Luna's Angel Ch. 13-16

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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/14/2017
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I woke up in the white room again; panicking, I looked around for Wendy. She had just been in my arms, but up here in the realm of the Gods she could not go unless she was dead. I calmed myself down, thankful that she wasn't here, then got up and stretched. I let my wings out, flapping them a few times before folding them again on my back. I was nude, so I made jeans and tennis shoes appear, along with a sleeveless T-shirt with a Pink Floyd logo. If I was going to be with the Gods, I wanted to look good.

I walked out the door into the Hereafter, in the room where the Gods performed the Sort. The Goddess Luna was there, watching her people come through, as she sat on a chair in the corner. I walked over and knelt before her, my head down in reverence. "Rise, my champion," she told me as her finger lifted my chin. "Sit with me and watch." I did so, taking the seat on her left side. Over the next hour, I watched as three dozen of her dual-natured werewolf spirits came through for judgment. The last time I was here, a third of the souls had been evil, and were dragged to the Underworld never to rise again. They faced an eternity of torment as their sins could not be forgiven. Now? Only one. I even saw the first silver-eyed soul, one whose purity and reverence allowed her to remain with Luna on the realm of the Gods. The rest all went into the holding bin, waiting for a body to be reincarnated into.

"Things have changed," I said when I couldn't remain quiet any longer. "The flow is better, fewer being lost downstairs."

"True," she said, "But that's mainly because you are here and not down there. Those demons have been really busy as of late. You gave them lots of business, Nathan. More than they deserved."

I looked over at her in shock. "What do you mean? I was just doing my job!"

"Yes, and no. We were losing you, Nathan, losing you to the bloodlust. When you lost Wendy, you went on a tear and more than just the evil ones were killed. I saw what you did, Nathan. You killed them all, the evil, the middle, all of them. You scared the evil ones, but you also scared the ones I'm trying to reach."

"It would have been worse if Wendy hadn't found me," I said. "She saved me, pulled me back. She made me want to be more than just a killing machine again."

She took me by the hand and we suddenly appeared back in our room at the hotel. Wendy was deeply sleeping, one leg sticking out from under the covers. I looked at her back, the scars still there, as she hugged a pillow and mumbled something in her sleep. "She's mine now."

"I know. Congratulations on your mate. You know, I didn't know it was even possible, but there was enough wolf left in you for the bond could form, even after the Angel transformation." She walked over to the bed and gently pulled the cover over the exposed calf and foot. "I'd never created an Angel before, Nathan, and it seems I made a few mistakes with you."

"Like what?" I was starting to panic, if she could create me, she could un-create me as well. Or just not let me come back to Earth. It was clear she wasn't happy with my performance thus far.

"We created you like a normal Angel, but Werewolf souls are different; not just the wolf and the human side, but we completely ignored the importance of a mate to the functioning of the soul. Quite simply, without the mate the werewolf soul doesn't function as well. The need to find, to claim, to protect and nurture your mate didn't change when you became an Angel, nor did the importance of your mate go down. It wasn't until we saw your reaction to her attack that we realized what a mistake we made." She ran a finger lightly over the scar on her neck, the scar disappeared as she traced it. "That is why I had to send her back for you."

"Wait, you mean she..." I felt like I had been punched in the gut.

"Yes, she died, and her spirit came to the Hereafter. Your rage was unstoppable, and that's when I realized the mistake I had made. She won't remember, she can't. I gave her a choice, either return eventually as a new soul, or go back." She traced the scars on her shoulders, healing those as well. "She didn't even hesitate, Nathan. You were down there, and she begged me to send her back, so I did."

"You didn't heal her?"

"No, that took its normal course. The rules of the Gods limit our interference, I can't travel between realms at will, she had to come to me." She moved a bit of hair behind her ear. "She's a special one, your mate. So selfless, so giving. All she has wanted her whole life has been to be loved, and when she finally had that, she wasn't selfish. She gave herself like a true warrior for the good of her people."

"I wish she hadn't." It was true, the pain I felt was soul-breaking.

"I know. Still, watching what happened, even the other Gods started to see why my people are different. The instincts of the wolf pack remain in you. Leadership was never meant to be a solitary thing, just like in a wild Pack it was to be the Alpha male and female leading together, equals to each other. Of course, that has been perverted along the way as well, and that's how you get evil packs. You need discipline, but also love; strength, but also compassion. Without the pair, the leader is unbalanced. So are you, Nathan. At least you were."

I thought about it for a while; my time on the warpath was almost a blur to me now. With Wendy in my life, I was calmer, more reasoned. I cared more about the people, I felt better about myself. "I need to take some time alone with her, there is much we need to talk about and heal before I can go back out."

She nodded. "And go back out you must, because you have left a trail of damage behind you. She will help you to repair it. Remember, killing evil wolves isn't enough, you need to turn the rest back to me." She got up from the bed and walked to me. Placing her hands on my head, she spoke some words in a language I did not understand. "I changed a few other things, but you will find them on your own. For now, hold your mate and sleep. I have to go."

I dropped to one knee. "Thank you, my Goddess." When I looked up she was gone. I took off my clothes and slid into the bed, pulling Wendy to my side. In moments we were both asleep.

I started to wake slowly, my mind was a little foggy and my morning wood was warm and tucked between Wendy's firm butt cheeks. I smiled and wiggled a little, causing her to move against it, which made me OH WHAT THE HECK I'VE GOT MY STUFF BACK! I pulled he sheet down and looked, sure enough, it was back and was proportional to my new, larger body. I rolled onto my back, my hands going down to verify I wasn't seeing things. Nope, all there, checking the back I still had no butthole but I could live without that. The ceiling was mirrored- this WAS the honeymoon suite, after all- and I could see it lying against my stomach as I stroked it gently.

I smiled, knowing that now I could take my mate properly, and could complete a full mating which involved sex and biting your mate in either wolf or human form. I got out of the bed quietly, moving into the bathroom I found a note taped to the mirror. In perfect cursive, it said, "You're welcome. I convinced the others that since you were mated, making you sterile was enough. -Luna." The note vanished in my hand after I finished reading it.

I thought about what to do next; it was now late afternoon and Wendy hadn't eaten last night. I picked up the phone and ordered room service, steak and eggs with toast and coffee for her. I took a quick shower and put on one of the fluffy robes they provided. Of course, it isn't meant for seven-foot-tall angels with huge muscles, so it barely came together in the front. I'd have to be careful when I answered the door. I went to my swords, opening the pouch I took out money for a tip and left it on the table, then I went to the bed.

"Time to get up, love," I said after kissing her on the temple. She opened her eyes, I was shocked to see they were now silver. I didn't say anything, but I was thrilled.

She wasn't a morning wolf, she had always been that way. It took her two cups of coffee before she was really going. "Breakfast will be here in ten minutes, why don't you go freshen up and I'll set the table for you?' She groaned and tried to roll over, but I caught her shoulder. "Your coffee will be ready when you come out."

"Fine," she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

"Almost four," I said. She got up and pulled the sheet around her, walking slowly to the bathroom. When she closed the door, I lay back and smiled, thinking of how many times I had dreamed during training of a moment just like this- waking up with her and going about our day together. I heard her in the shower, then there was a knock on the door. I let the young woman in, she had a covered tray and two sets of silverware, plus a coffee pot and two glasses. She set them on the small table by the fireplace, never looking around, then took the tip and quietly left again.

I heard the shower stop and started pouring her a cup; sitting down at the table, I waited for her. I wanted to take her, badly, but I also knew she needed to eat and wake up. We had plenty of time, we weren't meeting her guards until after sundown in the woods. I decided to listen in on prayers while I was waiting, something I hadn't done much of during my reign of vengeance. I started with those closest to us, mainly those left after I had killed the remaining Pack leaders. There weren't many in the area who had followed the old ways, one of the reasons the evil ones had congregated here. Still, Luna's words rang in my ears; I needed to turn them to the right path, not just kill them, and Wendy would help.

I opened my eyes when the door opened, and she was standing there, hair wrapped in a towel, the fluffy robe around her. She looked more awake, but not there yet. "Coffee's ready," I said.

She pointed at her neck. "The scar..."

"Luna healed that and a few others while we were talking last night." She thought about it for a minute, her fingers tracing where the cut had been, before she turned off the light and walked over.

She sat down at the table, pulling the towel free she rolled her neck and tucked the stray hairs behind her ears. "Thank you, honey." I removed the cover and her eyes went wide, we didn't eat this well back at the Pack. The steak was the largest they had, a ribeye that must have gone twenty-four ounces. Four sunny side up eggs and three pieces of toast with jam on the side were along the side. "Wow, does this place serve werewolves a lot?"

"No, I think it's just because they thought we were going to share it." She started to dig in, I chuckled a bit. "Don't mind me, remember I don't eat anymore."

"I wasn't going to wait, trust me." She did love her food. While she ate, I filled her in on last night and what Luna had told me about what was going on. "It's true, you know," she said. "Even in your own Pack, the stories have been coming back. They understand your rage, but they are afraid of you now. Even the Packs whose children you helped are worried you will return."

I was worried about that. "I need to start repairing the damage; Luna gave me the ability to listen in on prayers, but I haven't done since I thought you were dead, at least until this morning."

"How does that ability work?"

"I just close my eyes, and focus for the lights, like with the Pack link." She nodded and her smile went away, she still hadn't joined a Pack after what her last Alpha did to her, and she missed the link just as I did. She closed her eyes so I did too. "They prayers are like lights, I reach out in my mind and bring them close. The brighter they are, the more fervent the prayer. I am also able to filter, so I can do things like only hear the prayers from werewolves that our near me."

She gasped as her eyes scrunched closed, her hand fisted and tightened on the table. I could sense her anger building. I put my hand over hers, a silent plea to help, and she finally said something. "I can hear them," she said.

"The Pack?"

"No, the prayers. It's like you said, they are lights I can pull on." Her face was changing as she listened to the different prayers, sometimes sad, others happy, a few angry. "Is this what it is like for you?"

"Yes, when I choose to listen," I said. "That's how I found the girls in Chicago, I focused on the brightest prayers. Most of them are people who need help badly. Even then, I only act on a few, the ones that can be solved with a pair of swords."

"But how... I mean, I'm no Angel."

I thought about it for a moment, Luna had specifically told me she had changed 'a few other things that I would find out on my own.' This was the second. "True, but you are my mate. This gift Luna has given you will help you help me. You're everything that I am not; caring, self-sacrificing, and comforting. You're perfect for the job."

She kept listening in on the prayers as she finished her breakfast; when she was done, she went and washed up. I was already naked in bed when she came out. "Don't we have work to do," she asked.

"Nope." I flipped back the covers. "Even Luna agreed we needed time to strengthen our bond, and I have no plans beyond loving you until you pass out again. Plus, I have a surprise for you."

She dropped her robe, her body outlined in the light from the bathroom. My mouth fell open, she was so beautiful. She ran over and jumped into the bed, giggling as she snuggled closer. "Hey... what's this?"

Ch 14

It should have been a perfect moment, a chance to complete the mating the normal way. She got on her knees and flung the sheet back, exposing the rather engorged length of my new equipment. "Like the surprise?" Her mouth was open, she was frozen in place. I thought it was just shock at having it back, and I wish I had done something different, but I pulled her down on top of my chest while she was looking at it.

She screamed in fear and rolled off the bed. I foolishly got up to go after her, causing her to curl up in a ball against the wall as she covered her face with her hands. My wolf was furious with me, her scent of fear was strong and she had peed herself a little. When I approached, she pulled herself tighter and started to sob. I gave her a wide berth and went into the bathroom, getting a damp washcloth and a towel. I went back to the door, she was now sitting against the wall but her head was still buried in her arms and knees. "Wendy, baby, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I tossed the towel and washcloth on the bed, close enough for her to reach it.

I pulled on my robe and walked over by the door that led out to the private deck. "I'm going to give you some time to collect yourself, honey. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I walked out and banged my head against the corner post, leaving a dent. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I berated myself for my insensitivity; I should have allowed her to come to it at her own pace. Forcing her, restraining her, any of these acts were a potential minefield after the attack she had gone through.

It could be months before I get another chance.

I sat down on the chair and looked out over the mountains. The inn was in a beautiful place, nestled among tall pines and overlooking a river valley. The sun was starting to lower in the sky, we had another few hours of daylight, and a meetup with her security detail in the woods soon after. I didn't have a lot of time to repair some of the damage I had done.

I could hear her moving around inside, the door to the bathroom closed and the shower started again. I had time, so I started to focus on some of the prayers locally. Like many places I had been where the leadership had been wiped out, there was a lot of fear and uncertainty. Honestly, I was running out of Alphas. Few were willing to leave their old Packs, so I was left with young, untried second and third Alpha sons, or sending the whole lot of people East to join an established pack who would take them in. It sucked, because in some Packs a half-dozen bad men resulted in the entire Pack being dissolved.

The whole thing gave me a headache. I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't hear the door open; I startled a little when her little hands touched my shoulders. "I'm sorry," she said.

I turned to her, she had tears in her eyes. "You have nothing to be sorry for, love. I'm sorry I scared you like that." She moved towards me and sat on my leg, I opened my arms to her and she buried her face into my neck as I held her gently. We didn't say anything, I just provided her unconditional love and comfort until she could talk again.

"You saw the start of what happened," she said. "Being forced like that, losing my virginity to those men in sight of my Pack members while they stood and did nothing... it broke something in me. I fought, but it was useless. After you died..." She paused and wiped her face on my robe. "After that, my old Pack left and my mind just detached. I didn't scream, I didn't resist, it was like I was an observer, watching someone else go through the assaults. I think my lack of reaction pushed them to do even more, that's when they started using objects, causing me to bleed, but no matter how much they beat me, I just lay there. I couldn't even focus my eyes after a while."

I rocked her gently until she could continue. "I passed out, and when I woke up I was tied to a post outside their new camp. More men came, all night long, until the booze finally ran out and they fell asleep. Something changed in me when I got a chance to rest; I decided I wasn't going to die on my knees, I was a warrior and I was going to go out fighting. I played possum, pretending I was too beat down to resist, and it worked. His blood gushing into my mouth reawakened my wolf, and gave me the push to get away."

"You killed him," I said. "He bled to death after you went all Bobbitt on him."

"How do you know?"

"I attacked the camp, it was after you escaped. One of the men was still talking about it, at least until I chopped his balls off." She looked up at me. "Oh, I was on a tear. I killed every man in that camp, except one. The Alpha."

"He got away?"

I shook my head and laughed. "Nope. I chopped his arms off and dumped him into the pit under my outhouse. Come to think of it, that was months ago. I don't expect he made it." She made a face. "I'll dig another one. It's fitting that a piece of shit like that would find his final resting place in a pit of shit. I'll fill it in when I get home."

"When we get home, pull the body out of there and dispose of it far away," she said. "I don't want to be anywhere near that man again." I nodded, it would be done. "I don't want to think about those men any more. I'm your mate, I want to think about you."

"We don't have to do anything, I don't want to set you off again."

She shook her head. "It wasn't just seeing your dick, it was the feeling of being forced towards it. You can't restrain me, don't pull me or force anything. As soon as you pulled me towards it, I had a flashback and that was enough." She tucked her head under my chin. "I'll get better."

I stood up and carried her back into the room, putting her down so she was sitting on the end of the bed. I walked away, dropping my robe as I went to the side. I lay down nude behind her, my hands holding the wrought iron on the headboard. "I'll stay like this, my love. I'm yours to do with as you are comfortable with. Look, touch, whatever, and my hands will stay up here until you tell me to move them."

Her eyes were shining, her wolf was forward and she wanted to complete the mating. Wolves don't understand human hangups, they see what they want and they go for it. I saw her lick her lips as she looked over my body, which was too big for the bed. My feet were spread to each corner, and still my ankles were off the edge. I made myself comfortable, using the mirror above the head to watch what she would do.