Magic Dress - Angela Pt. 03

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Angela goes on holiday.
2.2k words

Part 5 of the 82 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/01/2019
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Iris decided that she wanted to go on holiday with Angela, and we packed suitcases with no male clothing. It was just a few days in Brighton, by the sea, in an interesting hotel, travelling first class by train. I wore the heels for the journey and when out of the room in the evenings, but was in flats during the day. We visited various attractions, including of course the pier.

The first evening she said "Let's go dancing. Maybe we can pick up a couple of lads and get lucky."

"What would Arthur say?" I jested. "He won't know," she answered and I was 90% sure she was joking.

We joined the girls dancing round their handbags while the men drank high priced alcohol and discussed who they were going to have. I am sure I was awful, but never mind, I didn't want to be picked. However we were. We went to the ladies' (together, of course) and as we came back two men blocked our way. They were neither young nor attractive. "Well, well," said one. "I see two hot girls here who are looking for something, and we're the ones to provide it." And he leered.

"Sorry, lads," said Iris. "Thanks for the offer, but we're not looking for anything."

"I think you are," he leered again, placing a hand on the wall to block me in. "Don't be shy."

I felt the fear many women must get with the unwelcome attentions of a larger man. Of course, Arthur dealt with men larger than him all the time, but was usually in control and had actually not felt physically threatened since school.

"You wouldn't enjoy it anyway," Iris responded confidently.

"And what makes you say that?" came the truculent reply.

"Because I'm having my period and he's a man."

"That is certainly true," I said in Arthur's voice. They blenched and went off muttering.

We had another dance and went back to the hotel, cleaning off our makeup and relaxing in our nighties.

"So we didn't manage to pull," mused Iris. "What shall we do for sex?" My hopes began to rise.

"It's a shame Arthur's not here, but he isn't, so there'll be no cock tonight." My hopes fell.

"There's only two girls here, no cock at all. So what do girls do under that circumstance?" And with a flourish she produced a vibrator. It was before the present vast choice, a white plastic cylinder with a smooth pointed end sold as a "Personal Massager", but apparently effective.

I didn't know she had a vibrator.

"If you haven't got yours, you can borrow mine, when I'm done," she continued, which puzzled me.

"Thank you," I answered. "Have you had it long?"

"Oh yes," she said brightly. "Arthur was working so hard and concentrating on his business that he could only manage a feeble poke once a week. He's a bit better now, but I've had to fill in the gaps. Right, here goes."

She laid back and casually masturbated herself to orgasm. I had always supposed that it would be thrust in like a cock, but she only used it outside, though she did put her fingers in herself. (We didn't have the internet like today, so I really didn't know, and had never thought to find out.) An orgasm! I hadn't seen many of those.

"Number one," she said. "That's never enough," and proceeded to take herself to a second climax somewhat more quickly.

"OK, your turn." She pulled off my nightdress panties and put the vibrator to my hand. "Off you go." I did nothing. What was there to do with a vibrator on a man?

"Oh Grandma, what a big clit you've got! Let me help you with it."

It turns out that a personal massager can be very stimulating on a cock and balls, and with the help of her hand I reached my own climax. Fortunately there was a spare nightdress. "Well done, Angela! How many times do you usually come?"

"One," I said.

"Pity. We'd better leave it for tonight, but it will be nice to have a cuddle." As indeed it was.

The next day was great. A leisurely holiday for two girls. We ate ice cream on the beach, and fish and chips on the promenade. We walked along hand in hand or arm in arm. We looked in shops selling tat, and some selling interesting things. We also went dancing and I decided to try tucking my willy between my legs, with the strong pants. It wasn't that bad, and it let me wear a skirt which would have shown the bulge.

We went off to get a drink in a bar with a dance floor, and were approached by two very polite men, who asked to buy us a drink. I was flattered, and we accepted. After a while, one of them said. "You don't seem to be with anyone else, and you are very attractive. Would you please dance with us?"

Iris said "Yes, we'd love to. But we don't want anything else, as we are married." We showed our wedding rings.

"It's all right, so are we," came the reply. "Our wives are over there." He waved to two women who waved back. "It's a thing we do on holiday. We find women to dance with, they find men to dance with, and we have a smooch. Then back at the hotel we describe how sexy our dance partners were, and everyone gets really hot, and we have great sex with our own wives. Nobody gets hurt."

"You're on," said Iris. "I would love a smooch, and I am sure Angela would even more."

We had quite a bit of dancing and a lot of smooching, and I really enjoyed being romanced. (Which included him saying softly "I wish I could fuck you right now!") When his hand patted my front I was pleased with my earlier decision. I am not sure what he made of the breast forms, but through clothes I think he would not have known. We wished them well for later.

Back in the hotel, we undressed and showered, then put on our nighties. Iris said "Angela, if you lick my clitty, I will lick yours. You have to make me come, understand. But first of all, let's discuss tonight. We shared what they had done and what we liked.

"Did you feel his cock? I did. It was nice and hard in my hand."

"Oh," I said, "not with my hand, but he pushed it against me, what he thought was my pussy, and it was hard."

"You should have," she said. "Now I am really hot, so I am really ready for some cunnilingus!"

Now, I am not one of those husbands who has anything against pussy licking and often did it as foreplay. Thinking back, I probably did it for about 3 minutes, 5 at most. I had obviously not read the engineering manual for women, which says 'Warm-up time about 20 minutes.'

After ten minutes she was clearly happy, but my neck was aching, and I moved away. "Don't stop now," she said. "It's just beginning to get good, but there's a long way to go," and pushed my head back. I was watching the bedside clock and she was clearly very excited, but my arms and neck were aching even more after another ten minutes, so I paused again. "Oh God!" she said. "We'll never manage it if we keep stopping and starting. Let's get a little help from our friend here."

She reached for the vibrator, switched it on and started moving it inside her. After a short while I was surprised when she switched it off. "It's good to be filled, but it's all down to you to make me come." I had had a short rest, so began again. After a few minutes she got quite excited again, and it was about the ten minute mark that she had a lovely orgasm.

When she had recovered, she said "You're a marvel, Angela. Arthur never did that for me, though I wish he would. Now let's see what we can do for your little clitty." She licked and sucked me until I came, which she swallowed without hesitation. "That's nice," she said. "Angela is a squirter."

We lay in bed and cuddled and kissed, and talked over our holiday which had been really great. "I can tell what you're thinking," Iris whispered. "It's about That Dress, isn't it? You think that if we had only packed it, that would make the holiday perfect. But we agreed that it was safer to leave it at home." Amazingly, she was right. I nodded.

"Then it's a good job I didn't listen to you and packed it in my suitcase. She's hanging in my side of the wardrobe. I suggest we take her out for a walk tomorrow afternoon." I kissed her, I was so happy, and slept really well. (Yes, we had begun to say 'she' sometimes and talk as if That Dress was a person.)

Next day we had a lazy morning and in the afternoon took That Dress out to see the sights. Really, we were walking around and talking as if we were telling a friend about things we had seen before. I didn't wear the strong pants because the way the skirt hangs means the bulge doesn't show. In addition, That Dress would be expecting the lingerie set we had specifically bought for her. She definitely preferred the breast forms over the padding.

As we were strolling around, not going anywhere in particular, we heard "Oh, hello Iris. And it's Angela, isn't it. What a lucky chance to see you here." It was Nancy. "Is Arthur with you?"

"No," said Iris. "He's busy with something to do with the business, so we came down by ourselves. Is Jim here?"

"No," said Nancy. He's busy with the firm as well. I expect he's with Arthur now. I'm here with my best friend Jane. Isn't it lovely sometimes to get away from the men and have a girly time together? Jane and I often have a little break like this. You must meet her. I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about. That's our hotel over there. Come to the restaurant at eight o'clock. I'll go and book a table now. And Angela, please wear that dress, it really suits you." She bustled off before we had time to invent an excuse.

"Well," said Iris with a shrug. "In for a penny, in for a pound. You got away with it once, and things always seem to go well when you wear That Dress."

We had nap, and made a few desultory plans about how to deal with the conversation. "Nancy thinks we knew each other our previous home and you still live there. If they ask what you do, say you work in an office, it's very boring and you'd rather not talk about it. You're not married, but you wear a ring to stop pests, and you often visit us because we're best friends and you don't have any other relations."

It took Iris much longer to get ready because she had to choose things whereas I knew exactly what I had to wear, including a wig, so was ready in not much more than an hour. We strolled over to the hotel, found the restaurant and gave Nancy's name. The waiter took us to a table, where I got two surprises.

Firstly, there was an attractive woman wearing an exact copy of That Dress. Secondly, it was Jim, my finance director. Those green eyes are a bit of a giveaway, but go really well with the dress. Everyone pretended not to know.

"Oh," said Iris. "Snap! Two girls wearing the same dress!"

Nancy said "Iris and Angela, meet my best friend Jane. Jane, these are the lovely people I told you I met in the department store cafรฉ that time. It's a bit of luck we were both on a girls' holiday at the same time in the same place. And Angela, I wanted you to wear that dress because it is Jane's absolute favourite, and I've never seen one like it before. It looks really good on you both."

Jane and I smiled in appreciation; then Jane said "Tell me Angela, I know where you come from. What do you do for a living?"

"I work in the office of an engineering firm," I said sweetly. "It's really boring and don't want to talk about it. What do you do?"

"I work in finance, which sounds important, but really is equally boring."

"No, impressive," I said. "What sort of boss do you have?"

"He's a slave-driving sexist pig. And yours?"

"Just the same." And we all laughed.

Funnily in both cases it had been the particular dress which had triggered the change, which all agreed had been really good for the marriage. Coincidence, we supposed. Anything else was ridiculous. And our circle had suddenly been widened. Angela and Jane were better friends and more fun than Arthur and Jim, because they never talked about work. We often meet in the department store cafรฉ, and all four of us are going to Brighton next year.

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SissyCrissy6245SissyCrissy6245about 3 years ago
Nancy knew all along.

I believe you are a gifted "Storyteller" which I feel is a more deserving noun than writer. Nancy "knew" all along from the hints that you left in the earlier chapter. "That Dress" is apparently quite mystical, as it's allowed Angela to mert Jane. This could become quite interesting to see how these new Gurlfriends bond in their newfound Friendship. However will Iris and Nancy assist their Girl's into some more intimate situations. Ohhh....for Christine to be involved in a FLM!!!.

..... xoxoxo ;-)

LisaBrooksLisaBrooksalmost 4 years ago
A Dress!

It.s amazing how a dress can make a person! I'm envious of the wives enjoying their husbands as women! It's something I would have enjoyed but divorced before my love of women's clothes came back to become part of my life! Also my children were negative squashing any hope! The wives and the dress are the key to becoming who they could be! I'm happy for them all!

LisaBrooksLisaBrooksabout 5 years ago
Girls Holiday!

A wonderful situation that has to be a chance! Do the men really disguise themselves? Looking forward to the next story!

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