Lunchtime Shopping


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"I honestly don't know, it was at least twice and possibly three times every hour. I do know that he couldn't leave my twat alone - he had hardly finished shooting one load before he was off again. His spunk was leaking out of me all over the place and the bed got all wet and squelchy underneath my bum, it felt lovely. The best thing this time was that he started shafting me the way that I wanted him to, really slamming it into me, pulling almost out and then ramming in the whole long length all in one go. You know that I like it rough before I feel really fucked Toby when I do it with you and it was just the same with him only more so."

"You mentioned doing other stuff?"

Joanne hesitated and then said, "OK, I'll tell you - I pushed my tongue up his arse hole. He loved it, he really did. It was the only moment in all the time I have been with him that I felt a bit in control. I used to think that doing that was nasty and depraved but it isn't, it's nice. Apollo did it to me the first time I was with him but when I had the chance to do it back I only gave his anus a couple of quick licks and kissed it. Afterwards I regretted being such a prude and wished I had been bolder - I know that I was determined not to be so timid if ever I got another chance. I know that I have never done that to you love but I want to now."

I felt an involuntary shiver of anticipation before remembering that I had not yet decided if I could forgive her again. "Is that all?" I asked, managing to keep my voice steady.

"I did manage to get a mouthful of his cum." Joanne gave a little laugh and added, "It was more like a bellyful. Earlier I had scooped some out from between my legs to taste but this was the only time that I swallowed it straight out of his penis. Apollo says that it is a waste to shoot semen anywhere but in my pussy but I begged him. It happened right after I had done what I just told you about. His balls got a good licking and I then worked up his shaft. I was licking round his nob head and wanking him with my hand until he said it was coming and then I opened my mouth as far as it would go and got his cock a little way in. There was a gallon of the stuff and although I swallowed as quickly as I could, loads spilled out all over my tits. It took me a while to get my breath back and also calm down because having a mouthful of spunk had given me a really massive orgasm. Anyway, when I started to look for something to wipe my chest with, Apollo told me to leave it because it looked nice and I did feel very sexy with strands of his cum dangling from my nipples."

At this point, I made as if to stand, trying to terminate my wife's confession. The truth was that my prick was growing more and more distressed and the graphic image conjured by that last description had brought me very close to disgracing myself in my pants. I was mystified by my physical state of arousal because it was completely at variance with my state of mind.

"I haven't told you about the food yet," Joanne said quickly causing me to settle back in my chair. "Apollo told me to sit where I was still covered in spunk and then wheeled a trolley out of a side room. It was full of sex food - stuff that we could eat off and out of each other. The best of the lot was a dozen fresh oysters that he put up my cunt one by one and then sucked them out again. He must have swallowed loads of his own jism doing this because there were tons sloshing about in there. Apollo ate most of the oysters himself but after sucking them out he transferred two or three to my mouth."

I don't know if Joanne expected a comment but I was too busy mentally reciting the nineteen times table backwards and when I did look at her again, her eyelids were beginning to droop. With some urging I got her upstairs intending to put her straight to bed but she mumbled that she needed a bath. I filled a hot bath then gently undress her. As my wife relaxed under the water, I was shocked to see the swollen state of her breasts, the nipples in particular appearing enlarged and very tender. There was also extensive bruising round the top of her thighs. I got her tucked up in bed but she was already fast asleep when I returned with a cup of hot chocolate.

Back in my armchair downstairs, I resisted the temptation to ease the pressure in my aching prick. I had already decided to forgive her again and planned that, rather than spill my seed on the floor; I would save it for the night when I hoped to claim the reward for my magnanimity. Both mentally and physically exhausted, I too fell asleep and it was late afternoon before I awoke. I prepared a meal and started it cooking before rousing my wife. After eating I said that I wanted to stay married to her and we spent the evening sitting side by side holding hands as we watched TV. Bed was somewhat of a disappointment because Joanne said she hurt too much to consider intercourse but she did suck me off and also do that thing which had possibly been a subconscious factor in my decision. I remained out of luck for the next few days because the following morning her period started. Joanne told me not to be too upset because she was still too bruised internally for any serious fucking and she did compensate me both with her mouth and by letting me stick my dick up her the back way.

We went shopping while my route to joy was still blocked by a tampon and I noticed that she had included a large box of condoms in the trolley. At home, when I rather belligerently asked what the fuck they were for she told me that she was acting on something that her lover had told her. "Apollo says that I should come off the pill. He explained that because the birth pill works on a hormonal basis it reduces women's libido by twenty percent, making it possible for them to screw without worry but taking a lot of the pleasure away. In ancient times, he says, women were far more promiscuous than even the girls of today are but that didn't mean they had vast numbers of unwanted babies. They managed by chewing a special root that inhibited pregnancy for all but the most fertile few days and the best thing about this root is that it also has aphrodisiac properties. I think it is worth trying if only for month."

"Maybe," I said doubtfully, " - but where do the condoms come into it?"

"Those are for the four days when it gets risky to do it without and Apollo explained that during the first month before the woman has built up a protective level of the chemical in her system, it is best to play safe."

I thought that I was going to hate it but it turned out that very few of the condoms were actually used. We worked to a system where I did some bare-back screwing when there was no danger of getting trigger happy and then switched to shoot off either down her throat or up her rectum. Apart from that the sex was fantastic. Every night when I got home Joanne wanted it before allowing me to eat and then we frequently humped at least twice before going to sleep. One worry of men whose wife has been with a much better endowed or more skilful lover is that either her vagina will have been stretched or she will be disappointed by his efforts. Neither of these happened, in fact the opposite seemed to be the case. Joanne's cunt muscles seemed to grip tighter making me feel larger and I found that I could make her cum both more easily and far more often. In addition there were lots of little sex tricks she used on me, some learned from him and others that she invented on the spur of the moment. Except for the fact of living with the knowledge that another man had fucked her brains out, I had nothing at all to complain about.

Some six weeks after my wife's night of sin we were planning to go out for the evening. I was ready and waiting for Joanne to come downstairs when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find myself facing the best-looking man I have ever seen. Now I am not a small man by any means but although standing a short step lower than me, I still had to look up to meet his wide, friendly and very blue eyes. Instinctively I warmed to him until, with a chill of dread, I realised who he must be. I have never fancied a man in my life but I experienced a definite desire to touch him and suddenly understood with brutal clarity the magnetic hold he had on my wife. "I think you know who I am - are you going to invite me in?" he asked with relaxed confidence.

I don't know if it was my inherent good manners or the fact that I was overwhelmed by his charismatic personality but I fell back before him as he advanced into the house. I did not know what to do or say and sensing Joanne moving downstairs to join us further complicated my dilemma. Apollo threw her a smile then, with his eyes back on me said, "Sorry to spoil your evening but I need to borrow your wife again."

This would be like David facing Goliath without the benefit of a sling but I knew that I had to make a stand. No matter how futile and irrespective of any injury I might incur, my pride would not let me just stand helplessly and let him take her away from me. With a primeval cry of 'NO', I moved to interpose myself between this intruder and my wife.

Apollo did not move but I detected a degree of amusement as he said, "Don't be stupid - it is going to happen whatever you do. I have promised not to hurt you but if you try to thwart me, I shall very simply subdue you. The trouble is that if you force me to those lengths then I shall feel honour bound to fuck your wife in front of you."

At this point Joanne intervened by running to me and saying urgently, "Toby love, I've already been with him twice and you know that it hasn't affected us at all. I love you and I promise I will come back to you so please let me go with him now."

My wife's plea combined with my wavering courage was too much and I think that my body language said that I had given up. Apollo complacently assured me, "You know it makes sense Toby," and this triumphant remark almost provoked renewed resistance on my part. Seeing his mistake he said quickly, "I give my word that I will bring her back to you safe and sound," and however insincerely meant this was enough to still my rebellion. Dejectedly I stood aside to let them pass and then, at the door, Apollo turned to tell me, "I'm afraid that I will want to hang on to her somewhat longer this time so don't start getting anxious if she is later than you thought." Then they were gone.

It was over thirty-six hours before she returned. The wait was an agony, particularly the second night. I was more intensely jealous and this was not due to her long absence because I felt that way from the moment that they left. Laying all my cards on the table I will admit, this one time, that in the depths of my depression, I was also jealous of Joanne. It was just past nine o'clock in the morning when she walked into the house. I was not up long having finally fallen asleep through sheer exhaustion. In contrast to her previous prodigal return, Joanne was as immaculate as when she left and I later found that this time she had showered before returning to me. It was also very obvious from the state of her eyes that she had done a lot of crying. "It's over, I won't be seeing Apollo again," were the first words that she spoke to me, "I begged him and begged him but he said that there are hundreds of other women who deserve a share of his time."

I heaved a sigh of profound relief but somehow manage to put a sympathetic expression on my face and, after having eaten some breakfast, Joanne did not protest when I sat her down for the usual de-briefing. Most of what she did tell me was the same as before and a lot she discounted by saying, "And then we did a lot of the same stuff," but there was one event that was different. "Eventually we fell asleep and slept on and off for twelve hours and his cock was in me all the time," she said as if expecting me to be impressed. "During that time he fucked me at least four separate times without taking it out once. After the first of these shags, I think we just fell asleep naturally without separating and after that I seemed to wake up every couple of hours to find him doing it again. I know that some of the stuff must have leaked out while we were asleep and more cum kept squirting out in little jets as he poked me but his prick was like a cork keeping most of it in. By the time it was over I felt as if I had been pumped full to the brim with semen."

At this point I kissed her and said, "No more. It's over and I don't ever want to mention it again. As far as I am concerned you never met him and none of what you have told me ever happened."

On three occasions I had listened to a horrendous catalogue of infidelity but it no longer bothered me - the bastard was out of our lives for good so what did anything matter. In the following weeks I revelled in the fact that Joanne was once more exclusively mine (and more passionate than ever) - and that was all that I was concerned about.

I lived in this fools paradise for almost two months but now I fear that my marriage is over. I love my wife as much as ever and I have no doubt that she loves me with equal intensity but I don't think I can live with the consequence of her absolute refusal to even consider having an abortion.


There are many similarities between the above and the tale titled The Man. I was half convinced that the latter was fantasy but now I would be interested to hear other accounts of apparently irresistible men who seem to have impregnation as their primary aim.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Undorító ,perverz ,szemétre való írás ...!!!

Harvey8910Harvey8910over 2 years ago

This was another horrible cuckold story. i gave it a 2. As soon as Joanne told Toby the story of her first session with Apollo when she fucked him for three hours, Toby should have told her that despite her crying and her telling him that he loved her, he should have told her that he was filing for divorce. In face, he should have taken her to the hospital or a doctor's office and had the sperm in her pussy collected to prove clearly that she had cheated on him. it should not be an equitable divorce either, he should take her to the cleaners..What is it with women telling their husbands that they could not resist a cock that was so much bigger than his? That he made her cum harder than she ever came with him? what is the other side of that? There is no other side! it is just that she loved fucking apollo better than she enjoyed fucking her husband. The other side of that is simple, he loved fucking the other woman much, much more than he loved fucking his wife. He preferred her to his wife and he was leaving his wife for the other woman. That is the other side of the big cock issue. there is no letting her say that she had no ability to resist such a large cock and so she was powerless to his lovemaking. The other side is that simply, he loved fucking the other woman way more than he enjoyed fucking his wife. there is no defense here. It is a preference and there is a consequence to this preference. it is also why you never let a wife who loves you and enjoys your lovemaking together ever try getting fucked (shared) with another man. Leave that genie in the bottle. It is not worth the consequences. This marriage is over

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

What are you researching? How many.lousy cuckold stories one person can write.

katibkatibabout 5 years ago

a somewhat decent ending to one of your superb stories.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Deb, i met one

Have you check, did she try to contact you, don't leave us hanging

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