Luna's Angel Ch. 01-06


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"You're running out of souls," I said with shock as I looked at the proportions.

"Yes. Souls used to wait centuries until a new vessel was ready. Now it may be only days. At the rate things are going, in a year or two there won't be new souls available for my people. New births will plummet, humans will no longer change, and the only cure will be more bloodshed among my people. It's... it's a death spiral. Things cannot continue as they are."

I ran the problem through my head; I'd always liked math, I found it fascinating. She was correct, the current path was not sustainable. "My Goddess, how may I help?"

"I cannot reach my people anymore to save their souls; too many have hardened their hearts against me and follow their God of Self. The truly evil ones need to be stopped, but that alone won't solve the problem." She pointed at the door to the Underworld as another werewolf was lost.

"Because those souls are lost to you."

"Yes. But, each of those evil souls is affecting those around and under them. By cutting out the cancer, we have a chance to save the patient. I need a surgeon, Nathan, someone I can trust to know right and wrong and show that to my people before it is too late."

She walked me to the window where we looked down upon the earth. "I need you to return to Earth, Nathan. Not as a wolf, but as an avenging Angel sent by me to save her people."

"I... I'm not worthy, my Goddess."

"That is why I trust you to do this, Nathan. From now on, you will be known as Luna's Angel."

Ch 3

"An Angel?" I looked at my Goddess with confusion etched on my face. "My Luna, I'm not cut out to be an angel. I'm not soft and kind, I don't provide people with instant comfort."

She laughed at me. "Oh, Nathan, don't you know there are many kinds of angels?" I shook my head. "Humans have turned them into cute little babies with wings, into pure white messengers of all that is good. Well, the latter can be true, but that's not all Angels are. First and foremost, Angels are fighters."

A Bible appeared in her hand. "Humans know of this, they just choose to ignore that side of their nature. Even the human's Bible captured them accurately, if you look." She opened it to Second Chronicles 32, and read to him. "King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz cried out in prayer to heaven about this. And the Lord sent an angel, who annihilated all the fighting men and the commanders and officers in the camp of the Assyrian king. So he withdrew to his own land in disgrace."

I looked at her, still confused. "Don't you see? The Assyrians had sent a huge army, enough to surround Jerusalem and lay siege to it. Yet in one night, a single Angel destroyed that army and sent the King home. Humans, even wolves, can't win in a fight against an Angel of Heaven."

"But how... I mean, I'm just a lowly werewolf, not even high ranking."

"Yes, but you burn for justice, and that is what I need. I'm not all-powerful, I have to work within the rules for Gods when it comes to humans. I can send an Angel to Earth, if I can convince the Council that it is the only workable option. I went to them and received permission, but I'd never created an angel before. In order to have an angel who is a werewolf, I had to start with a werewolf. I've been watching for someone worthy to come before me, and if you accept, you will become my tool on Earth to set things right. You will kill those who are destroying my people and corrupting my gift, and you will bring justice to those who cry out to me for it. I cannot ignore their pleas for my help, and I cannot do it all. I'm not omniscient, I don't know everything that is going on. I'm not omnipotent, there are things I cannot do. And I'm not omnipresent. I can only do one thing at a time. That's another reason I need you, because I can't do enough on my own. You're my point and shoot weapon system."

I knelt before her, I was not worthy, I knew this deep inside, but she needed me and chose me and I would die before I let her down. If I wasn't dead already. Oh heck, you know what I mean! "I accept your gift, my Luna, and whatever it entails. The tasks you give me I will carry out to the best of my ability, so help me you."

She touched the sides of my head with her hands, and I felt my body as if it caught on fire. The pain was intense, yet I withstood it easily. I could hear and feel things shifting within me, I opened my eyes as the feelings became stronger until a bright light caused me to look down again. The feelings stopped and I felt her hands leave my face. "Rise, my Angel, and see what you are now."

I opened my eyes and looked at my arms. Before all this, I was of average size and strength for a warrior; competent, but not intimidating. I stood as I looked at my new body, then Luna clicked her fingers and full-length mirrors appeared.

I scared myself with my own appearance.

I started looking at myself with my legs. I looked like a bodybuilder, my calves were like coiled springs and my thighs were the size of both of my old legs put together. My pelvis was strong, and as I turned I could see I now had buns of steel. My stomach was ripped, a six-pack and then some. My chest was broad, working to shoulders widely set, giving my upper body the appearance of an inverted triangle. My arms were as big around at the biceps as my old legs were, and my hands were large and strong. There were designs tattooed on my chest and arms, geometric designs I did not recognize. A thick neck supported a face with a jaw cut from granite, and eyes as dark as night. My head was shaven, allowing the tattoos to continue up from the back of my neck to the top of my head. If I had to guess, I now stood close to seven feet tall and probably weighed close to 300 pounds of solid muscle. I was intimidating as hell.

There was only one thing missing. "Uh, Luna?" I looked at her, kind of embarrassed. "Where's my, uh, you know, down there? My junk?" I looked down, it was all smooth skin between my legs. No Tab A, no Slot B, nothing.

"Angels are neither male nor female, Nathan. In ancient time the angels mated with the daughters of men, creating all kinds of trouble. We had to wipe the earth clean and start over. After that it was decided that any new Angel would not be, well, equipped to cause a problem like that again."

"No wonder that Angel was so pissed off." I looked at myself like I had just lost my favorite toy, which, come to think of it, I HAD! "But... What about a mate? How am I..." I just looked down again, my mouth wide open as I tried to figure it out. "I mean, LOOK AT THIS. I can't even pee my name in the snow now." I felt around quickly. "Hell, there's not even a hole to pee out of!" Panicking, I felt under and behind, finding only smooth flesh. "And where's my butthole?

Luna just sat there giggling as I struggled with it. Finally, she patted the chair next to her and I sat down. "You're an angel now, Nathan, common bodily processes aren't part of you anymore. You don't need to eat, or sleep; You don't urinate or defecate. You have no mate, you don't reproduce, you don't have to. You are now an immortal being, capable of traveling to Earth but at home here among the Gods."

I put my head in my hands, trying to wrap my minds around it all. "So in one moment, I've lost donuts AND sex for the rest of my life."

She laughed again. "Only you would put donuts first on that list, Nathan."

I looked again at the tattoos. "What is the meaning of these," I said as I pointed to the design.

"It marks you as my Angel, and warns others that you are sent to serve My justice."

She asked me to stand up and turn around. She touched my back, and it started tingling. "Close your eyes, and imagine wings sprouting out, just like you called forth your wolf form before."

I focused on the image, and felt something move between my shoulder blades. The flesh split apart, and I could feel something pushing through. When it was done, I opened my eyes and looked in the mirrors again. Large wings were folded along my back, the tips reaching down to my calves. They were grey in color, with black tips. "Why grey? I thought angels were white?"

"Messenger angels have white wings, warrior angels have black. You, Nathan, are my only Angel and so you must do both, therefore your wings are grey." My wolf came forward, he was curious as the wings were there in his form as well. Together, we spread them wide before I leaned forward and jumped. It took a few seconds, but then we were flying through the air. Once I was comfortable, I gave over to the shift and we became a hybrid form, with grey fur pushing through along with claws and a wolf-like jaw. A few minutes later we shifted to our full wolf form. My wolf loved it, flying was better than running in his mind.

Luna called for us and we swooped down, tilting our wings to kill our forward speed and drop gently to the floor in front of her. We quickly shifted back to full human form, the wings hiding themselves inside my back again. "Wow," I said. "The pilot I talked to at the airport was right, flying is better than sex."

She laughed again. "That's good for you, there's lots of flying in your future. Now, there are a few more things we need to do before you are ready. Mars?"

I looked to the right as a God entered the room, giving Luna a bow as she curtsied back to him. "This is the one?"

"Yes, this is my Angel Nathan. Nathan, may I introduce Mars, the God of War, son of Zeus and Hera." I knelt down to him, my eyes downcast, until he tapped my shoulder and bid me to rise. If Luna respected him, I would as well. "Mars is going to train you in all aspects of combat and weapons."

"That will take years," I said, "and you need me now."

His voice was deep and commanding. "Close your eyes and clear your mind," he told me. I did so, and he placed his hands on my head and said something in a long dead language. When he released me, I was filled with knowledge I shouldn't have had. "Come on, let's see how much you've learned." He walked away from Luna, and a field appeared within walls; swords, knives and weapons of all descriptions hung from them. Somehow, I knew the names of each and how to use them. I followed Mars to the center of the field where he turned and took a fighting stance. I immediately copied, and we started to circle each other.

He moved in, his left hand moving quickly towards my face. I ducked, quicker than I could thing, only to have his knee collide with my face. I went flying, landing on my back, but jumped back up. "Don't think, just do," he said.

I shook the blow off and took my stance again, clearing my mind of other thoughts. He attacked again, bull rushing me, but I dropped to the ground underneath him and grabbed his leg. Slamming him to the ground, I was quickly up and sending powerful blows to his kidneys before he scrambled away. "Better," he said. He came at me again and again, and when he was satisfied with my defense he had me attack him. In ten minutes, I demonstrated skills a lifetime of training wouldn't have gained me. Stepping back, he grinned and said, "Swords."

He pulled a two-handed broadsword off the wall, while my eyes caught a Japanese Katana pair. I gave them some practice swings, they were perfectly balanced and felt like an extension of my hands. I took a ready stance, left hand high with the sword horizontal, right hand back with the sword vertical. "Let's dance," I said just before he rushed forward. Our fight was fast and intricate, the swords flashing and clanging at ever increasing rates. I could not land a blow on him, and he could not on me. Finally, he stepped back.


"Throwing knives."



With each new weapon, my body moved as if I had trained with it forever. I didn't have to think, I just reacted faster than I could believe possible. Finally, he stopped and we walked back to Luna, who was smiling broadly at us. He wished me favor and left, and I sat down next to Luna. I was glistening with sweat, breathing hard, yet I wasn't tired even though I had been in continuous combat for hours. "Am I ready now?"

"Not quite. We need to talk about your powers."

I looked at her eyes, they were glistening with unshed tears. "I can fly and fight, what else is there?"

"You need to be able to hear the prayers of our people, Nathan. Close your eyes and your mind, and let me guide you." She held my right hand in her left, as I let my mind drift. I could feel a nudge in the back of my head, like when someone wanted to talk to me on the Pack link. I focused on it, seeing it in my mind as a light that I pulled to me.

"Luna, please convince my father this marriage is a bad idea," a young voice said. "He's a drunk, and he doesn't respect me." I let the link go, and focused on another. "Luna, I beg you, protect my son in this coming battle, he is all I have left."

I opened my eyes and looked at her in awe. "Is this what it is like for you?"

"Yes, but it used to be worse. These days, fewer reach out to me for help." She sat back, I could see how the loss of followers was affecting her.

"Can I choose which prayers to listen to?"

"Yes, just set your mind that way. If you have a name, or see someone, grab onto that. You can also focus on prayers based on distance, so if you are in a place, you can see what the people there are asking me for."

"Anything else?"

"The eyes. You will see into their souls by their eyes; if they are blood red, their souls are evil and they will be rejected and carried to the Underworld after death. The few that are purely good, their eyes will be bright white. If their eyes are normal, they are as well- not fully evil, yet not fully good either. They are the ones I need you to influence, to pull back from the brink and bring back to me." She put her hand on my shoulder. "You have everything you need now. I want you to go back down there and clean house for me. Give those who plead for justice their justice, deliver those who beg me for deliverance, and turn my people back to me."

A hole appeared in the floor in front of me, below me I could see the early morning light moving across the curve of the Earth. "And I can choose where and what to do?"

"Follow your heart and the prayers of my people, Nathan."

I bowed to her deeply. "As you command, my Luna." With that, I jumped into the hole and dropped towards the earth. Spreading my wings, I moved them towards a place I knew well.

Justice was coming, and right quick.

Ch 4

I flew over the Blood Moon Pack territory, the dark of night my cover. The lights were on in the kitchen of my old Pack house as the breakfast preparations began. I could see the tents where the Silver Moon warriors were staying for their joint training. One lone wolf was patrolling the area, and he never looked up. He didn't know what I did, that soon they would be double crossed and killed by the very hosts who welcomed them now.

I didn't see the Rogue camp anywhere, and I didn't really have time to look for it. I kept flying east towards Silver Moon territory. The Pack bonds had died along with my body, so I didn't feel anything as I crossed the border, but I could still sense a border was there. I passed silently over the patrols and glided to a landing on top of the Alpha Quarters roof. I took a moment to look around, and closed my eyes to listen. I tuned my mind to only hear prayers from those close to me; there was only one. I reached in my mind and pulled the light closer.

"Luna, please, let me have this baby soon, my back can't take much more of this!"

I chuckled, it was Luna Elizabeth right below me. I had met her and Alpha Christopher briefly during my training; they were in their early thirties and respected by my father. I would help, but I don't know nothing 'bout birthin' no babies.

Everything else was quiet. I jumped off the roof peak, gliding gently to the walkway in front of their house. With a thought, my wings folded and disappeared into by back, leaving me clad in boots and cargo shorts. I looked to the horizon where the first light of the morning was coming, then knocked on the front door.

I heard movement inside, then steps towards the door. Luna Elizabeth opened it, took one look at me and screamed before slamming the door shut again.

All over the Pack, lights came on and wolves awoke to the panicked call of their Luna. I heard a furious growl from upstairs as the Alpha shifted and jumped down the stairs, probably to take a protective position in front of his mate. A dozen wolves poured out of the Pack house, and more from the surrounding houses, all rushing to their Luna's aid. In moments, I was surrounded. The senior man outside, a low Beta by his dominance level, shifted and stared at me. "I come in peace," I said, "with news of a threat to your Pack."

"Drop the swords, intruder." I shrugged off the harness that held my favorite Katanas; wrapping the scabbards in the webbing, I tossed them to him. I walked away from the house, knowing that it would reduce tension to be farther from their pregnant Luna. Another wolf shifted, a normal warrior, and took the swords while the Beta approached. "How did you get here?"

"I flew in this morning, and boy are my arms tired!" They didn't get the joke. "It doesn't matter. I need to speak to the Alpha urgently, you are all in danger."

There was a garden bench near a small pond in the yard, I ignored their posturing and went and sat on it. I could tell the men were nervous, not only was I an unknown, but my wolf's dominance level was off the charts. Even the Alpha was nervous as he opened the door. "What threat?"

"Please, join me," I said and gestured to the other bench. He and his Beta nervously approached and sat across from me as their men formed a circle around us. Some of the female warriors entered the Pack house and took the Luna back inside, closer to the safe room. "As I said, I mean you no harm. Luna has sent me to right a wrong."

Some of the men started to laugh, until an older warrior shut them up. "Be quiet, you fools," he said. "His markings are those of a warrior pledged to Luna herself."

The men stilled and looked at me with a new respect. Even the Alpha's demeanor changed. "What is your name, Warrior of Luna?"

"I am Nathan. I have been sent by Luna herself, she has seen the evil acts being planned and I am to stop them." I looked directly into Alpha Christopher's eyes. "The Blood Moon Pack is not your friend, they are planning to take over your territory and kill your Alphas." The men started standing, and quickly I stood as well. "DO NOT LINK ANYONE with this news. Your men on their territory will be in danger if they behave differently. The numbers are not on your side right now, Alpha Max Connell has not just his own men, but rogues."

"Rogues? They can't be trusted," Christopher said.

"True, but that doesn't mean he won't use them. He has hired them to attack your Pack today, while half your men are at the Blood Moon Pack for training. The rogues get five million dollars and the women in exchange for your head, Alpha, and that of your mate." This information caused an outrage, and Alpha Christopher had to stand and force them to lower their eyes in submission. "The warriors you have at training will rush back to help, and the Blood Moon Pack warriors will be ready. They will run with them as allies, right up to the ambush point where they will turn on them and kill them."

Alpha Christopher was furious and fighting back a shift. He finally calmed enough to look at me again. "How do you know this?"

"I was at the meeting between Alpha Max and the leader of the rogues." This caused another uproar. "The Alpha turned over a friend and fellow warrior to them, a good wolf and a virgin, as part of the deal. She was raped and abused while her former Pack ignored her cries for help. I shall avenge her." I stood and extended my arm to him. "The rogues are mine, you deal with Alpha Max. Send your women and children into shelters or other packs immediately, and prepare your warriors to aid those you have in the Blood Moon Pack."