Madeline's Further Adventures


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The action was a mess. Everyone was quickly reaching their climax, including Madeline when over a loudspeaker Fred's voice came booming through, "Rouge wave from the bow incoming. Hold tight." None of them, tangled as they were, had anything to hold onto, spread as they were on the long cabin table.

The bow rose up at a significant angle and as a corporate mass they all orgasmed as they simultaneously and unceremoniously slid off the end of the table, disengaged, landed with a solid thump on the cabin floor and broke apart.

Madeline, having been protected by the other bodies around her, was fine. She was the first to say, "Everyone OK?" Her genuine concern echoed in her voice. She heard three voices say yes. One added, "One for the books, boys," followed by a raucous laugh. Then she heard a groan. She rolled on her side to look at Will. "Just winded, that's all. Some fucked up fuck."

Madeline rolled onto her back again, only to feel a very hard pinch on her nipple and a scrabbling sensation on her stomach. The lobsters had temporarily escaped from their plastic containers and had joined the pile of bodies on the floor. Another first Madeline thought, being felt up by a lobster.

She also reflected that the cock in her mouth was lucky not to be salami lunch for her. They all gained their feet, and started to clean up, being sure to capture the lobsters first. What a tale these crustaceans could tell as they sat on somebody's table? What tales she could tell.

The boat set course for St. Ives. Madeline wiped herself off with cold water and dressed. She smiled to herself and fished on the way home. In sight of the harbour she caught a large bass.

She dropped the bass into the kitchen at the hotel for her supper. A shower and a quiet afternoon snooze settled Madeline. She thought about home and was about to call her husband when she realized she had not put her story together if he asked questions.

Madeline was awoken at six thirty by aggressive banging on the door. Her first reaction was fire. She grabbed her dressing gown and purse. Madeline saw Willy through the peep- hole in the door. When she opened it she was confronted with a wild man. His eyes were red and hair dishevelled.

"What's up?"

"I had a call from Tim. Bill's plane is missing. The two-seat plane taking him from the gold mine to the airport is missing. It may be nothing or it could be serious."

"Has this happened before?"

"No. Never."

"When will we hear more?"

"No idea. Can I take you up to London so I can be at the office with Tim?"

"Of course. Give me time to get dressed and pack. I'll be as quick as possible." Madeline closed the door. She jumped in the shower and washed herself quickly. She threw her clothes in the trunk. She reckoned she could always get them ironed later. They were on the road in less than an half an hour. Willy had bought some sandwiches from a vending machine for their breakfast. "I've arranged a room at the Savoy again."

Willy drove fast, almost recklessly, and in total silence the whole way. He deposited her as fast as he could at the curb in front of the main door of the hotel. "I'll call you as soon as I know something. Keep your phone charged and with you." Then he was gone.

Willy appeared at her hotel room door at seven that evening. If anything he looked even untidier and tears flowed from his eyes. Madeline did not need to hear the words. "Bill, William Quinn, died in a plane crash at two days ago in South Africa."

The formality of the Willy's pronouncement and the message it conveyed immediately hit Madeline like a sledge hammer. Her knees buckled. Willy caught her and carried to the bed. He lay her down gently.

For a moment Madeline did not know where she was when she came back to consciousness. All came into focus when she looked across and saw Willy on the sofa with his head in his hands a he lent forward with his elbows resting on his knees. He was sobbing.

"Come over and lie on the bed with me." She patted the bed next to her. Willy moved over to the bed like he was on auto. Madeline stroked his brow. "Tell me how you met Bill?"

It all poured out. Willy needed to unburden himself and rambled on about his life. Son of Italian immigrants to Glasgow, his father had been in a prisoner of war camp in Scotland. Coming from Sicily, he was once a minor Mafia soldier. His dad brought his mum over from Italy. Mum made gelato. His dad fixed up a truck and sold the ice cream from it. They made a good living.

Willy did quite well at school but then fell in with a bad crowd. They stole from local stores. He was caught. He was given probation but now had a record. His dad loved motor racing and through his dad's contacts Willy started an apprenticeship as an auto mechanic and went auto-racing when he was just seventeen.

His larcenous friends started to rob banks, and were never caught. They recruited Willy as their get-away driver. He was too fat to run, anyway, as a result of his mother's cooking. The gang was finally caught and Willy was given ten years. The others got twenty. He was out in five.

He slimmed down in prison and worked out. He was naturally strong. He lost fifty pounds. He learnt to fight dirty. When he came out he lived at home, but was now able to say no to second and third helpings of food. His mother got cancer. He and the visiting day nurse hooked up. His mother died and his father dropped down dead of a massive heart attack just seven days later. His older brother took over the business and expanded it, but wanted no part of Willy, and kicked him out of the family home.

He couldn't get a job with his record. The nurse became pregnant and he married her, but there was no way he was going to sponge on her income.

Bill somehow heard about him and gave him a job. He also encouraged him to take night classes for his auto-mechanic's certificate. Bill treated Willy like a son. He had gone straight ever since.

Madeline now understood his grief. She reflected how nice it would be to have an equally inspiring narrative in her friendship with Bill. Her story was all about sex.

"Willy lets get into bed and sleep. I mean sleep." They both stripped down to their underwear and slipped between the sheets. Madeline then remembered, and hopped out of bed to put the Do Not Disturb sign on the door.

Willy fell asleep with his head on Madeline's breast. He muttered mamma, several times. It was uncomfortable for her as his ear rested on the earlier pinched nipple but she endured it without complaint and was soon was asleep.

Madeline woke to the faint sound of the shower. It was just after six. Willy was up, and a few minutes later appeared shaven and fully dressed from the bathroom. "Thank you Missus. You truly are a treasure. I now understand why Bill so wanted to see you. I have a lot to do. I had a call. Bill's body'll be back tomorrow and the funeral is the day after. Hope you stay for that." Although Willy's words were stilted, almost wooden, he looked quite collected and in control of himself.

Madeline was not so settled. After Willy left she phoned down for a room service breakfast. She had to plan how to go arrange to go home in a few days and what story she would offer Alfred.

She phoned the Solicitor who was the executor for her Great Aunt's estate. She asked for Doris' address. They would only give it if she visited their office and sign some paperwork. A privacy issue, apparently. So Madeline took the train to Bournemouth, getting to the solicitor's office shortly before they closed.

She had a hand written letter with her she had prepared for Doris to thank her for the ring and then took the bold step to ask Doris to be, for all intents and purposes, her dead aunt. She also acquired Doris' full name -- something she had forgotten from the earlier visit to the solicitor. Madeline also arranged for all correspondence to go through the solicitor, including bank statements. She left a large retainer with the solicitor to keep their attention and cooperation. She dropped into the bank to wrap up her arrangements. She returned to London on a late train. A message had been left for her that gave details about the funeral arrangements.

Madeline cried a lot and went through the following two days like a zombie, only pulling herself together as the plane home crossed the coast. She knew how she was going to handle Alfred.

Alfred met her at the terminal. As they kissed Madeline thought she caught a whiff of perfume. She knew a serious conversation between them would soon be necessary. First she had to get through the first few days without Alfred seeing her bruises and hickey. She was confident. The sort of confidence travel and money in her account gave her. Already her thoughts were turning to her next adventure.

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