Maggie May -- MistressLynn


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"Maid, please clean this mess," Gloria yelled out.

"You don't even have one."

"She's out with the butler. I forgot this is their night at Kelly's down on Canning Place. No, I think they work at the pawnshop on Lime Street tonight. Wait, they help the judge—"

"You're making that up," Liza broke in.

"I am not. Her name is Maggie, I mean Mae. Yes that's it, Mae. The butler is Rod. No that's not it. Stewart! It's Stewart. Stewart is the butler and Mae is my maid." Gloria sat up straight and beamed.

Liza cracked up at the silliness. It was just another thing she loved about Gloria. She sensed Liza's moods and always brought her back up with jokes. The two looked at the mess they had made and shrugged their shoulders.

"So it's you and me. Who gets the honor of getting Victor?" Gloria asked.

"Victor? Who's Victor?"

"Victor's my vacuum."

"Your vacuum has a name?" Each word Liza spoke became shriller. "You're crazy."

"Not so loud. Victor is a bit temperamental and if he hears you he might not work."

Gloria walked to the closet and peeked inside the door as she slid it open just a fraction. Liza could hear a few mumbled words but nothing that made sense. Before she could ask, Gloria had the door open and the vacuum out in the room.

"He said you look rather sexy and he'd love your hands on him tonight," Gloria deadpanned. "I think he's just a big sucker."

"My side hurts from laughing so much. Enough jokes for now," Liza gasped.

When the mess was gone, the two again relaxed, each curling up into separate easy chairs. They talked about work, life in general and dream vacations until Liza was almost asleep.

"Come on, honey, let's go to bed. We can talk more tomorrow."

Her hand reached out for Liza's as she stood in front of the chair and waited. Liza accepted the offer without a reply and the two made their way up the steps to their separate doorways.

"Goodnight Gloria. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. I love you."

Liza didn't wait for an answer from her friend as she went into her room and shut the door. The stress of the day caught up to her, and without doing more than undressing, she climbed under the covers and closed her eyes. A few minutes later Liza was asleep.

Gloria took her time as always before she too crawled into her own bed. It was a while longer before she dozed off, with her head replaying images from the time she had spent exploring with her friend on the sofa.

They both slept late the next morning. When Liza finally stirred, she smelled fresh coffee, bacon and toast. She slipped into some casual clothes after a quick shower and headed downstairs. The bright sunlight coming in through the windows matched her mood as she thought of Gloria and the fun from the night before.

"Good morning," Liza sang out.

Liza turned into the kitchen just as Gloria stepped away from the sink. She walked up to her and hugged her close without a thought. Gloria rested her hands on the curve of Liza's ass and held her. She heard the quickening of Liza's breath only seconds before she felt her tongue and lips on her neck. With a soft whimper, Gloria arched her back and tipped her head to give Liza easier access.

"Oh yes, right there," Gloria hissed. "That's my girl."

The words seemed to be a signal for Liza. Her hands slid under the loose top that barely covered Gloria's breasts. She skimmed the soft skin with her thumbs while her mouth continued along Gloria's neck. Liza shifted just enough to suck on the warm soft flesh of her friends lips. The sweet taste drove her crazy.
Gloria snaked her tongue into Liza's mouth while her hands roamed.

"I slept so good last night," Liza said as she backed away. "And my dreams were extremely hot."

"Still missing Erik?"

Gloria dropped the bread into the toaster and then poured coffee and juice for them. She busied herself with the rest of the breakfast as she waited for the toast and Liza's answer.

"He wasn't in them," was the soft reply.

Liza looked at her friend with the morning sun shining on her face. It showed the little lines around her mouth that seemed to disappear most of the time. There was a hint of grey in her hair that Gloria would be appalled to know showed. But her eyes told everything. They held love, trust and friendship. Even more, there was desire.

The sound of the toast as it popped up broke the eye contact of the two. Gloria grabbed it and dropped it on their plates as she slid into her chair to join Liza at the table.

"I knew I had to watch out for Victor. Didn't I tell you he was a big sucker?" Gloria joked.

Liza laughed at the reference to the vacuum. Gloria kept up her jokes during breakfast and the clean up of the dishes. The plans for the day included a trip to the mall and dinner afterwards. A girls' day out they decided.

Hours later, the two returned with bags and boxes galore. It took two trips for them to get everything in the house. Dinner had been at a small pasta place nearby.

"I'm never going shopping with you again," Liza declared.

"What? You had fun."

"My poor bank account can't afford it."

"You can enjoy yourself once in a while Liza. You deserve it," Gloria added with a smile.

"It's time for me to catch some sleep. Maybe a quick shower first and then I'll try my new lingerie."

"You'd better model it for me since you didn't at the store."

Liza grinned as she picked up some bags and went towards the steps. At the bottom, she stopped and looked back to Gloria. She stared for a few seconds before the grin turned into a smoldering invitation.

"Thirty minutes. Come to my room."

Gloria walked up to her and stopped inches away. She reached up with one hand and let her fingers run softly up and down Liza's arm. The other hand went to Liza's breast to trace the outline of the tight nipple that poked through her blouse. Liza leaned into the warmth of her hand and groaned just as Gloria pinched her nipple.

"Oh god, yes," Liza whispered.

"Fifteen minutes, in your room."

Liza licked her dry lips and tried to speak. When nothing came out, she nodded, grabbed her packages, and ran to her room. The images in her mind made her skin burn. She flew through a shower, ran to the bedroom, and picked out one of the new nightgowns she had bought. With trembling fingers, she bent and applied lotion to her legs, imagining other hands on her skin.

"Turn around and let me see you."

The words startled Liza. The images in her mind had blocked out the sounds of the door when Gloria entered the room. She straightened and let the satiny material slide down her hips. The cut-away front of the baby doll lingerie gave Gloria a tantalizing peek of her slender thigh as Liza stood before her. In buttercup, it highlighted Liza's skin tones, as well as fit the image of pure innocence.

"You're beautiful," Gloria whispered as she moved closer.

Gloria wore a kimono robe loosely belted around her waist. Somehow, the shocking pink color fit with her bleached blonde hair and blue eyes. Liza reached for the belt with hands that trembled and released the silky ends. A French cut panty in the same pink was all that Gloria had put on. Liza looked into Gloria's eyes as her fingernails scraped over the nipples revealed to her.

Gloria reached for Liza's hand and led her to the bed. With Liza lying on her back, Gloria put a knee on the bed, slipped the robe off her own shoulders and leaned over. Her mouth traced a path from Liza's calf to the edge of the bikini that barely covered her mound. The groans that came from deep in Liza's throat grew louder as Gloria dropped kisses through the thin material.

Time was non-existent for Liza as she experienced the myriad of sensations her friend's mouth brought her body. Gloria kissed the tender flesh under Liza's breasts and turned the nipples into tight peaks within seconds. The top of the nightgown had disappeared. Liza's body burned everywhere, her mind was in a fog, and her pussy dripped.

"Oh Gloria, I never realized how much I wanted you before. I love you."

Gloria leaned over and sucked on the warm flesh of Liza's lips. Her tongue pushed through to take Liza's mouth in a deep kiss. Their bodies fused together as passion took over. One hand roamed over Liza's body in feather light touches that left the flesh covered in goose bumps. Her finger hooked the edge of the bikini, slid it down first one slim leg, and then the other.

"I love watching how your body responds to me."

"Please, touch me," Liza begged. "Please— I need you to touch me."

"Is this what you want?"

Gloria stroked the swollen flesh of Liza's satiny folds. She spread them open and used her thumb to tease the hard clit. Liza moaned as Gloria's lips crushed hers in another burning kiss. Each swipe came closer until Gloria sunk her fingers into the creamy center of Liza's pussy. The continued rhythm had Liza in a frenzy of lust. She found the curve of Gloria's ass and the band of the pink panty. She eased it down until it was off and Gloria was naked. Her palms molded the shape of the pale cheeks as she inched closer.

Lost in the delight in front of her, she didn't realize Gloria had moved a bit lower until she felt the wet tongue slither across her pussy. The delicious torture drove Liza wild and her spine arched in a spasm of overwhelming delight. Gloria continued the assault as the impending orgasm crashed through Liza's body. Gloria's tongue sunk deep inside the sweet convulsing pussy once more.

"Oh yes," came Liza's ecstatic wail.

"That's it, baby, let go," Gloria urged as her fingertip replaced her tongue to sink inside the velvety walls.

Liza tightened her legs and entombed the hand that continued to ravish her pussy. Her cries sounded almost tortured as another howling climax took over her body. She arched up and felt a hand on her nipple, the tight bud pinched and twisted to the rhythm of the finger in her pussy.

With the scent of her sex heavy in the air, and her body satiated for the moment, Liza lay sprawled on the bed in a daze. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she drifted in and out of a half sleep. Gloria drew the sheet over them and curled up next to her. Liza shifted until her chest met up with Gloria's back and hugged her close.

Hours later, as the sun started to peak in through the curtains, the two stirred and stretched. Liza smiled and dropped a soft kiss on her new lover's shoulder before she threw the covers off and got out of bed. She gathered some clothes and went in to the shower. A short time later, when she returned to her room, Gloria was gone. The bed was made and the smell of fresh coffee was in the air.

Liza heard the sound of the shower as she walked past Gloria's room. Once in the kitchen, she brought out the eggs and started breakfast. With one hand, she flipped the radio on, and soon began to sing along.

"I won't be here for breakfast, Liza. You should have checked with me first."

Gloria stood in the doorway dressed to go out. She wore a black below the knee pencil skirt that flattered her slender figure. Her white corset front shirt was open to show a hint of cleavage. Over her shoulder, she held the matching jacket—and to add flare— she wore red classic pumps. When the doorbell rang, Gloria grinned and ran to open the door.

Liza watched as the man that entered pulled Gloria to him for a long, deep kiss. The two spent several minutes entwined together until his eyes opened and he saw Liza standing there. He winked at the same time his hands cupped Gloria's ass and lifted her closer to his body. Liza felt as if she'd been punched at the mockery she saw in his eyes.

"Don't wait up for me tonight, Liza," Gloria called out as they walked out the door.

The words "And in the morning kick me in the head" caught Liza's attention from the song on the radio. When she heard "You made a first-class fool out of me", the tears flowed. She put the food away and found her way to the den. The shelves of books reminded her that it was soon time for school to start. It was a time she relished other years, but now, she just wanted to be here, with Gloria. She curled up on the sofa and sobbed until there were no more tears and sleep took over.

Erik's voice on the answering machine woke Liza. His words were gentle as he begged Liza to talk to him.
He admitted that he understood they had problems now, and pleaded with her to call him at the end before the line went dead. Liza looked at the phone and tried to figure out what to do.

It had seemed so simple before last night. She would return home and Erik would be more attentive, less involved in his running, like he had been in the first years of their marriage. Maybe, if things went right, in a year or so, they would be having a baby and a happy life as a family, just as she had always wanted. Yet, after last night, Erik wasn't the one she pictured in her bed.

Daylight slipped away and Liza had done almost nothing. Several times during the day, the phone rang, but she ignored it each time. After the third message from Erik, she had turned the volume of the answering machine down to avoid hearing his voice. At one point, she played a game of pool against an imaginary opponent, named him Martin. She chuckled at how the skill her father had taught her was still there. She'd do well as a pool hustler she whispered to her opponent.

"Liza, open up," Erik yelled from the front door.

The pounding on the door accented the words that broke through Liza's imagination and startled her. She dropped the cue and hesitated. When it sounded as if the wood was about to break, Liza went to the door and unlocked it. Erik burst through the door before she could get out of the way.

"Thank god you're alright. When you didn't answer all day, I panicked. I've been so selfish, Liza. I love you. Please come home so we can work this out."

Erik appeared exhausted and unkempt. She listened while he talked about giving up the marathons to be with her. Part of her wanted to believe it wasn't just an empty promise. A vacation over the holidays somewhere alone he suggested would be good for them as well. Liza felt a void that his words did nothing to fill.

"I think you're right about that family, Liza. It's time we start ours."


"Yes, Liza, you heard me correctly. Let's start a family."

The tears trickled out the corners of her eyes as she saw Erik walk toward her. When he opened his arms, she walked into them, an image of their baby in her mind.

"Let's go home," he said as he clasped her fingers in his.

Every night after work, Erik spent hours with her during those first few weeks. Liza tried to put Gloria out of her mind, but so many things reminded her of their night together, it was impossible. She thought it would be easy to get pregnant, but after a few months of trying, the tests she did herself at home still came up negative.

Erik became more restless with each week that passed. He began to work late a couple nights a week. Liza was cleaning the closet one afternoon when she noticed his gym bag was gone. She sat in the living room and waited for him to come home. It was dark when he walked in still in his running clothes.

"You promised me, Erik."

"I'm not sitting around here while you whine about not being pregnant yet. You're driving me crazy, Liza. I didn't want a family anyway. Running is important to me. It's my life."

The words reverberated in her head as Erik walked back out and drove off. She sat in the dark and thought over the last several months of her life. Gloria had eloped with the man Liza saw that last morning she had been there and the two friends rarely saw each other now. Now Erik was back to running. Everything was a jumbled mess in her head.

They had both lied to her. All she wanted was a baby, and things to be right again, as they used to be. Without thinking much of what she was doing, Liza packed a bag and picked up her keys. Safely in her car, she backed out of the garage and drove out of town. When the deejay announced the next song, she reached for the knob and turned up the volume. Rod Stewart and Liza sang their hearts out as she took the highway out of state…

               All I needed was a friend to lend a guiding hand
               But you turned into a lover and
               Mother what a lover, you wore me out
               All you did was wreck my bed
               And in the morning kick me in the head

               Maggie I wish I'd never seen your face
               I'll get on back home one of these days

I hope you enjoyed this story based on the Maggie May lyrics by Rod Stewart. Please take a moment to vote and leave a comment or feedback. A big thank you goes to darkniciad for his edit to make my story even better.

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Leto DegeneresLeto Degeneresabout 15 years ago

This is the second story (that I know of) that expanded on song lyrics. The characters were brilliantly portrayed. What a great job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago

My friend, you have the most incredible talent for this media! I was enthralled with your wording and continuity of this story/tale. I would really appriciate it if you would let me know everytime you submit one of your pieces for this or any other site. I loved this story/tale. You will be a renowned well published author with this talent you possess. Very soon, I feel. Kudo's and hurray!!! EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!! oh...this is your friend...Princess La Mala (Beau)

GreekfreekGreekfreekover 16 years ago

Hey there...I had not read a Lit story in some time...but your gentle coaxing was just what the Doctor ordered. Clearly your writing continues to rocket skyward.


~photoguy~~photoguy~over 16 years ago
wow, awesome !!

great dialogue and very realistic .. I could totally "see" these women as the story developed ... and the plot ties into the song lyrics! well done ...maybe they will meet again ??

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Just Lesbian sex not worth Erotic couplings

Some one has to tell this writer her stories are well written, grammatically, but not gold in plot or placement. Could not get past the first page and felt betrayed by not telling us what category this writer tried to slip this in on. I don't know her other stories but I take it they are about lesbians. SAD

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