Magic Dress - Nancy Pt. 01

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I ordered a jacket, but they sent a dress!
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 11/06/2023
Created 11/03/2023
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I sat at my desk looking at a spreadsheet. But my mind was elsewhere. Specifically on the feelings in my bum as I shifted slightly. The butt plug was comfortable, but provided just enough stimulation, and I was learning how to enjoy it.

I had recently discovered my prostate, following a health campaign urging older men to get theirs checked. That did not apply to me, but looking online I found out that massaging it was supposed to be pleasant, and had taken the plunge to buy my first sex toy. That one did not do anything for me, but then I bought two more and this one seemed to hit the spot, you might say. It was in the shape of a small cock.

When I say small cock, it was still bigger than mine. These days there are many things you cannot say, but there is one thing left. It is OK to make jokes or mock a man for having a small penis.

That's me. The butt of the laughter. Not even a cock. A tiny penis. And it's not my fault! It wasn't that I failed to do my homework or eat my greens. I hadn't done or not done something to cause it. It was just something about me, like my height.

It was OK until I was a teenager. I changed physically with hair in new places, but did not get the sort of dong that other boys were waving around. It was still tiny. Eventually the bullies found out, and started calling me Nancy.

That did not help my schoolwork. Mum and Dad suspected I was being bullied, but it was not the thing to tell tales, so I put up with it.

I had actually got on with girls quite well, but the bullies passed the word around, and some of the catty females let me know.

After school and in a new town, I found new friends, both male and female. Two dates with girls put paid to my hopes. One was shocked and burst into tears. She apologized, but that was it. The other just laughed, which was worse. She never apologized.

A new job, a new place to live, new people. I found new friends again, but did not try my luck with any women. But then again, I did not have any men friends in any real sense. I didn't go to the pub or to events. So, no friends really, just people who were pleasant at work and nice neighbours. I went at lunchtime with people from the office and occasionally in the evening if it was someone's birthday. But it was only because I was one of the group, and it would be wrong not to invite me.

In the evenings I watched TV, pottered on the computer or read books. I think I read more books than most men of my age, but then I had more time to myself. I had no real hobbies - until now.

I actually hadn't wanked much. Partly because I hadn't much to wank, and partly because it made me think of others having the sex I couldn't. Porn was no help because there were giant cocks everywhere. Now people online were saying that prostate cancer might be caused by too infrequent ejaculations. Stimulation of the prostate was recommended. I ought to try as a matter of health!

Ideally it should be done by lovely Thai girls, but failing that, sticking something up the bum would do.

Prostate stimulation till I came was my new joy. I didn't have fantasies about men or women or fucking. I just enjoyed the sensation for what it was. I could also wear a butt plug and no-one would know, so I sometimes did when shopping. The sole advantage of a very small penis was that even if I was hard the bulge would be quite small, just like any other man's soft package.

Today I had dared to wear my plug on the bus to work and for a while at my desk. But I knew it should not be worn for too long, and it was ruining my concentration.

Off to the toilet I went.

I went up to the third floor, which is mostly storage. There is only one toilet for all staff: a cubicle with its own washbasin. I removed my little friend, washed and dried it carefully and put it in the black bag which came with it, and put it in my pocket.

I was actually nervous all day that something would happen so that it would be found on me, but I got home safely. It had been a thrill, but I would not do it often.


My anal eroticism developed. I got some more anal toys including a vibrator and a rubber dildo. I didn't have any fantasies, just enjoyed the sensations, and got quite good at it. But I was a bit lonely.

One Saturday I was thinking how easy it was for girls. All they had to do was lie back and be filled up. They didn't have to get erections, nor be big enough. And they could apparently take all sizes and come many more times than any man. If only I had been a girl! It would at least have been better than this.

While I was thinking this, the bell rang. It was the postman with a delivery. I quickly made myself decent and hurried. I had ordered a new jacket, a green one on special offer. Not bright green, quite subdued but smart. My Mum always said that green suited me, so I tended to wear green jumpers. I thought this might be quite good as a best, but lively one.

I took the package in and unwrapped it to great disappointment. It was a green dress!

I was on the phone straight away. It took a while - perhaps they were dealing with a lot of mistakes. There was probably some woman complaining her dress had been replaced with a jacket.

When I got through, I was careful not to shout at the operator. It was not her fault. She took the details, and asked me to wait a moment.

"I see what's happened," she said. "It's an SO code, special offer, and the numbers are almost the same. You must have filled in the wrong one."

I protested that I had not.

"Sorry sir, but it doesn't matter where the mistake was. I'll get a replacement jacket sent out immediately and send you a form so that you can return the goods at no charge to you. Let me apologise for the inconvenience, and give me a couple of minutes to deal with it. Can you confirm the size and colour of the jacket?"

I did, and waited while some music played.

She came back on and repeated the size and green.

"You're lucky we still have it in stock. It has nearly run out, but yours is being packed now and will get to you in three working days. Now let me raise an order for return."

She paused.

"Sorry, I have to speak to my supervisor."

The music came on.

"Well, my supervisor says don't return it. We've run out and we won't be getting them again, so the product is cleared from our inventory. You can keep it with our compliments, and we will refund your credit card."

"But what will I do with it?" I asked.

"Whatever you like. Give it to a lady friend. Take it to a charity shop. I'm sure they will be pleased. It's a nice dress and unworn."

There was a faint voice in the background which I guessed was the supervisor. "He can bloody well wear it if he likes, just don't send it here!"

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" asked the pleasant operator, so I thanked her and said goodbye.

The charity shop was a good idea, so I hung it in the wardrobe to keep it nice.

There was another packet a "bonus gift with your special offer!" According to the label it was a nightdress and three pairs of briefs in green lace. I left it in the packet.

When I came home on Tuesday, there was a note on the door of my flat. A neighbour had signed for a package for me, so I went round. I told them what had happened and they urged me to open the packet. It was the green jacket. They said it looked really smart, and I agreed.

"Hey," said the woman. "We're having Chinese takeaway tonight. Would you care to join us? If you've nothing else on, of course."

I had nothing else on and was glad to join them for a pleasant couple of hours.


Next day I went into work with the new jacket and my best sand-coloured trousers. People said I looked smart.

"Someone's got a job interview!" said Alec.

"It really suits you," said Amy. "It goes with your blond hair."

"Sorry," I said. "It's a bit long. I've been meaning to go to the barber."

"Oh no," she said. "I like it like this, and I think other women will too."

Somehow a faint ray of hope came out of the dust.

Eventually I plucked up the courage, and later that day I approached her.

"Amy, you and I get along all right, don't we?"

"Yes," she said with a smile. "We do indeed."

"I was wondering if you might like to have a meal together sometime, unless you've got a boyfriend, of course, which I expect you do."

Not exactly smooth, in fact pathetic, but I was rather lacking in practice.

"Yes, I would love to have a meal together, any time. No, I don't have a boyfriend. But if you are thinking of sex, I should let you know I only do it with girls."

"Oh," I said, weakly. "Just a meal then?"

"How about tonight? The Taj Mahal down the road, after work? No point in running home first."

So we did. And it was a nice evening. We both knew that nothing was going to happen, so there was no need to be nervous. Sitting having a meal with a friend who happened to be a woman. It was great!

At the end she said we should split the bill, but I said no, I was happy to pay.

"All right," she said. "But it's my turn next time."

Next time! OK, so sex was out, but I would still look forward to it.

When I got home, I went to hang up the jacket, and thought how lucky it had been already. Getting to know my neighbours and a colleague over a couple of meals.

"Thank you, magic jacket," I said, as I put it in the wardrobe. Then something struck me.

It actually went rather well with the dress. It wasn't the same material, but the two shades seemed complementary. Shame I wasn't a woman!

There was the bonus packet on the wardrobe shelf. I was a bit turned on after my evening with a very nice woman, and was getting ready to treat myself with my toys. Somehow I wanted to see the nightdress and knickers.

The knickers were lacy and very feminine. This was the closest I was likely to get to a female body, so I held them for a while before deciding to put them on. This was a new erotic thrill. I felt the urge for my dildo, but resisted. I wanted to extend the anticipation, so I just walked around.

And I thought what it must be like for a woman, on a date, wearing sexy underwear and looking forward to being filled up. I picked up the nightdress and was about to put it on, when the story came to me. I would go through the sequence! Take off my jacket, then my dress, change into the nightdress and then be filled!

Oh, if the dress fitted, which it probably wouldn't.

I stood there for a long time holding the dress, feeling confused and rather silly. But there was no-one to see me. What did it matter what games I played?

It fitted. There was room for the bust I didn't have, but overall it was near enough my size, I suppose coming from the jacket size. I wasn't sure what I expected to feel, but it was actually a sense of relief - I don't know why. I put the jacket on, and looked at myself in the mirror.

It just looked like a very smart outfit which suited me. If social conventions were different, I would be happy to wear this to work. My erotic fantasy had become something else.

I was suddenly in no hurry to start my sexual activity. I just walked around. Now I had visions of myself just walking down the street like this. Going on the bus. Working on spreadsheets.

I hung up the jacket and decided to tidy up the place. There was an apron in the kitchen which I never used. Today I wore it while doing up a few days' accumulated dishes, in order to protect the dress. I made myself a cup of tea and watched a comedy programme on TV until it was time for bed.

Somewhat reluctantly, I put the dress back in the wardrobe and washed and cleaned my teeth. More or less automatically I put on the nightdress, which was light green and pretty and lacy like the knickers. I liked myself in the mirror. I actually didn't think of myself as a girl. I was just me, in nice clothes.

I put the dildo away, and went to bed, where I had a great night's sleep and awoke refreshed five minutes before the alarm.


I was really happy as I went to work, wearing my magic jacket, of course, but also a pair of lacy panties! My good mood must have showed.

"I think somebody scored," remarked Alec quietly as he went past.

"Morning, Nigel!" called out Amy, cheerfully. "Nice time last night."

Alec raised his eyebrows. "There's a surprise," he added.

Well, he could think what he liked. I had a nice friend and a nice dress at home. Which was an odd thing to think, I thought. Best not to dwell on it.

I got on happily with my work until disaster struck. I could not believe my bad luck.

A new employee was being shown round.

"This is Jeremy, an accountant, joining finance," said the boss. Jeremy gave me a smile and a little wave. I did nothing, I was so thunderstruck.

It was the bully from school, the one who first called me Nancy. Probably looking forward to making my life a misery here. He had obviously gone on to university and was making a success of his life, having spoiled mine. I had been happy for a few days and now it was all over.

I couldn't concentrate and kept making mistakes. By lunchtime my terror had turned into anger. If he called me Nancy, I would punch him as I should have done at school. It wouldn't matter if he then beat me up, which he could easily do, being bigger and sporty. It wouldn't matter if I lost my job. Till then I would avoid him.

That evening I got home and was too miserable to eat. Almost without thinking, I went and put on the dress, and immediately felt calmer. I would start looking for another job. Meanwhile I would not let him win. I had a new friend and would be having dinner with her again soon. But for tonight, some sexual relief was in order.

This time the story worked fine. I took a shower, cleaned and lubed my bum, and put on a new pair of lacy knickers. I combed my hair carefully, then put on my dress and jacket, and walked around. After a while, I took off my jacket and hung it up. I sat down, a woman getting ready to be fucked, as I imagined what was going to happen. I got really excited, and took off the dress and put on the nightie. I stroked my body in anticipation.

Then it was time to be taken. With my nightdress lifted up and my panties round one ankle, I surrendered myself. Of course, it was my hand with a dildo in a rather inelegant way, but in my mind it was a cock. No man, just a cock was all that I was imagining. Sliding in and out solely for my pleasure.

It was exquisite, and went on for a long time until my dribble changed to spurts on my belly.

Nancy had been fucked for the first time, I thought with calm satisfaction.

In a while I got up, cleaned myself, put on the dress and made a sandwich dinner. I was Nancy for the rest of the evening and night. In the morning I washed the knickers and left them to dry, while going to work as Nigel.

Alec asked me if I knew Jeremy. I said we were at school together, but not friends.

"Well," said Alec, "he's obviously here as a management trainee, so it might be useful if you were school pals. He's on some sort of induction course now."

I said nothing, but it was a temporary relief if the bastard was not around.

When I got back home there was a letter from the company that had sold me the jacket. "Dear valued customer, here are some special offers for you! Limited time only!"

It must have been to do with the dress, because it was only women's things.

On the front was a bargain offer bra. I thought the dress really deserved it, and it was cheap, so I thought about buying it. Why not? I didn't know about cup size, but selected B as it seemed medium.

As I looked through, I discovered the marketing was really clever. If you bought one of the basic offers, you had to add in post and packing, as the price was just under the minimum for free delivery. If you added something else, you were just short of a free gift or another offer. I actually went onto my laptop and set up a spreadsheet to see how it worked!

Eventually I had made a bundle of the bra, more knickers and a set of matching bra, knickers, suspender belt and two pairs of stockings. (The stockings were a 'free gift' with the underwear.) That gave a total just under the amount required for a further discount, so I bought another nightdress.

Clever, eh?

It was just so exciting to be buying this stuff! I had popped in a butt plug while I did it, which probably made me buy more. However, the order was sent off, and I was immediately ready to be fucked by my phantom cock, which was again very satisfactory.

I was going to have spaghetti bolognaise for dinner, but did not wish to risk it on the dress, so cooked and ate in the nightdress. As I ate, I realised I could have bought another dress at the same time.

Back onto the internet. I looked around and decided to see what there might be on other sites, but there were too many, and I went back to the one where I was a valued customer. However, I had learned something from the others about sizing, and that is woman shaped dresses have either a waist that is too narrow or hips that are too big, whichever way you want to look at it. So I looked for things that looked more loose, finally choosing a flower print and a grey one which happened to be in the special offer leaflet, both said to be easy to wash.

The website made some suggestions, but I just bought what I had decided, thinking that I could return them. I realised that I had spent much more than I intended.

An evening of clothes shopping! Well, that was a novelty.


Both packages came on Saturday, which was lucky, and I had a thrilling weekend. My best butt plug, dildo and vibrator all got well used as I went through the permutations of femininity. The mirror also got a lot of use!

Mainly through luck, there was nothing that needed to be returned. The bras were more difficult than I would have guessed, but worth the struggle, stuffed with socks. They made the dresses perfect, but it was also very erotic walking around in underwear. Having more knickers and two nightdresses meant that I could organise washing better.

The grey dress also looked smart, and I could imagine myself in it at work. The green jacket also went with it. The flowery one would be nice out in the park, but I was never going to do that. Still, in my mind it was nice to pretend I was wearing these things out normally.

The biggest thrill was from the bra, suspenders and stockings. I was so glad I had bought them! I can't really describe the feeling properly, except perhaps some form of lust for myself. I suppose I felt sexy - not desirable to others (which I was definitely not) but sexy in myself. Is that what women get from their underwear? No wonder the lingerie shops do so well!

I think the dresses gave me something else. More a sense of satisfaction. I really wished I could wear them to work. I realised that I should have bought some tights, so went out and got some at the local supermarket. Somehow it seemed obvious to me that stockings and suspenders were for special occasions, but my legs deserved tights with the dresses. Although I didn't have a woman's body, I reckoned I actually did have good legs.

I was happy on Monday after a very satisfying weekend and wearing some brand-new black lace briefs under my trousers. I never used a urinal anyway, if I could possibly help it, so there was no chance of anyone seeing them. It was just good to know I had them on.

The first thing that happened was Amy saying "Taj Mahal again this Wednesday?" to which I gladly agreed. The green dress was back in the wardrobe for special occasions. I wore the others at home, including eating, as they could be washed and were not so precious as the magic jacket and green dress.

Tuesday was good. Wednesday was spoiled when I saw Jeremy. He raised his hand as if to attract my attention, but I hurried away. I kept a lookout but didn't see him again.