Luna's Angel Ch. 25-Conclusion


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She yawned and stretched. "I'm still tired." She got up and went to the bathroom, when she was done I was waiting on her bed.

"Mommy is still asleep, do you want to go cuddle up with her?" She smiled and I took her hand, leading her to my room. I held the covers up while she slipped in, snuggling up to Wendy as she settled. In moments, they were asleep in each other's arms.

They didn't get much time before there was a soft knock on my door. Opening it, I saw Angela there, nervously looking down. "Yes Angela?"

"Alpha... there is a fight in the dining room." I moved past her, rushing down to the sounds of chairs smashing and glass breaking.

Two wolves, one large and one normal size, were fighting in the center of the room while frightened Pack members watched from the outside. "FREEZE!" The entire room shook with the power of my Alpha command as I stormed into the room. The two wolves immediately rolled onto their bellies, exposing their necks to me in a "please don't kill me" behavior. I reached down and grabbed each with a hand, lifting them up by their scruffs like the naughty puppies they were. I looked over at one of the men. "You have silver punishment collars?"

"Yes Alpha."

"Get them." He ran off as I carried the two outside, the Pack making a way clear for me. I reached the punishment poles in the back yard just as the man ran up, gloved hands holding a pair of silver collars. I had him fasten each around a neck before attaching them to the chain. The collars had a dual purpose; the silver prevented them from shifting back to human form, and the more they struggled, the more it would burn into their necks. Collaring was a humiliating punishment when done like this.

Once they were both settled, whining in pain from the collars, I called the rest of the Pack out there. "What happened in there," I asked.

One of the servers looked up. "Delta Jordan," she pointed to the larger of the chained wolves, "and her table was told that they would be the next group to do cleanup. She refused, and told Mara here," pointing at the smaller one, "that SHE would have to do it because it was below her station. Mara basically told her to suck it, that we all had to take our turns, so Jordan tried to bring her dominance into play. Next thing I knew, they were fighting."

I looked at the others. "Is that what happened?" They all nodded. "I told you all that no job was beneath me, therefore it wasn't beneath you. I told you all that dominance would not determine station, competence would. Yet some of you just don't listen. If we are to bond and function as a Pack, we can't be fighting among ourselves."

I walked over to Mara, who was getting as low to the ground as she could. I put my hand under her muzzle. "You did well to remind her of the rules, but when one doesn't follow them, you should disengage and bring it to me or your Luna. For your offense, you will remain chained until the morning. Do you understand?" She nodded, her body language expressing her regret.

I moved over to Jordan, the same wolf who had objected to my plans in my first meeting. "You refused to do what I expected all Pack members to do, then you attempted to use your dominance to force the issue. You attacked a smaller, weaker wolf like it was your right to do so. Well, it's not." She was looking up at me, defiance still in her eyes. "For your offense, you will spend a week chained up here, receiving only water as you think about your errors." She shrunk back, and I could hear the gasps of the members gathered around. She shook her head no. "Or, you can have four hours to gather your stuff and get the hell off our land. Your choice."

She remained defiant, so I took her collar off and watched as she shifted. "Your time starts now."

I could see her restraining herself, she really wanted to tell me off but her wolf wouldn't let her. Her wolf was begging her to submit, but her human part was too proud. She ran off to her home. "Let this be a lesson to us all," I said. "We must learn to work together if we are going to build a Pack we are proud to call our own. That is all."

As they dispersed, I found Angela and her mate Luke. "Angela, figure out the value of her house and prepare a check for my signature. I need it within the hour." They ran back inside to check the books. I went back to my room.

My girls were awake and Wendy was in the bathroom getting dressed. Having slept most of the day, they were going to go down for dinner in a bit. While Jessi took her shower, I went over the draft of the Pack Laws with Wendy. I'd also gotten some feedback from my father and grandfather, some minor changes to make things more concrete. Dad was impressed, he was very interested in seeing how it would work for me. I printed out a stack of them once we were happy with them, and it was time to head down. I held Jessi on my hip, my other hand in my mate's, as we walked downstairs.

The dining hall was a lively affair, but things quieted quickly as we walked in. I asked a couple of young kids near the entrance to pass out copies to all the tables while we moved to the front. I raised my hand and the hall immediately quieted. "I told you that we would be a different kind of Pack, and I meant it. What I am handing out now is the Pack rules that the Angel Pack will be governed by. As I said, I will not force anyone to be in this Pack, I want you to be here. As you saw this afternoon, if you can't live together in harmony you will not stay here long." A few nervous chuckles went through the room; I could tell Jordan wasn't respected, they saw her leaving as a good thing. "Tomorrow night at moonrise, those who wish to join the Angel Pack under Luna Wendy and I will be bound together. Those who do not will have two weeks to either join or leave with our blessing. Read the Laws, think about them and make the best decision for you and your family."

I kissed my family and went back to the kitchen, I had something else to do while the Pack was busy eating. Heading back to the kitchen, I greeted the people back there and asked for a bowl of meat and a bowl of water. "Heading out to Mara?"

I smiled. "She had to be punished, but going hungry was not part of it."

The woman laughed. "I'm glad, Jordan was an entitled little bitch. She was a normal ranked member who let her Delta mating go to her head. Mara isn't even full grown and she gave her a hell of a battle, if you hadn't stepped in she might have won."

"I'm trying to build something where might doesn't make right, though. If I could fight and kill my way to peace and happiness, I would have been done by now." I took the bowls from her and thanked them for their hard work, then exited through the side door.

Mara sat up as I walked towards her, the smell of the meat causing her tail to thump on the ground. She rolled on her belly as I sat next to her, the bowls placed on the grass. "It's all right, Mara. Go ahead and eat."

She yipped and moved forward, snapping up the chunks of steak and finishing it quickly. She then took a long drink. I beckoned her into my lap, and she laid her head down while I scratched her ears. "I'm not mad at you for defending yourself, Mara. Never lose that. Fighting for the wrong reasons I can't abide, but I respect those who defend themselves and others. I can use that from you, but when you are older. I don't want you to get hurt before you are a properly trained adult, all right?" She yipped and turned her head so I could get a better spot. I moved down to her shoulder, scratching that point that caused her leg to start spasming. "Right there, huh?" I loosened her collar so it wouldn't dig in so much, then gave her a pat. "See you at first light, try and get some rest."

The next morning, I grabbed one of the T-shirts from the supply we kept by the back door and went down to let her off. She greeted me with a face lick as I removed her collar; she immediately shifted and put on the shirt. I checked her neck, it was sore and blistered but her healing would take care of that in a day or two. "Did you learn your lesson, Mara?"

"Yes, Alpha," she said as she looked down. "When she lunges, dodge to the side and go for the lower legs. The bitch won't be so scary on three legs."

I tried not to laugh but failed. "I look forward to you being in classes later, Mara. I can already see you have a personality fit for a warrior. Now go home, your Mom is worried." She ran off as I went back inside.

The day was busy, I had sent the Angel Pack Laws out to the disbanded Packs so they could be reviewed by those who might want to come. I stressed that I would accept any of them who would agree to be governed by them, and the phone calls were pouring in. I had thought I might pick up a few hundred, but by the end of the day I was expecting closer to a thousand.

At breakfast I put some boxes down in the dining area with pieces of paper, each labeled with the title of one of the Managers that I had called out in the Laws. I told them all to nominate someone they thought would be good for that position; in effect, I was getting their help without asking directly for it. I was going to pick from current Pack members at first, but as the new ones became known I was counting on the best working up to the top.

After dinner I had the votes counted, and Wendy and I each talked to the top two vote-getters in each area for the Managers under our respective authority. By sundown, we had the provisional structure set, and it would be announced at the Pack Joining.

The bonfire was already going in the back, drinks and snacks were plentiful as we gathered waiting for the moon to rise. My mate was a vision in red, her silky sleeveless dress with a full skirt down to her feet hid just enough to keep my imagination going. I had my hand in hers as we talked to the Pack members to be. She was talking to another mother when she suddenly stilled. Her eyes took on a blue glow, and anger flowed over the bond. "What's going on?"

"Witches are gathering." She pointed to the southeast. "Guard my child, we need to go. Nathan, fly us there, we can't let them get onto our territory." I watched as the Pack closed ranks around Jessi and the young ones, then I pushed my wings out and pulled my mate to my chest. Jumping up and flapping hard, we took off towards the threat.

A few minutes later, she pointed at a farmhouse just outside our territory. There was a light on in the attic, everything else was dark. "What do you sense?"

"Black magic," I said. "They have sacrificed a virgin, they must steal another's life force to get their power." She pointed to an area in the treeline. "I need you to stay here, kill any that flee."

I headed for a small clearing on the far side from the house. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to teach them why they shouldn't fuck with an immortal White Witch," she smirked.

As soon as she landed, she ran towards the front of the house through the trees while I moved silently through the trees in back. "I'm in place," I said as I unsheathed my Katanas.

"Time for the show," she said. I couldn't see her, but I could see the blue flashes as her power flowed from her. The blue power moved forward like a net, moving around and over the house as screams of alarm started to rise inside. Before any could exit, the net had completely surrounded the house and was closing down.

I saw three witches throw open a window in the back; they created fireballs and threw them at the net, only to have them bounce off. The fireballs crashed back into the walls, setting them on fire. Their power was nothing but a nuisance to my mate, who closed the net tighter and tighter as they frantically tried every spell and power they could think of.

Nothing worked. Running for their lives, they were trapped by the blue net that pushed them back into the burning house. The first floor was completely engulfed in flames now, and there was no escape. The ones still upstairs were trapped, and those that had jumped out couldn't go far enough to escape the flames. Their screams of pain filled the night.

Wendy came into view, she was walking around the house with the power still streaming from her hands. She moved the magical barrier to toss the witches into the fire until they were silent. I watched in amazement and pride as she stood in front of the collapsing home, ensuring none survived.

I'm sure it was an inappropriate time to be thinking such thoughts, with maybe a dozen people having been burned alive in front of me just now, but I did.

She looked hot as hell, backlit by the flames, the dress both hiding and revealing the silhouette of her tight body as it swayed in front of me. I needed to get her back and finish the ceremony, because my wolf couldn't wait to get her in my bed.

Ch 27

I waited until the flames had died down, there was nothing left of the house and no one could possible have survived that. I walked up behind Wendy, pulling her back into my chest. "You amaze me, love," I said as I nuzzled into the mating mark on her neck.

I could smell her arousal starting, the mating bite on a Werewolf was the most potent aphrodisiac around. For me, it was hardwired to my dick, one kiss from her and I had a pole a cat couldn't scratch. I could feel her relax into me, her body responding to mine. "Because I'm so powerful," she asked.

"No." I pulled the dress aside, nipping at the newly exposed shoulder. "Because you are hotter than fish grease, and seeing how the flames revealed your body through this dress made me think all kinds of naughty things."

She giggled. "We can't. The Pack is waiting for us." I looked where she pointed, the moon was in fact rising and we had left suddenly.

"I hope you are well rested because I'm not letting you sleep tonight," I whispered in her ear. Extending my wings, I held her tight as we took off over the burning homestead. "So what was all that about?"

"Remember how I said magic reverberates? Well, the stronger the magic, the stronger the disruption. As soon as they started using dark magic I could feel it. It was like a cold breeze blowing from this direction. I don't know what they planned to do, but they were way too close to us, and they killed an innocent already."

"No, you did the right thing. They could not live." We were high above the land now, and I could see the bonfire in the distance. "What should we tell them?"

"The truth, of course. They need to know about witches, the good and the bad. After all, some of them are going to be part of the Pack soon. I told you that, right?"

I thought back, I was so interested in the sex I didn't even think to ask how HER day went. "No, I don't think we talked about your time."

"Figures, you were all about the boinking." I kissed her hair. "I went to my Mother's old coven; they need a leader, they are vulnerable. Two dozen agreed to join our Pack; they will be my responsibility to train and integrate."

"Not all yours, I have a feeling I will need to do some werewolf reeducation before they are accepted. Still, they can have the same provisional status as the other new arrivals. When are they coming?"

"Two days."

I swooped down into the clearing, flaring out before dropping silently to the ground. I stowed my wings and we walked hand into the crowd. A cheer went out as we were noticed, and they made a path for us to the stage area and quieted when I raised my arms. "Angel Pack, tonight we bind together into something never before found among our people. A Pack that honors our Goddess in all ways, that loves and supports its members, and rewards talent and hard work above hereditary station. All of you coming to join tonight have read the rules that this Pack will be governed by, and know the Alpha and Luna you are pledging to follow. Before we do the honors, my mate would like to give an update on some recent happenings."

Wendy looked at me in shock, I knew I'd pay for this later, but they needed to hear it from her directly. "My history may help you understand a little more what is happening," she said. She covered briefly her Pack life, how they had given her up to rogues, and how she had escaped. She told them of the battle that had taken place in the Pack House after her abduction and how her power had been released, then the betrayal of her aunt and gaining her power. She told of White and Black witches and how they differed, the impending arrival of two dozen witches from her mother's Coven, and the witches she had just destroyed. "I know all about the animus between wolves and witches, I was raised that way. Nothing is a clear cut as we were led to believe. I am a powerful witch, I'm told I am immortal, but I use my powers for good. Healing, protection, harmony and growth, these are the things I value and they don't change. I think they will make me a better Mate and Luna."

There were a lot of questions, and we took our time honestly answering them. She even demonstrated some of her powers, healing a young girl whose arm was in a cast, sending a pillar of fire into the air above us. "I hope this demonstrates why our Pack can be different; no other Pack has no need to rely on warriors to protect them, because as Alphas we can stop any threat to us. Now, those of you who freely choose to join tonight, please come forward and take the vow. If you need more time, I can tell you hundreds of people will be arriving over the next few days, so don't do it until you are sure."

It was almost a stampede to the stage, and it took us hours to get through the ceremony. As each came forward and knelt, pledging their loyalty to the Angel Pack, Wendy and I placed a hand on each shoulder and felt the Pack bond form. Two hundred and thirty-eight people joined, the numbers boosted by those who had arrived during the previous day. Those had made their decision before even knowing what kind of situation they were getting into, as they were unwilling or unable to be accepted into other Packs.

The bonfire had burned down by two in the morning, and the party was winding down. I shifted and howled, calling those willing to go on a Pack run. About half of the Pack came along, the rest having retired to their beds. We took a quick run around the lake and back to the Pack house, enjoying that new Pack smell.

The rest of the week went the same. My estimate for those joining was way under; our Pack numbered over a thousand by the end of the week, and two thousand by the end of the month. Our new Managers and Supervisors got a trial by fire with the rapid expansion; we were building new facilities as fast as we could. I actually purchased an entire housing development in a nearby town, and we ended up having to build two satellite dining facilities to meet the demand. A year after we became Alphas, the Pack numbered almost five thousand, including eighty-seven witches.

It was a good thing I didn't need sleep, because I was jumping around between jobs like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest. Every person with any kind of construction experience, and a bunch without, got thrust into the building of new homes and apartments. My Housing Manager figured it would be two years before the housing crisis was finally over.

The Pack was doing well, but the job Luna gave me was not. I could still hear and answer prayers from those in my Pack or in free territories, but I could no longer go onto other Pack territories without permission; I was an Alpha now, and there were rules. The treaties were clear, and I wasn't even supposed to FLY on my own over a territory without forms, permissions and escort. I had a few Packs that were friendly, but most of them were across the country. To visit home, I had to take a circuitous route over free areas or fly commercial.