Lunch Special


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Jimmy stood by the grill, his attention again on the baseball game. He looked at Liane as she came through the door. "Where's your apron?"

"Jimmy," she said, "I tried it out, just like you asked, and it's like I thought. I can't take the job. I'm no stripper."

The disappointment was clear on his face. "Really? Are you sure?" He gestured at her. "Because you look sexy as hell right now..."

"I'm sure," she said. "It's just not for me."

"All right." He sighed. "I was really hoping to have you with me on this strip club thing. But if that's your decision..."

"It is." She looked around. "Where's my clothes? I want to get dressed."

"I put them in the office. Here, I'll go get them right now." He gestured to a plate on the counter, and Liane was surprised to see a freshly-made Reuben sandwich and fries. "You want to take that to Archie in the meantime?"

"But I didn't put the order in yet!" Liane said. "How did you know he'd get the Reuben?"

"He almost always gets the Reuben," Jimmy said. "Figured I'd go ahead and make it."

Liane picked up the plate. She knew she could wait for Jimmy to return with her clothes, but the sandwich was already starting to cool. It wouldn't take long to run it out to Archie.

Apparently, Archie would be seeing her naked one more time.

Liane pushed open the door to the dining area and stepped out. She brought the sandwich to Archie's table and set it down.

"Wow, that was quick!" he said.

"Jimmy already had it made," she said. "He had a good idea what you would order, I guess."

"He's probably bored back there." Archie took a small bite of a French fry. "What's he doing back there, anyway?"

"Well," Liane said, "right now he's finding my clothes so I can get dressed again."

"Oh? So you're done with this?"

"Yeah... I told him this just isn't for me. I don't think I can be a stripper. I get too..." She stopped, licking her lips anxiously.

"What?" he prompted her. "You're not comfortable like this?"

"No, I'm not." She looked down at her body, then admitted in a rush, "I think... I think I connect this too much with sex. With having sex. You know? If I'm naked like this... when I've been naked like this, in front of a man... it's always because we're about to have sex, you know? I think I have too much of an association, in my mind..."

"And you think that would make it too hard to be a stripper?"

"Well, yeah! Because it's supposed to be just a job. It's just a job for those girls. They're not supposed to get this turned on..." She stopped talking and glanced at him, embarrassed that she had just admitted to being turned on.

His voice was soothing. "I don't think it's a bad thing. Actually, I think it's probably a great quality to have if you're a stripper. Shouldn't your job turn you on, in one way or another, no matter what your job is?"

"I don't know." Liane felt like she was blushing.

"You said Jimmy would have private dance rooms. Tell me more about those."

"Oh, you might have to ask Jimmy what those are about," Liane said, happy for a change of subject. "I don't know all the details. Just that the rooms will be over there, and men will be able to pay for some privacy... like if they want a lap dance..."

"Lap dance? Like the stripper dances in their lap?"

"I guess? Or just sits there. I don't know." She shrugged. "I guess it's between the two of them, the stripper and the customer, what she does." Liane froze. Out the window, she could see a man crossing in front of the parking lot, walking along the sidewalk.

Archie followed her stare. "He's not looking."

"No..." she said. "The windows are hard to see through when the sun is on them. Still... it feels weird... to be standing here, with the window right there..."

"No one can see in."

"I don't think they can..." Now she wasn't so sure.

"Well, he's just walking by. He's not even looking. And right now, my car is the only car in the parking lot. No one's out there, no one's coming in."

"Right." Liane swayed anxiously. "So... about the lap dancing... yeah, I don't even know how a stripper is supposed to dance in someone's lap. Maybe it just means that she's close up, like dancing right in front of him? Or maybe she's not really dancing, just kind of rubbing against him..." She pursed her lips. "Are you just playing with me, that you don't know about lap dances? Have you ever had one? Tell me honestly."

Archie shook his head. "Never had one. I've never even been in a strip club before."


"No. It's not the kind of place I'd go to by myself... and the friends I have aren't the kind to suggest an expedition to a strip club."

"Why wouldn't you go by yourself?" Liane wanted to know.

Archie shrugged. "I suppose the thought of it is kind of intimidating. To be sitting there alone, with a woman I don't know standing naked right in front of me. I wouldn't know what to say to her"

Liane's mouth twitched at the corner. "But you know me," she said softly, "and I'm standing naked in front of you right now."

Archie nodded. "Liane, if you decided to work at Jimmy's strip club, I'd definitely be a customer."

"Really..." She could feel herself swaying from side to side, as if she was trying to hypnotize him with her slow movements. "Would you take me in the private dance rooms for lap dances?"

"I don't know," he said. "You haven't done a very good job of explaining what happens during a lap dance."

"That's because I don't know," she said. "Not for sure. But I don't think it's hard to guess." Liane tried to imagine herself with Archie in one of the private rooms, doing a private dance for him. Naked, but of course, she didn't have to imagine that part. The music would play and she would move her body seductively in front of him, close enough for him to reach out and touch her skin.

Liane realized that she was moving her body in real life to match the dance that she pictured in her mind. Archie was watching her and smiling, amused by her sinuous back and forth movement. Liane felt silly, dancing with no music, but she didn't stop.

Archie shifted closer to the window. He patted the seat next to him. "Why don't you sit down for a minute?" he suggested.

She was still dancing. "You want me to sit?"

"Yeah. I want to ask you something."

Liane slipped into the booth next to him. She met Archie's eyes, waiting expectantly.

"So let's say I ask you to go into the private dance room, and you say yes," he said.

"Uh huh."

"And so we go in, and we're in a room, all by ourselves?"

"Uh huh. Private."

Archie casually reached out and pressed his hand against her right breast. "Am I allowed to touch you like this?" he asked.

Liane looked down at his hand as he gently squeezed her breast. "I don't know," she said softly. "Um... I think it's probably not allowed." His fingers found her nipple, stroking the hard point. "But it's a private room..." She closed her eyes, squirming against the seat as Archie leaned over and sucked her nipple into his mouth. "No one else is there... we're all alone... so if I don't stop you... who will?"

"That's a good point," Archie said. Now he reached between her legs and pressed his hand against her pussy. "What about this? Is this allowed?"

"Ohh!" Liane leaned against his shoulder, opening her legs wider. "I keep telling you, I don't know!" she gasped as his finger pushed inside her. "Ohh! Why ask me? I really don't know!"

"I think it's the same answer you gave a minute ago." Archie moved his finger in and out of her wet pussy. "Maybe it's not technically allowed... but really, it's up to you and me, isn't it?"

Liane stretched towards him and kissed his mouth, letting her legs splay apart so that his hand could move freely between them. His fingers penetrated her wetness, making her moan, and the pleasure he gave her between her legs manifested itself in the hunger of her kisses. She lifted her left foot, bending her leg to the side and setting her foot on the bench, as if urging him to probe deeper inside her.

"You really are so turned on, aren't you," he murmured, a note of awe in his voice, his fingers drowning in her wetness. Her body was astonishingly receptive to his manipulations. His index finger found her clitoris and toyed with it, causing her to shudder and mewl like a kitten.

She pressed against his side. "I can't do this! I can't be a stripper! Ohhh! Strippers aren't supposed to get like this!" She let her hand fall into his lap. "Oh! You, too!" Her fingers traced the front of his pants, feeling the enormous shape that fought to get free. She had no idea that Archie was so big down there.

"Would I be allowed to take it out?" he asked. "In the private room?"

Liane had a wild look in her eyes as she looked down into his lap. She couldn't let herself speak the first answer that came to her mind, although the need showing on her face spoke it clearly. Instead, she said, "Dance!" She looked up at him. "I'm supposed to dance for you!"

"You don't have to..." he started to say, but she was already pulling away from him. She scrambled out of the seat and stood up and turned to face him.

"Come on..." she breathed. "It's a lap dance." She held her hand out. When he took it, she pulled him forward, showing him that he was supposed to sit at the end of the bench. Once he was in place, she commenced with her dancing, swaying from side to side in front of him.

She barely managed to dance at all, lasting only to the point where she tried to sit in his lap. Once her backside touched the shape of his cock pressing against the front of his pants, it became less about dancing and more about rubbing against him. She wiggled around on top of him, as if she was trying to feel out the exact dimensions of his cock using only her ass.

He touched her freely as she danced, stroking her breasts, pinching her nipples, running his hand up and down the line of her ass. Breathlessly, she finally crouched down in front of him and undid the front of his pants, as if she was tired of guessing and had to know what his cock really looked like. Extracting the long, swollen thing, she held it in her hand for a moment, marveling at its size, then after stroking it a few times, she returned to her lap dance. This time, when she rubbed against him, his cock nestled perfectly in the crevice of her ass and she slid up and down against it.

She rose up high above him, and just before she came down, Archie moved his cock forward ever so slightly. As she dropped, the mouth of her pussy landed squarely on the head of his cock, and Liane didn't hesitate, sinking down onto his rigid shaft with a gasp. She moved up and down on him while he cupped her breasts from behind.

"Is this allowed?" he asked through ragged breaths. "Fucking you like this?"

"Why do you keep asking me?" she moaned. "I don't know! I don't know anything!" She rose off of his cock, but only long enough to turn around and straddle him. Her breasts were right in front of his face, and he sucked on her nipples as she bounced on his cock. Her body tensed in an orgasm, her legs tightening around him as she gasped for breath.

After her orgasm, she fell against him, but now, with a strength she hadn't suspected he possessed, Archie put his hands under her ass and lifted her up. He sat her down on the edge of the table, just a few feet from his untouched Reuben sandwich. Liane wrapped her legs around Archie's waist, leaning back onto her elbows as now he took control. His hands gripped her hips tightly and his cock plunged deep between her legs. She could feel her body wanting to slide back and forth on the smooth table as he fucked her furiously.

Her body trembled with a second orgasm, waves of pleasure spreading through her limbs, and for a moment, she felt like her whole being was wrapped around the thick shaft of Archie's cock. She felt like every thrust he made into her caused a ripple through her body, a ripple that went through every part of her and then splashed back to meet his next thrust. He was filling her completely, her pussy clutching him greedily, squeezing him tightly.

He pulled free, and instinctively she sat up, supporting herself with her left arm. His cock looked enormous, swollen and throbbing, jutting towards her torso. Suddenly, it quivered and a spurt of cum splashed between her breasts. She watched as line after line of cum shot out of Archie's cock and onto her body.

When he was done, Liane looked down and giggled. "Oh my! What a mess." She reached over and grabbed her apron from where she'd left it. She mopped his cum off of her front, then used a clean corner of the apron to wipe off a final drop from the tip of his cock.

Climbing to her feet, Liane paused to stretch up and give Archie a long kiss. "That was a surprise, huh?" she giggled. "What a way to remember the last day of this place."

"I'll say," he said. "You're incredible, Liane."

"Thanks." She smiled. "If you don't mind, I think I better head back to the kitchen and put my clothes back on."

"Now?" He nodded to his left. "You have customers waiting."

Liane's eyes widened. She looked in the direction he had indicated and saw two men waiting at a table. Firemen, judging by their blue uniforms. They were both watching her with undisguised interest.

"How long have they been there?" Liane asked in a whisper.

"I don't know," said Archie. "Long enough."

"Oh my." Liane bit her lip, knowing that the two men must have had quite a show. Now she was standing naked in front of them, and she realized she was still quite aroused. Swaying on unsteady legs, she walked over to the hostess station and grabbed two menus.


Jimmy looked up from the baseball game when Liane walked back into the kitchen. "You were out there a long time," he said. He peered at her. "You okay? You look all sweaty."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Liane answered quickly, nervously running her fingers through her hair. "Um... some other customers came in. They had some questions about the menu." She smiled distantly. "They wanted to know if they could have the same thing Archie was having."

"Oh, okay. So I'm making a couple more Reubens?" Jimmy stood and walked towards the grill.

" One cheeseburger. And one country-fried steak. Two coffees."

"Oh?" Jimmy looked puzzled for a moment, but then shrugged. "All right. I'll get to work." He pointed to a chair in the corner. "Your clothes are on the chair there."

"Thanks," Liane said. "Jimmy... I've changed my mind. I think I do want the job working here."

"You do? That's great, Liane! I'm glad to have you with me for this strip club thing." He motioned to her body. "Like I said, I'll only need you as a stripper until I hire enough girls. Maybe a month, maybe two. After that, you're management. We'll run this place together."

"Sounds great, Jimmy."

"So what changed your mind? I thought you were pretty sure you didn't want the job."

"Well..." Liane glanced towards the door to the dining area. "Archie convinced me I might actually enjoy it." She walked to her pile of clothes and tugged the panties out from close to the bottom of the pile. "Also..." she added in a quieter voice, as she started to dress, "I think I'll make pretty good money in the private rooms."

Jimmy grinned. "You think Archie will be a regular customer?"

Liane didn't answer for a moment, smiling to herself as she fastened her bra. "He will be," she said in a soft voice. "You know him. He likes to have the same thing every day."

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MorevinilaMorevinila6 months ago

Steamy - well written definitely a 5

DLW45DLW458 months ago

I found it well written and exciting. Thanks

anubeloreanubeloreabout 2 years ago

Upon, it's a perfectly reasonable interpretation, thinking she screwed them too. "Still quite aroused" "questions about the menu" indicating she was out there longer than it took to treat Archie...yep.

Oh well. I guess Archie didn't mind watching, in that case. But I'm going to tell myself her "" meant they couldn't have what Archie had. And yes, I'm certain the ambiguity is deliberate. Just sharing my reactions.

anubeloreanubeloreabout 2 years ago

Can't tell if "you were out there a long time" implies she also gave the two firefighters "what Archie was having". Hoping not, and if not, this story was fantastic. If so, well, it's hot, but not my cuppa. Perhaps I've just read too many unpleasant stories with that sort of element recently, so I'm anticipating it now.

I'm going to try to convince myself "not" is the answer, because I quite enjoyed this little tale, and I like the idea of Archie and Liane having a special, though unconventional, relationship.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4uabout 2 years ago

I think they may have violated a health code fucking on the table but damn it was well worth it. Your words certainly conjure up the erotic images in my naughty mind.

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