Magic Dress - Grace Pt. 01

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Computer nerds get a girlfriend.
4.3k words

Part 36 of the 82 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/01/2019
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We were computer nerds. Four of us in the same year at school. All boys, of course.

Naturally we called ourselves the Four Musketeers (though no-one else did, and we never quite agreed who was to be D'Artagnan.)

And we went to the same university to study computer science. There were two universities in the same city: an old posh one where you had to have a good grade in A level Maths to get into the computer department, and a newer not at all posh one where they were not so fussy. I had only just got by in GCSE maths, so did Geography instead, and the not-so-fussy-one was happy enough.

We were none of us nerds in the sense of being geniuses or swots in general. We just liked everything to do with computers and Monty Python (the repeats in the early 90's and recordings.) And the not-at-all-posh university was fully prepared for people like us.

It was absolutely brilliant! The academics told us interesting things in the lectures, set us coursework and practicals which were fun, and in our free time we had access to rooms full of computers. I loved the video and sound editing suites. There wasn't much maths and it was explained much better than at school. (And some staff had seen Monty Python first time round.)

And there were a lot of people like us in the class. Boys with poor social skills and a bit obsessive.

There were only two girls, but that was fine. They had set themselves up with studs doing Sports Science so any thoughts of rumpy-pumpy should be abandoned. And they had girls on other courses for socializing, so in practice they were just two more lads in the class. They wore no makeup and dressed like us in class: baggy tops and trousers or jeans. They were hardly recognisable in skirts and makeup when we saw them outside sometimes.

In this way, I got friendly with Corinne, who also liked video and sound editing.

She was the one who gave us the tip at the end of the first year.

Like most first years, we were in halls of residence, which included some meals and services. For further years students usually moved into private self-catering places in the city, as it was cheaper and you could do what you liked for meals.

There were some houses where groups of students stayed which were passed on to certain groups. This could be a subject, or an interest, usually to do with a student group. There was a karate house and a science fiction house as well as a civil engineers house etc.

Corinne knew about us four and said that some final year computing students were in a very cheap house which we could get for the next two years, if we were quick. It was an old four-bedroom house, but with two toilets and a shower room as well as a bathroom, and a sink in each bedroom.

"Ideal for boys," she added, after telling me about the sinks.

We took a quick look, and jumped at the chance.

It was arranged that I would be the first one to collect the keys and sign the documents, and the others would come in the next few days.

I went to the owner's address to collect the keys at the appointed time.

An old woman answered the door.

"Come in, please," she said, "and we can deal with everything. I'm sorry I couldn't meet you at the house. I'm afraid I'll have to impose on you a bit. My name's Ada, by the way."

She asked me if there was anyone waiting, and I said no.

Over a cup of tea, she reminded me of the contract. We had to put out the bins, and keep the garden tidy. It was only a small one, so not a problem.

"I usually clean it all out before new tenants," she explained, "but I couldn't manage this year."

"It's usually boys, of course, but there was a lovely girl called Grace, and she promised me it wouldn't be left in a state, but there are some things left behind. They say anything left behind is not wanted, so you can have it, or give it to charity, or put it in the bin if it's just rubbish. I'm sorry."

I knew Grace Hopper, of course. Not to speak to, but the girls in the department were often together. Grace had told Corinne about the house and as she didn't want it herself, since she was going to move in with a boyfriend, she had told me.

"If I were you, I'd take Grace's room for yourself. It was the main bedroom."

I went round and looked it over the place.

As promised, it wasn't in too bad a state. I dumped my things in the biggest bedroom as advised. It had a little plate on the door 'Grace's Bedroom' like kids have.

Most of my student stuff had been left in a university storeroom, so could be got later.

As promised there was bedding, so no need to bring that.

My bedroom looked clear of junk, but there were some things left in the others. Some final year computer textbooks (which I took to my room), quite a lot of magazines (mainly computer, a bit of porn) some CDs, an old games console and cartridges, odd cables, a soldering iron, bits of clothing, a pair of trainers which I took straight to the dustbin and various odds and ends.

The kitchen had an assortment of mugs and crockery, almost no two the same, cutlery and pots and pans, an electric kettle, toaster and microwave, of course, and some tins of food. I disposed of the contents of the fridge. There was a washing machine and tumble dryer.

In the garden shed I found a hand mower and some shears, so decided we must have a rota.

Then I went to my room to put my stuff away. I took the porn magazines with me. When I say porn, it was really girlie magazines like you got on the top shelf at a newsagent's. I had never dared to buy one myself, but had caught a glimpse when other boys brought them to school. I would share them with the others, but I was going to have first go.


I opened a drawer to put them away. In it was some underwear.

It was with a sense of excitement that I held these precious things. Panties, two bras. There was even a suspender belt and some stockings! Girls don't really wear these things normally. It must have been just for a particular party, and not worth taking with her.

The magazines were forgotten for a moment as I handled these forbidden objects!

I immediately sang the Monty Python lumberjack song, finishing "I cut down trees, I wear high heels, suspendies and a bra. I wish I was a girly, just like my dear papa."

(Though Michael Palin says 'mama' on TV, true fans know that 'papa' is the original, and said in the stage shows. And it's 'suspendies' not 'suspenders'.)

It's funny, but I suspect I'm not the only man who has felt a twinge of something else. Suspenders and a bra are the ultimate female garments. What would it be like?

There was a plain white bra and a black lace one with some wire in it, each with matching suspender belt and some panties. With the black lace stockings, it must have looked gorgeous on her.

Or on me?

I couldn't. I wasn't a homosexual. I wouldn't want to "put on women's clothing and hang around in bars"!

But there was no-one around.

I just held the black bra for a while, this strange and mysterious thing. What would be the harm?

But sod it! How do they fasten it at the back?

After struggling for a while, I remembered what we had been taught about changing problems instead of rushing into coding. Transforming them to easier ones to get to the same result.

I couldn't do it around the back. Could I do it at the front?

Yes, easy! I turned it round with the cups in front. Then the only problem was getting my arms through the loops. Not easy, but I managed it, once I had loosened the straps.

I was wearing a bra, and my cock was feeling cheerful already.

Even better when it was in lace panties.

The suspender belt was easy enough. The stockings were a bit more difficult than I expected, and the suspenders themselves were very fiddly.

Finally, I saw myself in a long mirror.

I couldn't describe exactly what I felt, but my cock was really hard.

I stuffed some panties into each cup to fill the bra and turned and admired myself, turning to get different views.

I walked on tiptoe for a bit as if I was in high heels, but it was too much of strain.

Finally, when I could not hold on any longer, I wanked myself, and caught it in another pair of panties.

I washed the spermy panties and used them to wipe my cock. There was still a towel by the sink, so I dried myself, and rinsed the panties again, leaving them to dry on the towel rail.

Then I looked in the wardrobe. There were a few clothes as well. Corinne said Grace had got a good job in America, so I expect she would be getting new things.

There was a green dress. I was obviously about her size, but would it fit?

I put it on and adjusted it over the bra.

And felt something different.

Pleased. Relieved. Satisfied. Calm. Something like that.

I walked around and felt good. I had put on women's clothing. I might like to go to bars, or at least out socially. Not looking for sex, just being me.

It was a turning point in my life, yet at the same time it wasn't new. I liked seeing girls in feminine clothes instead of the student uniform. Now I knew it wasn't just the girls, but also the clothes I admired.

I tried on all the clothes in the wardrobe, and liked it all, though a couple were too tight.

While dressed as a girl, I put my own clothes away. And put the porn on the table in the living room.

Then I changed into my usual jeans and T-shirt, but kept the suspenders, stockings and panties on underneath while I went to buy some milk and food.

As I ate dinner I was in a skirt and blouse (with the white bra) but without the suspenders and stockings.

Grace had left her bedclothes as well. When I pulled them back there was a pink nightdress with matching panties! That night I slept in it, and slept very well. There was also a pink dressing gown hung on the door of my room, so I put it on while I had breakfast next day.

I was wearing a pair of Grace's panties (but not the stockings) under my usual clothes when I collected the rest of my stuff from the store. And I had the full gear for when I was putting it in place, and eating lunch, being very careful of the dress. I sat down to pee, of course.

Another delightful day and night.

I had spent nearly two days dressing and pretending to be a girl, when I had to change back as the first of my housemates was due to arrive.


Abdul was the first. (We call him Ab, or Abbie.) He spotted the sign on my bedroom.

"So you're Grace now, are you? I wasn't expecting that!"

"Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" was my necessary answer.

"No, she's stayed on. We just share a bed," I added.

It took him a second, then he laughed.

"You wish!"

Tony was next, and finally Sean.

Gradually we got used to our new life. And it was down to me to get the others to do the necessary chores, which was very hard.

Abdul was the worst. He's got five sisters and a grandma living with him, and his dad has some old-fashioned ideas, so he complained that doing things like washing the dishes was woman's work. When I said there wasn't a woman he would say "Oh yes there is. Your room-mate, Grace - she'll do it!"

And to some extent I did. As an only child I had been taught to do little jobs to keep the place clean and tidy. I could even cook a bit. I also felt a responsibility to our landlady, Ada.

We all ganged up on Abdul to mow the lawn and trim the hedge since he did sod-all else. Proper man's work.

Sometimes when I chivvied them to do things they called me Mum.

And eventually Grace.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist, Grace! I'll clear it up afterwards!" for example.

Secretly, I quite liked it.

Though I didn't dare put on a dress or skirt, Grace had abandoned some of her student uniform clothes, so I sometimes wore one or two of them. Actual female clothes! (And pretty panties underneath.)

A baggy top was a baggy top. I didn't fill the bum of the jeans or slacks, and the pockets were tiny - why is that?

Finally, there was half term.

Abdul's dad came to give the others a lift back home. Because of his large family, it's an eight-seater people carrier. He also took two black bin liners of Abdul's washing and some from the others. I gave my parents an excuse and stayed on.

Oh, how great it was to be a girl again!

I vacuumed and cleaned the place, in a blouse and skirt with the plain bra and panties underneath. I was able to wash and dry my female clothes properly.

To be honest, I didn't really know why I liked it. A bit naughty, I suppose, and a novelty.

I also visited Ada (not as a girl!). She asked me to change a lightbulb, which she couldn't manage herself. I realised she probably needed a bit more help, and also liked the company, so said I would come by once or twice a week, which I did.

I was in the green dress, dancing a bit to a CD when there was a voice behind me.

"I see you've tidied the place. That's nice of you."

It was Sean.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you. Mum and Dad are talking about a divorce, and things were so bad at home, I took a coach and came back early."

"This isn't..." I began. But it was what it looked like.

"So you're a lumberjack, after all, Mike," he smiled.

"I don't mind. You can wear a dress all the time if you like. We're still mates."

"Thanks," was all I could think of to say.

"Tony won't be bothered. His older brother's gay as well. I don't know about Abbie though."

"I'm not gay!" I said quickly, then paused.

Perhaps I was. I didn't fancy men, but maybe this was the first stage.

"Please don't tell the others!" I begged.

"Of course not. We're mates."

He switched off the CD player, got on one knee, leaning on the other with his forearm and started humming the lumberjack song. So I sang it and he did the choruses with the actions and expressions.

Sean didn't say anything, and I didn't risk anything but the panties and the nightdress for the rest of the term.

My parents were expecting me, so I went with the others for the Christmas break. I got a computer game and a pullover. I think Dad bought Mum some sexy underwear. She unwrapped it a bit, giggled, then closed it up and kissed Dad. I was glad for them, but wished I had seen what it was.

On New Year when nothing much happened, Dad said the Millennium Bug had been a false alarm and I gave him a lecture about the amount of work computer people had done to stop everything breaking down, but he'd had plenty of Scotch so he didn't care.

I took a coach back so I could have at least one day as a lumberjack, and to wash the nightdress. I had done the panties in the sink, but the problem was drying the nightdress.

Sean was already there. I guessed why.

"Tough at home?" I asked.

"Worst Christmas ever," he said sadly.

"By the way, I got you a present."

"Sort of," he added, looking down.

"Don't be offended, but Dad bought Mum some fancy lingerie. Trying to patch things up, I suppose, but she chucked it in the bin, and they had a row. When I took the rubbish out, I pinched it. Might not be your size anyway."

It was a red lace bra and suspender set with red lace stockings.

I could feel my cock going hard at the thought of it.

"Thanks, mate," I said, "I really appreciate it. Even if it doesn't fit, it's the best Christmas present ever!"

"It's been in a bin," he said, "but like waste paper, not anything disgusting."

"Do you want to try them on?"

I did, and was grateful he turned away and went to his bedroom, so I went to mine.

It was near enough, though a bigger chest and cup size for the bra. With Grace's bra I was on the last set of hooks, while with this I was on the first, but fine when padded. I had switched to my socks for this purpose.

There were two pairs of panties.

One was open crotch! (Maybe that's what had annoyed Sean's mum.)

With my cock sticking through and hard as rock, I had the best wank ever, watching it in the mirror!

When I had cleaned myself up I put on the normal panties and my cock shrank down. I still looked good in the mirror, but in a different way.

I grabbed the green dress, but it didn't seem right, so I put on a white blouse and the black skirt. The red bra was visible through the blouse, and of course was bigger.

I so much wanted someone to see me like this, but was it too much?

Finally I got the courage to go out into the living room, where Sean was sitting on the sofa.

He didn't say anything for a while.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot.

"It's the right size then?" he said.

"You look good," he added, and I could see him blushing.

I had never felt anything like it. The way he was looking at me made me feel so good.

I walked around a bit. I couldn't help it, I was showing off, waving my hips a bit.

It wasn't long before he stood up and I could see his stiffy.

"Excuse me," he said, in an embarrassed way.

I felt elated but mostly guilty, thinking that he was going to toss himself off, so I went back into my room and changed.

I took off the red set, and put on white panties and bra, the skirt and a baggy top.

Just a girl at home.

That felt good as well.

But I had to go back to being Mike before the others came.


I wasn't homosexual. I didn't fancy Sean.

But I liked the idea of him fancying me and going off to have a good wank!

OK it's pervy, but not gay. (Not that there's anything wrong with gays.)

And I liked women's clothes, but was careful.

For the Easter break, Sean was going to stay, but he got some kind of message, so came home with the rest of us. I really didn't want to spend three weeks away from my girly clothes, so was glad when Sean contacted me and said he was going back, and could I help him with some luggage?

He wasn't kidding! He had masses, and we took a taxi to the station and went by train instead of coach.

"It's happening," he told me on the train.

"Mum and Dad are getting a divorce, and selling the house, so I'll be living at uni until I finish the degree, and then see where I can get a job."

I was so sorry, but all I could do was let him tell me about it. It was early, but I bought us a couple of ciders, which were a help.

When we'd finally dragged everything into the house, he took one big bag and said "That's for you."

"I don't know if it's any good, but Mum was having a clear-out and I grabbed these."

Inside were some of her clothes.

"They've been worn, but they're clean. I just thought maybe..."

He went pink.

"That's really nice of you, mate!" I said with feeling.

It wasn't specially sexy clothes, just nice underwear and everyday clothes.

And at the bottom was a pair of shoes with heels. Not really high ones, but enough, and ones which had been used.

"Mum always complained she had large feet for a woman," Sean commented when I found I could get them on. We both laughed as I walked unsteadily in his mum's skirt and cardigan.

There was a week before the others came back, and I spent nearly all of it as a girl, apart from when I went to visit Ada. Sean did the shopping. We washed our bedsheets and those of Tony as well. (Abdul had taken his for his mum, of course.)

Twice I put on one of the suspender and stocking sets, had a good wank, then performed so he could go off and do the same. But mostly it was just domestic. We studied together, did the housework and watched TV. No kissing or holding hands. Just good mates - a boy and a girl.

Then it was back to being Mike and studying for exams.

We didn't normally lock our bedroom doors when we were in them, so at any time someone might knock to ask a question about coursework, or suggest going out or watching something on TV, so I couldn't really wear a dress or skirt, unless Tony and Abdul were both out.

Yes, of course I locked the door when I was having a wank, but I couldn't take the relaxing time afterwards in a dress.