Lust in London


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Her mom had very considerately packed a picnic basket for us the previous evening. In it were some delicious cheese sandwiches, a packet of salt and vinegar crisps, a home made Madeira cake, a bottle of ginger ale and a selection of fruit, My cousin had also got along a bed sheet which she spread on the ground as we commenced our meal.

I was touched when she insisted on feeding me with her own hands, my eyes misting at her selflessness, and i reciprocated her actions. seeing me to the point of tears, she effected a quick change of mood, by deliberately moving the food away as it came near my mouth, making me paw and reach out at it, sticking her tongue out at me. But you don't fool around with a hungry woman. I soon pinned her to the ground and grabbing the sandwich from her hands put a portion near my mouth and the rest near her lips.

She was surprised to see this new assertive avatar of mine and aroused too, at this dominant side to my personality as i could feel the wetness seeping out from in between her thighs and her nipples stiffen again, poking into my bosom. she started eating her side of the sandwich, not stopping till she met my lips in a kiss at the center. And she didn't stop there either, biting my lips till they parted, seeking my tongue within.

Surprised by her move, i loosened my grip and submitted to her passion as she rolled over me sitting astride me once more. She opened the packet of crisps and looked for some sauce to dip them in. Finding none, she scraped some of her intimate juices from her thigh and asked me if i wanted a taste. i hungrily lunged for it,no bothering to reply enjoying the combination of her sour cream, better than any dip that i had tasted before. She dipped the next one in my snatch and savored my love dip with her eyes closed in satisfaction. Soon the air was punctuated by the sounds of contended munching till the chips ran out.

The chips had made us thirsty so she reached for the ginger ale, taking a swig. in the same breath she kissed me transferring the contents into my mouth. I burped as the liquid went down my throat, eliciting a flurry of giggles from her at my unladylike behavior. This diversion enabled me to roll over her and be dominant once more.

We were enjoying this game of one up(wo)manship and eagerly awaiting what surprise move the other would make next. As children we were reprimanded whenever we played with our food but this game had our juices flowing quite literally. As our stomachs were sated, inversely our appetites for each other became more acute, as the fires raged lower down and the heat of passion coursed through our bodies.

Her cake was one of her mom's specialties, and it was indeed delectable. She had thoughtfully packed a can of whipped cream alongside, in case we found it too dry. but it was perfect, but we put the cream to good use, not letting it go to waste. First I sprayed it on her tits and had my dessert of raisins and creams and then indulged her preference for strawberries and cream as she munched on mine.

We were both surprised at each others inventiveness, now only the fruit remained. She held up a peach suggestively and as i looked at it closely, I blushed as it reminded me of her lower lips. She cut it into half and then proceeded to messily simulate cunnilingus on it as the juice dripped down her chin onto my stomach, Then in a series of licks and kisses proceeded to clean it off where it had pooled into my navel driving me closer to the edge. It was my turn next and i enjoyed seeing her squirm putting my lips and mouth to good use, surprised to find myself being so sadistically inclined.

We were now at the home stretch and our love cauldrons were bubbling over, primed and ready for the final burst across the finishing line. The basket too was nearly bare, all that remained were some cherries and a couple of bananas. We sat up facing each other and first dipped the cherries in our cunts coating them in our cream before sharing them in our mouths passing them from one side to the other like a ping pong ball before biting and ingesting half each.

The bananas did not tax our imagination too much, the shape reminding us of an appendage, we didn't possess, but having the capability of providing much pleasure. We laid a wager on whose would last the longest and the game began in good earnest. We were both wide eyed at our control over our pelvic muscles as the bananas curved inside our warm depths. The heat of our bodies soon ripened the luscious fruit as it dipped into our wet cunts. It took a great deal of self control, to keep our thighs apart as the other maneuvered it deeper and deeper, pushing our buttons, making us huff and puff, till finally mine broke.

She claimed her prize eating her banana split with great gusto as i generously provided a load of cream to coat it with. As a consolation i got my own banana split as well, although I must confess that it was more fun providing the cream than in eating the banana. Exhausted we lay back catching our breath, but I spied something in the basket. It was a couple of mint sweets. I had a naughty thought and as I whispered it in her ear, her eyes grew wide as saucers not believing a face as angelic as mine could hide such a diabolical mind.

But she was such a sport and gamely consented immediately. We opened the wrappers and popped the mints into each others mouths, kissing each other, playing ping-pong, but being careful not to get too carried away and ingest them. Then when they were almost gone, we mutually removed them and shoved them up the others ass. As a cool sensation hit us in the derriere we felt literally on fire as it spread to our pussies and raced again to the water, canon balling in to cool the icy fire in our behinds.

We laughed holding each other till our sides ached and then made our way back to the tree wrapping ourselves in each others arms, ensconced in the sheet for a well earned siesta. Her warm body and her homely scent, coupled with an exhausting but exhilarating morning soon had me dozing off in no time.

We awoke with a start as raindrops splattered all around us, the fabled English weather showing up fashionably late to the party. We grabbed hold of all our belongings and rushed back to the car, but by the time we got there we were dripping wet and so were our clothes. We had dozed off for a couple of hours and it was time to make our way back if we were to get home by nightfall taking the foul weather into consideration.

So still unclothed and the visibility non existent, with fog the consistency of pea soup, we started our return journey. The heater was on full as we were cold and wet, and as we got on our way we became warmer, but not any drier as the car turned into a sauna and the windows fogged up too. it was slow going and the distraction of having an eyeful of candy sitting nude in the adjacent seat added to the element of danger. Her eyes weren't on the road but constantly flitting to my considerable charms and mine to hers, as we swerved dangerously a couple of times, once almost going off the road.

We stopped at the shoulder of the road, switching on the hazard lights, waiting for the weather and our minds to clear before we proceeded further. She could now give me full attention without bothering about the road. I was flushed and it wasn't just the heat. Her body too was covered by a sheen of sweat and looked incredibly sexy. As our aromas permeated the enclosed car, we found ourselves leaning towards each other.

What started as a kiss soon proceeded far beyond that, and soon she was all over me,groping away as i too pawed at her with an equal hunger. the car was soon rocking and we were glad we were in the countryside far away from any signs of human habitation, or else they would be alarmed at the cries of passion that emanated from a place deep down from such exquisite creatures. I would have never even in my wildest dreams have imagined that so much pleasure could be achieved in such a confined space as we gave in to our wild side, indulging ourselves.

When our passions had cooled down we found that the weather had cleared and the fog lifted and we had a couple of spectators immersed in the free entertainment we had so generously provided them. A troop of boy scouts on a trek, hormones raging as they entered puberty were getting a free anatomy and sex lesson through our windscreen. I put my arms across my privates, blushing in embarrassment, while my cousin gave them the finger and spewed a barrage of unladylike expletives, honking and driving off before they could react.

As we sped down the road again, i looked back and started laughing. It was infectious and she started guffawing as well. The scene we had just left behind was just too funny to comprehend. But there was another reason too for my mirth. In our anxiety to get back home, we had forgotten the mountainload of clothes i had shed on the way that were still lying on the back seat. What we had thought excess baggage would actually be of some use.

As i retrieved my garments from the rear, she commended me for my foresight, but it was just a lucky coincidence. i put on the thermals and asked her to try the coat for a fit as she was a couple of sizes bigger than me. I put on the sweater, feeling slightly less awkward as I covered my glaring nudity. However, she had to leave the buttons of the coat open so as to not restrict her movements, which exposed a deep cleavage all the way to her pussy.

She was bare underneath and her legs were still uncovered, the only saving grace, being the coat covering up half her thighs. I asked her if I should fashion a sarong out of my scarf but she swatted my suggestion away. She was comfortable in her own skin and dispensed with clothes altogether at home, feeling they were an impediment to the naturist lifestyle. The something that we had was good enough, better than nothing, and would save us from a possible arrest for flashing and disturbing the peace.

As we started on our way, clad but not quite fashionable, a devious idea entered my mind. As she would be busy driving, I could indulge my fantasies that I had dreamt of last night without any interference on her part. I casually, placed my hand on her thigh, causing her to raise an eyebrow quizzically wondering what I was up to.

As I started stroking upwards she realized I was up to no good and had some dirty thoughts on my mind. She too was enjoying this illicit activity, and opened her thighs, allowing me access to her core. I found she was having difficulty concentrating and asked her whether I should stop. She said nothing, but closed her thighs around my fingers which could feel the wetness seeping out of her.

I resumed my advances and soon was inside her cunt again exploring its moist recesses. She was literally squirming in her seat, making strange noises whenever i brushed my hands against her clitoris. I asked her to stop and park if we were to go any further, road safety paramount.

She soon found a secluded spot and my fingering resumed with a renewed fervor. She was hands free too and her fingers were itching to get into my pants, which now sported a growing wet patch in the front. She clucked in disapproval and proceeded to lower them exposing my snatch to the cool air once more. But not for more as her mouth descended to clamp around my lower lips. She was desperate to prove her expertise in pussy eating, determined to make me come before she did. My hips bucked upward, tensing as i lost control, as she greedily slurped my potent cream.

My hands were still in her cunt, but she wanted a quid pro quo and gently steered my head below the steering wheel, giving me detailed instructions on what to do, and where. Soon she followed my lead, giving me a mouthful of her mature potion, cumming faster than i could swallow, making a mess on the seat.

She wagged her finger at me, saying that I had been a naughty girl and a punishment awaited me when we got back home. I tried my hardest to look penitent, but couldn't suppress a smile that emerged out of the corner of the mouth eagerly awaiting the surprise she had planned for me.

As soon as we got home we put all our damp clothes in the wash and she directed me towards the bathroom, saying that I was a dirty girl, and was determined to clean out all the filth. She ran the water in the tub and it was so relaxing to soak in the warm water after a cold wet day where the chill had seeped into my bones.

She got in behind me, and I leaned into her feeling her tits poke into my back. She rubbed me over with her loofah, soaping every nook and crevice, as I luxuriated in her pampering. I was waiting for her to finger me but she didn't oblige me, making me crave her touch. I moved my hands to my snatch, but she swatted them away saying it was off limits for now.

As I wondered if this was the punishment she was talking of, she asked me to turn around and give her a good soaping too. As I lathered her body I could feel the heat of arousal emanating from her. Especially when I fondled her tits, she bit her lower lip sexily in a bid to rein in her passion. We patted each other dry, and as I moved towards the bedroom to put on some clothes, she said there was no need for them whilst in the house.

Initially it felt a bit strange as I had never roamed naked even when nobody was home, but after a while became extremely comfortable in my own skin, it became like second nature to me. The rumblings in my stomach resurfaced as it had been a while since we last ate. She asked me if we wanted to go out, or order in, but I wanted some comfort food, and suggested that I would cook a Dal Khichdi. She said it was fine but cook for three. I assumed her mom would join us for dinner and asked what I should make for dessert. She smiled craftily and assured me that I would get my just desserts, elevating my curiosity.

i got busy in the kitchen cooking, enjoying myself and she pitched in to help. I would feel a current course through me whenever she brushed against me and was sure she too felt the sexual tension in the air. But patience is a virtue and good things come to those in wait. And I was prepared to play the waiting game, with an air of expectancy of the pleasures the night would bring.

The door bell rang and as she moved to answer it, I also walked towards the stairs to make myself decent. But she gestured me to stay, whilst she found out who was there at the door. I put the finishing touches to the dishes, cleaning up as she returned. With a flourish she announced that my punishment had arrived.

As I turned back inquisitively, wondering what she meant, my eyes widened in surprise as my hands instinctively, shot out to cover my privates. For standing besides her in a trench-coat was one of the most beautiful women that I had ever seen, and I assumed that she might be a model. She had beautiful blond hair. a flawless complexion and eyes a shade of blue that you could drown in. Stunning features, high cheekbones and a sunny smile poking out of her luscious lips Even through her trenchcoat you could make out her toned body and her well proportioned legs were encased in black stockings ending in dainty feet.

My jaw had dropped down as i looked on stunned opening and closing my mouth, no words emanating from within, like a fish out of water. my cousin had a fit of giggles, seeing me in such a state. Her friend kicked her in the shin for her insensitivity making her wince in mock pain. She introduced her as the girlfriend Sam, who she had spoken about the previous night. I took a few deep breaths, composing myself and extended my hand to say hello.

But Sam disregarded it, and enveloped me in a hug and gave me a peck on the cheek. I could smell her heavenly perfume and the imprint of her lips on my cheek made me blush as I realized I was butt naked in front of a beautiful stranger. My cousin came forward to take her coat, and now it was her turn to blush. For she was quite bare too, with only a garter belt to hold up her stockings.

It was difficult not to stare, and I felt rude for not averting my eyes from her alabaster skin. She was delightful to look at and her body matched her face with pert breasts with rosy tits matching the shade on her lips, a flat stomach and a cute derriere. Just above her slit was a well trimmed landing strip, which confirmed she was a natural blond, and luscious long legs encased in black stockings.

Her smile extended to her eyes and soon we were all chatting away as dinner was served. I was famished and tucked away without so much as a by your leave, and a little embarrassed at not even inquiring if it was to their taste. But when I looked up, they too were enjoying it with a gusto. As I asked them if the spice levels were okay, they replied with a gesture, their mouths full with the warm broth. In a few minutes the dish was licked clean and we stretched back in our chairs content, my cousin even letting out an unladylike burp, rubbing her stomach in gratitude.

We struck up an easygoing familiarity like long lost friends meeting after ages, animated in conversation, occasionally pulling each others legs and dissolving into laughter. I was a tad envious of the love they shared evidenced by their amorous glances and tender touches, becoming slightly self conscious that i was like a " kebab me haddi", a spoke in the wheel so to speak. She had brought a lovely meringue pie for dessert and as they fed each other my eyes misted over, missing him terribly.

I yawned, feigning tiredness excusing myself, not wanting to intrude and give the lovebirds time to myself, but they said they were done too and we walked up together. As I walked past their door towards my door, my cousin held my hand. She said, "You're not getting by so easily, I still haven't meted you the punishment." She yanked me into her room despite my weak protestations. I couldn't get a word in sideways as i pleaded with her to let me go. But she saw through my charade as the wetness manifested itself at my loins again and both of them enveloped me in a sea of kisses and carried me towards the bed.

I gave up all pretense of resistance and participated actively in my first " menage a trios." Now I understood why my cousin was so restrained in the bath. She wanted to conserve energy and stamina for a night full pf passion. There was a four poster bed with silky black sheets in the center of the room. Aroma therapy candles and bundles of potpourri strewn around added to the romantic ambience

I seriously doubted whether we would get any sleep that night. My adrenaline was coursing through my veins, and we were yet to get started. We kissed each other individually and then as a threesome, enjoying the different tastes, styles and sensation that the other provided. That night took me to places that i had never been to before.Never had I come so many times, so much and so hard. There were times that I felt that I would literally die from the surfeit of pleasure. It was a non stop sex marathon each experience taking me to a different level of delight. I experienced more in that one night, than my entire lifetime before that day experiencing things that I would hardly dare to speak about.

This experience set the tone for the rest of the trip, making me a woman of the world, confident of my charms and capabilities, ready to face the world and partake in all it's pleasures. I thought I would get lost in London but instead found myself.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

There are no mountains near London.

RangeExpanderRangeExpanderalmost 4 years ago

Lots of fun and great imagination - and I would have liked you to linger a bit longer, building up the energy and describing in more depth

Lexiloo571Lexiloo571almost 4 years ago

Why r my comments not posting

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
So close to heart

The flow was amazing and super erotic. Actually I was also introduced into my deepest desires by my cousin only. Though not in open lakes of London but on cold North Indian nights in confines of our rooms. But your hot story made me recall my teenage memories. Was a mix-up of nostalgia and arousal for, Anjali

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