Mable's Breasts Pt. 08

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Date night with Mable & Leslie.
9k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/13/2019
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John had been buoyantly cheerful as we walked to my house, and I sincerely hoped he would remain so once our subterfuge was finally revealed. I unlocked the front door and stepped inside, surprised to see Mom smiling expectantly just inside. "Hey, Mom," I greeted with a smile as she stepped up to embrace me.

"Hi, Mrs. Kirk," smiled John as he entered, and Mom smiled and embraced him as well.

"I hope you're both hungry," smiled Mom as she closed the front door. "Because we sure are."

It was at that moment that John noticed Mable who was seated casually on the sofa with her legs crossed. "Oh," he said, his eyes wide as he looked between me and Mable. "Hi," he said, acknowledging her with a look of surprise and confusion on his face.

"John," smiled Mom, taking his arm and leading him toward the sofa. "Have you met Mable?"

As John gaped wordlessly, Mable smiled and stood, holding her hand out to him. "I think I may have seen you before, but I don't think we've ever been formally introduced," she said smiling at John with a knowing wink, "Hi, I'm Mable."

John smiled tentatively and shook her hand, "Nice to meet you, Mable," he said.

"Why don't we all sit down and relax for a few minutes," said Mom as she sat down and pulled John down on the end of the sofa beside her.

I smiled at Mable as I approached, and she bit her lip with a suppressed smile as well. God, she looked good. I loved seeing her in short skirts and dresses with heels. She was the living personification of sexy.

Mable held her arms out to me and we embraced warmly. I breathed in deeply, thrilling to her intoxicating scent. "I love you," I whispered softly, my lips close to her ear. I raised my head I kissed her lips briefly and then turned to smile over at Mom and John as we sat down on the sofa.

John looked at Mable and me with a look of complete astonishment on his face.

Mom smiled, looking pointedly at me and then back at John with a raised eyebrow. "Mable and I have spent a very pleasant afternoon together, John. And she has opened up to me truthfully about their relationship." Mom smiled at me and winked, "I see that poor John here seems to be the only one that is not in the know about you two. Would you care to enlighten him?"

"Yeah, James," said John, leaning forward and looking at me with his brows raised and a sarcastic look on his face. "Please do."

I shrugged and smiled at him, "I' love with Mable," I said.

"And, I'm in love with him," chimed in Mable with a broad smile as she embraced me once more.

John laughed and shook his head, "I knew it...I knew it...I fucking KNEW it." His eyes widened and he looked at Mom, "Oh...I'm sorry, Mrs. Kirk. I didn't mean to say it like that...pardon my French.

Mom laughed, "Not to worry," she said, "I believe we all speak fluent French here. Right?"

"Fuck yes," laughed Mable.

"Fuckin' A, Bubba," I said with a broad smile at John.

John laughed and nodded, turning his attention to me. " freaking lied to me when I asked you about her, and I can't believe I actually let you suck me in the way you did. I should have held you up by your ankles and shaken the truth out of you."

"Don't be too hard on him, John," smiled Mable, leaning forward and giving him a kindly smile. "If he lied to you about us, it was my fault entirely because I asked him to do it. I didn't want our relationship to become common knowledge, so I asked him to keep it a secret. Well...until this afternoon when Leslie held me up by my ankles and shook the truth out of me."

We all laughed, and the mood was calmed when it appeared John had been somewhat mollified. "Now..." said Mom as she turned to John once more and looked him in the eye. She took his hands in hers, "Did you hear her say the name of the person who shook the truth out of her?"

John looked stricken, clearly at a loss as to her meaning.

Mom turned toward Mable and me, "This guy's pretty good at being secretive too," she said with a teasing smile. "From the way he keeps politely referring to me as Mrs. Kirk, no-one would ever suspect that last night I had my tongue halfway down his throat right here on this very sofa."

John smiled sheepishly as understanding dawned on him, "Sorry...Leslie," he said, smiling at her as his cheeks reddened.

Mom returned his smile and leaned in to kiss him lightly on his lips and they smiled at one another meaningfully.

"All right, then," continued Mom. "Now that we have all of the preliminaries out of the way, what do you say we get some dinner? Mable and I are starving."

"I'm in," I smiled. "Where are you taking us?"

"I'm thinking the Outback Steak House. How's that sound?"

We all made noises of general agreement and stood up as the women took up their purses. "Let's take my car," said Mom as she fished her car keys out of her purse.

"Want me to drive, Mom?" I said, knowing she and Mable had been drinking most of the afternoon.

She frowned at me momentarily but smiled, "Nope, I'm good," she replied.

I nodded doubtfully but let her have her way as she led John by the arm toward the garage. As John rushed to open the driver's door for Mom, I opened the back door for Mable. She smiled and kissed me as she stepped into the car, pointedly allowing her dress to ride up very high on her legs as she settled inside.

Once we were out of the garage and on our way, we all chatted amiably about restaurants in general and which ones we favored. I recalled hearing about a new restaurant opening soon out in Henderson. A new barbeque place that had been given a glowing review in the newspaper. I mentioned it to everyone and said, "The place is brand new, we should all go once it's open and before the crowds discover it."

"I suppose that's just like him to want to do that though. Isn't it, Leslie?" said Mable with a playful smile on her face.

"How do you mean?" Returned Mom with an inquisitive look from the rearview mirror.

"You know..." Said Mable as her smile broadened into a wide grin. "How he's always wanting to boldly go where no-one has gone before."

Mom and Mable both laughed aloud. "Mom!" I groaned. "You ratted me out."

"Who, me?" She protested lamely, unable to hide her smile.

I leaned forward and placed my hand or her shoulder, looking into her eyes in the rearview mirror, "I know it was you, Fredo, and you broke my heart," I said quoting Michael Corleone but doing it with my best Marlon Brando imitation as the women giggled like schoolgirls.

John merely gaped at us all with a confused look, "What am I missing?" He asked.

"It's all about Jimmy's middle name," said Mable, seemingly unable to wipe the pleased smile from her face.

"His middle name is Thomas," said Mom. "Although most of the humorous aspect of it is lost by us calling him Jimmy instead of James."

"I still don't get it," said John with a shake of his head. "What's so funny about Thomas being his middle name?"

"My full name is James Thomas Kirk," I answered with a roll of my eyes. "Think about it for a second and do the math, John."

Suddenly John's eyes widened, and he laughed aloud. "Holy shit! James T. Kirk," he exclaimed excitedly. "That's so cool. How come you never told me? You've been holding out on me again, bro."

"Yeah, well...I did it to save myself from all of the snickering I'd get at school once you blabbed the truth to the entire student body." I said, leaning forward to punch his arm playfully.

"Yeah, true that," he admitted with a pleased nod. "But, look at the bright side, there's still plenty of time left in the school year."

I groaned and rolled my eyes, knowing full well he would, indeed, make my middle name known far and wide. At least it wasn't Tiberius.

Traffic was pretty heavy...rush hour in Las Vegas, who'd have thought? Consequently, it took us much longer to get to the steak house than it normally would. Mable and I held each other close as Mom and John carried on a lively conversation about the music on the radio. As they talked, John turned in his seat to face her, occasionally glancing back at us in the backseat. I couldn't help but notice how, every time John looked back, his eyes would drop to glance down at Mable's legs.

"Have you noticed how John keeps looking back here at your legs?" I murmured very softly into Mable's ear.

Mable laughed softly and turned her lips to my ear. "Of course, I've noticed," she whispered, moving her lips very close to my ear. "He's pretty obvious about it even though he's trying not to be."

I raised my hand, lifting her chin to look into her eyes and smiled. "You're enjoying his attention, aren't you?"

Mable smiled, "Maybe," she answered coyly, moving her lips close to my ear again. "And maybe It's even turning me on a little too."

"God, I love that about you," I murmured, kissing her ear as I spoke. "I love the way you excite yourself by teasing with your body."

Mable laughed again, "Tonight though it's even a little more exciting than it would normally be...because I'm not wearing any panties."

I raised my head, my eyes wide in surprise. I smiled at the teasing look on her face and kissed her lips. Looking down at how high the hem of her dress was on her thighs, I smiled. No wonder John kept glancing back at her.

I bent my lips to her ear once more. "Can he see?"

"I don't think so," she whispered into my ear. "It's probably a little too dark...and so far, I've been a good girl and kept my knees together."

As she spoke, I sensed her breathing becoming accelerated, her breath hot against my ear as she bit my ear lobe sensually.

I reached up to cup her breast gently, wondering if Mom could see in the rearview mirror. "Ohhh," she breathed softly as I squeezed her nipple. "You want him to see, don't you?" I whispered.

Mable caught her breath, raising her head look directly into my eyes, her lips parted. She said nothing, only nodded before kissing me passionately. As we kissed, I sensed her moving and knew she had parted her legs. Her kiss suddenly became even more passionate and I felt her body begin to tremble in my arms.

"Hey, you two," chided Mom from the front of the car. "Break it up back there, we're almost at the restaurant."

Mable and I both jolted apart as she spoke. I looked up to see Mom's eyes in the rearview mirror as she smiled back at us. Mable and I sat up a little straighter and she tugged the hem of her dress down slightly. Mable's eyes were wide, her face highly flushed with arousal and her chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"Are you okay?" I murmured softly as Mom and John began to converse again in the front.

Mable looked at me, taking a deep breath, and smiled. She waited a moment before responding until her breathing had returned to normal, then bent her lips to my ear. "God, baby...I don't know if he looked, or even if he noticed. But just the thought of it happening...I could almost FEEL his eyes under my dress. And I...almost came a few seconds ago."

My eyes widened and I kissed her again. As Mom pulled into the Outback parking lot, Mable and I grinned at one another with our shared secret.

Dinner was a resounding success, the four of us laughing and joking with nary an awkward silence between us. We all ordered steaks and Mom, of course, ordered a bottle of Cabernet. When the waiter brought the wine, he also brought only two glasses. As he set them down on the table, Mom placed her hand on his arm. "We'd like four glasses too, please," she said, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously at the waiter as he bent to hear her. He raised his brows, looking from John to me, and shrugged, returning a moment later with two more glasses.

Throughout the evening, I managed to surreptitiously caress Mable's legs beneath the table as she took several opportunities to reach over to press her hand over the bulge in the front of my pants. Across the table, Mom and John held hands and smiled meaningfully at one another. She seemed to really be enjoying herself and it was so nice to see such a look of pleased contentment on her face.

Mom paid the check with a credit card and Mable left two twenty-dollar bills on the table as a tip. "A little generous," observed Mom with a raised eyebrow.

"He was nice enough not to make a fuss about the wine glasses," returned Mable with a shrug.

"True," said Mom, tossing another twenty onto the table with a smile.

As we left the building, both couples hand in hand, Mom called to me. "Hey,"

I turned my head and she tossed me the car keys. "I think now it's our turn to sit in the back and cuddle," she said with a smile.

I nodded and smiled, opening the front passenger door for Mable as Mom and John slid into the back seat. I started the car and, looking into the rearview mirror, was surprised by how much of them I could see in the reflection.

I backed out of the parking slot and before I had even left the parking lot, I could see Mom and John kissing passionately in the back seat. I glanced at Mable and she smiled, giving me a thumbs up after glancing back at the kissing couple.

They continued to kiss as I made our way home, soft moans and sighs emanating from the back seat. A glance into the mirror revealed John had his hand beneath Mom's dress, while her hand was moving over the crotch of his pants.

I looked at Mable and she smiled and raised her eyebrows, silently mouthing the word "Wow." She angled her body toward me and, while Mom and John were totally focused on one another, Mable parted her legs teasingly for me, reaching between her legs to stroke herself as she smiled at me.

Seeing the look of lust on Mable's face, I was almost instantly hard. Mable smiled knowingly as I was forced to shift my pants to accommodate my erection.

As I turned onto our street, less than a block away from the house, I heard a lot of rustling from the back and glanced up into the mirror to see that Mom had moved on top of John facing him, straddling his legs as their bodies moved together rhythmically.

I couldn't tear my eyes from them, watching enthralled as John raised the hem of Mom's dress and, with a sudden illumination from a streetlight we were passing at that moment, it was revealed that Mom's thong panties had been pulled aside and that John's pants were open and unzipped. Mom cried out softly, a deep throaty sound that gave evidence to the fact that John's erection had just penetrated her vagina. She continued to cry out softly as their bodies moved together, her hips grinding against him. The interior of the vehicle was suddenly filled with the unmistakable wet sound of sex as John's cock moved in and out of her vagina.

Mable looked at me in wide-eyed astonishment, her mouth forming an "O" as the tempo of Mom's hips increased rapidly and John gasped, gripping the soft flesh of her buttocks tightly in his hands.

I opened the garage door with the remote clipped to the sun visor and pulled the car inside, closing the door behind us and switching off the engine. Mable and I looked at one another and smiled as Mom and John made no attempt to stop what they were doing. Mable and I exited the vehicle, closing the doors quietly out of respect for their intimacy and quickly made our way into the house.

The instant we were alone in the kitchen, we burst out laughing. "Oh, my God," said Mable. "That's absolutely the last thing I ever expected to happen."

"I KNOW," I said in astonishment, reaching out to take her into my arms.

Mable crushed me to her in a tight embrace, moving her hips against me provocatively.

"God, baby...Now it's our turn. I want you SO badly right now," she said, her voice low and husky with desire. "Right here, right now." She backed until her buttocks came into contact with the kitchen counter and then reached down and grasped her dress on each side of her hips to pull it up, baring her body to her waist.

"Are you sure?" I asked, looking over my shoulder as I began to undo the front of my pants. "They could walk in at any minute."

"Then you better hurry, baby, because I don't care," she said, shaking her head as she reached between us to help me with my pants.

We kissed passionately and as I felt her pushing my pants and my briefs down just far enough to release my erection, and when I suddenly felt the sensual warmth of her smooth bare skin against mine, every thought or care I might have had about being discovered was completely replaced with an overwhelming desire to be inside her. I wanted her more at that moment than I have ever wanted her and began to grind my erection against her pubic mound.

She leaned back onto the counter, lifting her feet from the floor, her legs splayed wide open as I bent the tip of my cock to the entrance of her vagina and slid the entire length of my erection into her.

Her arms surrounded my neck and she pulled me to her, kissing me passionately as I thrust into her again and again. She gasped and cried out with each thrust of my hips.

I was vaguely aware of sounds in the room behind me but didn't care, my mind was so completely consumed with lust for Mable's voluptuous body that my entire attention was focused on her. I thrust into her rapidly, sensing nothing beyond the exquisite sensation of her vagina as my hips strove lustfully toward orgasm.

Mable cried out, "You're going to...make me...cum!" She gasped aloud, her hips vibrating against me as my first ejaculation erupted into her.

"Oh, Mable...," I gasped, "Oh, Mable!"


Leslie watched, completely transfixed, as her son thrust his hips rapidly into Mable, their bodies slapping together loudly in the soundless kitchen. In that moment, her heart ached with love for Jimmy and Mable. She and John stood completely motionless just inside the kitchen door as Jimmy cried out her name in the throes of orgasm. Coming to her senses, and not wishing to intrude on their lovemaking, she grasped John's arm and took a step back toward the entrance to the garage to give them privacy. But just as she began to move, Mable cried aloud as she too reached orgasm and her eyes opened wide and looked directly into hers. Leslie froze, her eyes locked on Mable's as her entire body shuddered convulsively in orgasm and her soft guttural moans of pleasure echoed in the confines of the kitchen.

As the couple's movements began to slow and their mutual pleasures began to ebb, Leslie indicated to John the doorway outside to the patio and, with a gentle pressure on his shoulder, pushed him toward the door.

As John left the kitchen and Mable lowered her legs, Leslie stepped up to the loving couple and kissed each one on the cheek. "You are so beautiful together," she said, her voice breaking with emotion. With that, she turned and left the kitchen to join John on the patio.


"Holy shit," I said, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that my Mom had just seen us fucking our brains out. "How long were they watching us?"

Mable's lips curled into a hint of a smile, "Long enough," she said. "They came in just as we were...losing control. I couldn't stop, baby. I didn't want to stop"

"God, Mable...I kind of felt we weren't alone, but I didn't care."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kisses me warmly. "You have no idea how much I love you for saying that. I don't know how to say this, but I felt something special with them watching."

I smiled and kissed her lips. "It's part of that whole thing you have about teasing, isn't it? Like showing your boobs, or flashing John in the car?"

Mable laughed and her cheeks flushed, "You're getting to know me pretty well, aren't you?"

"And, the more I know you...the more I love you." I smiled.

As I pulled up my briefs and my pants, Mable craned her neck to look out the window onto the patio. "I wonder if this is when Leslie wants us to make our exit?" She said, furrowing her brow.