Lyon's Den


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Mary's brain painted graphic images of what Bruce might be doing. She had a sudden desire to peek, but didn't dare.

Jenny groaned louder, and said, "Yes, Honey. Everything you do thrills me. It was just a simple fantasy."

The bedsprings creaked, as someone got on the bed. "You are so beautiful, Jenny. I get excited, just looking at your body."

"Untie me. Let me hold you."

"No. This will be your punishment. Since you wanted someone else, I will take you like a stranger, and just use you for my pleasure."

Jenny groaned again.

"You're so wet! You like to be tied, don't you?"

The sound of a slap and Jenny's yelp startled Mary.

"Don't you!"

"Yes. I like it. I like to feel powerless to you. I like it when you control me, dominate me. I love to be taken by you."

Simultaneously, Jenny and Bruce moaned.

Mary envisioned Bruce's cock disappearing between Jennifer's legs. The quick clicks from the camera reminded her of what was really happening in the other room. The bedsprings began to complain in rhythmic squeaks. Soon, she heard the sound of flesh slapping together in time with the bed. No one spoke. An erotic pressure grew between Mary's legs. She was sweating and straining to hear. She pictured Daniel watching it all through the camera viewfinder, his cock straining against his pants.

Jenny began to chant. "Oh god, oh god..."

Daniel said, "Bruce, pinch her nipple. Good... excellent."

Mary recognized Jenny's successive screams as those of orgasmic release. In reaction, her nipples strained to push through the thick costume.

"Uh, uh, uh," and then Bruce moaned, long and low.

The bedroom became silent for long seconds.

Then the springs squeaked, as Bruce got off. "Thank you wife. That was very satisfying."

Mary heard the rustle of clothes, as Bruce continued, "I will reward you by making your fantasy come true. I'm going to bring in your old governess to rub ointment on your sore backside."

Jenny shouted, "No! Please don't shame me in front of her!"

"But, Jenny, don't you wish to feel the hands of another woman on your bare flesh? Hmm? I'm just giving you what you want. You satisfied me, and now I'll satisfy you. I can't bring in the governor's wife. But, I can bring in Silvia. She loves you. Besides, she needs a roof over her head. She wouldn't dare say anything and risk eviction."

Mary jumped when Bruce stuck his head through the door, and said, "We're ready."

She kept her eyes downcast, as she entered the room. The camera clicked and lights flashed.

Bruce, still bare-chested, handed her an open jar of ointment, and said, "Miss Sylvia, Jennifer has been punished for her sinful behavior. Please apply salve on her welts."

Several seconds past, while Mary stared at the jar in her hand. Finally she looked at the woman on the bed. Jennifer was lying flat on her stomach, the nightgown up around her shoulders. Her crimson buttocks glowed bright against the white sheets.

Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Mary dipped her fingers into the jar and reached out to apply it. She warned, "This may sting," and then gently smeared it over the red skin.

Jenny moaned.

The angry flesh felt hot under Mary's fingertips. "Does it hurt?"

"No it feels wonderful. Soothing and cool." Jenny raised her bottom by pulling her knees underneath.

Mary continued to apply the ointment and Daniel continued to move around for different picture angles. Jenny's inner thighs were shiny from sex and he seemed intent on getting shots of Mary's fingers close to Jennifer's cleft.

Lathering up both hands, Mary decided to give them their money's worth. She knelt behind Jennifer and massaged both cheeks, working them apart and then back together, exposing her sodden lips.

Jenny moaned into the sheet, "Oh, that feels good, Miss Silvia. Thank you so much."

Click, click, click. "You're doing great, Mary. That's very erotic."

When semen began to drip from Jenny, Mary stopped and got off the bed.

Bruce looked into his wife's face and asked. "Are you going to be good now?"

She grinned wickedly, and said, "Probably not."

"Miss Silvia, untie her ankles, and then you may go."

As she did, Bruce kissed his wife and untied her wrists.

Mary had enough pretending and went directly to the dressing room. The beet red face she saw in the mirror belonged to someone else, not her.

"I did it for the money," she said to the condemning reflection. Quickly she changed her clothes, ready to collect her $200 and pass go.

When she reentered the bedroom set, Bruce was the only one in sight, and still wearing the ruffled shirt, unbuttoned.

He saw her confusion, and said, "They'll be right back. Daniel had something for Jenny to take care of." He smiled as if it were a joke. "More wine, Mary?"

"No thank you. I'd like to look over my pictures, collect my money, and leave."

"We appreciate your willingness to play along today. It was an... exciting addition. Actually, when we arrived, Jennifer and I were hoping you were the person willing to play the role of Clotho in another scenario Daniel has dreamed up. He has quite an imagination." Bruce sipped some wine. "You'd be perfect for the part."

"I'm not interested. Today was a fling, a walk on the wild side." Mary sat down in a chair beside the bed. "What are Daniel and Jennifer doing, exactly?"

He looked off into space, thinking for a second. "I'm not going to lie to you. She's probably giving him a BJ. Taking pictures of people having sex creates a certain... pressure that needs to be relieved. Jennifer is helping him out. They have a history together. In fact, he introduced us."

Shocked, she asked, "Aren't you jealous?"

He sipped and smiled. "No, I'm not. We have an open relationship. We belong to a very select group of friends that we... how should I say... mingle with? Daniel is the ringleader. He's very adept at finding new and intriguing members."

Taken aback by this disclosure, Mary didn't know what to say. The room fell silent. She felt uncomfortable left alone with a swinger.

"I think I'll have that wine after all."

Bruce poured and handed her the glass.

"Thanks." After a few sips, she asked, "Did you think I was a new member of this group?"

"Yes, I did, until we talked to Daniel. If you're interested, I'll ask him about it."

"Oh no! Don't do that. I just didn't want any misunderstandings."

Bruce walked over to the wardrobe and began to undress. "Don't worry. 'No means no', with us. If it's not consensual, it's not happening."

Mary caught a glimpse of his bare ass again and turned away. "Good to know you swingers have some principles."

"Hey, just because we think sex is fun and shouldn't be limited to monogamy, doesn't make us barbarians. Also, in case you were wondering, Jenny likes to be tied up and spanked once in a while. It turns her on. I think she finds it a release from life's responsibilities and pressures. But I'd never hit her in anger. I want you to understand that."

"Okay, okay! I didn't mean to insult you." She thought a second, and said, "Well, maybe I did. But, I'll get off my high horse now. I'm sorry."

Bruce stepped into view, wearing his street clothes. He smiled, and said, "Apology accepted."

He is quite nice, thought Mary. If I were younger, I wouldn't mind some of that. "So, hypothetically, if you and I had sex right now, Jennifer wouldn't care?"

Placing his hand up in a defensive posture, Bruce shook his head. "Yes, she'd care. She'd probably beat the crap out of me. We have strict rules that must be followed, in order to keep trust in our primary relationships. The biggest rule is: no sex without your partner's or spouse's consent."

"Does Daniel have a wife?"

"He did. She died, years ago."

Silence followed.

Bruce sat heavily on the bed. He didn't look very happy at the moment.

"Do you have anyone special in your life, Mary?"

The wine loosened Mary's cautious personality. "Not right now. My life has been all about my son, William. He's away -- a freshman in college. So, I'm kind of in between chapters of my life."

"Do you have any regrets?"

Before Mary could formulate an answer, Daniel strode into the room. Picking up the camera, he said, "All right. Lets get these pictures on the screen where Mary can see them." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. "Oh, before I forget, here's your money. No strings attached."

Mary reached for it and suddenly felt dizzy. "Thank you."

"Thank you. You were a good sport about it."

"Well, you guys were good sports for letting me participate." The wine was talking now. Mary blushed at the suggestion she enjoyed any of it.

Quietly, Jennifer entered the room, walked to the wardrobe, and pulled off the nightgown. Shameless in her nudity, she smiled and winked at Bruce.

Mary thought she saw relief in Bruce's smile and return wink. Maybe he didn't feel so secure with this arrangement, after all.

Daniel rolled a large LCD screen to the foot of the bed and connected his camera. "Now we can all see the results." Sitting on the bed next to Mary's chair, he leaned back against the headboard and pushed buttons on a wireless keyboard. The screen came alive with the first picture of Jennifer on the bed.

"Honey, you are so sexy."

Mary's chair was lower than the mattress, but she caught a glimpse of Jennifer, still nude, climb up onto the bed and situate herself on her stomach, facing the screen, between her husband and Daniel.

"Thanks, Sweetie. You're pretty sexy yourself."

Mary's senses were on fire. Her skin tingled with anticipation. For no special reason, she asked, "How's your bottom feel?"

In a disappointed tone, Jennifer said, "Did you forget already?" and laughed. "You can feel it again if you want."

A littler disconcerted, Mary said, "That's not what I meant."

"I know. I'm just teasing." A few seconds later, Jennifer moaned, and said, "Right now, it feels very special."

Sitting up straight to look over Daniel's legs, Mary saw both men messaging her bottom, each with their own cheek to sooth. A spike of jealousy disgusted her. She sat back down and stared at the screen. "Can we just jump to my pictures, so I can get out of here?"

"Certainly, Mary." Daniel opened the file folder on the memory card and chose the last picture. It showed Jennifer and Bruce on the bed kissing, after she'd been untied. "Let me back up." Several more cuddling shots flashed by. "I took a lot of pictures."

Suddenly, a picture of Mary's hands on Jennifer's bottom appeared.

"Here we go."

Mary felt her color rise, as he clicked through about 20 photographs. None of them revealed anything about her identity. But seeing them on the screen was like an out-of-body experience. She relived the moments in slow motion.

"Very nice," said Daniel.

Bruce said, "Yes Mary. You and Jenny look great together."

"Felt good together, too," whispered Jennifer.

Mary wasn't sure if she was meant to hear that or not.

"Okay, I'm satisfied. No one will recognize me." She stood up to leave, and suddenly felt dizzy.

Jennifer said, "I think you're wrong, Mary. You're the only one here who hasn't been satisfied."

Mary had to grab the bedpost for balance.

"Maybe you should lie down for a minute." Daniel got up and steadied her.

"I should've eaten something. I drank the wine on an empty stomach, and it's gone to my head." Mary leaned against Daniel, his touch electric on her skin.

"Just relax. Let me get you some of that Danish and a glass of water."

The room spun and went dark.

Someone in a dream was tugging on her dress. Mary's eyes fluttered open to see a bare breast jiggling above her.

Jennifer sat back and smiled. "You fainted, Honey. I'm loosening your clothes to help you breath."

"Thank... you..."

Mary's nipples tickled, and then the tingle began to slide lower...


Mary floated inside a warm fog, neither conscious nor unconscious. It felt safe, like a good hiding place from a thunderstorm. She was waiting with dreamy anticipation. She yearned for the thrill of being found.

From outside, a serious voice whispered, "Why did you take her dress off?"

The voice belonged to that handsome man, Daniel. A ray of concern filtered through Mary's cerebral mist. But, if someone was going to find her without clothes, she wanted it to be him. Mary drifted toward the light, happy to be seen.

She felt a refreshing dampness lave her forehead and cheeks.

A woman said, "Well, I had to do something. I couldn't tell if she was breathing... and she looked hot. What's the big deal? She still has underwear on. No different than a bikini."

Another male voice, said, "I think she looks hotter now."

They laughed.

Mary remembered them, Jennifer and Bruce, the wild couple.

The conversation brought Mary closer to solidity. She didn't want to come out of the fog just yet. This sensation of helpless exhibitionism was furtively exciting. She wondered if this was how Jennifer felt tied up.

"When she wakes up she'll be scared. We'd better cover her, or we'll never see her again." The cool cloth soothed the top of Mary's chest. "I like her."

He wants to see me again! He wants to be with me!

"Daniel, you like everyone."

Perverts. They're perverts, Mary. Wake up! Get out!

Fabric tickled. Once again, she felt safely hidden from view.

"Maybe we should call an ambulance."

The fog began to evaporate. Reality pierced the blurry shroud in Mary's head. The bed became a firm object. Light burned like the sun through her eyelids. She squinted. Groggy, she whispered, "What happened?"

"It's okay, Mary." Daniel's reassuring hand rested on her arm, keeping her from sitting up. "You fainted. Lay still for a little while."

"I fainted?"

Jennifer came into view, still nude. "Yes, you did, right into Daniels arms. Charming."

In a harsh tone, Bruce said, "Jenny, put some clothes on."

"Oh, all right."

Concern on his face, Daniel dabbed Mary's forehead with the damp cloth. "Do you have a medical condition we should be concerned about?"

"No." Mary closed her eyes. It felt wonderful to be fussed over. No one had worried about her in years, but then again, she never let anyone get close enough to care.

"Then I guess we just overloaded your circuits today. All the lights, heat, wine and... eroticism were too much."

"Where's my dress?" Her shock was edged with déjà vu.

"I took it off -- to cool you down and help you breath. You were sweating." The bed sagged as Jennifer climbed on, just wearing panties. She smiled down at Mary. "Personally, I just think you need a good orgasm. That would relieve a lot of pressure. Works for me. It sure beats passing out."

The way she stared, Mary was sure that Jennifer wanted to help her with that pressure release. What surprised Mary most were her mixed feelings about the possibility.

Daniel frowned. "Jenny, sometimes you're too direct."

Mary closed her eyes to temptation. "Thanks for the advice. But I think I'll just go home and take a nap."

Bruce grabbed his wife around the waist and pulled her, giggling and squirming, off the bed, saying, "We need to get going, too. Our cupboard is bare and our laundry hamper is full. Get dressed, Baby."

"Reality sucks."

Bruce leaned against the post at the end of the bed, watching his wife dress. "Daniel, when do you think you'll send us those pictures? I'd like to write the storyline and post them on Monday."

Daniel continued to swab Mary's face. "I'll email them tonight."

"Sounds good."

Jennifer finished buttoning her blouse.

Bruce waved. "Bye. Nice meeting you, Mary. Thanks for an exciting afternoon."

Mary laughed. "Maybe a little too much drama."

Jenny slipped on her shoes and followed Bruce toward the door. "Bye, Mary. I promise, next time will be better." She ran over and kissed Daniel on the cheek. "Bye, Danny boy. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

He laughed and stroked her hair. "I don't think that would be possible."

Strangely ambivalent, Mary said, "Bye, Jenny. It was quite an experience. But, there will be no 'next time'."

Jenny bent down, and whispered in Mary's ear, "Too bad. You are so doable," then kissed the ear and sucked the lobe, sending sparks through Mary's body. "Ciao."

Outwardly, Mary didn't react.

The couple waved once from the door and disappeared.

Alone with Daniel, Mary couldn't relax. This was so improper. "Where's my dress?"

"It's hanging up in the wardrobe." Daniel stood. "You rest as long as you like. I'm going to edit the photos on the computer out front."

A sense of relief washed over her. "Thank you." For a pornographer, he seemed like a gentleman at heart.

She watched him collect his camera and leave, and then closed her eyes. 'What have I done?'

She thought about the days events, and decided, 'I've become a porn actress.'

Her leg touched something on the sheet. "Eww, the wet spot."

Mary rolled off the mattress and held onto the bedpost until she was sure the room wouldn't spin. Once steady on her feet, she walked to the wardrobe. The inside of the doors were mirrored and she paused to study her reflection. She looked good for 36. Turning side to side she smiled, today had been fun, really. The kind of attention that she'd rejected all these years felt exquisitely flattering today. Now that her son was away at college and she was home alone, it was time to have fun. Gratification postponement was officially over, her life no longer on hold.

Reaching for her dress, Mary noticed a box sitting on the bottom shelf beneath the clothes. Curious, she opened it, expecting to find shoes. Instead, it was a box of toys -- adult toys.


She stared for a while, and then tiptoed to the door, looked, and listened. Daniel was nowhere to be seen or heard.

Quickly, she returned to the box and pulled out a dildo -- a truly substantial, realistic specimen.

"Wow! Hi, Danny boy." Suddenly, she felt hot and horny again. The day's excitement had left its mark, a wet spot on her brain.

Throwing her dress over her shoulder, Mary ran toward the backstage dressing room with the toy in hand. Worried that 'Danny boy' wasn't clean, she hunted around for a sink to wash him in. Mary felt outrageously wicked, holding a fake cock, while opening doors wearing just a bra and panties, but she was determined to try something new and carnal.

"Finally." Mary found a bathroom and quickly scrubbed the phallus. "Mmm, Danny boy you are going to be so good to me."

A voice said, "What a lucky toy."

Mary screamed in surprise.

Daniel stood grinning in the open door with his arms across his chest. "I guess I don't have to worry about you anymore. Looks like you've recovered..." His eyes wandered over her, "beautifully."

She stared at his lips, unable to formulate a reasonable thought. A dripping dildo named Danny boy was hard to explain logically.

"I guess you've decide to take Jenny's advice, and relieve some of the pressure."


"Shh, I understand." Daniel reached in and took Mary's dress off her shoulder and laid it over his arm. "Come with me," he said, holding out his hand.

Mary looked at it. His fingers were long and thick, the palm invited contact. Slowly, she placed her hand over his, covering only half. She watched his fingers fold around and squeeze warmly. His hand forced her to follow. She didn't refuse. A heady silence enveloped them, as they wandered down another hallway.

They entered a large apartment. The bare brick and high ceilings suggested an old a warehouse.

Daniel continued on without a word, until he opened a bedroom door. "You can use my guest room. Make as much noise as you want. No one will hear or disturb you." His hand drew her in and then snaked around her back. "If that's what you want."