Magic Dress - Marian Pt. 03

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Marian the maid completes her journey.
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Part 44 of the 82 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 02/01/2019
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King Richard returned! It was not immediate, but he put right some of the injustices of his brother, including pardoning the Mary men and restoring the Loxley estate. The Lincoln tailors sold capes with hoods as fast as they could make them. It seemed that there would be many Robin Greenhoods telling tales in the hope of a drink or a maiden!

There was a celebration in the Loxley mansion, and we of course were guests. Afterwards, we took to our guest chambers, and my wife had a revelation for me.

I had worn the wondrous kirtle, of course, and was about to change to my nightgown when she stopped me, and produced an undergown in the finest Lincoln cloth. With this and a petticoat below the kirtle it was like the most marvellous gown for a great lady! Some new bosoms, a blouse and a cap and veil of the finest quality completed my transformation.

The bosoms were not hung around the neck but were in a sort of halter under the shoulders of the kirtle. They were also heavier, very like the weight of my own dear wife's, which pleased me greatly!

There was a mirror made of black glass in the room (fully eighteen inches by twelve!) in which I was able to see myself.

"Thou art a beautiful maid," she said softly, and I believed her.

"Thy true love, Robin, is waiting in the next room. Go to him, Marian and give thyself to him."

She kissed me on the cheek, with a tear in her eye.

"What about thee, my faithful spouse?" I asked, my eyes also wet.

"I shall have the greatest satisfaction in thy pleasure," she replied. "And I shall continue to be thy loyal wife in every other way."

Robin was indeed waiting, and said he was overcome how charming I looked. We danced for a little, though there was no music, and it seemed so easy for me to take the woman's part. We kissed, but it was no different. It was just the kiss of love we had always had.

I used the privy, and there was something new: a bowl of water and some cloths. He said the heathens washed their arses after a shit, which prevented rashes in the hot country, and many Crusaders had adopted the habit. (My wife greatly approved and we later did the same at home.) He also said the heathens were quite fond of swiving each other, so had some grease mixtures to help. He had given an apothecary the recipe, which he said would be useful as salve for various purposes. With this he carefully prepared me, before entering into me at last.

I stood bent over as he proceeded so gently at first, then was I in paradise as he filled me as lustily as he could, before giving me his seed at last. The love, the lust, the urgency, the manliness was everything I craved, bracing myself against the onslaught with utter joy. He swived me again during the night and again in the dawn light. In between, I clung close to him in warm and sleepy comfort.

On the morrow, I was in my masculine clothes again, and had a meeting with Guy of Gisbourne and Robin. Guy was also a guest in the Loxley home.

"You twain made my life very hard," Guy began. "Twas very difficult not catching thee, Robin, particularly with Marius visiting so oft. I kept getting reports and could not ignore them. If it were not for Marius's wife keeping me informed so that I could keep just missing thee, then my men would have managed no matter how hard I tried to misdirect them. At least thou hadst the wit to split up and pretend to be moving around knowing that every green cape and hood would identify Robin. I guess that was a stratagem got from thy military experience, Robin."

"In truth, not I but Marian's wife," admitted Robin, carelessly using the special name. "Twas her idea."

"Oh well," said Guy. "Now this business with you twain swiving. Twas hard to keep that quiet, but with so many soldiers and sailors returning, there is going to be rather a lot of that happening, so there will not be too many questions. And the nobles have always practised a bit of male love anyway, but being discreet about it. Not to mention the priests."

"Which bringeth me to my main point. Now Robin, thou hast never married, though thy parents tried to find thee a wife often enough. Am I right in thinking thy true wish would be Marian as wife?"

He stopped and looked at both of us. I realised that he knew of my special name, and much more.

"I see I am right, and I know Marian desireth naught more than to be swived by Robin every night."

I opened my mouth to protest, but then closed it.

"That is of course, not possible. However, there is no reason why Marian cannot be Loxley's mistress. You are known to be close friends, so there is no reason you should not visit each other oft, providing it doth not interfere with your duties as lords of your estates."

"Robin will of course have to have a wife. The only question is whether it be to swive or not to swive. What sayest thou, Robin? Thou art a hero, and there will be no shortage of eligible ladies, not to mention most of the milkmaids being glad to open their legs. I have discussed this with my wife and Marian's and we have some suggestions. Tell me when thou hast thought upon it."

I was dumbstruck. But then the aristocracy had always taken a practical view about marriage, more or less as they did with breeding animals. Guy was clearly more organized and understanding of the world and a much better man than me to be the Sheriff!

"Now Marian. While thou art being swived by Robin, I hope thou hast no objection to my continuing to swive thine own wife. Is that with thy agreement?"

"What!" said I, astonished. "I thought she was visiting her cousin! And suppose she should get with child?"

Guy looked at me and gave a sigh.

"Thy wife is full forty years. She hath not bled for three years, so cannot get with child. My wife is twenty-five and hath had four children. She doth not wish another, and I would save her the danger of childbirth. Twas she who suggested her cousin, who is yet still a very fine woman. If thou hast no further use for her cunt, Marius, I will be glad to keep it in service."

Robin eventually married one of Guy's nieces, and therefore a relative of my wife. She was a young crusader's widow from a good family, who knew the joy of swiving and the pain of childbirth. She agreed to marry again, providing she did not have too much in the way of swiving, but would eventually be willing to provide another child. Meanwhile she brought a suckling daughter to the household.

Robin needed some more servants. Much Miller's son had oft acted the part of the woman warrior and was happy in women's garb as cook. He eventually shared quarters with the groom, a sailor who had returned from the crusades, familiar with swiving men.

For the wedding, a group of mummers came to perform plays for our entertainment. Will of Sharlot and John Littlestaff were among them. As well as the traditional religious ones, in which Sharlot played female parts, there was a new play about Robin Greenhood in which Sharlot played the warrior maid Mary-Anne and John the bear.

That night John Littlestaff entered my chamber and me, filling me to the utmost. After Robin, of course.

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Following the meeting with Guy, my wife spake to me in her chambers.

"Thou art to be mistress to Loxley. As thy helpmeet, shall I instruct thee as a mother to daughter in the ways to please thy master?"

"My dearling wife," quoth I, "thou hast been my support these many years, and knowest my desires. Teach me the woman's arts, I beg thee, and I shall study as I never did with my letters."

"First, art thou not to be a woman, but a lady. A lady is a gentle woman who showeth grace in everything: her motions, her speech and her life. She moveth not as an army marching, nor a hurrying servant, but as a calm river. Her manner is modest and temperate. She is meek to her master and courteous to all. These things shall become thy nature."

"Second, the mistress is not the wife. The wife's great duties are the household and the children. She is there for her husband's pleasure, of course, yet she hath obligations even more than this. She doth yield to him, yet also doth guide in ways subtle to ensure the happiness of all. That is not thy role."

"The sole duty of a mistress is the pleasure of her lord. She will yield to him in all things, never questioning nor seeking to guide. Her every moment must be for his happiness. She doth dress, speak and act only for this aim. Her presence must both calm and excite him, to banish worry and think only of her. By her womanly ways she doth magnify his manliness. By her worship doth he feel as a god. Above all shall he feel pride in his cock and assured of its magnificence and power over her."

"Yet she must not be a distraction. One of the greatest services thou shalt learn is to withdraw, so that thy love may proceed with man's affairs. These are not thy concern. Should he speak of them, acknowledge his wisdom, but never discuss as Lord Marius might. Robin must also learn that Marian is not his boyhood friend, but a woman in all ways and foremost for his pleasure. Much of the time at his home shall you twain be apart, though thou always at his beck and call."

"Thou canst not live there, but only be a guest. About one week in four should suffice, lest he grow accustomed to thy presence. Ye shall yearn for each other, thou with love, he with lust. So it is meet."

"Wife of my heart," I answered, "I know not who is my greater love, Robin or thee. Methinks tis thee. It is only now I see what thou hast done all these years. Thou hast been both wife and mistress to me. So do I begin to understand a woman's love. As I must be to Robin art thou to me. I will accept thy gift. Thy greatest desire is my pleasure, and my greatest pleasure shall be as a mistress to Robin."

My lessons were hard, but also my wish. I had not understood the ways in which women do bring pleasure and calm by their presence, and I so Ioved the company of women, both ladies and servants. Yet of course my main aim was my master's pleasure.

"Robin's cock is to be thine idol, to revere as thou canst. By thy small touchings shall he be aware of it oft in thy presence. These shall be by chance in closeness. Though he may not always discharge his seed, shalt thou make it his staff many times a day, and it will become strong in thy absence with need for thee. This thou shalt also do by thy words, to praise and adore. To hold it shall be thy privilege, to suckle it a boon, and he shall know that to swive thee oft must always be his endeavour."

"Yet have a care, for thy lord must fail at naught in thine eyes, and most of all his cock shall never fail. If it will not rise, the fault is thine. The fancy did not take him, and he must have great matters of state to consider. He must forgive thy foolishness in approaching him so. And make him know that thou lovest his cock at all times, even when tis sleeping like a babe."

"Thou must learn to judge what he and his cock can manage and suit thyself to this. Be his swiving brief and infrequent, yet shall it always be the greatest delight to thee. I would say thou shouldst swear to have no others, were it not that methinks Robin hath some liking for the idea of thee with another cock, even that of John Littleshaft. If this be thy lord's fancy, then gladly submit, but it shall be always his desire and on no account thy proposal."

"Thou canst not play at this like mummers. Tis not the clothes that make a lady, nor the words of desire which make a mistress, but the true heart inside. Yet I think that is within thee and I rejoice as a sister."

In faith, the hardest thing became to be Lord Marius of Lincoln when with Robin, yet I knew it must be. He never called me Marian again, except I were in woman's weeds. He still had his boyhood friend and someone to talk of man's matters. He even talked about Mistress Marian, the joy she brought, and how he longed to be with her and in her. He considered himself blessed with the two of us.

My sons must have been instructed by my wife and the friar, for they accepted my time as Marian. My eldest encouraged me to spend more time as Robin's mistress, as it left him in charge of the estate! He is a capable man, who can read and even write a little and hath besides the skill of arithmetic. My younger son is most learned, having had schooling until he was nigh twelve! Yet it is my youngest I favour most. He is no scholar, but good with a sword, less so with a longbow. I vow he will be a handsome man when he hath a beard.

At home my time as a maid is kept to the privacy of my wife's chambers, where her loyal chambermaid treateth me just as a lady. My wife and I lie together quite often, as cousins might. I do not swive her, but she swiveth me and taketh my seed sometimes. Thus with a dill-doll am I kept ready for Robin's pleasure. The maid hath a truckle bed close by, should we require anything in the night. Both of them have helped me greatly in learning women's ways, so that I may please my lord Robin when I visit him, in all matters from table manners to the bedchamber, though I still best him at archery, a suitable pursuit for a lady.

I am right glad to have learned to suckle a cock for his lengthy pleasure. I have long loved Robin, of course, but to love him as a woman is so much deeper, both in my feelings and the ways he takes pleasure of me. There is a sensuous enjoyment of all the world which I saw not as a man. Just feeling, rather than doing, and being happy with the joy of others. This might be just in admiring another's gown, or complimenting a cook or gardener. I see that as a man I took servants for granted, but now I thank them and appreciate their efforts. But most of all I enjoy being the cause and receptacle of my lord's lust and satisfaction. Marius had never guessed how deep that joy could be, and I love my wife even more with this knowledge.

Sometimes I ride over to Robin as Marius, though we no longer swive. But when we can, he sendeth his coach. The groom can keep a secret, for he enjoyeth both the cooking and the bed of Much. In the coach, Much doth help me change, so that I shall arrive as Robin's mistress. Time with the ladies of his household is valued almost as much to me as his swiving.

There was also a new delight. I must needs visit Guy for matters of tax and lands, and stay in the guest quarters. Guy's wife hath a pleasant lady garden, a most privy one for the wives and daughters of visitors. Even the gardeners are women servants. It was in a summer's forenoon that my wife suggested I could join her there. It was amusing that I could wear my heathen kirtle as Marius and the same as Marian by covering my arms, legs and hair, and adding the bosoms. When this was done, we went together, I walking and talking softly as a lady does. The matron at the door to the garden was as forbidding as any sergeant at arms, yet welcomed us in with a smile.

Inside there was something wondrous. The ladies had removed their caps and headdresses, plus their lower garments, and I was encouraged to do the same. I strolled, in like manner to the others, with no hose but bare legs and only a skirt to my knees for modesty. Many had much shorter skirts. The maids and gardeners were still covered, of course.

"Doth it not feel good in this weather to lack impediment of long clothes and to have thy hair free?" she asked. It was truth she spake.

"Would that women could go forth like this more often!" she said.

"Tis also a mercy when thou hast need of a piss," she remarked. "If the need takes thee, remember to squat, Marian. The gardeners will direct thee to areas needing thy water."

I saw ladies do this, which was a pleasant sight, and eventually gave my own water to some bushes.

I have since visited the lady garden many times, and enjoyed the pleasure of both the garden and the company. Robin and Sir Guy have agreed that I should pay a tax by receiving his seed. He doth not wish to swive me, but is greatly pleased by my skill in suckling. He is the only other man for this, and it is good to satisfy such a dear friend.

My dear wife besides knew of a Norman lord whose younger son was living as a maid, and Robin and I visited. My wife's chambermaid came to look after my needs.

The son was a most charming young lady, who could read, write and play music. I felt somewhat coarse with my lack of these arts, but she welcomed me as an aunt might be. She was yet a maiden and anxious to hear what swiving was like, and my account was right welcome to her. She asked after my sons and methought that my middle one might haply consider her favour.

My master Robin said that if the lord so desired, he could swive me and he agreed. Both the lord and his eldest son swived me right well, the son twice in the day, pronouncing my cunt to be greatly satisfactory. Robin looked on and was well pleased with their endeavours.

There was another lord, about my age, a widower who instead of taking a new wife had taken the wife's place, and was well-liked by the folk nearby. I visited with my wife and we had a most agreeable time as ladies together.

It is Robin's pleasure to see me swived from time to time, and I shall do as he might command. Yet it would not be seemly for this to be done by servants. However, as former comrades in arms, the Mary men are our equals. Though they be dispersed and most married, any who might visit are welcome to use me as my lord directs. There are about forty besides the original band, and Robin is eager that I should serve them all. The Norman lord hath some brothers and cousins, all crusaders, whom he thought might take pleasure in me some day.

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It was passing strange that on the morning of my birthday my lord Robin declined to use me as I expected, nor had he done the night before. However, there was news when my good wife came to see me.

"Sweet Marian," quoth she. "Thy lord's wish on thy natal day is this. Thou art to be swived well and long, and not with a dill-doll. There are lusty lads eager for thy cunt, but as honest men they will only swive a willing maid. Art thou that willing maid to take all that pleaseth Robin?"

"If it be my lord's desire, then am I right willing," I answered, wondering who these lads might be.

She smiled.

"They are seven good men and true, and of Mary's men!" which was glad tidings indeed!

She bowed her head.

"I beseech thee, as I love thee, might I watch thy giving and receiving of pleasure? It would be such joy to see it."

I kissed her and agreed.

It was in fact the original Mary men, who had come together especially. Yet Sharlot and Much were living as maids, so would not partake but had found willing cocks in their stead. Much had brought his father, a strong man, nearly as big as Littlestaff.

I could scarce believe it when Sharlot introduced Friar Tuck! Having heard tell of my holy dream, he was eager to give and receive blessing.

So began a truly sweet time. We were not hiding in the woods at night, nor was I that inexperienced maid. I could see the love they bore me and admire their cocks. In this was I helped by the efforts of Sharlot and Much who greased and made sure they were firm and ready, showing each to me before entry.

I did not wear the precious green dress, of course, but my dear wife and her maid got me in a fine gown and petticoats, which they lifted when we were ready. My hair was let free, as a woman with her husband or lover.

I was bent over the bed as a servant might be by her master, my wife and her maid holding up my gown to reveal my arse, which they had anointed.

My dear sweet wife said she would tell the story as she had done with the dill-dolls, which greatly pleased all.

It was clear that Friar Tuck should be first to make this a holy event. My poor wife must have been quite fraught to speak so in company, for she mixed her words, yet the good friar responded well.