Magic Dress - Bryony

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A man with no gender issues in a dress.
4.7k words

Part 12 of the 82 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/01/2019
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You know how some people have issues with gender identity? Not me, not Ryan. I never had any problems with my gender, and was quite open about it. I was a bisexual man. I liked fucking women and men; and I liked being fucked. I never pretended any different with any partner, and I always practised safe sex.

However, I think I may find it too easy to fall in love, and I probably should not have married.

Melissa knew what I was and (I thought) accepted the fact. We were in love, and we married. It was not too long before we had Esmerelda, our darling daughter. Of all the loves in my life she is the greatest: Daddy's little girl!

However, while being in love with Melissa, I also fell in love with Josh. The thing is: to me it did not seem unfaithful to go with a man, as it would have been if I had had sex with a woman. Honestly, it just seems so different to me, and I thought she would understand. I fucked Melissa, and Josh fucked me. It was not as if I was fucking someone else, and Josh did not want that anyway.

Unfortunately, she did not see it my way, and it ended in divorce with me not granted access to my dear daughter. As part of the fallout, Josh left me, and I lost my job. In a short time therefore, I lost the three loves of my life, my house, my job and pretty much every penny.

Because the case had been covered somewhat salaciously in the local paper, I moved to a different city where I was able to find basic work, and a flat in a row of old terraces: cheap accommodation for poor people such as students, immigrants and old people.

I was on the ground floor flat on an end terrace. The upstairs was unlet, so I went to introduce myself to my next-door neighbours who had the whole of their little house. It was a Saturday afternoon, and the new neighbour Tim welcomed me in. He immediately offered me a beer and we sat on the sofa, watching sport on the TV. I am not that interested in sport, but had nothing better to do, so was glad of the company. When his wife Sheena came home, she immediately insisted I stay to tea. They were such a friendly couple I knew I was lucky to have them for neighbours. As I got to know them better, I realised that they had very little money but (as is often the case) were generous. They helped me with the local shops and facilities.

I liked them and was a bit lonely, so the following Saturday I went round and sat with Tim to watch the sport. Sheena said it was nice that Tim had someone to share with, so it became a regular thing.

And I fell in love with Tim. He reminded me a bit of Josh, and was a lovely man. And I hadn't had sex for a long time. I hadn't done casual sex since I met Melissa, and was not keen to start again. I told Tim and Sheena that I was divorced, but not that I was bisexual or that I had a daughter. I didn't want to lose them as friends.


It was a little before Esmerelda's birthday, and I took a train back to my previous home with a present. I knocked on the door and was surprised when it was opened by Josh. I supposed he had come with a present, but it turned out he was now living with Melissa, and Esmerelda was starting to call him Dad. Melissa reminded me of the court judgment and would not allow me to see my daughter. I was devastated. I had been portrayed as a pervert who should not be allowed to see my daughter because of my relationship with Josh, and here he was, living with her! I did not have the money to spend on lawyers to make things right.

I went back to my new home and got drunk. I told my neighbours I had a cold, so did not see them for a while. I phoned Melissa, but it was answered by Josh. I told him that he had better be a really good dad to Esmerelda, or I would kill him. This actually had an effect in that Melissa began to send me some photographs and occasional news.

On Christmas Day, having nowhere else to go, my kind next-door neighbours invited me for lunch with turkey and all the trimmings. After lunch, Tim fell asleep in front of the TV so Sheena and I went to the kitchen. I cried a bit thinking how Esmerelda would be opening presents. I had sent her something, but suspected it would have been put in the dustbin.

Somehow, I opened up to Sheena, about my bisexuality, about Josh, and even the feelings I had for her husband. I was astonished to hear that they were a pegging couple and she wanted Tim to have a real cock at least once, but was worried that I might have AIDS.

I swore on my daughter's life that I had only ever fucked or been fucked by men with protection, as I would not want to risk myself or Melissa, but I would get some condoms.

I don't know how she persuaded him (although Tim was quite merry with alcohol) but we did the deed to start the New Year. We were watching the New Year programme on TV, just waiting for Big Ben as Sheena gently pegged her husband, and massaged my cock. I put on a condom and she pulled her dildo out.

She guided me in on the stroke of New Year saying "Out with the old, in with the new!" and I made my first thrusts synchronized with the bongs of Big Ben. I carried on as the firework display along the Thames started and Tim was groaning with pleasure while Sheen watched in rapt fascination. It was a wonderful fuck for me, not just because I was with Tim at last, but because I could see the enjoyment I was giving these two great people.

I finished with my own fireworks inside Tim quite spectacularly as the fireworks ended, and Tim spurted onto the chair he was bent over. It would have been better without the rubber, though I was sure we were none of us at risk.

"Happy New Year!" shouted Sheena, and kissed us both.


We came to an arrangement where I fucked Tim once a week, though not with Sheena watching, as he did not like it. He also insisted that I got an AIDS test, but still made me wear a condom. As much as the sex, I treasured spending time with him. It would have been great if he could fuck me as well, but I did not want to push my luck. I kept my ass in condition with a butt plug, but it was not the same as another person enjoying me. I only wished I could hug and kiss him as I wanted, but in a limited way he was my boyfriend (even if this just meant sitting watching sport together). I also felt a great deal of affection to Sheena. I was able to hug her and kiss her on the cheek at Christmas, but would have liked more.

I am pretty sure Tim did not realise the depth of feelings I had, but Sheena did. This was proved one day when she phoned to suggest I should come round to see something interesting.

It was quite a shock. There was Tim standing in a green dress with makeup and a wig. He looked lovely but sullen. And I was sure I was in love.

Sheena suggested I could fuck him as he was dressed as a woman, which seemed the most wonderful idea in the world, but he swore at us and threw me out. Even shouting and angry, I loved him as a man or as a woman or both.

Sheena phoned me next day and apologised. It had been her idea for her birthday. She said I should leave Tim alone until he came around himself.

Eventually he did and we went back into our routine, though perhaps a little more cautiously.


After a while, Sheena asked me if I would agree to do what Tim did not like: dress up as a woman. I said no problem, and was pleased to do something to amuse her. On the day, Tim left us alone and I sat in my underpants as she made me up; then stood as she put on a bra, the green dress and the wig. She made no comment about the stiffness in my pants through much of this.

I don't know what it was, but when I put on that dress it felt so right. I sort of wondered why I had never done this before, and I knew I was going to do it again.

Tim was called to admire me which he did quickly, before going off to watch an important football match on TV.

She liked me, and I liked me in the mirror, so I kissed her and said "Many happy returns!"

"You mean, doing this again," she said with a smile and a raised eyebrow. God, I wanted to fuck her!

"Any time you like," I answered with feeling. Oh, that dress made me feel so good!

Without a word, she knelt down, lifted my dress and pulled down my pants, then sucked me off. Her husband was watching football in the next room! I loved her and thought she must love me.

This was the start of my education in being a woman, or rather appearing to be a woman. I got some other clothes, but the green dress remained my favourite.

Sheena said that if I could appear to be a woman, then maybe in time Tim would be willing to fuck me. She could see what was going on between us two, but was sure that Tim would never fuck me as a man.

Instead we agreed to say that I rather liked dressing as a woman and would like to do it in company with them. Sheena was going to help me to do it better. When I was in female clothes, I was Bryony (which she suggested as similar to Ryan, but sufficiently different).

She brought me other clothes from a charity shop and went with me to choose some underwear, having measured me up. I knew money was tight, and I made sure that I paid for it all.

Then something unexpected occurred. Sheena said she had wanted to fuck Tim in the green dress, but he had refused. He liked being pegged, but did not think of himself as female in any way.

Now I was fucking him they were not pegging as much as she would like. Would I possibly agree to take her dildo up my ass? She said she must be a bit lesbian as she wanted to peg a woman rather than a man.

Now I have never really been into sex toys. I need a real cock, ass or cunt. I just used a butt plug occasionally to make sure I was ready, should the opportunity arise. It has always been important to me that there is another person sharing the enjoyment. So, although it wasn't a real cock, the fact that Sheena got a lot of pleasure made it right for me.

It was agreed as a fair exchange, so once a week I fucked Tim and once a week Sheena fucked me. She told me that this got Tim fairly excited so he always fucked her afterwards, so everyone was happy. (Although I would have liked to fuck Sheena and be fucked by Tim, obviously. Greedy!)

I let my hair grow long. This caused no comment at work, since many of the men did, and we had to wear hair-covering anyway, because it was the food industry. (Low wages, but nice people, including a lot of women and immigrants.) I learned to apply makeup and hairspray myself for the evening. Gradually we all found it normal for me to be Bryony.

I rather liked the experience. In my previous life (as it were) I had been to gay clubs and had fun with guys in drag, with their over-the-top makeup and clothes. Now I found myself working to be something else, to be an ordinary woman. My padded bra boobs were modest as was my makeup. Not a tart, just an everyday woman trying to be smart on a limited income.

Sheena pointed out little differences in the way women walked, gestured and acted. Eventually we went out onto the street together and finally for a drink (with Tim of course) at a pub. Just one drink in a corner: nobody taking notice. I was thrilled at being ignored!


I was now sufficiently comfortable in my new persona to take a trip by train with Sheena to my former home. She had explained the plan to me, but I was still very nervous. It had to be the green dress, which I sort of considered lucky.

She rang the bell and Josh answered.

"I'm Sheena, and this is Bryony," she announced confidently. "Melissa is expecting us. We made arrangements by phone."

We were invited in and offered seats in the living room. Josh said he would get Melissa and make some tea. Melissa came in, and Sheena stepped forward and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Melissa. This is Bryony, of course."

Melissa nodded at me and I nodded back. We were both equally unsure.

Josh brought some tea and biscuits. Nobody said anything except about milk and sugar and thank you. We were all waiting for Sheena.

"As I told you on the phone, I used to be a police officer. I am not one now, but I know something of the law, and have spoken to a lawyer friend. Now I do not intend to make trouble for you, but I think there are some issues with the divorce and your current situation which authorities might question."

Josh started to protest, but Melissa shushed him.

"The fact that you are living with the man you cited as the cause of your divorce, might look something like conspiracy, and the fact that settlement was made for you as a single mother when you appear to be a couple might also call into question if this was fair."

Melissa opened her mouth, but Sheena raised her hand.

"Just let me finish. However, the main issue is Ryan being barred from contact with his daughter. As you notice, Ryan is not here, I have brought my friend, Esmerelda's Aunt Bryony."

There was a sharp intake of breath from Josh, and Melissa looked uncomfortable. I was perched on the edge of my chair.

"Melissa, you told me that Josh is acting as a good father and Esmerelda calls him Dad. As she was only 3 when the divorce happened, she will have limited memories and it would probably confuse her to be in contact with Ryan either as a father or an uncle. I think that she could learn to accept Bryony as an aunt who visits every couple of weeks or so. What do you think?"

"Well," started Josh, and we all looked at him hard. He lowered his gaze and closed his mouth.

"I suppose that would be all right," said my former wife. "Bryony is very convincing, and I know she loves Esme. I've actually felt a bit bad about keeping them apart, so it would be a bit of a relief. I'll go and get her."

All I can say for the next hour is that I was in heaven. My daughter ran about, sat on Josh and Melissa, hugged them both, gave me a big open-mouthed kiss and said "I like you Bwyony."

Normally as Bryony I just wore clothes like the dress which did not show the masculine bulge, but I had 'tucked and taped' with a gaff to hide my cock and balls away, as these were at child height, and she might hug me with her face there (which she did on a later visit). She showed us some of her toys and talked about things in a childish way, but older than I remembered. Those years I had missed were evident. We went out into the garden and she pointed out things to me and told me about her friends. It was all I wanted.

We went in for tea, and watched some cartoons with her. Finally, she was bathed and brought to say goodnight to the visitors, and Josh took her upstairs to read a story.

Meanwhile, Melissa told Sheena her side of the story, listing my many faults. The most damning claim was that Josh was being a better husband and father than I had been. I didn't argue. She said he was infertile, and his fiancée broke up with him when she learned, as they both wanted children. It was on the rebound that he had taken up with me, not knowing I was married with a baby on the way until he was well infatuated. In the mess which followed she had come to appreciate him as a decent human being and he had supported her after the divorce until it developed into love for her and Esme.

Josh came down and added his evidence against me. He said (and it was true) that I had made the approaches when he was a bit down. From my side I said I didn't rape him. He was the one who fucked me, and did it often afterwards. All I did was offer him a handjob and later my ass. And I honestly thought there was some love between us.

"But really, Bryony," he said, "seeing you now is the person I wanted to have sex with and the person I loved. She must have been inside you all the time. I can feel the desire to make love to you, but I will never make the mistake you made. You will be welcome any time as a friend but nothing more."

Melissa added "To be honest, I think it was a bit more about sex than love at first for me. Ryan being openly bisexual was so sexy and exciting when we were dating and I was in love when we married, but I couldn't handle it after we had our daughter, and I couldn't understand how you could go with someone else when you did."

She turned to Sheena.

"As you can see Ryan is a charmer as a man or a woman. Be careful, or he'll have both you and your husband, and where will you be then?"

It was agreed that Bryony could visit whenever she wanted, and presents would be passed on, then we went to get our train.

On the way back Sheena told me something else.

"So you used to be a copper?" I remarked.

"Yes," she said. "Do you know what I do now?"

"Something to do with the local authority?"

"Yes, I am actually in social services, including child protection. What I was doing this afternoon was making an informal assessment as I would in any case where a child's welfare was questioned. For you to know, her relationship with Josh looked very good and my initial recommendation would be to let it continue. If I can come along with you occasionally, I will keep an eye on how things develop, and be prepared to get the local social services involved if necessary."

As we walked from the station she calmly remarked "Of course, Melissa was right about you and us."


We contacted the authorities and changed the child maintenance payments to a private arrangement, and Josh agreed to take over the mortgage payments, which greatly eased my financial situation. I could now have afforded to move to a better place, but would not be parted from my wonderful neighbours.

After a few visits it seemed that Josh really was trying and succeeding to be a good dad, and I was much relieved. I told Sheena how grateful I was and how I wished I could do something for them. Could I pay for a nice holiday?

"Perhaps you can," she said, "but we don't want money."

It was Ryan they wanted to talk to, and it was Tim who explained.

"We both want children, but unfortunately my sperms aren't up to it, and we have been considering a sperm donor. It seems obvious that you are fertile, and you have a healthy daughter, so would you try for us? If it helps, we think the best way is for you just to have sex with Sheena around her fertile period."

How could I refuse?

For about a week every month as close as Sheena could judge her ovulation, I was Ryan full-time, and concentrating on producing lots of lovely sperms to shoot into darling Sheena. She sucked off Tim during this time. We weren't sure if Tim's sperms would be a help or a hindrance, but he decided not to risk it. However, he eventually felt the need to fuck me as Bryony occasionally and I fucked him when he asked for it. All the sex was done privately -- no voyeurism -- but not secretly.

After three months Sheena's period was late, but it was a false alarm. We were so disappointed. The next month there was a period as usual. Then Tim got a strange idea.

In what Sheena reckoned were the three most likely days I fucked her while Tim fucked me. He didn't care who I was, he just said he wanted to be there in me at the conception. I would not ordinarily wish to come between a husband and wife, but was very pleased to do so for this purpose.

It was a wonderful experience to be having sex simultaneously with two people I loved, exciting for all of us, and best of all, it worked!

It is of course OK to have sex during pregnancy, but Sheena did not want to take any chances, and ordered Tim and me to fuck each other as much as possible, and she would suck off Tim any time of course. She sucked me off on my birthday, but that was the only time.

Tim and I were fascinated by Sheena's growing during pregnancy, though only Tim had the privilege of direct access. This was so wonderful that sex did not seem so important. I fucked him and he fucked me about once a week mainly to satisfy Sheena. However, he did say he loved me which was even better. He felt he was not being unfaithful to Sheena in this way: it was part of the relationship which was giving them a child. He didn't care if I was Ryan or Bryony; it was now the person not the gender that mattered.