Loving Nana


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"Before you head back inside, hon," Nana said. "Could I get you to do my back?"

Dale was a bit stunned. Nana had never called him 'hon' before.

Nana bent over next to her lawn chair, and Dale felt his cock surge a bit as he got a great view of Nana's big backside.

No, Dale thought to himself. It's not a GREAT view.

Nana then turned around, and Dale saw that she had some suntan lotion with her book.

Dale accepted the bottle from Nana, as she turned around.

He squirted some lotion into his hand, and began to work it over Nana's shoulder and upper back.

"Go lower, hon," Nana said softly. "Get every spot."

Dale literally felt himself close to passing out, as he worked down Nana's back.

At Nana's insistence, Dale worked some lotion into the back of Nana's legs, and even the parts of her butt that were exposed.

Dale was even sure he heard Nana moan softly as he worked the lotion over her backside.

For his part, Dale was sure that when he got back inside, he'd find that he'd chewed through his lower lip.

The whole thing was unnerving for him.

Still, Nana thanked him warmly, and began to finish up with the lotion as Dale made his way back inside.

Throughout the afternoon, Nana would periodically come back inside to refresh her drink. Nana even invited Dale to join her in the backyard.

Dale politely declined, saying he was watching a ball game.

Every time Dale went to the kitchen to get a drink for himself, or something to munch on, he found himself glancing into the back yard to see Nana out there.

At one point, while sitting watching TV, Dale wondered to himself why Nana had him rub suntan lotion over her back, when she was lying on her back in the lawn chair.

Don't even think like that asshole.

After Nana came back inside, she suggested to Dale that they just order pizza for dinner.

Dale was okay with that.

But, what happened later got him thinking again.

Nana hadn't changed since she'd come back inside. Nana had simply thrown a towel over her chair in the living room, and sat down to join Dale in watching TV.

When the pizza arrived, Nana asked Dale to take care of getting it and paying, as she rose and headed to her bedroom.

"I don't want the delivery guy to see me like this," Nana said with a smile.

So, the delivery guy can't see you 'like this', but I can?

Of course, idiot! She's your grandmother!

Dale paid for the pizza, and Nana reemerged. They ate, and had a few drinks, and chatted as they watched TV.

Again, Dale found his gaze going from the TV over to Nana. And, every time it happened, he silently cursed himself for doing it.

Nana eventually got up, and headed off to take a bath.

Dale couldn't help but glance back towards Nana's bedroom.

He saw her. Getting out of her skimpy, little outfit, because the door was wide open.

He saw her, as Nana made her way from her bedroom to the bathroom.

As he heard the tub filling, Dale, perhaps alcohol-induced, had a thought.

Would you like me to come and do your back in there?

Dale actually smacked his hand against his forehead. He HAD to stop thinking like this.

Didn't happen.

That night, after he went to bed, Dale was restless. He couldn't sleep, because every time he closed his eyes, visions of Nana naked went through his head.

Dale felt his cock, and yes, it was erect, twitching. So, he reached down and started to stroke.

Dale sighed as he let his eyes close, and the visions of Nana came again.

Dale felt himself getting close, and bit his lower lip. It was late enough, and he was sure Nana was asleep.

So, in order to not mess up his sheets again, Dale rose from bed and headed to the bathroom.

Dale smiled as he got in there and closed the door before turning on the light.

At least I didn't look into Nana's room when I went by.

Of course, it was dark, and the chances of seeing anything were slim to none, but Dale was still proud of himself for not looking.

But, that pride went away, when he leaned over the toilet and started to whack off again.

Mainly because the source of this erection, and the cause of this whack-off session, was because of visions of Nana in Dale's head.

Dale just relaxed and let it go. He stroked his cock and felt himself get close again.

So what? I'm about to cum thinking about my grandmother. Who gives a shit?

Maybe it wasn't so much that though. Dale hoped that blowing his load would just allow him a good night's sleep.

Dale began to cum, and shot his load into the toilet.

This wasn't the first time Dale had whacked off, but it was the first time he was amazed at both the force, and the amount that he came.

Dale kept stroking as more and more cum shot out of him.

He bit his lower lip and though that this was the kind of cum shot that pornos dreamt of having.

Dale took a deep breath, and finished stroking.


There was a knock at the door.

"Don't bother flushing," Nana's voice said from the other side of the door. "I need to go next."

Dale stood there stunned.

Are you fucking kidding me?

Dale also realized he still has his cock in his hand. And, the damn thing wasn't going down, even after cumming.

Dale looked into the toilet bowl. There was no way that anyone could look into it and think anything other that some guy had just shot his load into it.

Nana knocked at the door again. "Are you done?"

I am totally fucking done, after this.

"One sec," Dale replied meekly.

He stood there, wondering what to do, and finally just resigned himself to it.

But, there was still a potential way out of this situation.

"Um, Nana," Dale said sheepishly. "I'm not wearing anything."

"Neither am I, hon," Nana replied from behind the door. "Don't worry about it."

Dale sighed, and looked down at the toilet bowl, with his cum in there.

You got caught. Deal with it.

Dale took a deep breath, and turned towards the door. He opened it slowly.

Nana was leaning against the wall, totally naked, as she said she was.

"Oh thank you, hon," Nana said softly. "I really have to go."

Dale shuffled passed Nana, with his head down, but that's when he realized he still was sporting a hard-on.

As he moved passed Nana, Dale couldn't resist glancing over at her.

Was she looking at me and smiling?

As soon as he was past her, Nana moved into the bathroom, and closed the door.

Maybe not.

Dale sighed and started to make his way to his bedroom.

Then, he thought he heard Nana giggle a bit from behind the door.

Dale paused. He inched towards the bathroom door.

Nothing out of the ordinary. He could hear Nana peeing.

Dale nodded. There was nothing going on.

He turned and started to head back to his bedroom.

Just as he got to the door, Dale heard something from behind the bathroom door.

Is that Nana moaning?

It sure as hell sounded like it. And there was another sound too.

Dale leaned into the bathroom door to listen.

If I didn't know better, I'd swear Nana was playing with her pussy.

Dale leaned back away from the door, and put both hands to his head.

He immediately headed back to his bedroom, and closed the door.

Dale crawled into bed and hoped the thoughts would go away.

They didn't.

Dale woke the next morning, and his cock was stiff. He knew visions of Nana had gone through his head over the night.

At least this morning, Dale was still covered. Not that it mattered that much since his bedroom door was closed.

Except it wasn't.

Dale sat up a bit. His bedroom door wasn't wide open, but it was open a bit.

Dale slumped his head back into his pillow, and sighed.

What the hell is going on?

Dale shook his head and glanced over towards his window. It was raining. At least that he was sure of.

Everything else? Not so much.

A moment later, Nana knocked on Dale's bedroom door, and she peered in.

Dale immediately put a hand over his erection.

Nana pardoned herself, and said she hoped she hadn't woken Dale up, but she wanted to know if he wanted some bacon, since Nana was cooking some up in the kitchen.

Dale nodded and said thanks, and was about rise out of bed, when he noticed Nana was still at the door.

Dale hesitated for a moment, and glanced at Nana.

Nana smiled and said: "See you in the kitchen".

Dale sighed, but still couldn't resist taking a peek around his slightly open bedroom door.

And, he immediately pulled back.

Was Nana naked?

Dale hesitated in bed for a moment, and then thought there was no way Nana was naked.

So, he got out of bed, and put on his robe, and headed to the kitchen.

Nana wasn't naked, but Nana was wearing that same flimsy, little robe she had worn before.

And, this time, that flimsy robe was barely tied up.

Dale sat at the kitchen table, sheepishly eating bacon and sipping on juice, while doing 'double duty'.

Namely trying not to ogle at his grandmother's body as it almost oozed out of her flimsy robe, and trying to keep erection hidden.

Nana grabbed her cup of coffee and rose from the table, and moved to the window. Nana shook her head as she took in the inclement weather outside.

"Well, this rain doesn't look like it's going to let up any time soon," Nana said with a sigh. "Looks like we'll be cooped up inside all day."

Dale just nodded.

Nana looked back from the window and smiled at Dale. "So, the question is, what are we going to do with ourselves all day?"

Nana moved behind Dale and rubbed his shoulder. "I'm sure we can think of something."

Dale felt his heart pounding.

Nana moved to the sink and began to fill it with water. She placed her cup and some dishes in to the sink, then looked over her shoulder.

"Bring that stuff over for me, would you, hon," Nana asked.

Dale hesitated for a moment. His cock was pretty much throbbing underneath his robe. How was he going to stand up and bring the dishes over to the sink, and not have Nana notice?

Dale took a deep breath. Nana had her back to him. He might be able to get away with it.

Dale grabbed the dishes off the table, and rose from his seat. He shifted his position slightly to try and ensure his erection wasn't too noticeable, and then made his way towards the sink.

Nana told Dale to just put the dishes into the sink, as she moved to the stove to grab the frying pan.

Dale placed the dishes into the sink, and exhaled heavily. He was two seconds away from excusing himself, and then he, and his erection could get the hell out of there.

Or so he thought.

Nana asked Dale to turn off the water, and then came back towards the sink.

"I wash, you dry," Nana said with a smile.

Dale couldn't really say 'no', so he agreed. It was a half-hearted agreement, at best.

Nana moved towards the sink, as Dale stepped aside. He began to move to the other side of Nana, when it happened.

Nana brushed up against Dale, and his erection made contact with her hip.

Dale felt his heart skip a beat. He was horrified at what Nana's reaction would be.

It wasn't what he expected.

"Oh good morning," Nana said with a chuckle.

"Sorry about that," Dale managed to stammer.

"Don't worry about it hon," Nana said with a smile. She reached over and gave Dale a playful pat on his backside. "I take it as a compliment."

Dale was stunned. Somehow he managed to pick up a towel, and begin drying the dishes.

It only took a few minutes to get the dishes done, and while Dale felt awkward, Nana seemed perfectly fine.

"Well," Nana said as she pulled the plug from the sink. "That's done."

Nana smiled at Dale for a moment, then turned and left the kitchen.

Dale finished up and took a deep breath.

That's done is putting it mildly.

But, it was done. Despite the fact that Dale's cock had rubbed up his grandmother's hip, he stood there next to her drying the dishes.

And, Nana didn't seem remotely out of sorts about it.

Dale took a deep breath, and shook his head. Now, it was about how he was going to get through the rest of the day.

That 'challenge' would begin right away, as Nana called to Dale, and asked him to bring her cigarettes to her.

Dale sighed and picked up Nana's pack of smokes and her lighter from the kitchen table and headed out towards the living room.

Dale looked down at his crotch.

You behave yourself.

Dale got out into the living room, and Nana was no where to be seen.

"In here, hon," Nana called to him from her bedroom.

Dale made his way to Nana's bedroom door. Nana was inside, seated on the side of her bed.

"Come on," Nana beckoned him over. She patted the bed next to her. "I'd like to talk to you."

Christ this is a nightmare, Dale thought to himself.

Dale shuffled over and sat down the bed next to Nana. He hunched himself forward a bit, so his erection was less noticeable.

Nana thanked Dale for bringing her cigarettes as she took them and lit herself a smoke.

"So," Nana said somewhat playfully as she exhaled. "Are you embarrassed?"

Dale just stammered.

Nana chuckled as she took another puff. "Oh don't be," Nana said warmly as she placed her other hand on Dale's leg.

"If anything, I should be apologizing to you," Nana continued. "You know how I am. Devil may care and all that. It never occurred to me."

"What didn't," Dale managed to mutter.

"That this ole bod of mine could get a rise out of a young man like yourself," Nana said with a smile.

"I'm sorry," Dale mumbled.

"Don't be, hon," Nana said soothingly. She put her hand on his shoulder. "I think it's wonderful."

"You do," Dale asked, bewildered.

"Oh yes, Dale," Nana replied, warmly. "I'm so flattered by it. I think it is so beautiful."

"Really," Dale almost whispered.

"Yes," Nana whispered back. She placed her cigarette down, and put a hand to Dale's face and looked him in the eyes.

"That you," Nana said softly. "A handsome, young man would be aroused by an old woman like me."

"I just," Dale mumbled.

"Oh, Dale," Nana said, softly. "There's nothing wrong with it."

Dale noticed he was shivering slightly. Nana continued to gently rub his face.

"Nothing," Nana whispered.

Nana moved her hand from Dale's shoulder, back down to his leg, and then reached beneath his robe. She found his cock, and gently grabbed it.

"Nana," Dale softly stammered.

"Shh," Nana whispered with a smile. "It's fine. Don't you like this?"

Dale couldn't get a word out.

Nana smiled, and pulled Dale's robe back, exposing him. "It seems as though you do like it," Nana whispered.

Dale managed a smile. "I guess."

Nana stood up, and removed her robe, and stood there for a moment, totally naked in front of her aroused grandson.

"This is an expression of love, Dale," Nana said softly as she pulled Dale's robe from his shoulders, and eased herself back onto the bed next to him.

Dale's head was swimming.

Nana laid back on the bed, and she invited Dale to position himself between her legs.

Then, Nana slowly guided Dale's cock towards her pussy.

Nana moaned softly as Dale entered her, and Dale felt himself shiver at the sensation.

Nana's pussy felt so warm, and juicy. And, it felt inviting in a strange way too.

Nana guided Dale's motion and rhythm, as she wrapped her legs around his thighs, and put one hand on his hip.

Dale was overcome by it all, and he was surprised he hadn't already exploded.

Nana continued to guide him verbally. She kept the pace slow, enjoying how his cock felt inside of her.

Nana had Dale's pace and motion set up perfectly, and she was close.

"Oh, Dale," Nana whispered. "This is so good. You're going to make me cum."

She did. Nana pulled Dale close to her and kissed him warmly on the lips.

"Oh," Nana whimpered. "It's so good."

Dale continued his motion at Nana's insistence.

"Now you," Nana whispered. "Cum for me, and show me how much you love me."

Dale nodded, and a few moments later, he felt himself explode inside of his grandmother.

Nana pulled him tight to her, and whimpered again how wonderful it was.

Dale laid there for a few moments, in Nana's embrace, breathing heavily.

He finally collapsed in a heap next to her, still panting loudly.

Nana looked over at him with a smile on her face, as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Did you like that," Nana asked playfully.

"Very much," Dale replied with a smile.

"Good," Nana said, as she leaned over to light herself a cigarette. "I guess now we know what to do with each other the rest of the day."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

What's his name again?, oh yeah it's Dale as mentioned in every sentence.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Yes this is Beautiful

Such a tender ,realistic slow buildup of pent up lust & desire. Nice to see the eventual consumation &:rapture. Mutual cumming with unmatched intensity ! When i was a teen i was fortunate to share a bed for a year with my grandma while she stayed with us. My room was the only other bed. At night when she undressed in the dark my eyes were trained to search for the glimmer of satin panties and the round hanging breasts i masturbated over.

Many times we'd both pretend to be asleep and i would suck on her exposed nipples if i could slink fown her nightie a bit and i know she let me rub my cock on her hand which she left dangling to her side , knowing i would get hard and use her flesh to calm my raging hormones and fat, throbbing, painfully swollen cock

For years at family gatherings we'd smile, wink or pinch each other naughtily in recognition that we both knew what happened in the dark & that we enjoyed it.... unforgettably. From my 20's til now, i still ONLY chase cougars 10-20 years older.

slimvslimvover 4 years ago
Sweet Grandmother and Grandson Story

Nana is the perfect woman and the perfect grandmother. She's a smoker, which makes her maternal, nurturing and sexy. And she's the perfect woman for her grandson. I hope they find a way to live happily ever after.

MrBill36MrBill36over 7 years ago
I Like Incest stories.

I read Grandmother stories once in a while. I like this story as it is akin to Mother-In -Law stories. I am 80 and have always fantasized about my Mother-In-Law. She turns 95 tomorrow. I still try to peak at her boobs when I take her meds to her. I would still like to fuck her but cant get a decent erection any more. Oh Well!

TechnoDTechnoDabout 8 years ago
too much backstory, little payoff

The backstory is really nice, but when it gets to the sex scene, its over in 2 paragraphs. Not very detailed in that part.

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