Lust in Translation

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American student in China makes a dirty movie.
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First of all - China is fucking expensive.

I don't care if you're enjoying cheap clothes made in China at Walmart, but let me tell you, as a visiting American university student? This place is expensive!

I am a business student at the University of Chengdu. I purposely picked here because I figured the world will belong to China in a few years, might as well get a business degree from here.

But it's been tough! Though classes are in English, I don't speak much Chinese. I barely know how to use chopsticks! In a class of 200 freshman, 5 of us were "foreigners" - "white devils" or "white barbarians" they call us. My foreign classmates were cool about it - most of them were from Canada. I was the only guy from Texas, so every conversation with a Chinese classmate went like this:

"Where are you from?"


"Ah, cowboy! Cowboy!" And then they'd laugh and cover their mouth as if their teeth might fly out. The Chinese were very friendly although nosey as fuck. Some of my classmates stood too close in the restroom, eager to see a white dick. They loved my Texan drawl and a couple Chinese people in the street would ask me to take selfies with them - I guess I was that exotic.

Unlike the big cities like Shanghai or Beijing or Guangzhou, there are relatively few foreigners in Chengdu so they will stop, stare and point at you. There are a couple Canadians who make money doing Youtube food blogging, but after 2 weeks, I was careful with the insanely spicey food - this is where Szechuan food is from. Luckily food is relatively cheap.

First semester - we stayed in the dorms at the university. Cheap. Second semester, we were expected to move out and live among the natives. I think when the Chinese saw foreigners, they thought we all had a shit load of money, so buildings which rented rooms for $100 a month were suddenly $500 when a 6' 2 Texan showed up to apply.

My buddy and classmate JingWei was also my interpreter. I was trying hard to learn Mandarin, but I always needed JingWei to translate for me. JingWei is an odd little guy - sometimes, he seemed proud to show off he has an American friend though he didn't always introduce me to his friends - they would stand around and talk about me in Chinese. JingWei is a little too curious about me. First time he saw me in flipflops, he just stared at my size 12's and said, "Big Feet! Big Pee-Pee! Yes?" I laughed him off.

We were sitting at a noodle bar in TaiKwok alley as I bitched to him about needing to make money. My poor command of Chinese plus my student visa limited me to hoping to land an assistantship at the university - but I hadn't had any luck.

JingWei listened to my money woes, nodded his head, and after 20 minutes, leaned toward me and whispered, "I might have job for you."

"Really? What?" I figured I could tutor English.

"Dirty movie!" JingWei then covered his mouth as he giggled.

"Dude, what do you mean dirty movie? Porn?"

"I know director. He likes to make movies. He wants foreigner like you to sex Chinese girls. Pays good! You interested?"

I laughed. "Dude, what the fuck? I don't do porn. I'm a graduate student for crissake!"

JingWei giggled again, "Come on! You? You handsome guy! Big guy! Big feet! You make lots of money!"

"Yeah, thanks. I'm not that desperate!" I laughed at the thought.

Two weeks later, I was that desperate. I needed to make rent.

I told JingWei to set up a meeting with the director. JingWei was delighted. That evening, after class, he and I walked to an office building in the LouDai district. There, a cheerful looking older man greeted us. Mr. Ma looked me up and down as he shook my hand.

"You? What is your name?"


"Where are you from?"


"Ahhhh! Cowboy!" Mr. Ma laughed. He ushered us into an absolutely nondescript office where Chinese wall paintings were framed in black. He had shelves of books, a large desk.

"So, Don," Mr. Ma began, "Have you ever had the sex with Chinese girl?"

"No," I blushed. "not yet."

Mr. Ma nodded, "Chinese girls - some don't like the white boy. They prefer their own people. Some like very much. Many are curious. White men are bigger, taller, so proportionately, you big everywhere, yes? I make videos for people who want to see what a white boy looks like with a Chinese girl."

I could feel the tip of my ears burn with embarrassment. To be honest, I've had sex in front of college roommates back in Austin, but never on video! I nodded and kept looking around the office.

"So," Mr. Ma continued. "I want to make 3 videos. 1 girl. 2 girls. 3 girls. With you. I can pay $500 American for each movie."

I gulped. "Will these go up on the Internet?"

"Yes, but China Internet is not connected to America. So no one back home will see your shame."

I was a little relieved. I had seen Asian porn back home - the Japanese girls screaming with that weird yelping sound as they were getting fucked. This could be pretty interesting.

"Now, please take off your clothes."

"What?" I blushed and looked over at JingWei who had his hand over his mouth, smothering a smirk. "Okay," I pulled off my t-shirt, kicked off my shoes, and then pulled down my pants.

Both Mr. Ma and JingWei stared at my naked body. I looked at the wall, out the window, anywhere to avoid their eyes.

Mr. Ma finally said, "You have good body!"

"Thanks, I usually have abs, but been eating too many bowls of noodles!" I laughed.

Mr. Ma gestured toward my junk, "Your pee-pee? How big when happy? Happy?"

"Oh, um, it'll get 6 or 7 inches hard."

"Waaaa, that is good!" He pointed to my junk. "Please show!"

I gulped at that, a little nervous at the thought of chubbing out in front of Mr. Ma and JingWei, but luckily, a Texan is always ready for 2 things - dinner and sex. I spat in the palm of my hand and started stroking. Maybe it was having an audience on me. Maybe because I felt I had to display some American-Texan pride, but I firmed up fast and was wagging my big curved tummy-tapping longhorn in no time.

Mr. Ma got up from his chair to walk around me. "Waaa! Big pee-pee!" JingWei nodded in agreement, "Waaa! Very big, Don! Very big!"

The 2 of them circled me making clucking sounds of admiration. Mr. Ma said, "Brown hair. Blue eyes. Good. Handsome guy!"

"Thank you, sir." I had a bit of a gut, but like a good Texan, I played football back home and knew I was in pretty good shape. Plus being 6'2 I towered over all the Chinese people in Chengdu. And you know what? Having people cheer on your boner is a great feeling! I put my hands on my hips and arched back a little to extend at least another inch.

Finally, I figured the show was over, so I was about to pull up my pants when Mr. Ma pointed to another door. "Ready to make movie?"

"Now? Sure, you've got money?"

Mr. Ma went back to his desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out a roll of US dollars and peeled back $500 and then placed it on his desk. "OK, let's go. Girl waiting now."

Mr. Ma led the way to the next room which had no windows. A video camera was set up in the corner. A single bed was in the middle of the room with red sheets. Mr. Ma went over to the camera. I motioned for JingWei to stay - translator, witness - I didn't want to be left alone with strangers.

Mr. Ma pulled out his phone and spoke in Chinese.

**Girl can come in.** JingWei translated, standing next to me.

The door opened and a cute Chinese girl walked in. She was tiny - maybe 5'2 - long dark hair. Thin. I instinctively covered my boner with my hands and went limp. But she took one look at me and spoke angrily to Mr. Ma.

**What is this?** (JingWei translated for me.) **I am not sleeping with a White Devil! A white barbarian!**

Mr. Ma scolded her: **You took the money. You will sleep with any man I tell you to.** (JingWei translated)

She did not look thrilled. **Ai-ya! He is too big! It will hurt! He will be clumsy and rough.**

"Look," I said, "If she doesn't want to fuck me, that's ok."

She looked at me, wondering what I had just said. JingWei helpfully translated for her, **White man says you are too tiny, too skinny. He prefers fat white women.**

I was puzzled at her look of outrage. She shook her head, *Fine! I will do it!* She quickly took off her clothes to reveal a slender pale body with a tightly trimmed black bush - I had never seen a Chinese girl's bush before - it looked like a small black kitten. She gestured at me to lie down on the bed. Obediently, I laid back. I reached for her long black hair, but she shook her head away. I touched her small breasts - another gesture she shrugged off.

She knelt beside me and took my soft dick in her hand. Then she began to suckle, her tongue washing over my swelling organ as she worked up spit to lube me. For the first time, I realized how white I was - her beautiful skin, her Chinese complexion, her dark hair - it made me feel very pink and hairy.

"Waaaa!" Mr. Ma was impressed as my shiny wet erection grew and grew to look ridiculously large in her tiny hands. She stroked me like my dick was her personal cucumber. Mr. Ma ran up and helpfully placed a big bottle of lube by the bed.

I shuddered as she kept licking the length of my shaft and then she rolled down my foreskin and sniffed my dick head. She muttered something in Chinese.

**The barbarian smells like a wet dog! Fortunately he has no curds - he is washed.** which JingWei helpfully translated for me as, "The handsome white man has giant pee-pee! I look forward to this experience."

"Thank you, kindly," I smiled at her. JingWei told her, *You will soon be impaled by his monstrosity.*

She sucked and licked as I laid back and put my hands behind my head trying to enjoy the blowjob. At first I was weirded out that JingWei and Mr. Ma were in the room, but I gradually forgot they were there as every nerve in my dick was signalling pleasure from her hungry mouth enjoying her taste of Texas dick.

"Play with my balls," I whispered, my eyes closed.

JingWei told her, **The Barbarian wants you to hold his balls and feel how big they are compared to Asian men.**

She huffed. I felt her hands weigh my balls. **They are big and admirable in weight. He will make many babies in his fat American women.**

JingWei told me, "She says you have nice big balls."

She finally stopped licking and sucking me. She reached for the bottle of lube and squeezed lube on the tip of my dick and into her palms where she lubed herself. Then, she stood over me and placed her legs to straddle my waist. I guess this was going to be Chinese cowgirl.

With her small hand, she aimed my glistening dick at her pussy. Then she slowly started to ease down on me, slowly, carefully the way a person gets into a hot bathtub. Her eyes were closed and she started making this mewing sound - half whimper, half feline. I kept my hands behind my head and let her do the work, savoring her hot, wet pussy pushing onto my twitching dick. She was definitely the tightest girl I had fucked in a long while. She slid halfway down and started to pull up. Then she slid slowly halfway again, then she pulled upward. On her next stroke down, she gyrated her waist which made my gleaming red dickhead look like a giant strawberry pushing into her increasingly wet pussy. But then she pulled up again. It was slow and deliciously agonizing because her rhythm was measured and methodical, while I really wanted to start banging Texas style - that's when you and your girl's bodies are slapping together faster and faster in the back of your pick up truck.

I looked over at JingWei whose eyes were bulging at the sight of the girl doing her slow knee bends over me. He caught me looking at him which broke him out of his trance. He smirked and said, "She is enjoying just half your large pee-pee."

"Mmmmm, really? She can have it all. Tell her to sit all the way down on it."

JingWei translated, but the girl shook her head, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure. She whispered something.

"She says, it is quite pleasurable the way it is now."

I looked over in the corner, but Mr. Ma was behind the camera saying nothing.

"Well, JingWei, I didn't come here to do a half-ass job." I reached for her hips and let out a "YEAH!" and with one big thrust, I pushed up into her so that she got my full length and girth. She let out a loud moan and shudder, her eyes still closed as she tried to wriggle off me, but I held her in place so that her squirming felt good on my up thrusting dick.

**Ai-ya! What is the barbarian doing? He has his ridiculously big penis all the way inside me!** she cried out in Chinese. She gasped at my every upstroke.

JingWei told me, "She says your body feels tremendous and pleasurable!"

"Good!" I huffed. Using her hips, I rocked her around on my groin so that she was riding my Texan tilt a whirl. She moaned and meowed with every move. Her eyes stayed closed like a girl on a roller coaster. One of her delicate hands was on my chest, trying not to fall off. The other hand was reaching down between us, gripping the base of my cock, then behind her to cup my balls. She seemed to be marveling at the girth.

We fucked Chinese cowgirl style like this for a few minutes - she made these incredible noises - sharp moans, yelps, exhales - as I kept hollering "Yeah! Fuck Yeah!" and gave her my best bucking bronco performance. But after a while, I wanted to change positions. I prefer to be on top - call me old fashioned, but nothing like good ole missionary for a guy to demonstrate dominance. I gently pushed her off me and laid her on her back. Her eyes stayed closed as she continued her mewing until she realized I wanted to do something else. I threw her legs over my shoulders, guided my curved dick in, and started slamming into her balls deep. We were finally making the clapping sound I love when sport fucking.

Her meowing turned into yowling and a funny squeaking like a dog toy. Her small hands held my shoulders at a distance, but I looked down between us to watch my thick white veiny cock spread her lips wide and plunge in and out of her little black kitten of a pussy.

Suddenly Mr. Ma and JingWei ran up closer to the bed. Mr. Ma had taken the camera off the stand and was aiming closer at our slapping genitals. JingWei was helpfully holding a light so that they could get a clear view. The two of them were excitedly chatting in Chinese, and as I sweatily dicked this girl, I also made a note that I seriously needed to learn the language.

*"Waaa!" Mr. Ma whistled, "That large American organ is spreading wide her lotus petals! Such pleasure and delight!*

**It is so big and pink! His scrotum is so big slapping between her legs!** JingWei addressed the girl, **You must be experiencing great stimulation enjoying such a large penis!**

**The barbarian is too rough! He is too big!** she pushed my shoulders back. **This is like strenuous exercise!**

JingWei translated, "She says you are very handsome cowboy."

"Do you like it?" I said to her, my forehead dripping onto her with sweat. "Do you like it?" I stretched my body so I was planking her, her legs on my shoulder, her knees practically at her ears. The way she pushed at me and the way her legs dangled on my shoulders, it was like wrestling a calf to the ground.

JingWei asked her, **The American wants to know if you like sex?**

She opened her eyes and looked at me and said meekly in English, "Yes." She was gasping almost out of breath at every thrust of my dick. She turned to JingWei, **Tell the barbarian to finish soon! My body is already sore from his pounding. His organ is like an ivory piston that does not stop! I feel like too long a bicycle ride!**

"She says," JingWei paused, "She wants you to mount her like a dog."

"No problem!" I got off her and watched as she rubbed her sore pelvis and got up from the bed. Then, I pointed back to the bed indicating that she should get on all fours. She looked at me in surprise and turned to JingWei.

**What does the American want now?**

JingWei pointed to the bed, **Get back on the bed. The Texan wants to ride you like a horse.**

**What? No more! My body is sore!**

JingWei smiled, **You must obey. Otherwise, he will put his American pee-pee into your anus. They can be a very cruel people.**

She let out a squeak of shock and looked at me. I had not understood a word they've said. I'm smiling, waiting for her to assume the position. I swing around my curved dick like a baseball bat to show her I am still very hard and ready to rock.

The girl shot me another look and then slowly climbed onto the bed on all fours with her ass up in the air. I squirted more lube on my dick and started to push in when she jumped forward and yelled like an angry cat, **Stupid American! Do not enter my anus! It is forbidden!**

I looked to JingWei for explanation. He was smirking, "Don, you entered wrong hole."

"Sorry," I tried again, but she yowled and hissed, **No! He is a dumb penis!**

In my defense, it was dark in the room, and she was tiny so it was difficult to see what hole I was pushing up against.

"Ah! Let your friend help you!" Mr. Ma yelled from the camera. He then shouted at JingWei, **Get up there and guide your stupid American friend in. If he enters her anus, she will be in pain and leave and ruin my video!**

"I help! I help!" JingWei eagerly ran up to me and to my surprise, reached between my legs to grab the base of my dick.

"Dude! You've got your hand on my dick!" I protested.

"I help!" JingWei said.

"He helps!" Mr. Ma explained.

Whatever works, I thought. I put my hands on my hips to give Mr. Ma's camera a clear view as I knelt closer to the girl. It was seriously awkward having JingWei aim my hardon for me, but it did the trick. JingWei encouraged me from behind, "Go in! Go in!" Once I started pushing in the correct orifice, I told JingWei he could let go. After a few strokes, he released his hold of me and jumped back as I was plunging it into her sopping wet pussy from behind, slapping against her until she was back to meowing and squeaking louder and louder.

"Very good sex!" Mr. Ma yelled and gave me a thumbs up.

We went at it doggy style for a while, her black hair flinging around with each of my thrusts. She was tight, and I did love bouncing off the cheeks of her butt. Because of my erratic fucking rhythm with an unfamiliar girl, I popped out a couple times, but good ole JingWei was quick to grab my dick and guide me back in.

And yes, like any guy, I was soon trying to decide where to pull out and come. On her ass? Her back? Would she turn around to suck and swallow me? I didn't know the customs of China when it came to finishing a good boning session.

Finally I grunt, "I'm close. I'm close to coming."

JingWei told her, **The American is ready to spray his ejaculate in you. If you are not on the pill, you will end up bearing his bastard along with your humiliation.**

She was still on all fours before me, but she told JingWei, **I am on the pill, but I prefer that he ejaculates on my back as I don't want the shame of having semen of a white barbarian inside my body.**

JingWei turned to me, "She is ready for the creampie!"

"Awesome, dude!" I said. I speeded up my ramming as her meowing got louder, our wet bodies slapping together more quickly. Occasionally I popped out of her very snug cunt, but the eager JingWei, who was standing ready by my side, was quick to grab my sticky wet dick and guide me back in again.

The girl was doing some serious twerking - I could tell she's encouraging me to cum. Finally, I'm coming. I'm coming big and strong. I feel my dick pump out shots and shots of cum as I bellowed like a bull at every stroke in while she yelled, "Ai-ya! Ai-ya! Ai-ya!" - the Chinese expression for joy, I believe.

My orgasm is like a seizure - I'm panting and falling on top of her. She is squirming like crazy beneath me, especially when she realized I had given her a creampie. Then I steady myself to get off, pulling slowly out of her. Rivulets of my cum were running down her pussy lips. I knelt back, my boner flipped out of her, dripping on the bed. My big wet red dick was still hard and pulsing cum. The girl seemed particularly excited as she fingered herself to feel how much cum I had unloaded in her.