Loving Tammy Ch. 02


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"Ooh, you know where we should go? There's this perfect little patio coffee shop down by the shore. I haven't been there in ages."

"Where's is it?"

Tammy stared off at nothing in particular, nibbling lightly on the corner of her lips. "Front Street? I never drive anywhere. Sorry!"

Sara took a moment to enjoy Tammy's scrunched eyebrows. "Well we'll head that way and see!"

The next hour and a half was spent driving back and forth on Front Street, Main Street, and several other familiar looking roads. "Sorry," Tammy repeated over again as the finished their current street. "I know it exists! And it's so nice!"

Sara laughed. "Don't worry about it. I'm having a nice time just driving around."

"Me too. So where're are we going for dinner Miss Mysterious?"

"More of a surprise than a mystery," Sara retorted.

"Maybe but Miss Mysterious sounds better." The two continued to laugh as they made there way back into in to town.

Tammy grew suddenly quiet as she peered around trying to guess where they were going. When the car finally stopped she spun around a couple of times before turning to Sara. "No," she said in a carefully controlled tone.

"No what?"

"No you're not taking me to Chez Petit Poulet.".A little excitement worked its way into her voice.

The Chez Petit Poulet was one of the top five restaurants in the city. Promoted by politicians and celebrities alike its name became renowned for its casual upper crust atmosphere, and the best cuisine you could find without mortgaging your first born.

"I do believe that is where our reservations are."

"No way!" Tammy's excitement was evident as the two got out of the car. She practically hovered above the ground.

"Hey, I treat my dates right!" As soon as she said it Sara regretted her words. "I shouldn't have reminded her I think this as a date," she berated herself silently. Repeating various expletives in her mind, she wondered desperately how to fix her miscue, until she felt Tammy's soft hand slip into hers.

Sara's next conscious thought came when she realized the Maitre d' was talking to her. "Um we have reservations under Sara O'Donnell." With an anxious breath to see if she guessed right, or at least close enough to the Maitre d's unheard question.

"Follow me Ma'am," he said snootily.

"That's how you know it's a good restaurant," said Sara after they were seated in a corner booth. "You always pay extra for snooty."

Tammy tried to hide her laugh behind her hand.

"Have you ever been here before?" Sara asked waiting for Tammy to compose herself.

"No, I've been by several times, and my parents brought some leftovers home after their anniversary dinner, but this my first time inside."

Tammy looked around as she spoke. The atmosphere in the intimate restaurant was amazing. The Copper colored walls were highlighted by dark cheery moldings in the low lamplight, making the girls feel more secluded than the room should be. Tastefully hidden foam insulation buffered out the surrounding noise so they could hear each other's whisper, yet nothing else beyond except a soft classical music from above them.

Stretching her legs out Sara's calf lightly grazed against Tammy's. "Sorry, I'm just a bit stiff from the car," she blurted out embarrassingly. Sara blushed deeply when Tammy just smiled in response. "So," Sara said with a light cough, "what are you going to try?"

"I have to try the chicken cordon bleu. 'The teaser bite my mother left me has had me craving it. How about you?"

"I think I'll go with the coq au vin, but yours sounds tasty too."

"We could share."

"Sure!" Sara agreed eagerly. "So are you going to university next fall?"

"Yeah, I've been accepted at a few places, just have to decide if I can really be a doctor." As the two waited for their meals, they chatted about the end of their days in high school and on to prospective careers. Tammy mulled over her decision between medical and nursing school with Sara. She knew she wanted to be in a field where she could help but she confessed her lack of confidence in following her mother and becoming a doctor. Sara listened intently as she described her fears to her. Being of kind heart Tammy desperately wanted to help people, but she was terrified to be the one who may need to make a life or death decision.

"Really, I think that fear is good," Sara commented when Tammy grew silent. "It means you won't make a decision without care."

About to respond, Tammy was cut off by the arrival of their food as the sight and smell caught them both off guard. The presentation was immaculate, and the scent caused Sara's stomach to growl loudly. The two ate the fine food eagerly, taking only moments to enjoy the tastes before swallowing it down.

"As good as you remember?" Sara asked, listening to Tammy's yummie noises.

"So much better!" Tammy smiled. Taking a generous forkful she presented it to Sara. "You have to try it."

Leaning forward slightly she parted her lips slightly to receive Tammy's fork. It was delicious. Tammy smiled as Sara gave the appropriate yummy noises, and then slowly withdrew her fork. "Told you it was good!"

The remainder of the meal passed quickly as the two chatted excitedly about school gossip before reaching the more uncomfortable subject of Sara herself. It all started with the not so innocent - but wanting to sound that way - question of, "Can I ask you something personal?"

It was one of those questions that could so often lead you into trouble. You can not refuse it because it is polite and refusal would only answer the hidden question with the worst possible assumptions. Yet the prospect of opening up to one of those questions was inevitably frightening. With a nod, Sara let Tammy continue.

"How did you find out?" She asked, and then as the answer seemed to be delayed by a mouthful of fine French cuisine she stammered onward. "I mean, you know, about being um, gay and all."

Sara broke out laughing, she could not help it. Partly because of her original fear of answering Tammy, who she was on a date with, and also because Tammy seemed just as embarrassed to ask.

When their laughter died down Sara was just left with the fear of opening up to someone new. Something she had not done since the Christy incident. "Well," she started with a nice delaying opening to gain some confidence. "I guess I first realized I liked girls when I was fourteen. I was surfing the internet and some of those pop-ups caught my eye. Took a few weeks to get the damn virus off my dad's computer."

"Did your folks find out?"

"No, they still don't know. At least I don't think so. My mother still blames my father to this day since she figured my little brother was too young to download something called wetpussylicker.aft"

As Tammy laughed again, Sara felt at ease.

Not only was this time going over way better than the last time, it was also giving her the opportunity to get closer to Tammy. Watching her cute giggles across the table, Sara knew her feelings were growing from imaginary desires into something more real. Somehow this scared her more than coming out did.

"So have you ever done anything?"

"For real? No." Sara admitted. "Though ever since I've had an internet connection in my room, I've, you know, chatted and stuff."

"Oh, my god! I did that once with Ted. It was so funny, I couldn't stop laughing through the whole thing. He got pissed off when he realized I really wasn't doing what I said I was."

Sara smiled as she watched more than listened to Tammy regale her with more stories of her life. When the meal finished and neither wanted desert they agreed it was time to head home. One last giggle at the snooty Maitre d' and they were out the door. Tammy's arm slipped into Sara's, wrapping around her so their hands twined together once more. This time Sara was able to remain conscious of the brief time their skin was pressed together before separating once more at the car.

Reluctantly, Sara drove them back down to the pier to catch the next ferry. The trip home was quiet as they both thought ahead to the coming of another week at school. Sara reflected over the day as she wondered fondly if she would ever have another date like this. A part of her wondered somewhat cynically if Tammy had considered this a real date, or just an outing with a new friend. She knew somewhere deep that even if they never hung out again, they would remember each other as friends.

It was dark by the time the girls pulled up into Tammy's driveway. A few lights could still be seen in the house including a flickering blue light of someone's television in the dark on the second floor. The porch light shone brightly waiting for Tammy's return.

"We'll have to get together for a fitting in a week or so. Can you swing by my place next Saturday or Sunday?"

"Yeah, for sure. I can't wait to see it. Thank you so much for making it."

"Don't thank me until you see it!"

"I don't have to. I can tell already that it will be great."

"Only because you'll be wearing it. Shame you're going into medicine, you would've made a great model." Sara kidded.

Tammy just smiled back. "Goodnight," she said, then leaned in toward Sara.

As their mouths pressed together Sara lost herself in the sweet taste of Tammy's lips. After eon-long moment their soft lips parted a little and Tammy pressed in ever so slightly inviting Sara's tongue into her mouth. Passions boiling behind years of imagination urged Sara on as she skillfully twisted her tongue with Tammy's. Unwillingly, Sara only broke the kiss when the oxygen deprivation began to narrow her vision.

"I had a great time," Tammy said smiling at her. She never broke eye contact until she shut the car door and turned off toward her house. Sara could only watch as she disappeared with a final wave.

With a deep steadying breath she restarted the car and headed home. "I'm going to burst!" she swore in her head as she sped down the road. "I think I-I can't believe she-and we-after measuring- GAH!!!" Sara's thoughts continued to stammer as she finally made it home. Rushing to get inside to find some private space she had to stop half way remembering the fabric in the trunk. Anxiously she missed the lock three times before the key slid in. Being as careful as she could be in her erratic state she gathered the material up and ran on the balls of her feet into the house. Replying quickly to her Mother's greetings, she made her way to her bedroom not even taking the time to remove her shoes.

After dropping her materials onto her work table, she flung herself onto her bed kicking off her shoes in midflight. When she came to a rest on her duvet her mind found herself back in the car with Tammy sharing their first kiss.

Sara's hands brushed against her thigh where Tammy's hand spent a single fleeting moment. Remembering through touch Sara relived the gentle caress and how it pressed in firmly when their kiss grew more passionate. She could feel Tammy's fingers spreading slightly and closing again, kneading her half bare thigh.

"If only I had not pulled away," Sara thought to herself. "Maybe her hand would have Oh, god!" She moaned inwardly as her own hand traced its way beneath her dress, gliding up her bare thigh.

She moaned for real as her other hand groped her breasts through the material of her dress. Her heart began to pound as she envisioned being in the car and it being Tammy's hand on her swelling breasts and her hand upon hers. Desperate for more, she urged the images on to match the increasing speed of her libido.

Yanking down both dress and bra, Sara exposed her breasts to the cool night air. Loud moans echoed as dexterous fingers found both bare nipple and silken encased clit. The dampness below filled the air with its intoxicating scent. Abandoning her soaked panties, Sara's Tammy-fingers worked skillfully through her outer lips teasing the sensitive skin.

Slick as they were, Tammy's fingers glided unrestricted along and then through Sara's swollen lips. Spinning inside they teased her tortuously before sliding back out to press hard against her clit. "Oh God!" she cried out, throwing her head back. Her leg muscles squeezed Tammy's hand hard as they clenched desperately trying to hold herself back from the brink. On normal days it would have worked, but the building pressure within her was far beyond normal as every muscle in Sara's body began to tighten out of her control. Just when Sara's ran out of muscles, they all released in unison leaving Sara to enjoy only the briefest of moments of her climatic high before fading into sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

I most definitely agree with the other person's comment. To say the least your leaving the story unfinished.

Anyways I'm giving what you've created 5🌟's

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Great Story

Would lie to see it continue through another few chapters

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

this was awesome....hurry up with chapter 3

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
More please

Please, please give us more...

AnomolousCowherdAnomolousCowherdalmost 16 years ago
Loving Loving Tammy

Great pacing, great storytelling so far. The characters are fun and engaging. I'm not quite as fond of the fantasy escape sequences, but maybe they'll grow on me. So far they seem to blot out an unbelievable amount of reality.

Anyway, looking forward to more!

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