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Elka held her hand as she spoke, "Do you trust us enough to ride along in the truck? We'll get your belongings and take you to the diner for food. Will you let us do that for you?"

The ladies' tears streaked through dirt covering her cheeks, the little girl was emotionless. Eyes wide in anticipation of a meal. I pulled in behind the bakery, grabbed the plastic bag with all their worldly goods and made our way to the restaurant. There were stares and comments being whispered as we walked in. The waitress who had taken care of us before signaled that she had a table ready. An old lady pointed at them with her bony finger and was about to say something when Elka stopped and stared her down. Before she walked away she leaned close to the old bats ear, "There but for the grace of God go you and I."

As we waited for their food the lady took her little girl potty, washed their hands and faces then returned just as the food was set before them. She took the girl's hand, said a soft almost silent grace, looked at her daughter and said gently. "It's okay honey, you can eat."

When they were done and we couldn't interest them in any more Elka asked where they were staying.

With embarrassment she sobbed, "Under the bridge by the river."

We looked at each other, the twin thing kicked in as we both stated, "Bullshit." Elka continued. "You will be sleeping in a bed with a locked door tonight. In the morning I'm going to set you up with some clothes and we'll see what pans out after that."

Calling ahead Elka spoke with Cindy giving her the details. When we pulled up to our room Cindy was waiting with the keys to a room two down from us. Once in the room Cindy asked if they had clean clothes and underwear. More sobs.

"Let me have the dirty clothes so I can launder them. I'm about your size and my daughter is about her size. I'll have my daughter bring some sweats over for you, take a shower and then bring those dirty clothes to me at the office. I made sure there's shampoo and soap in the bathroom."

It was obvious the woman was overwhelmed and wanted to say something, Cindy put up a finger and said, "I don't want to hear it. Get cleaned up, put on clean clothes. You'll need to go commando until yours are dry but I'm sure it won't be the first time."

That resulted in the first smile we had seen from the mom. Cindy continued, "A pizza will be delivered around six. Is pepperoni okay?"

The mother smiled and said thank you over and over again as we left the room. We were walking to the truck on our way to Ruth's when we saw mom and daughter sitting on a bench in front of their room. She quickly scurried to us.

"Mister I can't pay you for this. I have no money."

Elka hugged her, "Don't worry about it. We'll talk in the morning, you get a good night's sleep. Oh, there's your pizza, enjoy."

Our evening with Ruth and Sylvia was way beyond anything we would have thought or imagined. The meal was fantastic, but that wasn't the best part. They had put together a plan for a restaurant, including equipment. Both knew several dealers who sold decent used equipment thereby reducing start up costs considerably. Think about how we nearly fell over when ruth stated.

"$350 grand will get you to the place where the doors are open for business. That will include Sylvias salary for six months. I don't want a dime until it's making consistent money. If you can get that kind of funding, when can we start? All the contractors in the area owe me favors and I'll chew them down to bare bones on costs. With a few full family meals thrown in for good will they'll be happy as pigs in mud."

I stood, reached for El's hand lifting her up by my side, "We have the money and it sounds very doable. We need to talk about it though, we don't make decisions like this off the cuff. Can you meet us at the diner for breakfast?"

Ruth shook her head, "Nope, but you can come here and we'll make you a breakfast like you've never known before. Let's say seven, I have a dental appointment at nine."

El nodded, "That will work out just right. I need to get the homeless lady some clothes. I'm pretty sure I have the sizes they need at the store. Okay, see you at seven."

Back at the motel we noticed the lady and daughter in freshly laundered clothes sitting on the bench again. I asked.

"Is everything alright? Why are you our here?"

"Oh, yes, everything is perfect. It feels so good to sit here and not worry about whether we'll be attacked or robbed. I don't know how to repay you."

As we walked away Elka looked back, "I'll pick you up at 8:30, we'll pick up some donuts for breakfast and go to the store for clothes."

The lady called out, "We'll be ready."

In the room we readied for bed, to my surprise she didn't so much as turn down the covers on hers. She was in bed under the covers waiting for me. I was caught off guard when she scooted close to me, put her finger under my chin and kissed me softly.

"You're a good man Lars Stanley. No wonder I love you so much."

I was going to say something when she put a finger on my lips.

"Why are you fighting this? There isn't anyone who loves you more and there isn't anyone you love more than me. I'm not asking you to jump my bones, that will happen in due time, but for now can't you find it in your heart to show me some affection? I need you, I need to know you're mine."

Another freight train I didn't see coming. I didn't have words, I slid my hand down her back, squeezed her butt gently and then patted it. She kissed my chest and whispered,

"That's a good start. Sleep lover, morning will come soon."

The twin thing was in full gear when we woke at five ready to take on the day. She reminded me of something I hadn't given much thought. Our old house was sold and would close in two weeks' time.

That sale would net us $233,000 after commissions and fees, which could go toward the restaurant project. The farmhouse wouldn't be ready for another month, we would need to contract with a mover to get our belongings into storage nearby. Yeah, things were getting exciting to say the least.

Over breakfast we let them know the money was available and they could begin negotiating by the following Monday. We agreed that they could run the show but we were to make a joint decision on all purchases above $5000 and I wanted a weekly report. They were more than willing to accept those terms, we left feeling as elated as they were. When Elka walked into the store just after nine with a box of donuts and two clean smiling faces she walked back to the office and announced.

"They have names. This is Rachel the mom and Rachelle the daughter. We're gonna see what the store has that might fit them."

An hour later they had two huge bags full of clothes, everything but underwear and Elka said she'd order that online. Be here in two days. As the four of us shared the last of the donuts my best girl had another surprise for me.

"We need to hire Rachel. She worked at JoAnn fabric for eight years before they had to run. She'll know a lot more about what women want in fabrics and supplies than I will. She has several inexpensive suggestions already. What a ya say hon? Can we hire her? I told her $10 an hour for thirty days and if she's everything she says she is we'll bump it to twelve with incentives. Oh, and get the plumbers in here. They need somewhere to live and the apartment will suit them nicely."

I laughed, "Whatever you think babe, I'm with you."

This acting like we were married thing was getting easier each day. Not only was Rachel an absolute asset so was her ten-year-old daughter who I paid under the table so to speak to sweep floors, take out trash and anything else her mom might need help with. School would start soon, we made arrangements for Rachel to get her registered right away. It bothered me that Rachelle never spoke, she hadn't uttered a word. When I asked sis about it she cried.

"Rachels ex is an abusive drunken bastard. The girl hasn't spoken since she watched him beat her mother unconscious when the divorce was final. The guy is a politician's son, Rachel knew he wouldn't get more than a slap on the wrist and continue to abuse her. He was still in jail when she was released from the hospital, she gathered every cent she could find and has been on the run the past five months. They're originally from New Jersey. Rachel said he would never look for them this far west."

Life was moving faster than I think we were ready for. In less than six weeks our old house had sold, we'd purchased not only a business but a farm, and were in the midst of construction work being done on the soon to be family restaurant. The plumbing for the apartment had been updated and a new electrical service installed so Rachel and her daughter had a place to live.

The romance with my sister had begun to heat up along with everything else going on. We were showing more affection in public, actually kissing in front of others a few times. In the room it was a different animal so to speak. Our kisses had become passionate, it was impossible keeping my dick under control. More than once she had brushed her hand against it and muttered. "Nice" The first time we Frenched she pulled back and giggled.

"Remember how mad we got at each other for using the wrong toothbrush? And here we are twenty years later swapping spit."

I gazed at her, "You sure know how to ruin a moment."

Taking my hand she put it on her breast and cooed, "Will that make it all better?"

As many nights as I had laid in the dark dreaming of touching her I was not prepared for how wonderful her soft warm breast felt in my hand. It was also the first night I cupped her sex with her panties still on. She was going to move my hand inside her panties when I suddenly pulled it away. I was conflicted, it was as though we had reached the precipice of our emotions and I was about to fall off. Taking hold of my hand she slowly moved it inside her panties.

"Touch me Lars, I need you to touch me."

"But El, what if this is wrong? What if you get pregnant?"

Her answer cleared my muddled brain. "We're 29 years old. Old enough to make our own decisions. We haven't made love yet, but I know it isn't far away. As for getting pregnant, I'm on the pill, but if we decide to have a child in the future we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Two weeks later we got a call telling us the house was ready to move into. Talk about elated, no more trying to live out of a room, no more Sunday morning jaunts to the laundromat, no more diner food three or four nights a week, no more wondering if it was ever going to end. With the help of Earl and two farm kids I hired as part time we moved everything one Friday evening from storage into the house. We didn't really have that much to begin with so things moved along quickly.

With the bed set up, a few clothes in the closet and underwear in the dressers we called it a very long day. She was in the bathroom longer than usual and I wondered what might be going on. She clicked off the light then walked to me in a sheer babydoll and nothing more. Laying down she grabbed my underwear, pulled them off and announced.

"You're going to make love to me, we're going to christen this bedroom and as many other rooms as we can manage before we leave for work Monday morning. I may be bowlegged, and you worn out, but you are going to make me your wife this weekend."

I wasted no time caressing, fondling, shaping her breasts, giving them a good tug with my lips before they departed for the nether region. Kissing along the panty line just above her sparse bush she grabbed my head and said, "Stop teasing."

I obliged by sticking my head between her legs and softly biting the labia in an exaggerated manner. Making animalistic sounds, moving my lips all over the vulva finally settling with my tongue moving upward through the delicate lips of her pussy, stopping at the clit which I then lightly bit. Her body shook, she arched her back, her legs were trying to squeeze my head as she let out a long high-pitched squeal followed by.

"Oh my God Lars, what are you doing to me? Where did you learn that? I have never cum that hard before. Why oh why did we wait so long for this? Put it in me baby, please, I need you in me."

Moving upward she looked between us, "Oh gosh, will that thing fit in me Lars? It looks big."

"You'll be okay sis, I'm not much more than average. I'll make sure you have time to adjust."

As the head of my dick touched the warmth and softness of her vaginal opening she dug her heels into my ass cheeks and pulled me toward her body. I'd never been with a girl as slick, I was about a third of the way in when she moved her heels off my butt and sighed heavily. I knew I needed to stop, putting her hands on my hips she guided me in and out another five or six strokes until I was balls deep in my sister. I wasn't quite prepared for her next remark.

"This is wonderful. I've dreamed of this since we were teens. I tried loving other guys but I couldn't, I knew that in the end only you would be able to completely satisfy me. Promise you'll never leave me Lars."

I kissed her and softly whispered, "Never Elka, we were born together, we'll live the rest of our lives and die together. How about letting me finish what we started?"

I knew I wasn't going to last long considering how stimulated I was. Somehow she had two more orgasms before I arched my back, slammed forward one last time and let out a long loud bellow as my body pumped stream after stream of sperm inside her. She whispered something that caused me to ponder for a long time. As I was emptying my balls in her vagina she whispered, "I want your babies Lars."

We were back at it around 4am, her on hands and knees, me behind grabbing her hips and slamming into her as hard as I could. I knew I wasn't hurting her as she pushed back with as must gusto as I was exhibiting going forward. We had made arrangements with store staff and let them know not to look for us before Monday. I figured that we would spend the weekend putting things away, I wasn't aware that Elka had plans to screw all weekend. Which we did in all but the laundry area and one of the bathrooms.

True to her prediction, she was walking gingerly as we left for work, I was shy of exhaustion. But we both had a smile on our faces. Business was booming, we were having to order inventory every few weeks, with fall harvest upon us I couldn't seem to keep enough machinery supplies on hand. I never knew farmers could go through so many nuts, bolts and washers in such a short time. The restaurant was a few weeks away from the grand opening. Ruth and Syl had devised a stellar family style menu, something to cover most palates from the youngest to the oldest. One of their signature items was a cup of chicken dumpling soup with every meal for a nickel.

It took a few weeks for things to settle into a pattern once the restaurant opened. Business was brisk and constant from that point forward. Not only were Earl and Rachel working full time we had hired an older guy that knew most of the Amish well and basically catered to them. As cooler weather set in I started to build a small garage inside the machine shed where the "56 was sitting. I put heat in it and spent my spare time throughout the winter working on the Chev. I knew it was going to take more than a winter to complete, so I just kept doing what I could when I could.

We had been born on the third of March, for our birthday dinner Elka had prepared one of my favorites, beef short ribs with homemade fries. As we sat on the couch later she slid in tight, put her hand on my chest and announced.

"I want a baby. This year."

All I knew of incest babies were the wives tales and things you hear in gossip sessions. I brought up those things and wauted. Elka being true to her nature sat straight and looked me in the eye.

"I've done a lot of research and statistically the gene pool isn't affected negatively until the third or fourth generation. You and I are first generation. Like I said, I've done a mountain of research, I wouldn't bring it up unless I thought our babies would be normal."

We didn't talk about it anymore before bed. Lying in each other's arms with pillow talk I asked if she could wait until morning for my answer. Her response was a kiss and soft "yes".

At breakfast she didn't ask as she watched me. Taking her empty coffee cup to put in the dishwasher I nuzzled her neck and asked.

"When would you like to start the process?"

Smiling she grabbed my neck holding me so tight I nearly couldn't breathe. With a little squeal she said, "I'll stop taking the pill today."

Spring planting season was upon us when Elka walked into my office one morning and stated.

"We're out of household plant fertilizer again. Speaking of fertilizer, there are two fertilized eggs growing inside me."

My face must have gone pale because she laughed ,kissed me and said, "Yup, we're having twins. Your little soldiers were working overtime."

I became the proud papa of Mark and Mary the early part of January. About the same time Rachel informed us that she was going to marry a 37-year-old farmer that had been single all his life. It was also the first time we had ever heard Rachelle speak.

"Will I have a new daddy? A nice one?"

Talk about jubilation. This girl who had been silent for almost two years had just spoken. Though she never spoke a word in class she was still a B level student. Rachel grabbed her in a bear hug and told her.

"Yes honey, your new daddy is very kind and loving. He has a room set up just for you. He'll paint it any color you like, and, he has a horse you can call your own."

With Elka now a stay-at-home mom we decided it was time to begin divesting ourselves of some of the responsibilities. The first was to offer the restaurant to Ruth and Sylvia, who was now engaged to her sous chef. They wanted it without hesitation. It took a week to work out the details and was officially theirs a month later. It was also the time when I walked into the kitchen after tinkering with the '56 that my lovely bride put her arms around my neck, ground her pelvis into mine and whispered.

"Guess who's gonna be a daddy again?"

It's been eleven years since Mark, Mary and the youngest Eli took over the store. It took me nearly three years of working when I could to finish the '56. It's a honey though, we drive it in every parade the town has, advertising Boone's Farm and Dairy Supply. Speaking of that, the kids bought the next two lots behind the original building and are going to enlarge the facility.

Elka and I smile and say to ourselves, "Better them than us." Rachelle had one more child, a strapping big boy. Rachelle went on to become a nurse working in the local regional hospital. Rumor has it a young intern has his eyes set on her. Earl retired and is living the easy life fishing with his wife two or three times a week weather permitting.

We used a portion of that million plus still in the bank to set up a fund with the diner to feed any homeless or indigent soul in need of a meal at no cost to the person. There are now a half dozen other businesses in town who contribute to the fund as well.

Elka and me? In warmer weather we take a walk every evening, we still hold hands and sneak kisses as if no one is watching. Even though we know they are. Evenings on the porch with a hot chocolate in the spring and fall are always a highlight when the kids decide to come home at the same time. Mark will be married in a few months, Mary is engaged and Eli could care less. He's having too much fun being a businessman.

More than once we have reflected back on our good fortune throughout the years and are thankful others were looking out for us when we were too young or inexperienced to do it on our own. Were we born lucky? Yeah, I guess you could say that. But somewhere along the way hard work, vision and ingenuity came into play.

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GreyBaerdGreyBaerd8 months ago

I love the verisimilitude! The progression of the story is very natural, far more natural than is usual in an erotic story! Saw a couple of typos, which I know are practically impossible to eliminate yourself, and one little suggestion about could and couldn't care less -- only "couldn't care less" makes sense to indicate someon's carelessness about something; saying that they *could* care less means that they still care to some degree. Its a common error, so most readers who aren't English majors probably won't notice. :-)

Again, well-written and well done!

Cutty4637Cutty46379 months ago

Damn, another great story.

1stltdan1stltdan9 months ago

I loved this fantastic story and the characters. The 56 Chevy was a classic addition. It was my first car and I’m still looking for it again after fifty years.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story, told well. Nice long, slow build up. Seemed familiar, yet fresh somehow.

mlf517mlf51711 months ago

Wonderful story! When I pick up a book from a new author, I always read the first chapter before I buy - the author either writes the way my mind works or doesn't. You DO, so you have been added to my "favorite authors" file and I will begin reading your stories I have somehow missed. Thank you so much for being able to write clearly and concisely without the poor spelling, grammar and structure so many have in otherwise good stories. I so look forward the reading more of your submissions!

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