Lucinda's Last Days at Girton


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Ethel looked on, stunned, as Lucinda posed for her, asking, "Will this do?"

"More than do, where on earth did you get it?"

"Paree. Gay Paree, when I had that week with Granny at Easter, we went shopping."

"And she was okay with you buying a dress as daring as this? I know your Grandmother is understanding and modern in her outlook, but even for her this must be quite... fast."

Lucinda giggled at the memory of when she tried the dress on in the Chanel store in Rue Cambon, her grandmother's initial shocked reaction, then how she had loved the daring decadence of it, how she insisted that Lucinda have it and that she would of course pay. "No, Granny loved it, possibly even more than I do. You know, if she'd have been a few years younger, I'm certain she would have wanted it for herself."

"Lulu, aren't you going to put on any bloomers?"

"No." the reply was emphatic but joy-filled. "They would only spoil the fall of the dress, and as you know I like to pair things, so no bra means no bloomers. Anyway, I don't think I'll be in them for very long tonight. I don't want to leave them as a trophy for anyone, and they will never fit in here," Lucinda continued as she took hold of a small clutch evening bag that was just big enough for her to slip a lipstick and powder compact into. "Come on Cinderella, let's go to the ball."

Neither Lucinda nor Ethel had been invited to the ball they intended to attend at Trinity College; they were simply intending to crash it. There was never a chance that two beautiful and sexy young women would be refused entrance once they had set their minds on going, so they breezed past the very lax security and made for the ballroom, lifting glasses of champagne from a passing waiter as they did.

They were immediately surrounded by suitors, all eager to dance, or more, with them. Although Lucinda's gown wasn't made for the more energetic modern dances she loved: The Charleston, The Black Bottom and The Lindy Hop, she danced all of them with several fellow students, as well as the more sedate waltzes. She found she wasn't overly interested in any of the students who sought her attention; they all seemed rather boring, so she only had a single dance with each who asked her. Tiring of the champagne on offer from the waiters, she made her way to the bar.

"I don't suppose you know how to make a Mary Pickford?" She asked the bartender.

"Indeed I do Miss. However, the college hasn't supplied all the ingredients to make one."

"What about a Maiden's Prayer?"

"That, I can make for you Miss."

"Make it two," Ethel butted in as she appeared at Lucinda's side. "No, I think I'll have a Sidecar instead."

"Certainly, Madam."

As the women finished their drink and started on another round, Lucinda was intrigued by two men who were openly staking their claim for her attention. It was amusing to watch them as they postured and manoeuvred to be the one to win her favours.

Liking the look of both of them, she danced with each in turn and found she was in a quandary; she couldn't choose between them. Lucinda wouldn't play either of them along. Nor set them against each other. She just couldn't decide who she liked the best. Who would be her choice? There was only one certainty, one of them could and would share the delights of her bed, or maybe her in their bed. It would be extremely difficult, not to say near impossible, for Lucinda to take either of them back to her accommodation.

The Honourable Sebastian St. James had the entitled, slightly supercilious air that a man of his supposed superior breeding and social standing could expect. He didn't exactly look down his nose at his perceived inferiors, but it wasn't far short. However, he could be charming and a witty conversationalist when he had a mind to be, and he was turning that charm full bore in his attempts to snare Lucinda's favours. Private prep school, and Eton educated before coming up to Cambridge for his degree that he assumed was his God-given right. He was tall and good-looking, with a debonair look. Short cut, slicked back blonde hair, a handsome face with a strong chin and a powerful body that lent itself to rowing.

He expected, as part of his inalienable right, that he would be served first at any event. That people would defer to him. He was used to the finest wines and food, the best motor cars, and first-class service from servants. He assumed that the prettiest women and girls would warm his bed, and keep him entertained there. Married or single. But for all those airs and graces, at Cambridge, where naturally, he was reading classics, he was a hard and diligent worker.

He was a member of the University Air Squadron, which was formed in 1925, a couple of years before he joined, and was a natural and talented pilot. He often found that a trip in his plane was an easy pre-sequel to a trip to his bed for many female students. Not exactly a Lothario, but not a man averse to the pleasure of the flesh.

One woman he hadn't managed to conquer, and time was running out, was Lucinda. Not that she was a woman to be conquered, she was much too modern for that sort of thing. If Sebastian ever bedded Lucinda, or more likely, she bedded him, it was because she wanted him to, and it would be on her terms, not his.

Sebastian had won his blue earlier that year, rowing in the powerhouse middle of the victorious Blue boat against bitter rivals Oxford in the varsity boat race. What a day that was along the Thames, watching the race and then picnicking in Hyde Park before taking in the bright lights of the town.

Henry Newman was altogether different, a scholarship pupil at King Edwards School, Birmingham, before again winning a scholarship to read Mathematics. His background was strictly middle class, more in kind to Lucinda's own upbringing.

He wasn't as tall as Sebastian but had a hard, wiry strength about him. Black hair, slicked back as was the style of the day, but with a rebellious quiff that was always falling across his dark brown eyes.

Henry was a double blue. His intellect converting into him being a talented fly-half and playmaker for the rugby team but also a fiendishly difficult-to-read off-spin bowler. Lucinda had noticed him the previous year, during a match at Fenners when he was just about unplayable.

Both men were good-looking and were aware of Lucinda during her time at University, but she had never encouraged either of them until now.

Lucinda was dancing the Foxtrot with Henry when she looked up and whispered in his ear, "Do you know I'm not wearing anything underneath his dress," noticing his surprised look at this outrageous confession. To confirm her statement, Lucinda moved his hand from the middle of her back down and over her bum, allowing him to feel no hint of any panties. Henry went to replace his hand on Lucinda's back, but she held it firmly in place on her bum. "Don't you dare move your hand from where I want it," she admonished him.

Finishing the dance with Henry telling him to wait where he was, or better still, get her another drink, Lucinda turned her attention to Sebastian, whisking him off to the dance floor, where she melted into his arms for a slow waltz. She didn't need to move his hand to her rear as Sebastian soon placed it there.

"What do you think you are doing," Lucinda exclaimed, saying each word with slow calmness, not that she minded.

"Just proving something to myself," Sebastian mockingly replied, aware that Lucinda knew exactly what he was doing and why.

"And what, prey is that?"

"That you are completely naked under this exquisite gown, and naughty girl you are."

"If I am, then that is my choice and more importantly my business, not yours," Lucinda replied haughtily, although not denying it.

As the dance finished, Lucinda walked over to Henry and took the drink he had waiting for her. Sebastian followed in her wake, his confidence on the dance floor evaporating as he saw Henry waiting with the drink.

"Oh, dear, I just don't know what to do," Lucinda moaned theatrically. "I just can't choose between you. Do you think it would be too terribly bourgeois to take you both to my bed? Or maybe it would be considered as being liberal and communistic?" Lucinda said to an astonished Sebastian and Henry. Neither one of them could speak with shock at Lucinda's outrageous suggestion.

"Yes, I think that's what I'll do. I'll sleep with both of you together. That's if you're willing to try something different." Neither man declined Lucinda's daring suggestion, although neither was sure how things would work.

Lucinda quickly finished her drink and walked out of the ball, followed by her two suitors.

The three students had moved to Sebastian's quarters as they were bigger than Henry's. Lucinda's were completely off-limits of course. Lucinda wasn't entirely happy about giving Sebastian the advantage of being comfortable in his surroundings but she was never going to have sex outdoors, at least not with two men, despite the balmy evening.

As the door closed behind them, and before Sebastian could offer his guests a drink, Lucinda made her move. Standing in front of both men, she lowered the zip at the back of her dress, shrugged the straps off her shoulder and allowed it to slither down her body and pool at her feet.

Lucinda stared at both men in turn, as open-mouthed they took in her naked perfection. The lithe and toned body with its perfectly proportioned upturned breasts, flared hips and sensational legs. Legs that were slightly parted as if in invitation.

"Gentlemen, isn't it rude to stare. And aren't you a tad overdressed?" Lucinda teased as she sensually made her way to the bed and lay down. Her right hand moved between her thighs as she played with her sex. Her left was playing with her already hardened nipples. Neither man had seen a woman as brazen and open as Lucinda appeared to them, and forgoing any embarrassment at being naked together quickly stripped off their own clothes and joined Lucinda on the bed, one on either side of her.

Lucinda turned her face to Henry, leaving Sebastian frustrated at having to wait, and kissed him with a fierce open-mouthed passion, using her tongue to play with his from the start. Not one to be left out for long, Sebastian locked his mouth on Lucinda's left breast and sucked on her nipple, causing Lucinda to purr like a kitten in delight. Either that, or Henry's fingers which had replaced her own as they rubbed up and down her glistening slit.

Lucinda sensed a second hand playing with her pussy as Sebastian eased a couple of fingers inside her. Lucinda pulled his head away from her breasts and kissed him with a fire and passion he had never experienced before. Henry took his turn feasting on Lucinda's breasts, concentrating on flicking her nipples with his tongue, when he wasn't nipping them gently with his teeth.

Waves of pleasure were pulsing through Lucinda's excited body, every flick or nip of Henry's tongue and teeth on her nipples seeming to connect directly to her clit, which was also getting a good workout from Sebastian's thumb.

Breaking off from kissing Sebastian, Lucinda whispered in his ear and pushed his head lower and lower. Sebastian knew the whispered words were an order and not a request.

Ever the gentleman, he whispered back, "Whatever the Lady wants, the Lady shall get," making Lucinda purr even louder, and it was a purr that she released.

Not usually keen on cunnilingus, Sebastian didn't hesitate and plunged his tongue into Lucinda's wet slit. Enjoying the taste and feel of it on his tongue more than he had expected. Sebastian wasn't very talented, but made up for his lack of expertise with energy, and surprising himself, enthusiasm.

Lucinda threw her legs over his shoulders and locked them around his head, pinning him in place as she thrust her hips hard against his mouth. Henry bit down with a little more force on Lucinda's right nipple and tipped her over the edge of her rapidly approaching orgasm. She screamed and thrashed around, mashing her vagina against Sebastian's mouth as she came hard, juices pouring from her, to flood a shocked Sebastian's mouth. Trapped as he was between Lucinda's surprisingly powerful legs, he was forced to drink down her offering to him.

As the highs of her orgasm diminished, Lucinda released her death-like grip on Sebastian's head, freeing him.

So far, all the attention had been on Lucinda's pleasure, but that soon quickly changed, and it was Henry who took the initiative as he slipped between Lucinda's parted thighs, positioned his cock at her entrance and slid home without any resistance. Sighing as he felt the hot moist folds of her pussy, stretch and encompass his throbbing manhood.

Sebastian, having recovered his breath, and not being one to wait his turn, decided to use Lucinda's mouth for his pleasure as she had done his. Kneeling at Lucinda's head, he pressed his cock to her lips, delighting when she didn't hesitate and allowed it to slip into her welcoming mouth. Pushing ever deeper, Sebastian soon felt his balls pressing against Lucinda's chin. As he pulled back, Lucinda rolled her tongue around his sensitive bell-end, making him jerk with the sensations she created.

Sebastian began to fuck Lucinda's mouth, not overly aggressively, but letting her know who was in control, or so he thought. Lucinda would never do anything she wasn't happy with, and had ways of controlling an over-aggressive lover. Not that she intended to use them on this pair tonight. She had abandoned herself to the pleasure of the flesh, in whatever extreme they came.

Henry was powering away at Lucinda, his cock ramming in and out of her pussy as she bucked up at him, fucking him back as hard as he was fucking her. Her moans of delight were muffled by Sebastian's cock as it fucked her mouth.

Lucinda's pussy was tight as it clamped and rippled along Henry's cock as he continued to hammer into her. Sebastian knew he couldn't hold on much longer and called out. "I'm cumming," expecting Lucinda to pull away from him. Instead, she sucked harder and used her tongue with more speed to roll around the sensitive glans. Unable to resist any longer and taking Lucinda's increased sucking of his cock as acceptance, Sebastian exploded, filling Lucinda's mouth with his hot tangy cum. Lucinda swallowed every drop and kept on swallowing, as Henry continued to power to his own orgasm, as he also came.

Lucinda kept her legs wrapped tightly around Henry as she pushed back at him, her pussy rippling along his cock as she milked him dry, at the same time, hitting her second orgasm of the evening.

Henry's cock softened inside Lucinda until it slipped out and dragged across her thigh. Sebastian had eased his cock free of Lucinda's lips and was lying alongside her when she pulled him into a kiss, giving him a taste of his own cum.

Henry made his way up the bed and snuggled against Lucinda, gently cupping her small breast in his hand.

The boys seemed satisfied with how things had turned out, but Lucinda was far from ready to call an end to the evening.

"I thought as you chaps have been awarded your 'Blues' you'd have a lot more stamina than you've shown. I must say you do disappoint a girl." Lucinda began to play with Sebastian and Henry's cocks as she spoke, then changing tack slightly, kissed her way down Henry's body until she was at his groin, where she took his semi-flaccid cock between her lips and began to suck on it, mewling delightedly when it instantly began to harden under her ministrations. As she was on her knees, Sebastian taking umbrage at her dismissing his prowess, got between her parted thighs and rammed his cock deep inside her.

Lucinda's mewling turned into a grunt as Sebastian slammed home, withdrew as far as he dared then slammed back in again. The force of him entering her forced Lucinda to take more of Henry's cock into her mouth than she had intended, but that didn't bother her; she just kept on sucking, taking the delighted Henry deep throat for the first time in his life. His hands went around Lucinda's head, and he used them to pull her down on him, fucking her mouth hard. His cock was covered in Lucinda's spittle as he went in and out of her talented mouth, her lips sealed on his shaft.

Sebastian was grunting away like a rutting stag as he gripped Lucinda's hips in his powerful rower's hands and pulled her back to meet his incredibly strong thrusts. Her pussy was stretched to bursting point as he pounded away at her tender flesh.

Lucinda was in heaven, or so she thought. Waves of electricity were coursing through her body as she responded to each of the men in turn. She was thrusting at Sebastian so hard he didn't really need to pull her back. She tried to take Henry as deep as she could. She wasn't teasing and playing with him, she wanted, no needed, him to fuck her mouth hard and to cum in it.

Lucinda was riding a series of increasingly powerful orgasms, and had been from the moment Sebastian had slammed into her. Her body was tingling, as she bucked and spasmed, her pussy clenching tightly on Sebastian's cock, seemingly going even tighter as he came and filled her pussy.

Lucinda now concentrated on Henry, her lips and tongue working overtime as she sucked him to a climax, swallowing every fluid ounce of his cum. Licking her lips, she smiled at him saying, "That was tasty, and I loved how I could taste myself on you when we started. Oh I do so love that."

"I say Seb, will you keep the bloody noise down in there," a voice shouted out, accompanied by a banging on the door. "Some of us are trying to sleep, you do know." Lucinda could only giggle at the incongruousness of the comment as she fell back sated.

As the three lay recovering, none of them knew that within ten years, they would all be dead. Henry on the beaches of Dunkirk; whilst directing troops to the waiting small ships in the famous evacuation. Sebastian was shot down over The Channel when he gallantly attacked a German fighter, despite being completely outclassed in his Gloucester Gladiator fighter. The tragedy of that was his squadron was due to be stood down the next day to undertake training on the new Hawker Hurricane fighter that would have been more than a match for the plane he engaged. Lucinda died in an air raid on London as she went to her very hush-hush job, in an even more hush-hush department of the Foreign Office.

Lucinda left the boys sleeping as she made her way back to her rooms in the very early hours of the morning, to be greeted by an inquisitive Ethel, who wanted to know every detail of what Lucinda had done that night.

1: ODTAA Society. One Damn Thing After Another.

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Campus77Campus775 months ago

A very modern woman.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A wonderful story old time story. Too bad about their future. I just hope you write about the next 10 years.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode668 months ago

A wonderful, thoughtful, well-written story. 5 stars.

One minor point . You used "prey" when you should have used "pray"

Wiz1002Wiz10028 months ago

A terrific story Nikkijanes. I often wondered if women in those days were as prudish, puritanical and demure as were alway led to believe. I’m sure there were lots of headstrong ladies like Lucinda

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