Maggie's Story


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Drew could hear Maggie's voice raise pitch, as she grew more worried, her anxiety building within her.

"Maggie it will be just fine. It's a short flight. Mike and I will be fine. I promise I will call you as soon as we land. When I get back Saturday evening, I'll call. Tell you what, I'll come right over and we'll walk down to Smiley's for pizza. How's that sound to you?"

Drew could tell Maggie was upset and worried about this plane trip.

"Your doctor gave you some meds for the anxiety, why don't you take some, it will dull the edges and help you calm down."

"Okay, I will. Drew…"


"Drew, I love you." Maggie whispered into the phone. "I'm sorry about Wednesday night. I mean it with all my heart. I'm sorry. I'm going to make it up to you. I really will."

"Don't worry about what happened the other night. I'm still here. I know you love me Maggie. I love you, too."


"It hurts me to know I can't see you this weekend. I'll hurry back as soon as I can. No matter where you are I'll hold you in my heart. I'll see you Saturday evening."

With that Drew hung up the phone. Her mind raced as it flooded her with memories of Scott's death.

Maggie worked through the day and while she thought of Drew, she remembered his soft touch and the way he stroked her hair when she laid her head down on his lap. She smiled thinking of the gentle way he caressed her breasts under her bra at his apartment. He never pushed for anything more. She smiled again to herself and quietly decided the next time they're together, Drew would have her.

As Drew had promised, he called as soon as the plane was on the tarmac. Although Maggie was still full of anxiety about his return flight, she dealt with it better than even she thought possible.

Saturday evening came at last. The air was still and heavy with humidity. Off in the distance quiet rumbles of thunder could be heard.

Maggie wanted to look her best for Drew so she wore a pair of tailored blue jeans with a white blouse, her cinnamon-red colored hair was freshly washed and it cascaded down her shoulders. A pair of white sneakers finished off her fresh preppy look. She even applied some makeup to her face; something she rarely did when she wore jeans. She stood outside waiting for his car to pull into the driveway. Suddenly, there he was, his old Honda with the dented front fender pulled in. Maggie ran down the steps and leaped into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

She kissed him with all her might before her legs let go of their grip around his waist. She stepped back a bit and Drew kissed her deeply.

"I'm so glad to hold you in my arms again. I was oh so worried," Maggie said as she swept away tears from her eyes.

"I missed you, even for only a few days, I wished you were with me Maggie." Drew stepped back to take in the sight that stood before him. "My god Maggie, just look at you! You look absolutely stunning," Drew said as a big grin grew across his face.

Maggie held his hand and pulled him close to her as they walked up to the porch.

"Well did you get things worked out? You two weren't chasing women up there were you?" Maggie asked, wiping away the few tears still on her face.

"Naw, the only thing I was chasing was some bad computer code. But Mike, he was about to take a hammer to one of the servers before we found the problem though. We're both glad to get home."

"You know that pizza I promised you before I left?"


"Well we might have to take a rain check on it. There's a thunderstorm brewing and heading our way. According to the pilot, it's going to be a roof rattler. We'll get soaked walking to Smiley's, so how about we just sit here and watch the storm roll in? We'll walk down after the storm has past."

Agreeing Maggie says, "Here, let's sit on the swing. It's been a long time since I've sat on the front porch swing."

With that the two sat down, the old porch swing moaning as the cables suspending it pulled taut. Drew put his arm around Maggie and played with her hair. Maggie placed her head down on Drew's shoulder and placed both of her hands on his thigh. As the winds from the approaching storm started to increase, Drew looked out at the oak tree in the front yard swaying with the wind.

"You know Maggie, when most people think of being strong, they think solid, thick and unmoving. But did you ever wonder why that oak tree is so strong?"

"It's been there for decades. I can remember playing under it as a child, this house used to be my parent's, and all the neighborhood kids would play on this old tree. It's a strong old tree, that's a fact."

"But did you really take the time to figure out why that is?"

"No, not really."

"Well it's strong because the tree learned how to bend, to move with the wind instead of trying to fight against it. If it tried to remain rigid, strong, and upright all the time the wind would simply tear it apart. The tree learned how to bend."

"But what happens when the wind blows too hard and the limbs and branches break off?" Maggie asked.

"That's true. Sometimes the winds become more than the oak tree can bend with, so yes, it does lose some branches. However, with some sunshine, warm temperatures and a bit of time, the oak tree will re-grow those branches it lost. But, the oak tree survives because it moves with the wind. Its roots, deep in the soil, hold it in place when things get really bad.

"Maggie, if you think being strong is akin to steel and concrete, you're wrong. You need to learn from this oak tree. You need to learn to bend with the wind. If need be, lose a few branches when times get really rough. You need to keep your roots deep into the soil, so you can sprout new branches."

"Like you?"

"Yes, like me."

Maggie lifted her head from Drew's shoulder and looked into his eyes and asked, "What about really strong storms, the ones that can tear the tree apart, pull it out by its roots?"

"Did you notice the other trees around this block? They act like barriers that keep most of the damaging wind from the oak tree. They're like the friends you have, always there to help you through the storms. But sometimes, no matter how many other trees surround you, the storm is too strong and they can't shield you from damage."

"Like Scott?"

"Yes, like Scott."

"If the storm is really strong and does uproot the old oak tree, there are acorns near the roots and if just one would happen to fall in, why in a year a new oak will grow, full of energy, full of life, and ready to take on the world and all it has to dish out."

"Like me?"

"Like you!"

Suddenly, a shot of straight-line winds blew in a sheet of rain, soaking the two to the bone. Running inside the house, they both started to shiver as the cold rain soaked down to their skin.

"Damn! We better get out of these wet clothes," Maggie said as she started to unbutton her blouse. Then she stopped, turned toward Drew, and said, "Here, you finish."

Without saying another word, Maggie reached over and took Drew's hand placing it on her breast. The cold rain made his fingers stiff and hard to move as he picked up where Maggie had left off. Button by button, the blouse gave way; he pulled it off her back and down her arms, dropping it on the floor.

Drew had touched and stroked Maggie's breasts under her bra on several occasions and he knew Maggie was terribly embarrassed by their small size. He reached around her back and unclasped her bra, then pulled it ever so slowly from her body. She was small, and her breasts appeared like small funnels sticking out proudly from her chest. They were firm, and the cold water had stiffened her nipples till they stuck out like small gumdrops.

"Oh Maggie, they're absolutely perfect," Drew said as he gingerly reached out with both hands and just touched each nipple, both responding in kind, growing even larger before his eyes. His hands retreated; then again he reached over and held both of her breasts in his hands, pulling her closer to him. Drew could feel her heart beating in her chest while he held her breasts then slowly massaging both with his thumbs.

Using both hands, he pulled her wet hair from in front of her eyes and allowed it to lie against her back. Cupping her face in his hands, Drew tilted her head back and traced the outline of her lips with his thumbs, wiping away drops of rain from her face. He could smell the scent of her makeup on her eyelashes and breathed her bouquet in. Her freshly-washed hair smelled clean and breezy as he lowered his face to her head. Maggie closed her eyes and parted her lips slightly. She could feel his warm breath against her cold cheeks as Drew's lips touched hers. They were warm and soft, just like the way she remembered her first kiss with Drew. She let out a soft "Oh" when he broke away.

Drew moved his hands down to her jeans and popped the snap holding them closed and pulled the zipper down. He pushed them down her thighs and stopped. As he reached down to her crotch he touched her through her panties, running his fingers along the outside of the piece of clothing. The wet nylon felt so smooth to him as he reached behind her, caressing her butt. Soon, he had his fingers under the front of her panties and softly stoked her short tufts of hair between her legs.

Maggie could feel her jeans being pulled down again, as they slid down her wet legs. Her legs glistened from the rain. He untied her shoes one at a time pulling them slowly from her feet. Starting at the top of her socks, he rolled each one down and off her delicate toes. Carefully he pulled her jeans down and off. With fingers in the waistband of her nylon panties, he lowered them down past her thighs. At last, she raised her feet one at a time and the last bastion of her clothing was removed from her body. She stood naked before him; her wet hair laying across her back. Drew took a step back, burning the image into his mind, as he ran his eyes up and down her petite frame.

"Maggie, you're beautiful!"

Maggie started working on Drew's jeans as well as she already had his shirt off. Maggie lowered herself to her knees and continued to pull his pants down. She tugged at his shoes and socks, and at last his jeans joined hers on the floor. All this was having an effect on Drew as his penis was erect and stood out proudly from his young hard body. Little by little she pulled his boxers off, releasing his penis from its prison.

Standing beside him again, she reached down, and stroked his penis slowly between her fingers, her eyes closing as she laid her head against his warm chest. Drew ran his fingers down her spine, and rested his hands on her butt, and squeezing her gently. She released his penis and wrapped her arms around him holding him tightly in her arms. She could feel the raindrops warmed by his body run down his spine and gather along her fingertips, forming into small pools.

"I love you with all my heart. Don't you ever let me go."

Drew ran his hands over her breasts and started to rub her nipples between his fingers, feeling them grow larger as he continued. Out of nowhere, a flash of bright white light followed instantly by a 'ka-crack' knocked the power out plunging the house into darkness.

Drew laid Maggie down on the carpet and sat next to her. He ran his fingers along her long legs just stopping short of her crotch. Lightning flashes from the storm raging outside reflected in her green eyes. The hammering sounds of the thunder pounded against the side of the house. He examined her body, inch-by-inch, as he moved his hands along her soft skin. Like a child with a new toy, he explored her body in the darkness taking in tactile signals from his fingers. From her long wet hair to the end of her slender toes, Drew touched and felt every inch of her body. A burst of light from a lightning flash would illuminate the room to give him a snapshot of her naked form. She felt so alive, so delicate; so much in love.

At last, he bent down and took one of her breasts into his mouth and began to softly run his tongue around a nipple. She tasted sweet, and he enjoyed the warmth of her breast in his mouth. Running his teeth across her nipple caused Maggie to moan and twist as she lay upon the carpet. Softly she sighed as he continued to caress her in the darkness.

Maggie could feel his hand between her legs, and she spread herself open to his advances. Drew ran his fingers down from her breasts and found her trimmed pubic hairs above her clitoris. Slowly he went lower until he was over the clitoris and began to massage her clit and as he did so, he could feel it grow larger as he held it between his fingers. Drew moved his hands down further and placed a finger, then a second inside her. Maggie was incredibly wet, and his fingers slid in and out easily.

He took his fingers and applied her moisture to his penis, and as he did so he lay on top of her. His muscles were taut as he held himself above her with his arms, and gently pushed the head of his penis into her sex. Ever so carefully he applied pressure until at last he felt himself inside her. Maggie moaned and cooed like a small child totally unaware of the storm raging outside her home. Maggie however was thoroughly and completely occupied with the storm of emotion raging inside her as Drew slowly stroked his penis in and out. As Drew leaned back onto his thighs, Maggie reached up and threw her arms around his waist, holding him as tight as she could. Their beating hearts seemed to merge into one as Maggie enjoyed her first orgasm. Electricity seemed to flow throughout her being and it seemed that sparks were jumping from her fingers and toes. Drew could feel her contractions pull his penis from within as she became hot with desire, steaming away the rain from her body.

As Maggie's orgasm faded, Drew felt himself losing his control and he pumped his seed into her sex. He bucked and moaned with every pump, pushing his penis deeper into her. As they both held each other in their arms, lightning flashes threw their shadows up against the wall. The thunder sounded like a giant water wagon crossing an old wooden bridge breaking timber as it lumbered along.

As he grew limp, Maggie continued her hold onto his body as she spoke softly, "Please keep it in me for a bit longer."

"Drew, when you and I first got together, I didn't know it at the time, but now, now I'm sure I won the lottery." Maggie whispered again into his ear as they continued to be locked together, their bodies intertwined as one. "This is the way every woman wants to feel."

As their bodies relaxed, they both lay in each other's arms. Drew played with her hair, now dry, by draping it down across her breasts teasing her nipples with her locks of hair.

"I wish they were bigger you know. I know how men like women with big breasts," Maggie said to Drew.

"Not all men like big breasted women. I prefer something else myself."

"And what would that be?" Maggie inquired, lifting her head.

"Well I don't really know how to explain it without sounding a bit weird, but I like to see a woman in nylons. Thigh highs, pantyhose, either one is fine with me. Throw in a pair of high heels and I'm putty in a girl's hand."

"You never mentioned this to me, why not?"

"It's a non issue. I don't press it. There are more important things in a relationship than this. However, I surely did notice your legs that time you wore a dress when we went to that nice restaurant. That vision kept me up most the night when I got home."

"You mean you… Why Drew! You did that thinking of me?"

"Yeah." Drew's face turned pink with embarrassment.

Maggie stood and moved toward the kitchen, "I'm going to get some candles, I'll be right back."

The storm had moved through the area, and yet lightning was still flashing across the sky throwing weaker shadows upon the walls. Then Drew heard Maggie coming back into the room, a candle in her hand. As the light from the candle filled the room with a warm yellowish-orange glow Drew looked up and saw Maggie wearing nothing but a pair of tan thigh high stockings and white high heels.

"Oh-my-gosh!" Drew exclaimed upon seeing her. Drew had yet to get dressed and he quickly became hard at the sight before him.

She walked over to Drew and reached down and stoked his swollen penis.

"Putty? Seems very stiff for putty to me."

Maggie pulled Drew to the floor and took his hands, placing them on her nylon-encased legs. He eagerly started to run his fingers up and down her thighs. He would stop at their tops and run his fingers just under the silky material. "Ah, this is a rare treat!" Drew exclaimed. "You've only wore pantyhose once since we've been together. What's up with this?"

"I rarely wear a dress with stockings or pantyhose unless it a special occasion. As a matter of fact, I call these are my marrying and burying nylons."

"Your what?"

"I keep some thigh high hose and a few pair of pantyhose around for weddings and for funerals, hence, my marrying and burying nylons. I don't get invited to many weddings and no one has died in a while, so I just never wear them."

"Is this a special occasion then?" Drew asked.

"Well it's our first time, so I guess that's special. Yeah, it's really special to me."

"I mean the stockings."

"Well I'm no mind reader, but if you like to see me this way, I don't see why it could not be more of an everyday occurrence. You know wearing pantyhose and stockings does make me feel pretty."

"Maggie I really enjoy seeing you like this," Drew said, "You've got a great pair of legs. You should show them off more, especially to me."

Maggie smiled as she ran her own fingers up her thighs.

"You know I'm getting kind of hungry. I wonder if we could get something to eat at Smiley's now since the storm has moved on?" Just then the lights flickered a few times and at last power was back on. Maggie snuffed out the candle.

"I'll be right back." She walked toward the bedroom giving Drew a shot of her butt as it swayed back and forth as she walked in her heels.

Drew, still naked, was checking his jeans to see how wet they were when Maggie returned to the living room. This time she had some dry pants and a shirt but she was still wearing her nylons and heels.

She sat on the arm of the couch and slowly took her heels off removing them one at a time. "Drew, would you help me here?" she asked.

"What do you need?"

"Oh…Just a little help getting dressed, that's all," Maggie said as she handed him a pair of red nylon panties.

Drew, with a look of confusion on his face, looked down at the garment and took it from her hands. They were very small and had lace up and down the elastic straps. Drew had a hard time trying to figure out the front from the back.

"Tag goes toward the rear!" She giggled, "Put them on me then pull them up my legs."

He started at her toes and fumbled trying to find the right holes in the skimpy material to place her feet into. When that task was accomplished, Maggie stood and he pulled the soft material up her thighs and to her hips. Maggie reached over on the couch and produced a small white bra.

"This goes on next,"

Much to the amusement of Maggie, Drew was having a time trying to figure out how the bra went on her.

"Here, it goes like this. Over my shoulders, now hook the snap on the back. Turn the front around and place my breasts inside the cups. There you go."

"Well I've never done this before, and besides I'm a bit overwhelmed right now."

"Yeah, I've noticed. So much for that putty in a girl's hand," Maggie said again, pointing at the erection protruding from Drew's body.

"I can't go out like this, I better put a shirt on," as Maggie grinned even more at Drew's problem that continued to stick out between his legs. She handed him a yellow short sleeve shirt. After slipping the shirt over her shoulders, he began to slowly fasten the buttons down the front. He stopped at the button just above her bra, allowing a bit of it to show.