Lucky Horseshoe Pt. 01

Story Info
Guy finds a horseshoe that lets him influence people.
11.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 07/14/2023
Created 07/03/2023
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Author's Note: The following story contains scenes of mind control, incest, gay and lesbian sex, non-consensual sex, cum swallowing and creampie eating. All persons engaged in sex are over the age of 18.


My name is Charlie Buchanon. I am 36 years old and I live in the mountains of Colorado. I have a luxurious home on 300 acres and everything is paid for. There are 24 women who work on the ranch and around my home. They each have various chores that keeps them busy and are either cooking, cleaning, mowing the grass, chopping firewood, tending to the horses, or doing security. All of them and I do mean all, are my concubines. Whatever sexual act I want them to perform, they do. No questions asked, no whining about it, no bickering, these women complete the task as if they were porn stars in a movie.

But things weren't always this way...

When I was 24, I found work on a farm in Kansas. I was 6ft tall. Thin and wiry but strong too. I could bale hay all day and do other menial chores and not be wiped out afterwards.

I had no family to speak of because I grew up in an orphanage. Life was tough for me and I wandered from town to town, looking for a way to fit in. People always thought the worst of me. Maybe there was a dark cloud over my head or an aura about myself that just rubbed people the wrong way. In any case, I heard it all. It hurt to be called names like "Dimwit," "Retard," "Oddball," "Freak," and the like. What did I do to be treated this way? Yeah, I was different, strange even, but I didn't run my mouth or talk nonstop about stupid shit just to hear my own words.

Everything I owned was on my back. I had no furniture, no toys, books, gadgets or even a watch. I could barely makes ends meet and I rented a room where I lived with 4 other guys. They were all bullies and made me the house slave. I had to wash the dishes twice a week; take out the garbage when it was full, vacuum the floors, wipe down the table and counters, clean the bathroom and get beer when the fridge was running low.

Every last penny I made was put towards beer and cleaning supplies.

I swept out the barn and tended to the horses in the stables. I also did all the chores that nobody else wanted to do.

It was terrible, but I made the best of it even though I was miserable.

Everyday I came home to the same smelly house. The guys I lived with were slobs. They were always farting and picking their nose and wiping their buggers on the couch. It was disgusting.

The bathroom was the worst. The toilet was virtually black from never being cleaned properly and there was always piss on the floor. How hard is it for a guy to aim at the big white opening when he takes a leak? Pretty damn hard! I'll tell you that. And half the time, they never flushed so I would walk in the bathroom and nearly vomit because some idiot forgot to flush after he took a shit.

All four of these clowns stunk. Did they ever bathe? Yo! Guys! There's a fucking shower in here! Take a shower after you come home smelling like shit. Don't just plop down on the couch and get your stink on it! Fucking fools.

Walt's girlfriend Dolly would come over around 8pm. This girl had big tits and was on the heavy side. She had a foul mouth and was a fricking chatter box to boot. Yip, yip, yip, yip, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda. She never shut up! Her voice was an octave above Minnie mouse most of the time.

To give you an example...

Dolly walks in talking to herself in her high pitched voice, "These god damn shoes are just the best and I love to get new shoes...Hey Walt, Hey guys, what are you staring at Dimwit...The fuckin nerve of these retards...I did my nails today and it took so fuckin long to get the god damn color right, so I fuckin stripped it off and added a new god damn color and that wasn't the right one either so I stripped that one off...ooh pizza, can I have a slice? I just love to eat pizza...I eat it all the time...what are you staring at you retard? Go jerk off or something...this place could use some sprucing up. Maybe get a plant or something...In my apartment we have such pretty wallpaper. Full of flowers and not the shit that is coloring these's such a fuckin pain to shave my legs and armpits so I usually just do that once a week when I want to pamper myself...Have you seen Darla's new horse? Oh my fuckin god. It is god damn gorgeous and my feet. I painted my toesies last night and boy were they fuckin dirty. So I spritzed them with some water to get the shit off and then used baby powder...yadda, yadda, yadda!"

On and on and on. It was fucking insanity!

Ladies, if you are reading this and thinking to yourself that this sounds a lot like you, then STOP!!! Take a fucking break from yapping all the time and stay quiet for a change! Fuck!

My room was little more than a broom closet. I had a nasty mattress that I slept on. No sheets or anything, just a bedroll. That's all any of us had. Except Walt. His room was 8 x 10, but he had a rickety bedframe and the thing would squeak every fucking night.

And then, adding insult to injury...

The walls were paper thin and you could hear the two of them fucking. Walt and Dolly went at it like rabbits. "Squeak, squeak, squeak...Fuck me Walt!...squeak, squeak, squeak...Fuck me!...squeak, squeak, squeak...No, your hands hurt on my titties...squeak, squeak, squeak...Fuck me! squeak, squeak, squeak..." Dolly wailed as if no one else was in the house.


"You fucking came already! But I didn't cum yet!" Dolly bleated.

And then out the door she went...and blessed 2am! I had to get up in 3 hours! Fuck!

This repeated every god damned night!


6 months later...

I was sweeping out the stables one day when I stepped on a rotten board in the corner of one of the stalls where the ranch's prized horse Stella was kept and my foot went through the floor. Shit! Now I had to fix it. I hated this rickety old building. It was said that this stable was more than 200 years old and the other 10 stables were built around it. Now I knew why.

I got some lumber in the barn and the tool box and went back to the stables. I cut a sizable hole out of the floor and noticed something shiny in the dirt below. I hoped it was a lucky coin or something of value. I reached my hand in but it was farther away than I thought it would be. I had to actually lower myself in the hole which came up to my waist.

I stooped down and found what had originally caught my eye and tried to pull it up, but it was stuck on something else. So I grabbed a flashlight and shown it on the item in question and realized it was a horseshoe. Shit, a lousy fucking horseshoe.

I dug around in the dirt and saw that it was nailed to a rock. Who would be dumb enough to nail this thing to a rock? So I grabbed a hammer and tried to pry the nail out only it wouldn't give an inch. I then grabbed a flat head screw driver and used the hammer to pry the nails off the horseshoe. I gave it a few whacks and the screw driver was able to sear through the nail.

I grabbed the horseshoe and put it in my coveralls and then got out of the hole and proceeded to fix the hole with the lumber I found in the barn.

After I got home I removed my clothes and took a shower. I then sat and had a beer and dozed off on the couch. When I woke up it was nearly dinner time and that's when I remembered the horseshoe in my coveralls.

I went over to them and retrieved the rusty horseshoe. I pulled it out and looked it over. What I had assumed was rust was really just dirt so I took it to the sink and cleaned it up. When I was finished the thing was a shiny silver.

I took it into my bedroom and fastened it to the wall above the door to my room. It was now my lucky horseshoe.


Walt came back to the house next followed by Dave, Hank and Carl. These guys were jerks to me and I quickly retreated back to my room.

"Hey dipshit!" Walt called to me.

I didn't answer him.

He ducked his head in my room and said, "Hey dipshit, your microwave dinner is finished cooking in the oven. Get out here and eat it or it's going in the trash."

I wasn't hungry so I said, "You eat it."

Walt went back out to the kitchen and pulled it from the oven and began to eat it.

"Whatcha eating there Walt, it smells awful?" Dave asked him.

"Charlie's TV dinner." He told him.

"What? You like that slop?" He asked.

"Not particularly." Walt replied.

"Then why are you eating it?" Dave asked.

"Charlie told me to eat it so that's what I'm doing." He said.


The next day was blazing hot and a fire started in the stables. Everyone was on hand to throw water on the fire but for some odd reason, it wouldn't go out and the stables burned to the ground. We were lucky to get the horses out.

I was dog tired and got home and took a shower and crashed on my bed.

Dave got home next and saw the dirty dishes piled up in the sink. He stormed into my room and said, "Hey dipshit! You need to do the dishes."

I turned to look at him and said, "I'm too tired. You do them."

So Dave walked back out to the kitchen and began to wash the dishes.

When the other guys got home they questioned Dave about the clean dishes.

"So dipshit finally did the dishes huh. How'd you manage that?" Hank asked.

"I did them." Dave told them.

"Why'd you do that?" Carl asked.

"Charlie told me to." Dave replied.

"What's gotten into you guys? That's twice now that you've done whatever he's told you to do. I'm sick of this shit!" Carl replied and got to his feet.

He walked into my room and pulled me off of my bed and onto the floor by my foot.

"You need to pull your weight around here dipshit if you plan on staying. Otherwise you can sleep with the pigs." Carl scowled at me.

I turned and looked at the bigger man and said, "Maybe you should sleep with the pigs."

Carl turned around and walked out of my room and went and grabbed his bedroll and walked out of the house and went to the barn to spend the night with the pigs.


I came home the next day and found my room destroyed. My bedroll was flipped over and my clothes were strewn about.

Dave, Hank and Walt entered my room and roughed me up. They gave me a fat lip and bloodied my nose.

"What did you say to Carl to make him sleep with the pigs dipshit?" Hank said angrily.

"I told him to go sleep with the pigs and he went." I said angrily.

"That's fuckin stupid! Why would anyone listen to a retard like you?" Dave asked.

"You need to pull your weight around here punk or you are outta here!" Hank blurted.

"We're almost outta beer again you skinny shit!" Walt scoffed.

"Maybe you three should get the beer for now on and leave me out of it." I told them.

All three guys walked out of my room and left the house.

That was strange. They never listened to me.

And then a few hours later, they walked in. Each with a case of beer.


That evening Dolly came by to see Walt.

"Where's Carl? I haven't seen him in awhile." She said in her high pitched voice.

"He's sleeping with the pigs now." Dave told her.

"Why's he doing that?" She asked.

"Charlie told him to." Hank replied.

"Who's Charlie?" She asked.

"He means dipshit!" Walt told her.

Dolly got up and stormed into my room. "Yo Dipshit! What makes yu think yu can make Carl sleep with the fuckin pigs? You should be sleeping with the fuckin pigs!" She scolded me.

"Yeah, and maybe you should stop blabbering about such stupid shit all the time." I told her.

And she did. She was quiet.

Dolly still screamed profanities while she and Walt fucked, but at least her incessant blabbering finally stopped.

I think we were all relieved at that.


It seemed like a string of bad luck was in store for the farm because 2 days after that, 3 of the horses that were housed in the old stables, died.

2 days after that, the chicken coop was attacked by a band of wolves and all but one chicken was eaten.


Things improved for me for about 5 days and then all hell broke loose again.

I awoke the following morning and got dressed for work and opened my door. It was still dark in the house and as I stepped out of my door, I was accosted by Hank and Dave.

Hank punched me in the mouth which split my lip and Dave swung for my face and missed and hit my ear instead which hurt like hell. They tumbled with me back in my room and were about to hit me again when I said, "You both should stop!"

And they did.

"Get out of my room and go take a shower together?" I told them as I got to my feet.

They walked out of my room and a few minutes later I heard the shower start.

I walked to the bathroom and peeked my head in the door and said, "Clean the shower while you're at it guys."

"Fuck you Dimwit. We ain't cleaning shit!" One of them shouted at me.

This was really strange. In my room they listened to me, but outside of it they did not. I puzzled over this peculiarity while I worked when a light bulb went on in my head. "The Horseshoe." It had to be.

I began to think of all sorts of ways that I could use the horseshoe to my advantage while I worked. I would need to start slow though and not say too much. Maybe that's how it worked and if it did work like that, why did it work that way?

It was Friday. It would be a nice weekend if I didn't have to listen to Dolly screaming profanities every night. Maybe I will stay up and when she leaves to go home, I will somehow get her to come into my room. But how? That was the kicker.


Dolly came over at 8pm just like she always did. She was blessedly silent until she and Walt went into his room and then she screamed profanities as they fucked until 2 am when she opened his door and walked out and saw me.

"What the hell do you want Dimwit?" She said sourly.

"I found these women's shoes and thought you would like them." I told her.

"Really? I love shoes." She said excitedly.

"Come in my room and I'll give them to you Dolly." I said and walked back to my room.

She was too stupid to read into what I told her and followed me into my small room.

I then turned and said, "Let's sit on my bed and play 100 questions Dolly."

Dolly sat on my bed and looked at me while I went and closed the door to my room. I then walked back and sat down too.

"Dolly, you are very noisy when you and Walt have sex. Why is that?" I asked her.

"I don't know. I guess it's because I find it so much fun that I need to express myself in that way." She replied.

"Well for now on, you should stay quiet when you have sex." I told her.

I watched and saw her eyes dilate briefly.

"What kind of birth control do you use with Walt?" I asked her.

"We use rubbers." She told me.

"Is that so you don't get pregnant or is it because of other reasons?" I asked her.

"It's so I don't get any std's." She said.

"I see. Have you had sex with a lot of guys?" I asked her.

"No. Only Walt." She told me.

That was strange.

"So who told you that you should always use rubbers then." I asked her.

"My sister said I should." She replied.

"Do you like having your breasts played with?" I asked her.

"Yes, very much." She replied.

"Do you like it when Walt plays with your breasts?" I asked her.

"No. I don't." She told me.

"Why is that?" I asked her.

"He squeezes my breasts too hard and it hurts." She told me.

"How do you like to have your breasts played with?" I asked her.

"I like to have them touched and held. I really like to have my nipples played with and licked and sucked." She said.

"Do you like having sex with Walt?" I asked her.

"It's okay I guess." She told me.

"Do you have an orgasm when you guys screw?" I asked her.

"No. I get close but he always seems to cum before I do." She replied.

"Do you ever give Walt a blow job?" I asked her.

"No. He doesn't like that." She told me sadly.

"Do you like giving blow jobs?" I asked her.

"Yes, I do. Very much." She said excitedly.

I liked hearing that.

"What do you like about it?" I asked her.

"I like being in control. I like to tease a man and keep him on the edge of having an orgasm. I like to taste his precum and I love to feel the guy spurt in my mouth. That's the best. I just love the taste of cum." She told me cheerfully.

I started to get aroused.

"Do you swallow when you give a guy a blowjob or do you like for him to pull out and cum on your tits or on your face?" I asked her.

"I love to swallow, but never on my tits or my face." She told me.

"Does Walt lick your pussy when you have sex with him?" I asked her.

"No. He says that it's disgusting." She replied.

"Have you ever had your pussy licked Dolly?" I asked her.

"I have. Many times actually." She told me.

"Yeah? Was it by a guy or a girl?" I asked her.

"No guys. Only girls or a girl I mean." She said.

Now I was growing hard.

"Have you ever had a threesome with a guy and a girl?" I asked her.

"No. That's gross!" She said.

"So when you leave here after having sex with Walt, do you go home and masturbate?" I asked her.

"I go home, but I never masturbate. It's selfish to masturbate." She replied.

"Who told you that it's selfish to masturbate?" I asked her.

"Darla told me that." She answered.

"I see, so you go home sexually frustrated then until you come back here again tomorrow in hopes that tomorrow might be the day that you actually have an orgasm with Walt?" I asked her.

"No silly. When I go home, Darla and I talk about it and then we have sex together." She replied.

"I see, so your friend Darla gives you an orgasm?" I asked her.

"Yes, but she's not just my friend, she's my sister." Dolly told me.

Holy fucking shit! Darla is a control freak. She's manipulating her sister.

"I see and how long have the two of you been having sex together?" I asked her.

"Since we turned eighteen." She said.

"And how old are you both now?" I asked.

"Darla is 29 and I am 28." She told me.

"And how long have you been seeing Walt?" I asked her.

"For the last 9 months." She told me.

"How did the two of you even meet?" I asked her.

"Darla and I were out grocery shopping when he came over and talked to us. I thought he liked Darla more than me because he seemed to direct his questions to her than to me. But Darla wasn't interested in him, she likes thinner guys.

She brushed him off and he asked me to come over one day and I have been here ever since." She said.

"When you go home tonight, I want you to talk about me with your sister Darla. Tell her that you saw me come out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and it looked like I was pretty big in that department.

Tell her how nice and friendly I am and that on Monday she just has to meet me. Come over early like around 3pm."

I then got to my feet and pulled down my pants and boxers and let her see my semi-hard dick.

"Get on your knees and give me a blowjob Dolly." I told the heavy girl.

Dolly got off the bed and got on her knees before me and took my dick in her mouth.

"Yessss!" I hissed as she took my dick in her hot mouth.

This was my first blow job ever!

"Wlech!...wlech!...wlech!" She choked on it and then released her mouth and a long strand of saliva came out.

Dolly looked up at me and smiled.

She started to lick her tongue around my glans and this made me shudder.

Her chubby hands stroked my shaft and she said, "You gonna cum for me big boy?"

"Uh-huh." I groaned.

She placed her lips against my dickhead and fluttered her tongue under it. She stroked me the whole time and the sensation was incredible. My whole body seemed on the verge of exploding and I watched as copious amounts of precum began to ooze out of my dick and Dolly slurped it down.