Maggie's Gift


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"Good morning," Maggie said to him a few minutes later.

"You're up early."

"I couldn't sleep without you there."

He grinned, knowing it was the truth. Divorced when they met, Maggie had been on her own for seven years. Yet once they began sharing a bed, she couldn't sleep without him at her side.

"Coffee is ready. Do you want breakfast now, or should we wait?" he asked.

"Let's wait a little while. Sleep is good for him, I think."

They stayed in the kitchen, drinking coffee and talking. No matter how much time they spent together, they always wanted more. Steve's friends teased him about it, but they in fact envied him. None had a relationship that even came close to what he had with Maggie.

Sobbing from the living room brought them both to their feet. Nick was still in the old rocker, but the blanket lay in a heap across the room. Maggie could only assume he had thrown it there when the tears started.

"It's going to be all right, Nick. Let all the pain and anger out. You'll feel much better after you do," she said, kneeling in front of him.

"Nothing will be right again. Those crooks made sure of that."

"Nick, whatever you tell us goes nowhere. Mags and I might be able to help you with whatever is tearing you up."

Lifting his head, Nick looked at the couple standing next to him. They reminded him of what he and his Mary had so long ago. Thinking of her, he swore he heard her voice right then. 'You can't fight this alone. They're good people, Nick. Talk to them.'

"Mary and I didn't have a lot, but we were happy. When she found out she was sick, I came close to falling apart. The doctors tried all the medicines and surgeries, but—I only wanted her to be with me longer. I was selfish, and didn't think of all the pain she had to deal with. Then one night she put her foot down. No more surgeries, nothing. She was tired and ready to go. I couldn't do what she asked. I tried, but she got worse.

"I heard of this new procedure—forget where, but I tracked down the doctor. He examined Mary, and said he was positive it would help. You have to understand, I was desperate to help her. I didn't care what it cost, as long as it made her better."

Maggie sipped into the bathroom for the box of tissues there. She set them on his lap without saying a word. They waited while he dried his tears and blew his nose.

"He said it would cost $25,000 up front, and the rest later. I signed the papers for the surgery without telling her. The day before the procedure, the cops arrested the doctor on a whole list of charges. He was in jail when he was supposed to be helping my Mary. She died two days later."

"Nick, I'm so sorry," Maggie said, touching his shoulder.

"When he handed me the forms giving him permission to treat her, I didn't bother reading them. Hell, that stuff never made sense to me anyway. The bastard lied. He got himself a shyster lawyer who pointed out a 'non-refundable' clause to me. I lost my Mary, and all the money I had left."

"Not all lawyers are crooks, Nick," Steve remarked.

"By the time I got over the worst of my grief, the guy had a list of charges against him a mile long. Even if I did hire someone else, I wouldn't get my money back."

"And today? She's been gone a long time. How have you supported yourself since then?" Steve asked.

Nick sighed before looking at Steve. "I sold it all."

"Damn it! Honey—"

"You know that's not my field. Nick, I deal in business law. Do you happen to have any of the documents anymore?"

"They're in a safety box at the bank. I put Mary's rings in there so I didn't—I was afraid I would have to sell them too. And I couldn't. I didn't want anyone else wearing them."

"Where have you been living?"

"We had this little piece of land down at the bottom of the ridge. Mary loved the mountains. She spent hours looking at blueprints for a small cabin. But things didn't work out that way. When she died, I tore the old barn down behind our place and built her dream cabin. It's nothing fancy, but that's not what she wanted."

"What about everything else? Food, medicine, clothes . . ."

"Second-hand stores and food from whatever charity I can find. Had a garden and froze everything. Winters I do some trapping."

"Ah, yes. I've seen a few around. I'm not opposed to trapping as long as it's not for recreational purposes," Steve said.

"Used every bit I could."

"That's how you got caught in the storm, isn't it? Checking traps?"

"Yep. Wasn't snowing when I left, and I hadn't been out in a few days. Lost track of time, and the weather. 'Fore I knew it, there was so much snow falling I couldn't see. Musta' wandered for hours, trying to get back. By the time I got this far, I was darn near out of my mind. I didn't even see your place 'til the door was in front of me."

"He brought you here, Nick," she said.

"That's right. And don't forget that tomorrow is Christmas. This year, you won't be alone, Nick."

The sudden recognition at the mention of the holiday showed on Nick's face.

"Maggie and I met in the summer. I proposed on Christmas morning, so it's a special day for us."

"Then you don't want me here. I'll find my way—"

"You look outside this morning yet?" she asked.

"No, but—"

"We have more than enough food. There's plenty wood, and if the power goes off, we have generators. There's no reason for you to leave now," Steve replied, covering any argument he thought Nick might make.

"Thank you," he whispered. "You don't even know me, and you've already done so much."

"This is the season for sharing, Nick. Both Maggie and I have been lucky in the past. Before I met her, I spent several years using my law degree to help poor people accused of crimes they didn't commit. She had a great career in real estate. We teamed up and opened our own real estate and land development company. Even with the economy the way it is, we're doing all right."

"The only land developer I heard of around here is Mast—Maggie and Steve. Boy, you're doing damn fine from what I hear."

Maggie laughed when her husband's cheeks turned pink. He didn't like talking about himself, or his successes. And wealth didn't impress him.

"Yeah, so we got lucky. Enough of that. Who wants breakfast? I'm cooking," Steve said, waiting for their answers.

"I'm starved," she replied. "Nick, you like omelets? My husband makes the best ones I've ever had."

"After that dinner last night, I shouldn't be hungry, but . . ."

"You stick around here and we'll fatten you up in no time. If we talk real sweet, maybe he'll make his famous burritos for dinner."

"Hey, woman, I thought cooking was your job. Aren't you supposed to wait on me hand and foot?"

Bursting out in laughter, Nick stood up. "I need to freshen up, and then I'll be right there. Oh, before I forget . . ."

He stopped in front of Steve and held his hand out. "Nick Thomas. I appreciate your hospitality. You took me in from the cold without knowing a single thing about me. Not many people would do that."

"Destiny, Nick. It was meant to be."

Maggie leaned against her husband. "Some things just are, Nick. We can try to figure them out, but that won't change anything."

This time when Nick nodded, he smiled and stood straighter. "I have a lot to learn."

They played board games and cards to entertain themselves. Later Nick stayed inside while Steve and Maggie went outdoors again. She shoveled while he brought more wood from the shed to the porch. They followed the same routine whenever they stayed at the cabin. Finally, they were ready to go back inside.

Maggie opened the door and gasped. "Oh my god, no way."

"Honey, what is it?"

"Come in and you'll know."

He had only taken two steps inside when he grinned. "He's making bread."

Jackets and boots flew off. She ran through the living room and stopped in the kitchen doorway. Nick stood at the counter, kneading the dough.

"Hope you don't mind I looked around. I wanted to do something for you two, and this was all I could think of."

"Mind? You can't be serious? This is fantastic! It's been ages since I had fresh bread!" she said.

"You'll have to teach her how to do it, Nick. Whenever she tries, the loaves end up about two inches high."

"They do not."

"Oh right, sorry. Two inches is pushing it."

She slapped at his arm, laughing at the same time. Nick saw the love they had for each other in everything they did.

"I guarantee this will be higher than that," Nick said.

He was right, too. When the timer went off at last, Maggie ran into the kitchen behind Nick. "Is it ready? Can I have some?"

"I might have to get it out of the oven first, lass."

"Then can I? Please?"

"Let's get it out of the pans, okay? Then you can."

"Yay, you hear that, baby? It's ready!"

Nick laughed, but the sound wasn't as foreign to him as it had been just two days ago. He wasn't going to question how he ended up at this cabin so far away from his own. For now, he was going to enjoy his time with them, and deal with anything else later. It had been far too long since he felt even a little bit alive.

Steve walked in and stared. Three perfect loaves of bread sat on cooling racks. The entire cabin carried the tantalizing aroma.

"Ah, if she gets some, can I have a slice too?" he asked, adding a bit of begging to his voice.

"There's enough for everyone, kids. Don't fight."

Nick tried to act stern—failing when he couldn't hold back the laughter.

"I put the leftover stew on when the bread went into the oven. So if that's okay with you two, we'll add this to it and call it dinner," he said, going over to the stove.

"Man, you're spoiling us, Nick. That's perfect. I'm hungry again too," Steve replied.

"I'll set the table!"

Maggie came close to tripping over Steve in her eagerness, a move that made him laugh. Nick stood still, a solemn look on his face when she turned back.

"Nick, what's wrong?"

"You really did save me the other day."

"I didn't—"

"It's more than taking me in and making sure I was okay. The laughter was gone. This—here—with you two—this is what it's like to be alive."

Steve knew what he was saying. Maggie gave more to others than she realized. She was a giver, a caring, compassionate woman who loved life and people. From the moment they met, he felt renewed, eager to live again. Before her, he existed. Now, he lived.

"Yes, I feel the same way, Nick," he said.

Maggie moved toward her husband. He was the one person who gave her everything, never asking for anything in return. She loved looking into his eyes. They held the key to his soul.

"I—I'm going to cry," she whispered.

"Don't cry, lass. It's Christmas Eve, and you should be excited, not sad. In the short time I've been here, you've shown me the true spirit of the holiday. Taking a stranger into your home speaks a great deal about your character," Nick replied.

"She's amazing, Nick."

"I'm only me, guys. This—whatever you see—is who I am," she said, looking from one to the other as she spoke.

"I have no doubt my Mary would have loved you. She was a giver as well."

"Thanks Nick. Now, if you two are done embarrassing me, can I have some bread?"

Her question took them by surprise, making them both grin. Steve leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. Heat exploded between them as it always did. They moved apart when Nick cleared his throat.

"I'm in the way, aren't I?"

Steve pulled Maggie into his arms and smiled. "No, you're not."

"But you aren't used to having anyone else around, are you?"

"That's true, Nick," Steve replied. "So?"

"I've been thinking of myself, and forgetting that you two might want some privacy."

"We're fine. Don't give it another thought. Now, can I please have some bread?" Maggie asked them.

"I'll get the bread knife, you get the butter," Steve said, patting her backside when she turned.

"Yes sir!" She gave him a mock salute and stuck out her tongue.

"Here you go, Nick. You do the honors of slicing that gorgeous looking loaf of bread. I can't force myself to cut such a thing of beauty. Look at the symmetry, the curves—"

"Oh shut up before he changes his mind," Maggie said.

"You know, it did turn out close to perfect. He might be on to something."

Nick held the loaf up, turning it back and forth as if studying every detail.

Maggie stomped her foot hard enough to get their attention. "Fine, you keep it. But then I get all the chocolate goodies and snacks I made for tomorrow."

"Ah, did I tell you I love chocolate, honey?" Steve asked.

"Is that right? Funny, but I do too. I think my favorites are the chocolate covered cherries though."

"Here you go, Maggie. One slice of fresh bread," Nick said, holding out a plate.

"Oh sure, cave in. I see whose side you're on." Steve winked as he spoke.

"Never argue with the woman hiding the chocolate, young man."

"Yeah, you're right. But you forget that I have ways of making her talk."

"I may be old, but I remember those ways."

They spent the next half hour in the kitchen, devouring an entire loaf of bread and the rest of the stew. When they had everything cleaned up, they gravitated to the living room. Steve added another log to the fire before sitting next to his wife on the sofa. Maggie tucked her legs under her and leaned against him.

And Nick claimed the rocking chair, draping the yellow blanket over the back. The crackling of the fire was the only sound for a long time. Nick was deep in thought when Maggie spoke.

"Merry Christmas, Nick."

He tried to hide the tears that escaped. It had been so long since Christmas was anything more than just another day for him.

"Merry Christmas, Maggie. You're truly a blessing. Both of you are."

Steve would never deny that his wife was a blessing. He was so thankful to have her in his life.

"Merry Christmas," Steve added.

"I think I'll turn in. Good night you two," Nick said, taking the blanket with him into the bedroom.

"You lock the door, and I'll check the fire," Steve said a few minutes later.

She stood at the window, deep in thought. "You okay?" he asked.

"It's so clear tonight. Look at how the snow sparkles in the moonlight. Up here it's as if no one else exists in the world."

"I've always loved this time of night. Everything is so peaceful."

"Look! A shooting star!"

"Merry Christmas, Maggie my love. My wish is—"

"Don't tell me. If you say it out loud, it won't come true."

"It already came true. I have you."

"Mine did too," she whispered.


Christmas morning dawned bright and clear, with not a trace of snow falling. That didn't matter to any of them. Nick knew he would never forget Maggie and Steve. Sure, he would go home soon, but their complete acceptance of him renewed his faith in mankind. For so many years he remained numb. From the moment Maggie let him inside, the ice around his heart began to melt.

That afternoon Maggie and Steve went outside. Nick stood by the window and watched as they built another snowman. He and Mary never had children, though they had hoped for several. Listening to the laughter through the glass made him realize how much he had missed the sound. Three days—that's all it took to make him a whole person again.

He wandered into the kitchen to check the turkey Maggie had cooking. At least he could do something for them, he thought as he closed the oven. Spotting the notepad and pencil on the table, he sat down and began to write.


You are truly a rare individual. There are people who think donating a few dollars to the local charity makes them a good person. In my eyes it takes more. You have it, without even realizing you do.

I was ready to give up when I came across your place. Trudging through that storm wasn't easy for an old man like me. My Mary wouldn't be very happy with the man I've become. But, if she was still alive—well, everything would be different then.

He brought me here to show me there is good on this earth. I wasn't sure anymore. You and Steve have an inner beauty that shows in everything you do and say. I will always smile when thinking of the days I spent here.

There's no way I can pay you back, Maggie. Restoring one's life is priceless. By saving my body, you saved my soul too. I'm forever in your debt.

After the past few days with you and Steve, I'm looking forward to the coming year.

Merry Christmas

Maggie and Steve ran inside, talking about the lopsided snowman they made. Taking her jacket off, she looked into the living room for Nick.

"Maybe he's sleeping."

"How about some cocoa?" Steve asked going toward the kitchen. "I'll even make it."

"You're on."

"Nick? Nick, can you hear me? Maggie, come in here—hurry!"

"Steve, what's the matter?" she asked before she saw Nick slumped across the table.

"Help me get him onto the floor, then call emergency."

With his eyes shut, Nick looked as if he was asleep. She knew otherwise from the pasty gray color on his face, but dialed 911 anyway. As far up the mountain as they were, help would take a while to arrive. After giving the operator the necessary information, she turned to Steve.

"Start compressions!" Steve said, opening the man's mouth.

They worked for several minutes without success. Maggie sat back, trying not to cry.

"Steve, honey, stop." She touched his arm, needing the reassurance of life he offered.

"Aw Nick. I'm so sorry," Steve whispered.

"No, he was happy here, honey. The past few days reinforced his belief in people."

"Where are you going?" he asked when she ran from the room.

"Be right back!" she yelled from the next room.

Steve had never felt as helpless in his life as he did right then.

Back in the kitchen, she knelt next to Nick. "He loved this blanket."

That she thought about the yellow fleece blanket didn't surprise him. Her nurturing nature was always there. Together they tucked a piece under his head for a pillow, using the rest to cover him. Then they sat on the floor until the paramedics arrived.

Late that night, with the chaos of the day over, Steve found the note. Seeing Maggie's name at the top of the wrinkled paper, he handed it to her. By the time she read the first couple sentences, tears ran down her cheeks. She gave it back to Steve after she finished and left the room.

A few minutes later, he joined her. "Honey, you were a blessing to him. He will see his Mary now with a healed spirit. You gave him that."

"Christmas is almost over."

"Yes, it is."

"You know, in a weird way, his dying today was a gift," she said, unsure how to explain her thoughts. "The past few days gave him life. Even in death, he will live on."

"Always, Mags, always."

"Merry Christmas, Steve."

"Merry Christmas, my love."

"Merry Christmas, Nick," she whispered, staring at the sky.

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DG HearDG Hearover 2 years ago

Here is my comment 12 yrs ago and it still stands.

Great Job!

Wonderful story Lynn. Very heart warming. I could taste the stew and smell the homemde bread. The best to you in the contest.

With very high respect


rightbankrightbankover 7 years ago
A beautiful story

and perfect for the season.

thank you,

Happy Christmas

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Read it, with tears in my eyes, overflowed at the end.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Re-read; another lesson

Thank you


MoogPlayerMoogPlayerabout 9 years ago
Oh My God!

No wonder this one was a contest winner. It ripped my heart out m the roots, but in such a very wonderful way. Great job!!!


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