Magic Dress - Jady Pt. 03

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Coming out, and some other comings.
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Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/01/2023
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Of course it had been Granny who had persuaded my parents, and it was Granny who took me to university ahead of term to see the accommodation office. As I was going to be living as a female, it was no longer appropriate for me to be in a male hall of residence. Seeing me in a dress and makeup, they realised I was serious, and found me a flat which had been vacated by a visiting student.

I let my Personal Tutor know, and she was very kind. She even invited me to dinner with her husband, a lecturer in another department, which was a bit nerve-wracking in advance, but was very nice when I got into it. He simply treated me like any other student. They were both frighteningly intelligent, I realised, but they tried hard to keep me at ease.

My classmates got used to it, though some of the friendships changed. Actually for the better. I had been a bit of a loner: now some boys were positively nice to me, and a couple of girls took me under their wing, giving me the female companionship I really needed. Nothing special, but at the same time wonderful. Casual comments to each other, hanging out, talking about girl things. They were good students, and I also began to study as seriously as they did.

After the exams there was a meeting of DramSoc where I was pleased to hear people asking about "the new girl". I told people I was Jady but used to be Jeremy, and that was it. However, the producer/director asked to speak to me in private.

"Well Jady, this is a surprise. It gives me an idea. Do you think you might be up to an important female part? I think you must have a lot of guts, so you might be able to carry it off."

I was gobsmacked. I had been hoping for some minor female role, probably not speaking. There were much better actors than me, but I still liked being part of it. Then I realised the problem: my voice. Could I do a convincing female voice?

"I'm not sure," I said.

"Listen," he continued, "I was planning on doing Romeo and Juliet..."

I could not believe it.

"You want me to play Juliet?"

He laughed.

"Of course not. Could there be any other choice but Julia?"

Of course, he was right. Apart from the coincidence of names, she could have been born for the role. She was small and looked young and vulnerable, whereas she was actually a very bright and confident law student. She was also the best actor among us. I could imagine her in court asking easy innocent questions then suddenly picking out the lies with forensic efficiency. I would definitely want to be on her side.

"No, it's the Nurse. Do you know it."

I had to apologise that we had not done that play at school.

"Well, she is the leading character after Romeo and Juliet. In fact, she holds the whole story together. And it's complicated, because Shakespeare uses her as his comic character, with some quite coarse double-entendres and malapropisms. But at the same time, she is a slightly tragic character, having lost her husband and son, so we end up respecting her strength and being very sympathetic to her."

"Like Widow Twankey," I said.

"Exactly! The pantomime dame. Well done, Jady. I knew you'd get it. In fact, I was wondering if I should give the role to a man, as they would have in Shakespeare's day."

It was my turn to laugh.

"I can see why I might be right for the part!"

"The only thing is we're going to have to uglify you. She's an older woman, and Mercutio says her arse is better looking than her face. That's the only drawback with casting you, if you're prepared to put up with it."

I was hooked. And it worked out really well. With a studying and rehearsing I had no time for anything else. There was no time to think if I should be dating boys or worrying about myself. I just got on with being Jady.

I had my female friends in class, and got a new one, Julia.

My costume was very special. As a former wet-nurse. I had large sagging boobs and padded hips, plus some lines on my forehead. I looked older, but not really ugly, just very plain compared with Juliet who was just simply pretty. They said my voice was fine for the part.

I actually got laughs where I should because the director made us do it over the top like in panto, and showed us where there would be expected variations from the written script.

So when I ask for my fan and Mercutio says "to hide her face; for her fan's the fairer face," he stuck out his bum, and slapped it, looking at the audience, as he said "her's the fairer face." (Although fanny now means pussy, in Shakespeare's time it meant arse, as it still does in America.) He was actually very good, a natural comic, and we were a sort of double act before the serious parts.

After the show, we were being congratulated when I heard a familiar voice.

"How's my talented granddaughter, then?" It was Granny!

We hugged, with my big boobs between us.

"My how you've grown!" she said. "Can I speak to whoever's in charge?"

And she praised the director for getting back to the proper Elizabethan way instead of the formal po-faced things you usually see. The casting and the wigs were subtle, but suggested the Capulets and Montagues were different ethnic or cultural groups in the same city, echoing tensions we had today. She was knowledgeable and technical, so her praise was deserved and accepted.

She waited till I had changed, then walked me back to my room. She had got a room for the night and did not need to get away, so we talked. That was it. We just talked like a girl and her much-loved grandmother.

Next day it was study and the play in the early evening. I was surprised to see Granny again, along with Mum and Dad!

At the end there was a change, which Granny had suggested.

Romeo and Juliet came out to take their bow and well-deserved applause. Then after them I came out holding hands with Mercutio, and raised my dress to show fishnet stockings, which brought a laugh.

Dad said the play was funnier than he expected and Mum said it was ruder, but nice, and they both thought I was the star of the show. Granny had booked a room for them, so they stayed overnight. In the morning I showed them around (though I had to miss a lecture) and introduced them to a few friends before they left. Mum was a bit tearful, but said she was glad I was so happy.

It was the final night, and Granny was there again, with Sandra!

This time I showed my fishnet stockings, and Mercutio kissed me, which brought cheers.

Then there was going to be a party for the cast and crew. Some changed, but most of us stayed in costume but took off our makeup, and in the case of the girls, replaced it. I took off my headgear and Sandra helped me with my hair.

There was quite a lot of kissing (mostly Julia, of course) but a few kissed me and said I was great. My Personal Tutor's husband was there (and carefully did not kiss anybody as an academic among students) but got me together with the director and shook our hands.

"I thought Flora Robson defined the role, but that really was the best performance of the Nurse I ever expect to see! It must be the sexiest Nurse in modern times, and so authentic to Shakespeare. Well done to both of you!"

As he was going away, he added "Though Rita Moreno was VERY sexy in West Side Story, if you count adaptations."

Then it was time to hand in our costumes. The wardrobe mistress said I could keep the boobs and hips as a souvenir, as they had been made for me by some arts students, and couldn't be re-used. I put on the green dress, and took them in a bag. It had been a bit of a relief to take them off, so I wondered how it must be for women who had them all the time. But in a funny way I was quite fond of them, and the Nurse I had played. Granny said she would look after them.

Granny had kept the double room my parents had stayed in for Sandra, and suggested we could spend the night there if we wanted.

We wanted!

We both kissed Granny to say good night, which rather pleased her.

Inside we hugged and kissed and Sandra did not wait.

"Can I please give you a handjob?" she said. "I've really missed it."

"I don't know," I said, as I hadn't had an erection for ages.

But there it was, my cock was rising under the skirt!

We quickly got undressed and washed, and Sandra got a tube of jelly from her handbag. We were both naked, but in full makeup as we lay on the bed, her hand around my stiff cock.

"I love you, Jady," she said and kissed me on the mouth and with her tongue.

"I love you too," I said, as soon as I was able.

She got up quickly and knelt between my legs. I was just looking at her face, so lovely and so loving, as I felt the slippery jelly rubbing up and down my shaft.

We were just looking at each other and smiling.

"You've got beautiful breasts," I said, as if the thought had only just occurred to me. She smiled.

Because of how I had felt with José I had some idea of how good it could be to give someone pleasure like this, but knew it was more than that for her because of love, and was happy in a way to be pleasing her by enjoying it myself.

I could not help closing my eyes at times, so I did not see when she went down and put her lips on me, but I felt her love as I spurted and spurted into her mouth.

It was in that hazy afterglow as she lay down beside me that I got the most urgent desire. I had to kiss her!

I jumped up, moved around and buried my face in her pussy. Her hair got in my mouth, but I didn't mind, I was just kissing her so urgently yet so gently. I had really no idea what I was doing. I just kissed and licked and loved all her fantastic details and lovely juice. Why had I never done this before?

I don't know how long it went on for or any details, really. I was just consumed with love and pouring into her most female parts, until she was writhing and gasping "I love you!".

As I took a breath, I could see her face was red, then I went back to enjoying her. I think we were both beginning to tire and I slowed down as she patted my head and said "Enough, darling, enough."

We cuddled until the passion subsided, and both cleaned off our makeup, and had a quick shower (but not hair). Then still naked, we went to bed.

"So," she said. "Do you still feel like a girl?"

It was a magic moment as I realised the truth.

"Yes I did," I said. "Really all the time."

"I knew it," she said. "Even when I was wanking you, you still seemed like a girl. But when you made love to me it was just love. Your Granny was right, you are a girl, just a girl with a cock, and I love you."

We didn't do anything, just kiss and cuddle and sleep until Granny knocked on the door and reminded us to get breakfast before Sandra had to go.

However, there was one thing I had to ask.

"Sandra, do you have a boyfriend at your university?"

"If you mean someone to fuck me, yes. If you mean a partner, no. I like being a girl and being treated as one by men. I think you would if you tried it. Actually, I mainly like giving handjobs, and I think you do. Before we settle down as old lesbians, we should both have a bit of fun. Maybe one day we will go out and pick up a couple of Spanish waiters."

"I mean it," she said just before she left. "Go out dancing at least. Kiss anyone you fancy. Pull a cock or two, if you get the chance. Or not if you don't want to. Just be a girl."


There was still a week to go before Easter break, and I had just finished a 10 o'clock lecture when Arnold (that is Mercutio) was waiting there.

"I looked at your timetable," he said. "Could I buy you a coffee?" I didn't see why not.

As we sat down with our drinks, he continued.

"We were quite a team, weren't we?" I agreed. It had been fun.

"The thing is, would you go out with me sometime?"

I couldn't believe it. He was good-looking, funny and popular.

"Surely there are plenty of girls..." I said.

"Of course there are; but I'm asking you. But if there's someone else, or you don't want to..."

"No, there's no-one else," I said a bit sadly, "but you know what I am, and I can't really..."

He got angry.

"For pity's sake! I just like you and want to be a friend!"

"Can we start again?" I said. "I like you too, and it would be nice to be your friend."

So he was. We mainly got to know each other and kissed before the Easter break. He was an engineering student and had a girlfriend last year, but she had graduated, and they did not expect to see each other. He liked girls and he liked me, and there was no one else special, so why not?

The Easter break was short that year. There was a project to finish and revision to start ready for the June exams. Sandra visited, but only stayed for three days. Three days of wonderful lovemaking. By which I mean she gave me one handjob and I learned to love her pussy more. I thought there was nothing in the world better than exploring her pleasure zones with my tongue and lips and fingers. I was sure that fucking would not be as good.

"Yes," she said. "It's better than fucking, but men aren't that keen on doing it, so women are supposed to be the best, and you've proved it. I promise you: no-one will ever do it to me apart from you."

"But you do like to be fucked?" I asked.

"Yes, it's nice to keep the cunt in working order now and again, and to feel appreciated."

So we made a deal. She could be fucked and give handjobs while away from me (in fact I encouraged it), but no cunnilingus. She in turn encouraged me to give handjobs if the opportunity arose.

Neither of us mentioned my male condition and the obvious questions: did I want to fuck or be fucked? Best not to spoil the short time together.

Back at university there were the final lectures where the academics gave hints as to what was in the exam.

Arnold took me to the last disco, and I told him plain that I would love to give him a handjob. He enjoyed it, of course, but was smart enough to see that I did, so I gave him a few more during the exam period, to relieve us both of stress. There was also an after-exam dance where we snogged heavily, and of course he got another handjob afterwards. I liked his cock. Not the biggest, but a nice one, and very satisfactory so far as I was concerned.

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LisaBrooksLisaBrooks8 months ago

Her feminization has progressed loving the female lifestyle more and more!

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