Lust in the Jungle Ch. 02


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Then Kara was pouring more of the kekpa onto the Chief's spent manhood. Almost miraculously, as she rubbed it in, he grew back into full erection in front of Michelle's hazy eyes.

As he turned back to the bed again, his eyes ran appreciatively across her naked white body. This time he flipped her onto her stomach as easily as turning chicken on the barbeque. Arousal flared inside her. She needed to be filled again. When he settled behind her, she pushed her ass upwards so that he could ram his black meat back inside her.

This time she made no pretence of trying to hold back her screams as he pounded her. One hand was in her blonde hair, yanking her head back. The other was on her hip, holding her steady.

She had never been fucked as fully, as completely, as deeply or as continuously as this old man fucked her. Josef didn't even get near making her cum like this. Despite the ache in her limbs, the sweat covering her body, she gave almost as good as she got, pumping back hard in response to every hard thrust.

The night wore on and there was no end to the wonderful pounding. Each time he eventually orgasmed, Kara smeared more kekpa on his cock and he fucked her again.

By the time light started to filter into the hut, it felt like he had taken her in every position she knew and a couple she had never even dreamed off. She could remember being on top of him at one point—arms out wide like the wings of a plane as she'd undulated on his beautifully hard cock like a lap dancer—but after that the images were fuzzy in her head.

And she'd long ago lost count of the orgasms he'd given her...


Michelle had no clear recollection of how she had got back to her hut. Perhaps Kara had helped her there? Yes, that would account for the strange dreams she had experienced.

She had dreamt that a young woman—Kara?—had been between her legs, slowly lapping at her sensitive clit. Her small hands had stretched upwards to cup her breasts as her tongue had worked its magic. Michelle's hips had been moving in the dream, trying to pump upwards, but the mouth on her pussy was gently shushing her before going back to work again.

Josef had been in the dream, too, but he had been lying beside her, fast asleep. She had never had a wet dream that intense before. It felt so real...

The girl had made her cum, too, making her scream out her orgasm. Then the young body had moved, sliding upwards, her hard nipples scraping along Michelle's skin and her glistening pussy lips leaving a moist trail along her white flesh.

She could almost taste the musky aroma filling her nostrils as the girl had lowered herself onto her face. Then, as the girl began to rub her wet sex across her mouth, she could taste it.

Her hand slithered between her legs again as she glanced around the empty hut. Wet dream or not, she had other problems to contend with. There was no doubt about what had happened to her in the Chief's hut last night. He had continuously taken and used her and she had responded like a slut. His slut. He'd fucked her so thoroughly that even thinking about it made her horny again.

Her sex was sore, but it was that delicious soreness that followed a good night's sex. A good night's sex?

The implications hit her like a sledgehammer.

She had wondered what it would be like to have sex with a black man and now she knew. Would it be even better with Jameraka? Yes, she knew it would. And to her shame, she couldn't wait for that experience.

For a moment she considered getting herself off again, but what if Josef suddenly returned to the hut? It must have been around midday, judging by the way the powerful sun was streaming in. Where was her husband? Had he gone for a walk to clear his head? That brought another thought.

In some ways last night had been his fault, there was no doubt about that. If he hadn't drunk so much and passed out, she wouldn't have been left with the Chief.

She stretched on the bed and attempted to put her thoughts into some order. She felt some guilt, yes, but it wasn't consuming her the way it should have done. What girl would feel guilty after such an intense fucking?

If the roads were passable, there was a good chance they would be leaving the village today. They would start that long convoluted walk back to their abandoned vehicle and then drive to their hotel. Within a couple of days, they'd be home again. Back to normality. Everything that had happened would be her secret, one she would keep forever.

So why shouldn't she indulge herself during the rest of her stay. Women she knew raved about big black cock. Now she knew why. This opportunity would never repeat itself.

Maybe she could also persuade the Chief to fuck her again? It would be her farewell gift to him. And to herself.


She eventually headed out of the hut and down towards the river. A long bathe might soothe her aching body. There was still no sight of Josef, or Jameraka for that matter. Something didn't feel right, but she couldn't put her finger on what it was.

Besides, she had other things on her mind.

As she sauntered through the village to the river, it felt like every man was looking at her, admiring her near-naked white body. Without exception, they all stopped what they were doing to openly stare at her.

They mumbled between themselves in huddled whispers and even though she couldn't understand a word of their language, it was clear they were talking about her. Was it possible that they knew what had happened last night?

She flicked her blonde hair over her right shoulder.

So what if they knew that the Chief had 'blessed' her? That she was now his white whore? It just made her all the more desirable. She stood a little taller and arched her body as she walked. Her breasts bounced with every step she took along the uneven path. Look at me, she silently cried out. Want me...

She made a point of occasionally running a hand through her hair as she walked, sometimes pausing to adjust her footwear or pretending to brush something from her thigh.

Every man there wanted her, and possibly some of the women too, so why not tease them? She was the Chief's woman now.

It suddenly occurred to her that some of them might follow her to the river. That thought sparked off a further dose of arousal. What if they came to the river while she bathed? Wanked as they watched her? What if they tried to take advantage of her? One after another?

She was dripping wet when she finally reached the river.

The new location Jameraka had shown her was as stunning as it was private. She walked deeper into the beautifully clear water, making her way to the waterfall. The water felt uplifting as it cascaded down over her needy body.

A movement in the bushes on the left side of the riverbank caught her eye as she smoothed her wet hair over her scalp. She was careful not to be seen to look in that direction, but surreptitiously glanced over out of the corner of her eye. Yes, the movement was definitely there. She was being watched

Her heart skipped a beat as the plan formed in her mind. Whoever it was, why not give them a show?

Could she? Dare she?

She swung her body around to face the bushes and tilted her head to the side, as if she was blissfully unaware of anything other than her surroundings. After a few moments, she slid her right hand along her stomach, down into the juncture between her legs. When her fingers brushed across her swollen clit, the sudden jolt of pleasure almost knocked her off her feet.

Whoever it was—she hoped it was more than one—would be stroking their dicks by now, just as Jameraka had that first night in the doorway to her hut...

She narrowed her eyes as she rubbed herself, her mind blissfully empty but for the sensations of her pleasuring fingers and the knowledge she was being observed. She wished they would come out into the open so that she could see how big their black cocks were.

If they approached her, she told herself, she'd find it impossible to contain herself. She'd have to let them fuck her. Maybe they'd gang bang her? Take her against her will, time and time again. She'd be helpless, after all.

That breathtaking thought was instantly too much. She arched her back as she came, breasts out, nipples hard, rolling her head to one side as she cried out into the empty air.


Josef was still missing when she returned to the village. So, disappointingly, were most of the men she had passed on her way down to the river. She had wanted them to look at her again, wanted them to desire her.

Perhaps the hidden voyeurs were spreading the message, telling others they had seen her masturbating...

That wicked thought sent another shiver through her body. What was wrong with her? It was as if her personality had changed. She had turned into a bitch in permanent heat, with an overwhelming craving for black cock.

No sooner had she returned to her hut than she began to masturbate again. Almost instantly, the skimpy fabric covering the door parted and Jameraka's huge frame stepped inside the hut. She pulled her hand from between her thighs, but not quickly enough for her to disguise what she'd been doing.

The smile that appeared on his face coincided with the blush that instantly spread across her body.

"It is nearly time," he told her.

"Time for what?"

"For you to be welcomed into the tribe."

She stared up at him, her embarrassment fading as she tried to make sense of his words. He was talking in riddles again.

"Welcomed? I don't understand, Jmaeraka. What do you mean? Where's Josef?"

He paused for a moment while he considered the question. It was as if he was considering whether to tell her the truth.

"I took your husband back to the vehicle we abandoned," he eventually told her. "He will be back at your hotel now."

Disbelief creased her face. No, that wasn't possible. Josef wouldn't have gone without her. No matter what, he wouldn't have abandoned her here. That made no sense.

"I tell him he must make the journey himself first," Jameraka added. "It was necessary for him to make sure the roads are passable and safe."

Michelle slowly assimilated the information. That made sense. Then another thought occurred to her. That meant she would be here the rest of the day by herself. Maybe even tonight?

She glanced at Jameraka again. His toned body made her feel weak at the knees. So did his rich black skin. And his rippling muscles. He really was an impressive physical specimen.

Jameraka read her expression and smiled again. He approached her and cupped her chin, tilting her head upwards so that he could stare directly into her eyes.

"But you no want your husband," he told her, releasing his loin cloth as he spoke. "Jameraka knows what you need."

She gasped. Naked, he looked magnificent.

When he reached out to take her hand and pull it to his black shaft, he instantly began to grow in her palm.

A fiery wetness formed between her thighs and her grip tightened as if she was never going to let him go. Her dreamy eyes looked up into his and then back down at the monster that rose majestically from his thick black curls.

She ran the fingers of one hand ran up and down the enormous shaft and cupped his large, hairy, testicles with the other. He was fully erect now and began to move his hips back and forward in time with her jerking movements.

Then his large hand found her blonde hair...

When he pulled her head forward, she didn't resist. How could she refuse the meaty offering in front of her? It was everything that she wanted. She looked into his encouraging eyes and he nodded. Her mouth opened instantly and she provocatively licked her lips. His male scent was intoxicating.

Her fingers shook with excitement as she stretched them as far around his thick girth as they would go.

Then her mouth went to work.


What was happening?

Jameraka had still been semi hard—despite cumming in her mouth—and when he'd pushed her flat on the bed, she'd known her illicit fantasy was about to be realised. He was going to fuck her. But then ... the sudden sound of drums had brought their encounter to an abrupt halt.

He had immediately hurried her back at the scene of last night's dinner. Except that there was no table, only a chair set in the middle of the clearing. It was occupied by the Chief. Around them, it seemed as if the entire male population of the tribe was present. All looking at her, all waiting...

"Listen to me, Missy," Jameraka quickly told her when he sensed her nervousness. "This is your initiation into the tribe. You must do as I tell you without question. Start by walking around the Chief three times, and then face him and bow. Do it now."

Michelle stared at him for a few seconds. She was trying to understand everything he had told her but right now it was so difficult to take it all in. But she understood enough to realise that she needed to do as she was told.

Besides, the chances were that Josef would be back for her today and the sooner she got this over with, the quicker she and Jameraka could return to her hut.

Her need for him was overwhelming.

The Chief nodded in satisfaction as she completed her task. His gaze flickered across her tits and she suspected from the expression on his face he was thinking about last night. It occurred to her that maybe he was going to fuck her again? A bolt of excitement shot through her.

And then she could let Jameraka fuck her afterwards...

"Kneel down and face the Chief," the muscular guide told her, as he returned to her side. "Rest your hands on his thighs."

Even as she hesitated, his hand was on her neck, pushing her down. Oh fuck, she was going to be told to give the old Chief a blow job, in front of the male members of the tribe.

The idea sent a wave of arousal shuddering through her.

On her knees, she glanced up into the Chief's eyes. His face was impassive. But when she lowered her gaze again, she could see that his cock was growing under his loin cloth. She wondered how he would react if she simply pulled the covering away and took him in her mouth.

But she knew that tribal respect dictated that she had to wait. With luck, his cock would be hers again soon enough.

She felt the cool air hit her exposed asscheeks as Jameraka pulled her own loin cloth up to her waist. Oh my Gawd. She'd gone without her panties again and, bent forward in such an provocative position, every male member of the tribe would be able to see her nakedness.

She could feel herself practically dripping with need.

The beating drums increased in tempo. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the men of the tribe forming a line to the left of the Chief. Jameraka's soothing voice whispered in her ear.

"Don't be afraid. And don't move."

The first man had already taken his place behind her. He lifted his loincloth as he crouched. When he ran his cock underneath her and along the wet furrow of her exposed sex, she whimpered.

He was erect, as excited by the moment as she was?

The Chief's cock twitched under the loin cloth and her thoughts returned to the blow job she'd given Jameraka.

Her sucking lips had devoured the first leakage of precum, swallowing it deep into the back of her throat. Then her tongue had returned to the big, purple head. She had licked all around the crown in an effort to tease more from him.

She must have been getting to him because he had gripped her hair more tightly and begun to fuck her mouth. She'd gagged for a second, but quickly adjusted.

One hand had gone to his chest so she could stroke his shiny, ebony flesh. Every muscle had been hard. Her fingers had run to his nipples, tweaking each of them in turn. Her other hand had held him tight. Her mouth had jammed down again. She wanted his cum again and she wasn't going to be denied.

When he had eventually fired—one burst after another hitting the back of her throat—she'd taken every last drop until eventually even this black stud had had enough.

She had been like an animal at feeding time...

Each member of the tribe had been hard as they'd caressed the underside of her dripping labia with their cocks. A couple had been bolder, pushing the head of their cocks inside her before pulling away. She'd wanted to take them all the way inside, ler every single one of them fuck her.

Instead, she crouched there obediently, biting down so hard on her lower lip that she'd drawn blood. Only the noise of the drums drowned out her continuous moans. The Chief could hear her though. He was rock hard now.

Please let him fuck me again, she silently pleaded as she glanced up into his wrinkled face.

But when the drums suddenly silenced and the exquisite torture was over, he simply rose and returned to his hut without even a backward glance. Kara followed him and sent her a knowing look. One that said it was her turn to fuck him this time.

Jameraka replaced the loin cloth over her ass and helped her gently to her feet.

"Can you walk?" he asked.

She shook her head. Her body was shaking so much that it took a huge effort simply to stand.

He nodded his understanding. Picking her up in his strong arms, he strode away from the clearing. Only this time, it was his hut he took her too, not the one she shared with Josef.

He laid her on the bed and stripped off her loin cloth. The back of his fingertips caressed across her white skin before he removed his own covering. Like a tower, his humungous black cock pointed proudly skywards.

"Tell Jameraka what you want," he told her, crawling over her body but holding himself there.

She hiked her left leg up, wrapping it around his broad back as she frantically reached for his hard cock.

"Fuck me," she desperately gasped.

Spittle dripped from her lips in her excitement. It was about to happen. At last!

"Fuck me..." she repeated. Louder. More urgently.

His thick lips curled into a knowing smile. Then her mouth was all over his as he thrust his cockhead into her wet opening.

He was so big that it took four pushes before he was deep inside her, pinning her slender body to the bed. Her hands went to his ass as her right leg joined her left around his back.

"Fuck me," she repeated, her eyes filling up with her need. "Fuck me..."

But for a moment, he held himself still.

"It is doubtful that your husband will find this village again," he told her, staring down into her needy eyes. "Not in this jungle. But if you wish, you may leave now. I will help you return. But if you stay, you become Jameraka's woman. Make choice now. No turning back. Husband or Jameraka?"

Michelle returned his gaze. In an instant, the fog that had clouded her mind evaporated and reality returned. He was asking her to forego her normal life, her family and friends, her home. The decision was impossible.

Or it should have been...

But even as he waited for her reply, he had started to move inside her. A gentle, almost imperceptible movement, but the friction was there all the same. She moaned out loud.

Yes, she could return home, but if she did, she'd never feel like this again. If she stayed, this black Adonis was hers whenever she wanted him. He would be available, every day and every night. And maybe the Chief would want to take advantage of her again, even if a little persuasion might be required.

She tightened her legs around his back and dug her heels into his ass, forcing him even deeper.

"I choose this," she gasped, humping upwards on his humungous black cock.

It was going to be a long night.


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OOAAOOAAabout 4 years ago


idrubloodidrubloodover 11 years ago
Oh boy!

Again not my norm category but this story as all your stories was exceptionally hot, bold and beautiful. Thank you for sharing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This was the best story i read her for a very long time. Just Fantastic.

suckmycockmeatsuckmycockmeatover 11 years ago
White Pussy---Black Meat !

FANTASTIC ! - - This pretty white girl has become a total black cock loving SLUT ! My cock is HARD again and I have cum 3 times reading this story, it is just fucking awesome ! ! !! - - - Steve.


SFlovesBBCSFlovesBBCover 11 years ago

A wonderful fantasy. If others ignore that point, they themselves are easily ignored.

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