time. She was tight, but he didn't hurt her. Moving slowly in and out of her body, she adjusted to his size. Soon he began to pump more vigorously. And then he stiffened and shouted. His cock throbbed deep inside of her and Genevieve loved it.

Desmond just held her close. "I love you Genie. You're my life." Desmond whispered.

Genie lay beside him and all of a sudden she wanted him to fill her again. Unable to contain her desire, Genie rubbed her pussy on his thigh. Desmond was instantly ready.

"Desmond, I need you again." She whispered. Desmond smiled grabbed a condom and they made love several more times into the night.

The next morning, Genie drove home finding her grandmother was up. "I see you've been busy. It's about time. Go dress for work, I made breakfast."

Genie came out of her room and sat beside her grandmother. "Grandma, last night, Desmond and I..." she blushed.

"Girl you are old enough and you have needs. He's a good man, just be careful, alright. Now, don't you have patients," she teased. Genie nodded, and then once again she took the truck.

Maude appeared. "Stella, its time. The old woman transformed into a beautiful young girl.

"How are we going to do this?" She asked.

Maude looked and answered. "Her grandmother will pass away in her sleep. She'll find your body on the sofa one morning. Desmond will help her make arrangements. The house is hers; everything that is here is in her name. A lawyer will explain everything to her.

Stella nodded, then she thought of her friend, Desmond. "What about Desmond? It's unfair. The memories cause so much pain." She added.

Maude looked sad. "He's human and this is cruel. After they bury her grandmother, Desmond will be freed."

"Good, their perfect together." The angel added, and then she and Maude decided to give Genie a few more months then she'd leave.

Genie drove out and checked on her grandmother every night. At first, she would stay with her grandmother, but when she had a date, she'd often arrive home late. Grandmother said if she was coming in after midnight, stay at his place. So more and more nights, were spent with Desmond. Soon, most of her clothes were at his apartment.

She returned the pickup to her grandmother, but each night she and Desmond drove out to check on the much older woman. One night, they arrived and the air was eerie. Genie knew something was wrong so she rushed inside. She found her grandmother, sleeping on the sofa. She shook her, only to realize she was gone. She screamed as Desmond rushed inside. She was gone, and from the stiffness of the body, she'd been gone for a while.

With Desmond's support, Genie made arrangements and had a small ceremony honoring her grandmother. Desmond was her rock. He knew, and he held her as she grieved. They grew even closer.

After the funeral, Genevieve learned that the old homestead was hers. Grandmother had insurance that paid off what was left of the mortgage. Her first few nights at home, Desmond stayed over. He loved the small house. It needed some repairs, but he believed he could fix it. His first Saturday off, he worked in the back porch. By week four, he was ready to rebuild the roof over the patio.

One day, as he was working, he needed nails. He asked Genie to run to the hardware store. She left, and hurried back. As she drove in the yard, she saw Desmond lying in the yard he had fallen. Genie rushed to his side, and called an ambulance. He regained consciousness, and knew who she was immediately.

Soon he recovered, and Genie insisted that he stay with her.

One day at work Desmond had a visitor. A man he'd never seen before stopped by to see him.

"Hey Desmond, we were driving through and wanted to see how you are doing?" He stated.

Desmond paused. He had no idea who he was when a beautiful woman joined him. He kissed her and Desmond smiled. It was obvious that these two were deep in love. They chatted. Soon the two left, but not before inviting Desmond to visit.

Patrick and Zurie left completely stunned. Desmond was truly human now. He had no memory of his past life as an angel. They saw Genie walking up and stopped to speak. She remembered meeting them before, and they bid her farewell.

She rushed to Desmond's office. He smiled. He wasn't sure about much, but he was certain about one thing. This woman would one day be his wife.

They left for lunch only to find the visiting couple was waiting on a cab. The couple joined them and the visit was actually pleasant.

Patrick had to see if Desmond would hear him and so he sent thoughts to the other man, but then Genie would touch him and Patrick knew any influence he had was over.

Lunch ended, and Genie went on to her next patient. Desmond took thirty extra minutes, he had an errand. Tonight, they became a family.

Genie met him at the office and he asked her to join him at a local eatery and then they'd drive home. Genie had a blast, as they arrived back at the home stead; Genie went to dress for bed.

Desmond joined her, but beside the bed he had a surprise.

Leaning over, he kissed his woman. "Babe, are you too tired?" he asked.

"No, I need you." She whispered.

Desmond reached into the drawer, but this time he retrieved a velvet black box. He opened it. Genevieve, I want you to become my wife. Would you do me the honor of making an honest man of me?" Desmond whispered.

"Yes, yes," She answered, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed her as he slipped his ring on her finger.

A month later, Desmond and Genevieve married in a small ceremony. Unbeknownst to them, four angels attended the wedding. Sylvester held his Candace close. His sister, Maude smiled like a proud momma. Even Patrick and Zurie stood outside of the church.

As the bride and groom exited, the celestial beings looked at each other and flew away. They would no longer interfere in their lives.


Five years later, Desmond was doing basic repairs but this time he had help. A young woman died and Desmond brought her small son home and he and Genie were instant parents. The boy was partially blind from birth and had suffered many medical problems early in life, but he was theirs. His name was Silva, but they called him Sly.